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So many questions, so little answers. Anet it is Wednesday already and we heard NOTHING.

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12 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

But unless you have 500+ total, which is entirely possible, what is the issue of just joining guild 6?

More than likely true, but again Anet misses out on actually stating what is what which leaves questions versus taking the time pre launch to redefine what actually is after they cancelled part of the code release. Not a good position to be in before releasing a major code release. 

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5 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Is it still 500, how old is that info you assume on? 2 Years?

Probably but it’s not assuming by info. It’s the fact that if alliances are higher than guilds then alliances would be exploited to stack more people than a guild and if guilds are higher than alliances then guilds would be exploited to stack more people than an alliance. 500 has always been the only way. Another number assume a change in guild cap too.

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12 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Seems oddly relevant.  Ten signs you're in a relationship for familiarity and comfort, not real love.  (Or in this case, real community.)

Community is where I would say the divide has been.

Love I would say is too far. Community I have said is your local pub. Peeps you talk to, peeps you see and banter with, peeps you wave too, and peeps you see in the same place and know what they will do. 

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Probably but it’s not assuming by info. It’s the fact that if alliances are higher than guilds then alliances would be exploited to stack more people than a guild and if guilds are higher than alliances then guilds would be exploited to stack more people than an alliance. 500 has always been the only way. Another number assume a change in guild cap too.

So you have seen Anet provide this detail before release? That's the OP point, why not provide release detail so there is no question? How long does it take to do a quick pre-launch blog? 

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In the end, it comes down to Anet missed an opportunity to share more detailed info on a release feature outside of your servers are toast on day x. To some of the posters that was a failure. During the last days I asked again and still got questions in chat, what is that and what does it mean. Seeing those replies...makes me think marks were missed.

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13 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So you have seen Anet provide this detail before release? That's the OP point, why not provide release detail so there is no question? How long does it take to do a quick pre-launch blog? 

There is no alliances. So why provide details?

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Yet I doubt this. I think that after so long, you knew peeps without having to have them in voice. You knew ones that would hold, those that would fold. Those that would fight and those that would run. You knew those that would stack and those that cloud. Those that would join a tag, those that havoc and those that roam.

In all cases its moot. WR arrives tomorrow. That said, I still agree, an Anet blog on current info is overdue. Anet should stop being slack in details. 

lol ngl, but I hope you should know I am one of the worst people to ask that.

Like when I saw someone that knew what they were doing, I knew they weren't SBI, lol.

Which kinda brings up a important note . Most people already regularly play with people not on their server because of links, especially if they are a link, so yes while noticing regulars around the neighborhood does add to the ambience and it will  be missed, I think it's also fair to say many have already played with many in the WvW community because of links.

And to be honest, I don't really think that constitutes a relationship on its own. Like pretty much when I find players that can be relied upon, I generally try to reach out to them and add them. Now this might not mean much, but it should be common sense to do so since they may take a break from the game.... or transfer. Like really if one didn't do that with most of so called community, then that just sounds like a major botch if you ask me.

Also, is that really mutual? I think most people overestimate how important they are in other people's lives. There are quite a few people that I quite enjoyed playing with and we've had good conversations, but it's also clear they want to hang out with other groups, even if that means not playing with us.  But it's not like they'll vanish off the face of the Earth, since I have multiple ways of contacting them. These alliances may not last, and it's good to keep options open.

Like with a lot of people in my inner circle in this game, I wouldn't even care if this game itself collapsed, much less if alliances do.  We would just find another game to play. Btw, you know about Civ 7 right?

So yea, I don't respect people that can't put the least amount of effort into maintaining even that bare minimum. And considering we have less than 48 hours before things change, I am definitely writing these posts extra harsh because some people still are in denial and stuck in a daze. And Grimm, I don't think it's right to let people stay in there because I do understand there's a lot at stake here. Even if Anet's like "lol beta's f'd, we'll be putting this off", this is not going away.

And sure, I think Anet should always be doing more to communicate. But the steps to take now are very clear.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

There is no alliances. 

Only the original concept of alliances consisting of individual guilds has been replaced by a concept in which an alliance is equated with a guild. In order to make room for this alliance guild, another guild slot was added.

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4 hours ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Guilds die and fracture all the time. Servers didn't, even with transfers.

I've seen servers die, revive and die again an uncountable number of times over the course of the years, so that's factually false. 

Yes, the server still exists, even if it dies out. But even with linking, it was regularily obvious that some servers are straight up dead (in those cases, being linked with one of the dead servers, or not being linked at all literally made zero difference in the amount of people you met in those linkings).

Edited by Custodio.6134
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On 6/11/2024 at 7:26 PM, Leaa.2943 said:

On Friday, three days from now Arena Net will destroy our comunites to reshuffle the servers and add forever beta aka World restruction. There is no alliances in play, so what we get is litterally a shuffle. Alliances would have made it possible to move comunties but World restructions will not. There is not enough slots to cover a whole comunites. So i will leave friends behind that i played with for 12 years. Most people i know and played and talked to every day, and many people i played along side with. I don't know them but i do know them as they know me. So many left behind.


It is not unknown that i beeen sceptic to alliances and more so world restruction since it came up a decade ago. I said from the start it is a bad idea and most people agree with me on servers i play on, there are obviously also people that don't agree and that is fine. How ever what is not fine Arena Net is that it is THREE DAYS LEFT and you have not made a single post about WvW and World Restruction. We know NOTHING about how you are planning this, how it will play out, what will be, and what will come.

And the tools, the tools i been told i am a idiot that dont understand that you guys are making amazing tools to make awsome matchups and i am just a moron that do not give you the time to show them. So are you? Is there new tools? How will they work? How do matchup works. What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother? What counts as a win? How do you win? Will a win get something? How to you determine that? How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild? I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything, will they?


Where is the info? Why is there no info? We waited for a decade and a few days left and nothing is said.  TALK TO US!


And to the people who will tell me about how wrong i am i am sorrby but today i dont care how you feel about it. We are there now, i want to know what is gonna happen. I want Anet to show that WvW IS a cornerstone. I want that info before we get tossed in to something we know nothing about. TALK TO US ARENA NET!

What's a "restruction"?

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7 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

There is no alliances. So why provide details?

Agree that was shelved, where is all the rest?

Here I will give a softball pitch, what is the cap on servers now?

Another, what are the rules on transfers? 

Such a large change and no follow up details, I am a half full kind of poster but this is a bit far. 


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6 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Like with a lot of people in my inner circle in this game, I wouldn't even care if this game itself collapsed, much less if alliances do.  We would just find another game to play. Btw, you know about Civ 7 right?

lol, did and almost started to text people about it, but being a vampire and seeing it was 4 AM, decided I shouldn't since they also assume text at that hour is about work and they need to get up and move. Will be an interesting reveal this summer. 

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3 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

What's a "restruction"?

lol, I will counter your joke. I asked again last night in a different time zone then my own. And again got asked what is going on at this reset? What do you mean I need to choose my guild and what is happening to my server? So to posters, just make sure your guildmates are ready and double check your comm guilds and guilds are set so we can avoid as many posts as possible at reset for the WTW posts and hope there aren't any.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
their there
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Has there been any confirmation on if the server title box will be available after reset? I am thinking it's somehow connected to your account age so you can still get it after the restructure goes live. I have a couple of friends who are away and forgot to pick it before they left. I don't know how to tag for a moderator.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Agree that was shelved, where is all the rest?

Here I will give a softball pitch, what is the cap on servers now?

Another, what are the rules on transfers? 

Such a large change and no follow up details, I am a half full kind of poster but this is a bit far. 

These are not the right questions, we have answers to them already.

There is no real cap on servers, the worlds will hold as much as it can evenly spread out over 15/18 worlds. They will introduce more or less worlds depending on the status of queued maps, whether it's too much queues or not. There is no "well we have 4000 player cap on worlds and we're filling them up one by one", that's not how the sorting will proceed. All the big fat chunk guilds will be sorted first into worlds, then proceed with the smaller pieces to try and even up the population/coverage, maybe that will end up with 3000 player and it's not enough and next wr use 12/15 worlds again, or maybe it attracted a lot of players and it's 5000 on worlds and queues are hour long wait times, so next wr will be 18/21 worlds. (Partly why I don't like the first wr phase is 6 weeks).

There's no transfers to begin with, again the whole reason we're getting 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks, there's no need to have stated rules on that until they're ready to implement it. Same goes for Alliances, there's no need for information on that until they're ready to implement it, if ever.

You should be asking if there's a cap to players joining a world currently in progress for the first time, or coming back after a long break. Which in the end wouldn't really matter as the worlds will be recreated every 4 weeks to generally(I hate saying evenly on this subject) distribute players again.

There's no reason for anet to give out more information to let players game the system, which we already know players are doing so with alt accounts already.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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14 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I actually imagine if you don't select a WvW guild they'd actually do this.  I fully expect those who don't join to any guild to just be dumped in some overflow team.

well, during my second beta, I found myself in a match so perfectly balanced that battles raged on ceaselessly. I mean it, day and night, regardless of the hour, there were always skirmishes, with each team consistently fielding large groups. It was the best week, but regrettably, it was a one-time experience.

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25 minutes ago, Whirlygig.9685 said:

Has there been any confirmation on if the server title box will be available after reset? I am thinking it's somehow connected to your account age so you can still get it after the restructure goes live. I have a couple of friends who are away and forgot to pick it before they left. I don't know how to tag for a moderator.

It's a one time purchase, there's no expiry on it, I'm sure it'll be around when they get back. It's doesn't even tie to where your account has been, it's just a box that hands out a select title to any server, even eu title if all you've only played na. New accounts after WR comes in probably won't have access to it. 

It's just a title, and it's not even that great anyways. 🤷‍♂️

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This topic seems to be redundant as Anet has already responded that they know WvW communities are getting broken apart but it is needed for the health of the game mode due to server stacking. Please see https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/wvw-world-restructuring-beta-feedback-and-future/

+Also we will not get any tools on how math making will work because that is how you get people exploiting them.

Edited by ChrisWhitey.9076
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3 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol, did and almost started to text people about it, but being a vampire and seeing it was 4 AM, decided I shouldn't since they also assume text at that hour is about work and they need to get up and move. Will be an interesting reveal this summer. 

See my point! I don't need no stinking alliances to play with you xD

Though granted much like Anet, Firaxis likes to reinvent the wheel and therefore the core game of any version tends to be crap, so many will usually opt for a "finished" older version that's typically on Discount to play together. Not that it matters for Civ 6, since only the lobby makers needs all the DLCs to have it for everyone. That's honesltly a great way to get things going for what is primarily a single player game.


9 hours ago, Custodio.6134 said:

I've seen servers die, revive and die again an uncountable number of times over the course of the years, so that's factually false. 

Yes, the server still exists, even if it dies out. But even with linking, it was regularily obvious that some servers are straight up dead (in those cases, being linked with one of the dead servers, or not being linked at all literally made zero difference in the amount of people you met in those linkings).

What most smaller servers became were just tourist destinations due to the cheap transfer prices , and of course as with most , tended to trash the place before leaving.

And in many cases, they were just links to a bandwagon server so people didn't even give a crap about the link itself.

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On 6/12/2024 at 10:44 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

Seems oddly relevant.  Ten signs you're in a relationship for familiarity and comfort, not real love.  (Or in this case, real community.)

  1. You prioritize routine over spontaneity

  2. You avoid serious conversations

  3. Your partner feels more like a best friend

  4. You fear change

  5. You’re not excited about them

  6. You’re staying because it’s easy

  7. Your future together seems vague

  8. You feel like you’re playing a role

  9. You’re settling for less than you deserve

  10. You’re not truly happy



Dear Chaba i am fine, but thank you for your worry. I am sorry to let you know that if i ever felt the need of therapy you would never be on the list of people to reach of to.

But thanks for the effort.

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4 minutes ago, Leaa.2943 said:

if i ever felt the need of therapy you would never be on the list of people to reach of to.

That's good because I'm not a therapist.  Was adding to the conversation points brought up by ArchonWing.

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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


TheGrimm a sincere thank you for responding to the posts. You manage to nail it and i don't really have to make any other responses then i already did. 

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