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Please remove Rift Hunts from the WV Dailies

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On 6/20/2024 at 4:41 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

... once JW is out. Seriously, they are the least fun (IMO).

What? No.

They are fast to do and always come with the break a CC bar daily.
That's two dailies within a minute.

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They probably will shuffle which objectives occur, otherwise it'll get too bloated. Keep in mind each additional objective makes them less likely to occur, so you're only going see the rift daily every other week and so on with each additional expansion. It's kind of pointless to have both rifts and do 1 SotO event, so I could see them simply removing it.

Just wait... rifts will be replaced with fissures in JW.

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That's more the reason to keep them in dailies, so people who aren't done with them can still find groups. The point of a daily system is to keep content relevant. If the content itself is just plain bad, they should fix that, not exclude it for that reason.

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21 hours ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

Removing the rifts from the dailies enable the possibility to add JW-relevant new content instead. 

You don't need to remove SotO dailies in order to add JW dailies. The WV can support both just like it can support HoT, PoF and EoD dailies as well as SotO ones.

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Seems like an effort to deprive others from enjoying a game mode, if not there's a simple solution. Like I've always been told find something else to do, try a new build or new armor. Can't power damage down all content especially when there's a big group participating.

If anything should be removed i vote for removing 3rd party software that allow others to peek and search through your build and software, heck remove game applied software that allows the others to see to see what you're wearing. All it does is allow those who can, switch out their armor and build on the fly after looking at what others are wearing. That's not skillful that's just being safe.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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What you get presented in WV is determined by the number of Xpacs linked to your account. So Less Xpac = Less complicated WV.

With each Xpac thats linked to your account the pool of WV elements gets expanded. Rifts are ofcourse part of this if you link SotO. There is no way around this, or switch from pve to pvp/wvw.

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On 6/22/2024 at 8:50 PM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Not even a year ago we had people whining that WV removed the variety of the old daily system and now we have people whining for narrowing dailies down to the latest expansion.

One could suspect it was never really about variety of those tasks... One. Not me though, I wouldn't dare. 😄 

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28 minutes ago, Isopod.4156 said:

I Might be crazy but it feels like more often than not soto is chosen for dailies, like do x in horn of magma. maybe I am just imagining things though

I don't think it is; I do my dailies... let's say 5 days out of 7 on average and barring one Convergence run I haven't been to the Soto maps since the day after the last release.

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They could chain more things to it  and make it a extra hidden 2g  fast daily (but contribute to the Weekly cap)

People could follow this chain or do normaly what  the fastest 4x dailies are (or both)


 Do a Rift  get teleported to a random map .

Do an event and get bonus Rift rewards (rather than do Convergences - no need to face "afkers") . Also spin a wheel , where you choose an OW Meta event and  passivly  get 10% of its reward/chances for reward , withou participating , just once per day . Congratz get your daily 2g .

The in the second day they get an other "daily chain" where Rift put them into long forgoten Meta Event areas and split them


(Soo-Won for example , where some people do the 1st-2nd event then they are free to go and not need to waste 1 hour or any afkers boycotets  /other people moaning that you are not  eought dps . Then another groups is ahead of them doing the later parts . And the last one is Soo Won . Domes are seperating them-doesnt allow to move freely ) .

The 3rd day , keep doing events/doing WvW + pvp where if you are out of combat spawns 1HP mobs  and get more Rift + Meta Rewards and the ability to re-spin the wheel/get passivvly rewards from another Meta


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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39 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

where some people do the 1st-2nd event then they are free to go

Lucky for you, you're literally always free to go. Not only that, but if you dislike an event, you're free to not go there in the first place. You're trying to solve a problem that you're apparently willingfully trying to create for yourself.

40 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

The 3rd day , keep doing events/doing WvW + pvp

At that point, either tick all 3 daily options (pve/wvw/pvp) or keep ticking a different one every day. You already have a choice to alternate the modes for dailies if that's what you want.

43 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

f you are out of combat spawns 1HP mobs  and get more Rift + Meta Rewards and the ability to re-spin the wheel/get passivvly rewards from another Meta

Yeah, that doesn't make sense, but at least there's finally some honesty with the literal mention of "passive rewards". As I said, some people here really seem to hate playing the game. It's so weird to see.

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