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Anet Killed world vs world ! Change my mind !

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1 hour ago, Anykeys.3790 said:

Go ahead try to change my mind ! lets have an discussion !

willbenders porting all over place doing way to much dmg?
stupid alliance system?
celestial on every god kitten idiot out there having groups with 4 supports 1 dps?

to please you,
guardian has always gotten love so far i wouldnt be surprised if willbender gets hit hard by nerf stick next balance update. but i wouldnt be surprised if they get even more love cus hey its guardian this thing has always been ramping it up willy just does it better with mobility from a thief evades from a daredevil and dps from meteor shower in ur face all at ones.
stupid system has been forgotten already by anet they dont even know they implented it already.
power will overcome it just requires anet to nerf a support or remove celestial or tone down its stats.

at the end of the day its WvW people always play FOTM classes/builds its gonna change every so many months.
now its time for certain builds/classes to shine later they are forgotten or nerfed so hard that its unplayable.

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Total kills on EU so far > 180,000

Total deaths on so far > 185,000

Total kills on NA so far > 135,000

Total deaths on NA so far > 140,000

Seems to me there is still a lot of players playing the mode given those values.

No need to change your mind, we all know misery loves company and looking for others who are just as miserable soothes the soul.

As soon as you decide to accept that not everyone shares your opinion, you might realize the mode is not dead, yet.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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19 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Total kills on EU so far > 180,000

Total deaths on so far > 185,000

Total kills on NA so far > 135,000

Total deaths on NA so far > 140,000

Does that mean that about 5k people in NA and EU die from fall damage and guards n stuff? 😄

(Since i am part of that i don’t make fun of the people it’s just a fun statistic)

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Fight oriented guilds and large guilds seem to be loving it, those paired with them think its pretty good, and those in that are neither of the previous two are not having the best time or possibly worst time. Their numbers at launch of WR had the data that 5 tiers for NA would be a good idea, and it didn't play out. Currently 4 tiers for NA is a good idea, but from my experience in t4 and now t3 it seems a little better but not much different. I just feel as if we'll slowly bleed players and eventually collapse the total number of tiers as the fight and big guilds run out of people to recruit/farm/bait for content.

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WvW is a terrible game mode.

The PvP you get, you don't want, the PvP you want, you don't get.

As long as they continue to design the game mode for their precious little boon ball friends, the mode has no future.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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15 hours ago, Anykeys.3790 said:

Go ahead try to change my mind

EU still has 5 tiers.

Even though my commander said a lot of ppl from his friends list are quitting one by one. Seems still enough ppl to fill 5 tiers.
But what I notice is that there's no more lagging in prime time (sometimes a tiny bit), less queues, shorter queues.

Whether that's a result of quitting players or Anet spreading players evenly, I don't know.

I have harder times to motivate myself to play wvw the same amount and with the same dedication as before, I'm def not as dedicated anymore. Still sad and demotivated about losing half the people I used to play with in the mornings. I've no goal for myself anymore. The only reaso to play is the wvw daily and weekly and some fun at the weekends.

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On 8/4/2024 at 1:00 PM, Anykeys.3790 said:

Go ahead try to change my mind ! lets have an discussion !


That's a bit too easy.

Killed, so dead. So why does this thread exist?

This feel like: 


🙂 Not opposed to discussing, and am still server pride myself, but what points in particular?

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On 8/4/2024 at 6:00 PM, Anykeys.3790 said:

Go ahead try to change my mind ! lets have an discussion !

yeah! lets have another discussion!  it can go with all the other discussions that are just going round and round in circles! 

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What is frustrating is that Anet are completely silent on the matter . No acknowledgement of the issue, of the mistake and formal apology.  Their communication is bad as always.  Like hey at least let us know if  you are aware of the issue here.

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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6 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

What is frustrating is that Anet are completely silent on the matter . No acknowledgement of the issue, of the mistake and formal apology.  Their communication is bad as always.  Like hey at least let us know if  you are aware of the issue here.

I am coming at this from a server pride type of player, but I have to ask, which issues are you seeing? Their low rate of communication is normal. But reading this I wouldn't be able to say what you might see as an issue versus what the OP sees as an issue. Blanket statements without content doesn't give anyone an idea of what is the issue you indicate. Would love to help brainstorm on a fix for issues, but no context. 

Personally the queues have been way up and that can discourage people, there is less map to map support, again due to queues. There are more cross tag conflicts, more Alliance on Alliance drama, but this was expected. More calls for people to get out of the game mode due to various reasons. Did I want WR, not really, I was good with links and liked my maniacs social or not, but just saying fix it without context as the OP did? How do you fix something without defining it? I don't get that. Players were complaining about server population imbalances and Anet's answer was the WR. So if aspects of it aren't working out for you, what are they?

It's easy to be outraged, hard to be inspired. 

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7 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

What is frustrating is that Anet are completely silent on the matter . No acknowledgement of the issue, of the mistake and formal apology.  Their communication is bad as always.  Like hey at least let us know if  you are aware of the issue here.

You have to show your boon baller union card, bought all expansions, have JW on preorder, part of the millionaires realm avenger group, own god of wvw title, in order to gain access to the secret society on discord to get a chance to see their opinion of wvw. Although actions speak louder than words, I think you can guess by their actions what they think about wvw changes and it's direction.


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12 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

Their communication is bad as always

If they communicated then people would have proof of their bias and be able to point of every flaw with their logic and thinking,

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Anet killed WvW with this alliance kitten.....they crapped on wvw then walked away.  I have yet to see this "balance" that they spoke of.  They had all these beta tests to get this right and they still got it wrong.  Roamers/solo players are screwed, boon ball is the name of the game now. Anet wants zerg play and doesn't care what the players want.  Nobody except huge guilds wants this new play style and people are rage quitting left and right.  Anet needs to revert this back to server play and make server transfers free....this is such kitten.

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18 minutes ago, Jukka.6879 said:

Anet killed WvW with this alliance kitten.....they crapped on wvw then walked away.  I have yet to see this "balance" that they spoke of.  They had all these beta tests to get this right and they still got it wrong.  Roamers/solo players are screwed, boon ball is the name of the game now. Anet wants zerg play and doesn't care what the players want.  Nobody except huge guilds wants this new play style and people are rage quitting left and right.  Anet needs to revert this back to server play and make server transfers free....this is such kitten.

Next, the fat lady sings and the opera ends.

such drama wow.

me personally experienced a lot of cloud vs cloud fights.


PS: i am in favour of balancing / nerfing boonballs

Edited by CafPow.1542
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14 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

but I have to ask, which issues are you seeing?

If  at this point it never occurred you there were any issue at all, I  believe no answer will satisfy you.  Aint the backlash and feedbacks in the WvW forum ain't not informative enough? Much have been well said in other threads, I dont need to repeat them.  And so what if you could formulate a fix,  you could tell Anet what to do?  Your magic solution will just be buried just like many other countless proposed solutions people spent time writings.

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13 minutes ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

If  at this point it never occurred you there were any issue at all, I don't believe no answer will satisfy you.  Aint the backlash and feedbacks in the WvW forum ain't not informative enough? Much have been well said in other threads, I dont need to repeat them.  And so what if you could formulate a fix,  you could tell Anet what to do?  Your magic solution will just be buried just like many other countless proposed solutions people spent time writings.

The point Grimm is making, or at least I believe he is making, is that not everyone agrees that WvW has issues, at least not at the scale the forum minority makes it out to be.

We have numbers on activity, those seem reasonable for now. Large organized guilds, or even mid sized guilds and players in those guilds might not have the same take on how WvW is doing compared to solo players. The question thus becomes: which players make up the majority?

There are issues with WR, but those might be solve-able within the new system (aka better initial shard placement, better more accurate redistribution of large guilds, language and timezone consideration).

Some players on the forums seem to see this as "my way to approach WvW" has decreased my experience with the mode, this must affect every one the same way when in reality, there might be a majority of players which enjoy the current system with some more waiting for improvements until they are completely sold.

Hence the question: what is your solution? Go back to static servers? Then you are back at dealing with some of the issues which plagued the mode for ages and while this might improve your personal experience, it might not solve some of the issues the mode faces.

Then there is the other aspect to consider: work load. The old static server and linking system required far more developer attention than world restructuring (at least once WR fully works or is in a final state the studio is happy with, which might be now). This on its own might be sufficient for the developers to NOT go back to servers, unrelated to "quality" of WvW. An entire separate issues which would need solving and ideas (though there might be a way to appropriate the WR system for that, not sure).


If you are a predominantly "solo" player, your experience might not be representative of every player in WvW. That's something to keep in mind when assuming how others perceive the changes. It's also something to consider when thinking about which approach is the healthiest in regard to community building and being part of said community.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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