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WvW needs liquid Gold Rewards


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As a PvP player i use to roam in wvw back in days, i am close to 3K wvw level  i actually enjoy roaming but WvW feels like time waste rewardwise. If i play PvE for like 2-3 hours i can get 100 gold or if i play PvP and 1 Tournament i can get 40-45 maybe 50 gold in 2 hours including mystic coins. But if i spend my time in WvW for like 4-5 hours i simply get nothing besides some junk t5 materials. 

I think WvW need something like 10 gold per 100 kill or 10 gold per 10 camp capture etc. things like this to motivate people to play better and actively.

I would love to play WvW right now since i disgust current PvP meta and it doesn't seem like it's going to change soon, but it's just time waste, i ll just spend 5 hours and get like 5 gold + some junk materials. What do you guys think?  

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54 minutes ago, cOf.7940 said:

And i believe we need to be able to get same amount of gold on any gamemode per hour by actively playing/winning

Anet disagrees.  And, with all the gold rewards, the matchfixing in pvp is ridiculous.  People already stack and lose on purpose for easier fights, the last thing we need to do is encourage that.  WvW is my primary game mode, and while better rewards would be nice, it would just make the game mode that much worse.  Anet is already doing everything they can to ruin WvW, so you might actually get your wish in that regard.

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Welcome to the 12 year old wvw complaint.

Gold for kills already sorta exist.. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Badge_of_Honor -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Badge_of_Tribute -> Sell on TP.

You can also sell https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Memory_of_Battle

You can also sell https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist-Hardened_Lockbox

The usual https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heavy_Loot_Bag

These all drop from the skirmish reward track you can sell.. no need to craft ascended in wvw when you can just buy it with skirmish tickets.






There's a lot of material that comes from skirmish track, reward track, unidentified pieces that break down into mats.

The completed wvw weeklies give 8gold. Plus wizard vault dailies and weeklies gives you currency to buy liquid gold too.

They are obviously not going to straight up give 10g per 100 kills, or you would have zergs just farming each other for straight gold, a lot of stuff is gated in wvw due to it's size where numbers makes everything easier to do, bigger opportunity for abuse compared to a 5v5 match. There's even diminishing returns for killing the same person too much in a short period of time. But they do give out emblem of the avengers every 100 kills, which you can use as currency to buy other stuff off Dugan, and skirmish tickets is the big wvw currency to buy anything else you need to function in wvw. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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2 hours ago, cOf.7940 said:

If i play PvE for like 2-3 hours i can get 100 gold or if i play PvP and 1 Tournament i can get 40-45 maybe 50 gold in 2 hours including mystic coins. But if i spend my time in WvW for like 4-5 hours i simply get nothing besides some junk t5 materials

It is that way rly. I like playing wvw but every now and then i just do a pve meta map for fun. The amount of rewards per time is insane compared to wvw.

nobody in his right mind would join wvw because of that.

i don’t think the reward system is bad or anything but there could be an amp-up i guess.

for me personally i doesn’t matter that much. I play because i enjoy the gamemode and when i don’t then i leave.

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12 hours ago, cOf.7940 said:

I would love to play WvW right now since i disgust current PvP meta and it doesn't seem like it's going to change soon, but it's just time waste, i ll just spend 5 hours and get like 5 gold + some junk materials. What do you guys think?  

You dislike current Spvp yet one of your offered solutions is to make WvW more similar to it?

WvW has seen significant rewars increases over the last 2 years. Yes, those rewards are not liquid gold but materials and resources, which makes it a slightly higher effort to turn the rewards into liquid gold if no need for this materials exist.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. Players which are driven by only liquid gold rewards (or rewards, no qualifier needed) might not be the target audience for WvW.

If you enjoy WvW, play WvW. If you are to worried about your rewards, then don't play Wvw and play PvE or Spvp. You get to decide how much you enjoy those next hours spent in the game.


You are talking about fun and rewards, when you seem to clearly only be interest in rewards.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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13 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

It is that way rly. I like playing wvw but every now and then i just do a pve meta map for fun. The amount of rewards per time is insane compared to wvw.

As it should be, as PvE is better game play.

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I also think wvw is rewarding enough, not that I would complain about getting more gold. I just don't see it lacking there. It may not be the most rewarding mode, but it is still enough.


On 8/4/2024 at 2:35 AM, cOf.7940 said:

if i play PvP and 1 Tournament i can get 40-45 maybe 50 gold in 2 hours including mystic coins

From what?

On 8/4/2024 at 2:35 AM, cOf.7940 said:

But if i spend my time in WvW for like 4-5 hours i simply get nothing besides some junk t5 materials. 

Like every other mode, also wvw has its own wizard's vault and there is still the old weekly with its 8 gold.
Additional to that, like pvp wvw has own reward tracks, pve hasn't.

I wouldn't want ppl coming to wvw for money. The thing about less money/hour than other modes means, those people who are there, are there for other reasons.

The wvw players I know that want to play for money, meet up for Fractals once a week.

I def. get way, way more out of wvw than your junk t5 mats. And best is, I play like I want and what I want.

If wvw is meant to be more rewarding, then more wvw rewards. E.g. More wxp = faster reward tracks.

On 8/4/2024 at 2:35 AM, cOf.7940 said:

I think WvW need something like 10 gold per 100 kill or 10 gold per 10 camp capture etc. things like this to motivate people to play better and actively.

That's awful.

Karma train becomes gold farm train. +more bots ahoy

Edited by Tula.6021
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More glaring matter to me as wvw player is that we have to do tons of boring exploration to make any legendary when all I want is to play wvw.

If wvw had alternative way to farm gift of exploration them the gamemode would pop off and will also please many players who dont want mind numbing exploration and heart quests.

The synths can be reworked to give actual good materials so that people fight over towers to gain access to synths inside them and make people care about holding those objectives. Like asc mats, ecto, clover, t6 mats or amalgamated gemstones.

Edited by XECOR.2814
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9 minutes ago, XECOR.2814 said:

More glaring matter to me as wvw player is that we have to do tons of boring exploration to make any legendary when all I want is to play wvw.

Omg you tell me. I just found out that I have to play dungeons 5 times to unlock an item at some trader and I can't avoid this deserted niche pve by doing the dungeon's reward track. And it can't be any dungeon, it has to be the one needed for weapon xyz.

That on top of world exploration.

I'd rather trade 5 GoB for 1 GoE.

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We have enough liquid gold reward from the vault.  

Average player is not playing an sPvP Tourney or winning enough in 2 hours to make 50 gold--so we can't balance WvW rewards around that.

PvE, sure you can probably farm 100g in a few hours by doing hardcore Drizzlewood or something, but what does it matter--most legendary and prestige items are collections.  I've made all my legendaries (WvW armor, PvE trinkets, sPvP back, and gen 2 weapons + Aurene weapon) with like 500g a piece, if not less.    

At this point, you are either playing for the love of the combat system and not even thinking about rewards or trying to farm and quitting the game.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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I want to point out some additional thoughts about rewards and how to make money out of them, referencing what @XenesisII.1540 has posted before:

Badges => Tributes => gold, is mostly a trade within the WvW community. WvW players sell to other WvW players and not to PvE players with lots of liquid gold or take gold to vendors, who extract it from the market.
Memories are sold to all players who are crafting legendary weapons, either for "experimental" weapon parts (not needed if you use a WV starter kit) or Gifts of War, which are part of Gift of the Mists (2nd Gen + Aurene weapons). Compared to pre-WV, prices of Memories are at about half of the value.

To offer a "fix" to WvW players getting more liquid gold out of the mode, you would either have to create a higher demand of WvW exclusive items in the PvE community or lower prices within things WvW players need for sustaining their mode. Make GoBs and GoE tradeable and see how that will balance out? Very risky I guess. Lowering vendor prices that demand Skirmish Tickets and Emblems? 

WvW players have never earned liquid gold via their mode. Perhaps it is better for them to have a few Alts at some EoD chests for Jade Runestones and HoT Flax farms then to be grumpy about liquid gold. Probably less stressful.

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1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Just lemme sell GoB in TP.

I have suggested it before but even with a price of 10,000g PvErs still don’t want to spend the 6h of getting it instead. So there is no price too high for the time required. It’s just invaluable and thus cannot be sold.

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3 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Reward Track re-vamp is overdue.

It's always the same copy pasta when each festival comes around. Hack we can't even stack halloween pails to date. 

Plus, I only ever pick those festival tracks if there's a chance at a rare infusion or something else I can sell. The rest of the stuff in those is just filler and doesn't build towards any vendor items I might like from those events. I like the look of a lot of the Zephyrite gear because it looks kind of normal but with thoughtful artwork but that's another area that's time away from the game mode I like playing. I wouldn't mind, but that becomes pretty much all of my time being away from WvW for most of those items and those events and achievements aren't like sleep zerging in WvW for a GoB. 

WvW gear like Triumphants and all of the weapons or whatever look bulky, have really bad clipping, don't behave well with newer infusions, and have horrible dye channels compared to the spvp versions and it's frustrating that all of the decent looking gear requires taking a long break from WvW to get. 

Edited by kash.9213
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On 8/4/2024 at 2:38 AM, cOf.7940 said:

And i believe we need to be able to get same amount of gold on any gamemode per hour by actively playing/winning

Yeah, we should. People who think otherwise probably spend more time in PvE than WvW. 😉

And the artificial fear of PvE players invading the gamemode is nonsense too. PvE players would still prefer PvE if the effort/time needed is the same.

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28 minutes ago, Reztek.7805 said:

And the artificial fear of PvE players invading the gamemode is nonsense too. PvE players would still prefer PvE if the effort/time needed is the same.

Considering the amount of GoB cry posts this is probably true.

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15 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I think Anet has already checked out how many of these might be stacked up . 😉 

I wonder how much worth they would be.


1 minute ago, Gazrul.3086 said:

That's a pretty pathetic amount of gold for a weekly reward imo. 

yeah i mean go do daily and rec fractals which takes 30-45 minutes max and get double the gold out.

srsly the loot in wvw is just a bonus for me. If you wanna farm mats or gold, do the pve. Simple as.

now: why play wvw then, some might ask? Well: for fun. At least i have fun mostly, when i don’t, i do something else.

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32 minutes ago, CafPow.1542 said:

yeah i mean go do daily and rec fractals which takes 30-45 minutes max and get double the gold out.

But I don't want to do fractals. I like WvW. And yet for a full weekly I get 8g, that's just pathetic as a reward. At least bump it to 20g, it'd hardly be game breaking. 


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