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Spears: The Big Fashion Wars Question

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With the land spear coming with JW... the big question is...   How are we going to match the new spears with pre-existing skin collections? 

Aquatic Weapons have not been included with the newer collections of BL skins. 

If you look at the Wiki, land weapons have 300+ skins while aquatic weapons only have 100 or less skins. 

I'm guessing that it will be next to impossible to update all these collections to add spears. 

One simple solution that I suggest is for Spears and Staves to share skins.  Some of the staff skins already look like spears anyways. 




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14 minutes ago, Bunny.9834 said:

One simple solution that I suggest is for Spears and Staves to share skins.  Some of the staff skins already look like spears anyways.

i would rather they slowly add the spear skins. for example as the BLC skins do repeat, they could add the spear to whatever is currently on etc.
some spear skins can surely be inspired by some staff skins, but there are also plenty of staff skins that do not look like a spear at all.

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You'll have to make do with the spear skins we currently have.

I assume they'll eventually add more skins. Maybe they'll even add spears to a handful of older weapon sets.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 hours ago, Bunny.9834 said:

How are we going to match the new spears with pre-existing skin collections? 

I don't think they will do at all.

They already added spear to the newest weapon sets and also to the newest BL weapon set (which doesn't have a collection btw), but they most likely won't add anything to the old sets.

If they do anything, it probably will be similar to what they did with mount skins after Roller Beetle and Skyscale were released -> they released a set of different set skins for skyscale/roller beetle only.
So maybe there will come BL (or non BL) sets that only include spear skins of previous sets.
But I personally don't think even that will happen.

I think they will bring some additional spear skins with JW, maybe also earlier and that's it.


2 hours ago, Bunny.9834 said:

One simple solution that I suggest is for Spears and Staves to share skins.  Some of the staff skins already look like spears anyways. 

Possible, if it's easy to put staff skins onto spear rig.

However, there actually aren't that many spear like skins for staff, like only 4 or 5.
Most of the "sharp tip" ones are halberd like skins actually.
They would fit the melee animation for sure, but only a few would fit for a throwing weapon.

On the other hand melee staff classes can use staff skins that shouldn't be used to bonk someone. So who knows.

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They might give them the mounts treatment, like when they brought out sets that were complete at the time (Mad Realm, Awakened, Branded, etc), then added matching skins for mounts introduced later in other sets.

Admittedly, they've not done that in a while for mounts added after roller beetle, but they could potentially release mixed sets of spear skins to match previous sets.

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They are probably not going to do it since there is a huge backlog of black lion skins to go through, but I noticed that the recent skin packs from festivals and "expansion" releases have included a spear variant as well. I hope they add some nice spear skins into the game and make them look as distinct as the spear-like staff skins.

In a practical sense I doubt I will see much spear fashion since everyone and their grandmother crafted Kamohoali'i Kotaki, so there's no doubt that many will be showing the rotting shark carcass off as a status symbol, fashion be damned.

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4 hours ago, Bunny.9834 said:

How are we going to match the new spears with pre-existing skin collections? 

Notice how they did it with legendary skins: they did not say they will add a gen2/gen3 spear skin. They said they will add a completely new skin. And herein lies your answer - if they can't be bothered to update even the legendary collections, the chances they will do that for older skin sets (even gemstore ones) is pretty much nil.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

if they can't be bothered to update even the legendary collections, the chances they will do that for older skin sets (even gemstore ones) is pretty much nil.

Well, for starters, non-legendary weapons are likely substantially easier to make, because they don't have to add footfalls, death animations, custom projectiles, all that jazz. Plus the Aurene legendaries are very different to any previous sets, in that it's the first time all the legendaries had a common theme across them,  7 variants all with their own different effects, and a title for collecting all the weapons.

By comparison, it would probably be much simpler to just make new spears that match the sets. They wouldn't even have to actually belong to those sets, either, for the achievements we have for collecting BL skins; they could functionally be their own set with their own achievement, but fit aesthetically with the other weapons.

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On the topic of fashion wars...

We have this trident skin called Peasants solution (pitchforks), just add it as a spear as well and call it Peasants other solution....throwing pitchforks......

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They already said they won't retroactively create new spear skins from old sets. Instead they're going to make new skins from here on out. Also I'm against converting existing staff skins to spear skins. I'd rather put ArenaNet to work and have them create new skins for the one weapon. I'm still waiting on that Draconic Spear from GW1!

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On 6/23/2024 at 11:16 AM, Karaha.3290 said:

They already added spear to the newest weapon sets and also to the newest BL weapon set (which doesn't have a collection btw), but they most likely

If you mean new Chromatic weapon skins then they do have a collection.

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I have the arcane battlestaff and god I want to use it as a spear so bad, even my favourite shimmering aurora line of skins has a staff that looks spear like, there really are so many that should just be ported over 

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honestly, the one set i would really want a spear would be Lorekeeper

i know many people want an Aurene spear. I wonder if the new legendary spear will be a gen3 or gen2 or if we'll get both...Honestly, i'd prolly reskin the legendary so i could have all the base ele spear animations.

either way, i'm still looking forward to new skins :)

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On 6/24/2024 at 3:27 PM, Zera.9435 said:

They already said they won't retroactively create new spear skins from old sets. Instead they're going to make new skins from here on out. Also I'm against converting existing staff skins to spear skins. I'd rather put ArenaNet to work and have them create new skins for the one weapon. I'm still waiting on that Draconic Spear from GW1!

Dragonfury might not have the fancy haft but it's otherwise pretty close...

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On 6/23/2024 at 6:03 AM, Player.2475 said:

In a practical sense I doubt I will see much spear fashion since everyone and their grandmother crafted Kamohoali'i Kotaki, so there's no doubt that many will be showing the rotting shark carcass off as a status symbol, fashion be damned.

Rotting fish carcass, check. I went with Sharkbait, at least on one of my toons.

Of course, she's my chef and fishing toon, so her entire kit is cooking-related or inspired.

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On 6/23/2024 at 12:46 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice how they did it with legendary skins: they did not say they will add a gen2/gen3 spear skin. They said they will add a completely new skin. And herein lies your answer - if they can't be bothered to update even the legendary collections, the chances they will do that for older skin sets (even gemstore ones) is pretty much nil.

I dunno about that. You make it sound like Anet never changed their minds on anything. I suspect that they are just managing expectations. Better to start with managing expectations and cutting off all hope first and then gradually add some things here and there, so people will be more grateful for them. I do get that they might not want to open up existing collections of weapon sets but they can add spears in a new spear collection called "Forgotten spears" for example. And as for the gen3 spear, I do think they owe it to players to make that one happen. Personally, I don't care about those skins in particular but I do feel that with making gen3 themed they really need to add that spear retro-actively. People have built their aesthetics around that after all.

Doesn't mean Anet will do any of it of course, but Anet's comments are not written in stone and they can change their minds.

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