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Spear appreciation thread :)


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On 8/21/2024 at 12:56 PM, sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

But mirage power spear is exactly where this shines.  The improved ambush is an additional +15% damage buff on top of all the other % buffs.  Spear ambushing 4 to 6 times in a row is nice.

Yeah but it's Mirage so it'll get nerfed

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Must say I love the audio/visuals a lot more than expected, it's a very beautiful weapon and brings some enjoyment back to the game after rifle and to some extent dagger (all the same animation...).

But yeah as other have said the idle animation is odd.

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On 8/21/2024 at 8:45 AM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Let's take a moment to thank whoever designed the weapon and chose the numbers because THIS THING SLAPS

I'm just waiting till you realise that while it's got damage that it just doesn't work with the mesmer kit in general and with what it does work with EVERYTHING has more mobility and will just chase you down and kill you.
Ofc I'm from a WvW perspective where necro and guardian are just flat out broken now.

While we're at it can we discuss the clarity mechanic and obvious bias towards an already strong (in WvW) class guardian?
Mesmer your skills are empowered by a single buff from exactly 1 skill. You have pathetic mobility on phantasmal lancer (but it does hit like a truck empowered) and a dodge and cleanse on the 3 skill. The ambush makes me want to die with how long it takes to cast and mental collapse damage I find lacklustre but at least you get a follow up of clarity.

Guardian on the other hand, EVERY SINGLE SKILL EMPOWERS THE FOLLOW UP. Just let that sink in, every single 2-5 skill as long as it hits or in the case of 5 just stand there, empowers the rest. You get counts on the mobility skill, which yes does less damage but it heals and goes further, while empowered does a lot more healing and inflicts weakness. The solar storm skill just annihilates people and can turn a fight with a few people.

I'm impressed by the damage on spear, I am, but it has no mobility and very poor synergy with the rest of the mesmer class while having a worse version of the favourite's mechanic.

Edited by apharma.3741
I just hate myself playing mesmer spear when I look at the other spears.
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Have to admit that I've felt a bit of that myself. Skill 5 does refresh Clarity, but it otherwise feels like you're only supposed to use the other skills following a Clarity, but if you do that you're slow at building up clones, and it takes longer to cycle through the spear skills in order to return to your other weapon set.

I guess the possible answer to this is that you're not actually supposed to want clarity on every skill, but instead to pick which skills are important to use clarity on.

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On 8/21/2024 at 9:59 PM, Levetty.1279 said:

Pretty funny that an elementalist is complaining about a class having too high benchmarks.

You know that ele is usually kinda garbage right? Currently only tempest is good and will get nerfed anyways. Pistol is extremely clunky to play too. And no idea why you think i am an ele main. i play virtu everywhere like everyone else.

It is called virtu wars 2 afterall.

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18 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I guess the possible answer to this is that you're not actually supposed to want clarity on every skill, but instead to pick which skills are important to use clarity on.

This is what I do, preferably on the phantasm skill to get 2 clones then immediately shatter them for a Dune Cloak. Mind the Gap -> Phantasm Lancer -> Shatter -> Ambush -> Phantasms turn to clones -> Shatter -> Ambush. Depending on timing, I sometimes have space for a filler skill before the phantasms go clone.

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Just tested it in PvP... and it's bad.

All skills are telegraphed and easy to dodge/counter. And while it's doing some good damage (when you hit), you won't last long if you're catched because you're probably going to be OS by a spec that does more damage while being more tanky/mobile.

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I finished the 1000 Spear kills achieve on Mesmer yesterday.  I camped Power Spear in Mirage, Chrono and Virtuoso to try and get a feel for the gameplay.

I enjoyed Chrono with Imp Alac to spam Spear 4 and 5.

Virtuoso was fine, somewhat paced playstyle.

Mirage was meh

While the core idea of the Mesmer Spear was pretty easy to see in Beta and Live, it doesn't feel really connected to an eSpec playstyle.  It might be fine for standing at a bosses feet and dpsing.  It doesn't offer anything mechanically stronger or more interesting than the existing weapon options.

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I do not understand why ANet is trying to say spear is for power Mirage...and then they nerf mirage even more. Relic of Rivers build is now smacked as well. They don't want us to play Mirage  lol

Edited by Nemhy.5230
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On 8/24/2024 at 10:55 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Have to admit that I've felt a bit of that myself. Skill 5 does refresh Clarity, but it otherwise feels like you're only supposed to use the other skills following a Clarity, but if you do that you're slow at building up clones, and it takes longer to cycle through the spear skills in order to return to your other weapon set.

I guess the possible answer to this is that you're not actually supposed to want clarity on every skill, but instead to pick which skills are important to use clarity on.

Somebody tell the guardian main at ANet's balance meeting this please :)

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On 8/23/2024 at 1:25 PM, Geronmy.3298 said:

Is not even good so i doubt it.

I guess you mean PvE,  the main reason it is bad is because the Virtuoso kit has so many high damage utility skills along with extra damage per phantasm. 

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On 8/29/2024 at 9:16 AM, GuruChaz.9314 said:

People are saying the Spear and the Mesmer are OP, but I have yet to see a min maxed OP build listed for it.     Where is the build?     

Snowcrows has one for Virtuoso that uses Spear. 

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On 8/24/2024 at 6:55 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Have to admit that I've felt a bit of that myself. Skill 5 does refresh Clarity, but it otherwise feels like you're only supposed to use the other skills following a Clarity, but if you do that you're slow at building up clones, and it takes longer to cycle through the spear skills in order to return to your other weapon set.

I guess the possible answer to this is that you're not actually supposed to want clarity on every skill, but instead to pick which skills are important to use clarity on.

I feel like you're right as in we're supposed to use the skills with the clarity buff, which lasts 15s, but also skill5 is better used as another opportunity to set it up if you miss than for the effect on the skill itself... and since it's a teleport, it's pretty hard to miss the followup Mind the Gap. Now if for some odd reason you do miss again the second time, then it does feel awful. Better to just get the heal/cleanse on skill3, if under pressure, and weapon swap back.  

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On 8/21/2024 at 9:13 PM, Mike.7983 said:

Power mirage greatsword/spear, assasins/berserk infiltraitor runes, relic of the river, force/stam both weps for perma alac death machine.  Rune was so could get to 75% base crit as mirage.

Dueling 1-2-3, Domination 1-2-1, Mirage 2-2-1

"Sharks with laser beams build" great tag to.

Any chance of sharing the rotation and utilities you are using? Don't need exact 4-3-5-2, but what has priorities and stuff.

Edited by RagiNagi.1802
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