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The wait is over—Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is live!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I've been ending each day this week with a report to the rest of the studio about how things are going, what feedback is coming in, and so on. Tonight I'm rounding up feedback from players about what they love and I want to take a moment to thank each of you for commenting in this thread and others--we're all thrilled that so many of you are enjoying Janthir Wilds. 

Thank you!!

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Now with the latest update the homestead gathering process truly is complete as the tree of generosity and the salvage pile have been added. I also noticed that the tree of generosity is now animated? I think it didnt use to be like that but I also didnt check my home instance for that, so nice feature. What is also a nifty little feature, a really small and rather subtle; if you run into the sawmill in your homestead, I mean the spinning blade of the mill, you will get instantly downed xD I love this! Why I love this so much? Because I used to fly and run into any sawmill in the whole game and never did something happen, so when I checked my wood gathering box I ran up the mill, and did what I usually do and my character instantly moaned and fell into downed state xD really this is such a little yet super funny feature: You only have to fear the saw that is in your own house! xD But jokes aside, again this just shows the incredible love to detail in this "mini" (rather "epic") expansion! I mean so many "useless" (I mean non-relevant to the overall progress but relevant to the lore or otherwise) objects now got a meaning, since SotO so many new books and lore came in, the communication design in this game is not only flawless when it comes to the UX in general but also it actually is fun to interact with the world around you. Now that you have more tiny things (like the chair sit direction and such as well) to interact with that tell you just "yep this world is incredibly alive and has a sense of its own on how much power you have over it as the almighty commander" Janthir Wilds even feels more immersive than other expansions in my opinion! Thanks for the great work and especially for the fast fixing! Your support currently proves to be super efficient, that's also something good to see! 😊

Edited by Klivia.3879
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Not sure if there is an option - afaik the homestead uses a lot of the gathered plants to convert into Fiber at the farm. As explained here:

I think it would be nice to have another option to directly spend essence of noursihment. Farm seems suited here?
Also as another general suggestion: It seems there is a resting buff.

I thought it would be nice to tie minor buffs to actually furniture. Maybe we could kinda get beds where you could unlock the (then hard to get - maybe collection) recipe, craft it, place it ... and then get a different buff. Same with other items where this could be an option. It should not limit the visuals - needing a kind of system like the wardrobe. (Being able to place the item for the buff but add visual from another unlocked item there.)

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This expansion has been so much fun to play, the maps feel so rich and alive, not only do the renown hearts make the map feel homey and lived in they're also some of the most fun renown hearts in the game, they make me want to go back and replay them. It ties back in nicely to previous story and world building while standing strongly on it's own, the music and voice acting has been incredible, it's been great to see familiar faces while also digging into some of the really interesting plot threads we were given in SoTO. I like the way that both the Commander and Wayfinder titles have been kept, it felt right. Homesteads as the big selling feature really knocked it out of the park and I wasn't super invested in player housing beforehand, this system made me excited about it. The warclaw reworks have made it one of my favourite mounts. I hope the team knows that they did a fantastic job all around. They have managed to hit on a lot of key things that make Guild Wars 2 such an amazing game.

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BRAVO to you all, such an amazing job!  I am an old school Ultima Online player. Housing was a huge part of the game. I have been dreaming of housing in GW for years now and even though it's much different I love it. This expansion easily earned #1 with me. The general map music is just beautiful and relaxing and the fight music feels very primal. The ease of transportation modes make it so much easier to get from event to event. I love that you have a harder time sneaking past mobs to get the goodies. *grins* The vastness and beauty of this map took my breath away. So many rich colors and diversity. Thank you!  P.S. IF it ever comes up, Don't let people tell you those bosses need to be nurfed. A challenge is healthy and we all need it. At least I do. 😃

Edited by Baby Cakes.1539
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I'm absolutely loving it. The maps are some of the best looking maps in the game. The environments are stunning, the events are fun, and I love the story. I also really appreciate that the achievements and events feel so in-line with the Kodan culture.

If the future release updates keep up this momentum, Janthir will really quickly become my favorite expac.

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Enjoyed what i've played thus far though starting quests definitely involve alot of talking

Spear is great should rebalance alot of metas though skills are so flashy could you please add in the options a way to tone it down 1 a lot of people are sensitive, and 2 in certain game modes its an advantage as well as been kinder with those with older hardware.

I'm also enjoying the war claw being included in PVE removing it from the neglected mount only used in wvw as there are no other options, Though please release older skin packs for this mount I badly want the branded to fit in with my theme for my character and its adoption license not been released in like 2 years, this is one of many beautiful skins available for the war claw so please make them all available again

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The next time you decide to release an expansion, just release an audiobook instead.

With well over 60-70% of unskippable dialogue as filler "content", at least seven out of nine assets reused from existing content and a bugfest to bridge the gap between Divinity's Reach brothel to Australia, I can barely contain my exitement to see what else I can expect from this preordered  "expansion" in the future.

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This expansion is amazing. I feel like I am rediscovering the game. It might have a few bugs but they will get fixed. Everything about it is well thought out. I see how much hard work went into this and thank you devs! I love the story, the voices, the quests, the nods to the past. I love the way the hearts work. I have not even gotten my homestead yet. I can see myself enjoying this journey of discovery for a long time. It's not made to rush through but to be savored. I can't thank you enough for the hard work you all put into this expansion. Makes me happy. AND I thought the narrative in the beginning was wonderful. I don't play this game just to achieve more points. I play it because I am invested in the story and characters.

PS: Really hope to see Aurene again.

Edited by serene.4671
wanted to add a thought
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The opening was really great, the maps are very nicely designed with varied (mostly) fun activities, and introduces some new masteries that overall improve the gameplay. There's room for a little fine tuning here and there, but overall most of us in guild have been really enjoying the expansion so far.

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On 8/24/2024 at 2:27 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I've been ending each day this week with a report to the rest of the studio about how things are going, what feedback is coming in, and so on. Tonight I'm rounding up feedback from players about what they love and I want to take a moment to thank each of you for commenting in this thread and others--we're all thrilled that so many of you are enjoying Janthir Wilds. 

Thank you!!

So I see I'm a little late, but I too want to say it is a great expansion. Best addition in years! It finally feels and looks like Guild Wars again, it re-fueled the passion for the game I am enjoying since 2006. And thank you anet for the great spear reworks and listening to the community (I'm a warrior main and the changes are great, I just hope you guys remove the skillshot on disrupting throw^^).


Overall big thx to the team!

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1st map is ok, but you guys defenetely did not bother giving enough attention to the second map, its bugged in a brutal amount of events, achievements, it is getting insanely frustrating to play Janthir Synthri, i can feel the diferencei in quality bug wise, feels rushed, not working and i am wasting my time having to do achievements because they only work the 1st time the events spawn after that nothing works, events getting stuck, etc etc...

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I am also loving the expansion! Anet team, you did such a great job. The new maps, the events, the little details everywhere, the homesteads, the warclaw, the music… everything is amazing. Thank you for listening to our feedback about SOTO and thank you for all the hard work you’ve clearly put into Janthir Wilds. 

Edited by Mieke.9125
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I was very sceptical after IBS and SOTO, but JW so far is really good! It started a little slow, but I think it's actually great we got some time to catch up with everyone and to get to know the new characters. SOTO was far too rushed, JW so far has far better pacing. The initial maps of every expac so far have always been very high quality, so of course here as well. 😄 I'm just hoping this time the quality will stay more or less at a similar level and won't drop significantly in the later updates. The maps are fun even with mounts, awesome job. Some hearts and events could use some finetuning, but that's minor. The warclaw is actually usable now, thanks. 😄 And homesteads turned out way better than I expected, I hope they'll be a longterm feature. And I expect lore fans to have a lot of fun with this expac as well, there is so much info everywhere. 

I was very unsure if I was going to buy JW at all, but now I'm glad I did. Let's hope this time the quality stays more or less consistent for the year.  😄

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So ... did anyone notice any changes when progressing the renown heart mastery (achievement for doing them multiple times)? Is this only to progress and unlock a repeatable (then for getting a bit additional rewards at each step)?

Or does it change anything with the vendors? I thought somewhere (in game) it seemed like they wanted do hint that it would change stuff - near the renown heart area/village. Vendor options do not seem to change. (The item where you get the map-specific buff stays on other maps and is 24 hours of time not counting when logged out so it is easily to max stacks even though each heart vendor continues to sell 1.)

Other options probably won't unlock. (Though people speculated about Woad armor maybe being available at the last tier - we can't know that yet.) I think options at existing vendors would have the item already listed - with a red text "not available until you do x" with x the hint at the achivement.

But maybe totally different vendors could appear.

Does anyone remember if the guy selling the speed thesis ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maw_of_the_Volcano ) was available on the start? Did not notice him until yesterday lol. But there is too much stuff to process at the start - when there is new content. Might just have missed him at the start ... having only talked to others.

A person on Reddit mentioned NPCs talking different lines - when you progressed. But sadly I do not have the leisure to to listen to all that ... when already in completionist mode focusing on the events (only listening to the lines the NPCs talk at events when doing them the first time).

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Just some early feedback (been away) from map one


  • Amazing map. Genuinely well thought out organic, biome design. Even the georgraphy and the way paths work feel like a real wilderness area (and I live in one, so I can attest)
  • Great event variety and well themed to the area. Probably some of the best map storytelling in many years
  • Great use of map heights and updrafts
  • Lots to do
  • Beautiful skies
  • Love the repeating hearts
  • Good reuse of assets from things like bounties
  • Bog queen is cool and good use of warclaw
  • Homestead looks amazing. Haven't played with it much yet as it's quite overwhelming to start off
  • Story so far is much better. No issues with the opening dialogue, but others will want a skip mode. 
  • Liking the spear on Ele
  • Fantastic open world village. Surpasses even Amnoon
  • Loved the honey race jumping puzzle
  • Loved the new Kodan race. Their VA style is a bit generic at times, but doesn't spoil it too much
  • Love the warlclaw air jump mastery



  • Warclaw feels clunky compared to the fluid animations of the jackal. Possibly due to sped up animations
  • Titanspawn purple clouds looks ridiculous and jars heavily with the surroundings. It's more visual noise. Why aren't you listening????
  • Far, far too much group content. Given the lack of players and the problems this caused on HoT I am surprised. Has been hard to do simple events like Grawl and Warclaw derby. Makes map more stressful than needs to be which is the opposute to stated design. I don't want heavy dps battles in open world. This is contrary to GW2 and I'm a bit concerned after Midnight King and hat I am hearing about the second Janthir map, is that you are trying to push your audience to be raiders. This isn't going to work. It's not your audience in the maps and is going to start putting more people off if they can't do map content
  • Did I mention tooltip spam still isn't fixed? It's been over a year and you did say you were going to do something about it...
  • Nowhere near enough spear skins. Decade weapons shopuld have had it. No excuses there - you had the time for the anniversary
  • Some of the masteries exist for their own sake
  • Needs more fishing spots in the rivers
  • Events pop up too quickly. This is an ongoing complaint these days. Immersion can go if you defeat a boss or an event only for it to reappear minutes later 
  • Too much use of remote communicator. Doesn't fit the theme of the map or the race using it. It's a bit jarring. If I move away from an NPC, dialogue should fade away too like it used to
  • No collection for the ursan/moon weapons
  • Not much in the way of improvements to rest of the game. Had hoped to see boss fixes (Jormag), minor easing to Midnight King and other group events in SoTo that are struggling to get done
  • Single point achievements? I thought this had been stopped? It's an expansion, please reward us properly. 1 AP should be rare
  • Warclaw dismount via gathering, doesn't transition into the gathering like other mounts


Overall an extremely positive start. Some niggles creeping in like excessive group content, tooltip spam and visual noise which are lessons that should have been learnt by now and have no real excuses for. So far, better than SoTo. Hope it continues

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Just had a moment while going around in the first Janthir Map. Spotted a campfire with 4 kodan cubs and an adult sitting around it. Figured I'll check it out. When they started speaking and it was a story telling of their legend of the Claw and Voice of Koda, I just sat down and listened. I think moments like these are really a strength of gw2, the worldbuilding to be experienced while in the map and just encountering the environment and people there. I don't know if it was less in recent expansions or just more easily overlooked, but I missed moments like these. I feel like the base game maps had a lot of this kind of worldbuilding, little details and lore strewn about or told through small event chains or by ambient NPC talk. Love to see the game return more to its roots. For me SotO felt too distant and disconnected, which made it hard for me to really get invested in the story. This feels much more grounded and connected to the world of Gw2. Thank you for the experience 😄

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I wanted to mention how beautiful the new weapon skins are! 

Also wanted to say thanks for a fix not specifically related to the expansion but recently made. Last time I experienced a disconnect during a long story mission, when I came back I started at the beginning of the encounter that I was in when I experienced a disconnect (basically the last one in the story as usual lol). I didn't have to start over from the beginning! 🎉 Well done, thanks for listening. 🙂

However, when my internet randomly cut out near the end of the WB in JS, I didn't get any credit for playing like 90% of the boss. I think the chests were limited to players present at the end of the meta so people wouldn't be able to run across the map and loot both sets, which if unintended was reasonable. But if you did play most of one of the bosses and yet don't get a reward, maybe you could add a second way to loot the chests like present and using skills 51% of the time (hovering nearby on a skyscale doing nothing except having the engine increase the difficulty to account for your presence*, should get no reward). At least the bouncy chest should award that way, not sure how it would actually work for the ground chests.

* it's possible the people/ some of the people who do this don't know that their presence increases the difficulty, but they gotta at least know they aren't helping lol, and so shouldn't expect a reward. Watching others play might be a way to learn about the boss, but if that's it, they can get a reward when they're ready to play the boss

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On 8/24/2024 at 1:27 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I've been ending each day this week with a report to the rest of the studio about how things are going, what feedback is coming in, and so on. Tonight I'm rounding up feedback from players about what they love and I want to take a moment to thank each of you for commenting in this thread and others--we're all thrilled that so many of you are enjoying Janthir Wilds. 

Thank you!!

Does this mean feedback had to be in by Saturday to be relayed back?

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Tbh the 2nd map does not seem that interesting. Expected more after some people praised it. I like the layout and that it is easier to move around (feels smaller). The collections (lore stuff for the history guy) seemed interesting - interesting to read the stuff.

Events okay-ish. First map seems to have had a bit more variety of different stuff to do. The dark setting is good but I did not like the "meta" at all. Feels like the boring mechanics to use the warclaw skill 3 got integrated there as well. (Most annoying mechanics in map 1 with the bog queen and some champs. That + the titans often using charge/leap and running around a lot at map 1 ... making it annoying to keep them grouped up to kill ... are 2 of the more annoying mechanics. But on map 1 you just need to bury like 25 bodies and then are done with it I guess.)

Rewards to not seem too interesting and the bosses feel like raid-stuff. Not too extreme with the hitpoints. Using a bit mechanics ... but it just does not feel interesting to have a big group of people zerging down a boss. I wonder if it could not have been more interesting to have a Verdant Brink-like setup with upgrading bases + then an attack at the end. Or at least a fun pre-meta for the bosses. That way I guess ... after doing both maps I might check into the first one a bit more every now and then - when you just go there for dailies or stuff. 2nd one of course for a daily meta maybe. For the chest. And the hearts until the achievement is done. But if it says "gather x", "visit a vista" or do an event (in the vault) in Janthir - map 1 is the one to visit.

Edit: Zizel collection is great btw. Next I want further stories about that group of animals. Failed attempt at the vault and then turning into theater artists starting to act and we helping them with a play ... maybe. Lol. I mean the whole process already felt like recruiting/scouting actors a bit. 😄

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 8/29/2024 at 9:04 PM, Luthan.5236 said:

Tbh the 2nd map does not seem that interesting.

It's true. It has some cool quests and a great overall atmosphere, but after a week you start realizing that there isn't any replay-worthy content. Even the meta becomes boring quickly and rewards aren't great, either, to lure you back.

The first content drop only hold so much for players, now we have to wait three months for more (including Homestead decorating). 😕 

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"the wait is over!"

me who already completed the 5 days worth of content:


Anyway I'd honestly just rather wait 2 years for a proper expac than have this staggered 4-part living story stretched like butter scraped over too much bread. No hard feelings about the 1st map, but the 2nd is clearly unfinished, with whole areas having absolutely NOTHING going on there, and the meta is also obviously cut short (NPC even says "first bloodstone"). Heart quests take AGES to progress and all you can do is keep collecting pomegranates or killing elementals in the same copypaste event. There's not even proper long-term items you could work for, all we get is "do the same heart quest for 14 days". The monologue story padding is also VERY obvious this time.

4/10 expac so far only because the 1st map has a nice vibe to it. Here's hoping the 3rd isn't another amalgamation of ugly props slapped together like Nayos. If we're really going to Realm of Torment, I'm hoping anet gets some inspiration from classics like LotR that prove you can design evil-chaotic-demonic stuff without making it look AI generated.

Edited by rune.9572
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