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What about EoD?

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So the whole maps are starting to feel dead, very dead. 

Question to Anet, so with the new expac in sight, what are you going to do regarding the EoD expansion? Meta's are hardly done anymore, maps are very quiet.

I want to add to this, I know it's hard to keep content relevant when new expansions come out, but EoD was a in my opinion a good expac, so I hope you guys find a solution for that.

Edited by DylanLucas.6058
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I've managed to get a few metas off over the last couple of weeks, but it's definitely hit or miss. Aetherblade seems to always have people, but other maps less so. Usually I'm just fishing  when a fully organized squad shows up and I join them. It helps if you're in the map ~10 minutes before the event starts, and check LFG for a squad that may help you join a more active map. The rewards are good enough, definitely better than SotO so they're still worth doing even if you don't need to farm Imperial Favors for Gen 3 legendaries.

Worst case, you can also buy a commander tag and post the squad in LFG, which is what I do in that situation. There's almost always enough people around to do a meta, they just need to know that other people are also doing it.

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Ain't nobody got time for that...

Just buy the new expac, it'll be great...for a year. Then it'll be dead. But that doesn't matter, just buy the new expac, it'll be great...for a year. Then it'll be dead. But that doesn't matter, just buy the new expac, it'll be great...for a year. Then it'll be dead. But that doesn't matter, just buy the new expac, it'll be great...for a year. Then it'll be dead. But that doesn't matter, just buy the new expac...

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The solution would be running special events like they recently did with Dry Top and Silverwastes, do 3-5 events? Get a Mystic Coin.

They could do that for every map in the game and rotate to the next one every 3 days and keep looping it around, it's hardly excessive when the Anomaly dies in 30 seconds and also gives a Mystic Coin, this way you could get life to not only EoD but a bunch of other maps that don't see much action anymore.

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I feel that the current solution Anet has is that these metas occasionally show up in the weekly WV rewards, though given the number of metas, it could be a long wait before one shows up (and I don't think all of them are party of weeklies).

It would not surprise me if they continue this, with SotO metas joining the rotation when the next expansion drops.

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I wonder about this as well, actually. Ignoring Gyala, the last time we were in Cantha we left its power infrastructure in dire straits with only a limited amount of dragon energy before the  batteries run out. Joon and Taimi were working on a solution sans elder dragon magic, and I would very much like to see what comes of that. I don't know if that deserves an entire expansion for itself, but it definitely deserves its own story/closure. Maybe a new LS? We can kill off Taimi during that story for all I care, I just want to see the consequences of my actions in EoD.

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1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

I wonder about this as well, actually. Ignoring Gyala, the last time we were in Cantha we left its power infrastructure in dire straits with only a limited amount of dragon energy before the  batteries run out. Joon and Taimi were working on a solution sans elder dragon magic, and I would very much like to see what comes of that. I don't know if that deserves an entire expansion for itself, but it definitely deserves its own story/closure. Maybe a new LS? We can kill off Taimi during that story for all I care, I just want to see the consequences of my actions in EoD.

"Green" energy solution where they figure out how to artificially replicate dragon magic's ability to convert leyline energy into dragon jade. Thus kicking off a technological revolution and the setup for a sci-fi GW3.

Also I am not really surprised that the EoD maps are dead now. They were not really designed for much long-term benefit except legendary weapon crafting, and plenty of players already enjoyed the gen 1/2 weapons they could get through HoT/PoF maps. The SotO maps will be the same way once players get the leggy armor they want and/or give up and go run raids/HoT metas. Neither of these expansions were designed well, given that the metas were crudely designed busywork and they didn't provide much by way of horizontal gameplay goals that would keep the content evergreen and populated. I think it was a mistake to step on the toes of HoT leggy armor and PoF leggy weapons without doing some active maintenance/revamping on ALL expansion metas to make sure every map stayed relevant. The Wizard's Vault and rifts were a lazy band-aid.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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It played its part: we bought it, people bought the skins for the useless turtle, skiff and annoying jade bot. It's done. The same way SotO will be dead soon. The same way Janthir will be dead in a bit more than a year. Rinse and repeat. That's quality content!

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It was bound to happen eventually as the game aged that metas would become too plentiful for the aging population which, even if not decreasing sharply, might not be increasing sharply either, therefore being diluted more and more across maps.

The solution in GW1 during the end of its cycle was the Zaishen bounty system which encouraged players to visit particular pieces of content daily for rewards - so, a precursor of our daily system in fact. We already have this in place and would just need to expand on it. The weekly/daily vault metas are perhaps too slow to usefully take people around the world map, but maybe a similar system to the "Return to" achievements could be put in place where we would cycle automatically through metas thematically related to expansions/living world. For instance, a couple of weeks where mystic coins/other juicy rewards are given out for PoF metas, then a couple more weeks for HoT metas, then EoD, then Vanilla, LW4, SotO, etc etc.

The second solution more particular to the way GW1 worked was allowing players to eventually fill their entire party with powerful NPCs called heroes that could have custom builds. This is out of scope for GW2 but on the other hand some metas have become very hard to do because of requiring too much coordination/too many people for comparatively very little rewards (Vabbi meta being one of the infamous examples...). We could have a pass on the scaling of every older meta so that a party/strike squad could complete most of them with little coordination or, in the worst case scenario, help "outnumbered" people that attempt to do a very old meta by themselves by adding NPCs which will not fully complete but at least stall the meta and prevent failure - similar to how in story instances NPCs can rise you up from being downed and hold off monsters while you pitch in for the proper damage. I admit this would not be easy to pull off in a balanced way but Anet has been working hard in QoL so it's possible they might actually review the meta scaling eventually.

Finally, GW2 is not really in the end of its cycle if the PR is to be believed, and Anet has statistics that may cause them to still be pushing back things like the above solutions. But the fact is, already today we have effectively "dead" metas in the LW episodes and previous expansions that require a lot of proactivity to get a group going compared to the most recent expansions.

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Their trying to resolve this somewhat with the weeklies wizardvault. They sometimes do special themed bonus week( a week surrounding meta's is not unthinkable)

People often return on there todo the story on Alts or for other activities. Its not completely dead.

Because Meta's req other people, you are also dependent on other people... Your best bet is to keep an eye on world event timers, check the LFG alot.

Other then that there's not much we can do.

On a personal thought: something that could increase the population rate/ frequency in EoD maps would be "Xpac Magic find/gold Boost Weeks" something like:

"This week/weekend the droprate in EoD maps is doubled."(not superficial/placebo ofcourse, actual real double droprate)

It would give Big incentive for people togo out of their way to comeback to those maps todo the meta/events etc.

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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Well casuals where asking for 15% hp nerf to the Soon Won , or the tail not to show up so many times , but the Raiders  people in the forums , said that we shouldn't nerf it and we have 99% of the other game .

(just like PoF OW boss)

Lets not hear those people again 😛


(technicly , people where against of OW legendary for 10 years , and said that the raid one is the "PvE armor" , so why we dont we do that an offer an alternative in that event and other ones ? The Soon won will be 100% to get a mat (1 out of 1.000) (where most will afk -accidentally like Convergances) and the other metas have 20-30% for its mats and introduce Latterns in various maps to keep them alive . And 5x unique Latterns , + doing 5 random events on the map also offer also 1x mat)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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13 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Well casuals where asking for 15% hp nerf to the Soon Won , or the tail not to show up so many times , but the Raiders  people in the forums , said that we shouldn't nerf it and we have 99% of the other game .

(just like PoF OW boss)

Lets not hear those people again 😛


So what?

This is about EoD maps, not Dragon's End meta.

Also, you're kinda wrong. The nice thing about EoD is that we can kinda track the popularity of a a meta with the jade statues, and the DE meta, despite being the one with the most interesting loot for the statue, kept a well furnished supply, proving that the meta is quite popular

On the opposite the kaineng one is kinda low on the supply side, maybe you should ask for a 15% health reduction on Jade Behemoth ? 😄

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42 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

So what?

This is about EoD maps, not Dragon's End meta.

Also, you're kinda wrong. The nice thing about EoD is that we can kinda track the popularity of a a meta with the jade statues, and the DE meta, despite being the one with the most interesting loot for the statue, kept a well furnished supply, proving that the meta is quite popular

On the opposite the kaineng one is kinda low on the supply side, maybe you should ask for a 15% health reduction on Jade Behemoth ? 😄



It miight be  TP barrons , that  constatly have Jade 4.300-4600 statues avialable in the TP 

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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10 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I feel that the current solution Anet has is that these metas occasionally show up in the weekly WV rewards, though given the number of metas, it could be a long wait before one shows up (and I don't think all of them are party of weeklies).

It would not surprise me if they continue this, with SotO metas joining the rotation when the next expansion drops.

I think that's the current and intended solution here. Even(?) gyala is easy to clear out the moment an objective for that map pops up in the wv objectives.
But I'm convinced the eod metas are still rather easy to do, not nearly as "hardly done" as OP suggests.

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1 hour ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

I don't think it would hurt to trim down the Kaineng meta a bit at least, just take out the repetitive pre events that are copy pasted ones from before the meta starts. 

I just hope they don't make metas longer than they have any right to be by adding a 2-minute dialog in the middle once it starts. I'm looking at you, Amnytas meta.

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21 hours ago, DylanLucas.6058 said:

Question to Anet, so with the new expac in sight, what are you going to do regarding the EoD expansion?

Nothing. Usually the finetuning to an expansion happens during the followup LS season. After next expansion hits, unless something really major happens, the best thing you can hope for is for Anet to fix some bugs. And even then likely not very fast either.

Since LS6 got cancelled due to Anet offloading GW2 resources elsewhere, most of the "EoD finetuning" timeframe went out of the window alongside it as well. And it's never going back, because At anet they prefer to look towards the future, and not the past. This way they can avoid seeing the mess they keep leaving behind.

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The one hope for Anet looking to the past is a way to keep players engaged.  I'm not sure the breakdown in expansions for gem store items, but folks will only buy either of those if they are still playing.  The moment players quit playing GW2, that potential sale is gone forever.  So you want activities to keep people engaged.  I think the WV is part of that - weekly events for a decent amount of gold that gets player doing certain activities.

The other potential source of revenue is new players - for them, they need to see the game as playable.  For example, if a new player is on some of the beginner maps and sees a world boss or meta for that map, go to it, and it fails because no one is doing it, after they see that so many times they are likely to give up (if these maps are dead, why should they expect future maps to be better).  So making sure even small numbers of players can complete those might make sense to keep new players playing the game.


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Kaineng and Dragon's End both have excessively lengthy pre-events and don't offer rewards worth the effort.  It's a shame, too, because Soo-Won is my favorite open world boss fight.  I just don't see how they expect players to stay engaged for an hour or more with boring pre events just to get to it.

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I think making the Jade Bot T3 upgrade parts tradeable would go some way to increasing meta participation. Each meta has a low chance to drop the item needed to upgrade a specific Jade Bot module to T3 (Miniaturized Skiff Engine, High-Energy Capacitor, Manufactured Lodestone, Depleted Jade Siege Shell, Advanced Control Board), but they aren't tradeable and are worth a paltry 1g at the merchant.

If you actually want to upgrade the corresponding chip, your choices are to do the same meta over and over, or grind/spend a lot of imperial favor and research notes to buy them, so there'd always be a market for them. It would be a really easy way to instantly increase the reward for them.

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