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Spellbreaker is not healthy for PvP Scene

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19 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

@Flowki.7194 To tell you the truth Warrior can't carry kitten its just sure fire way to hold one node, even way back and even when it was the peak of SPB it just ended up in stalemates. Sidenoding kinda sucks overall, its necessary but it does not give you an edge to sway the game in your favour its just hail marry if your team can keep the second node even if you are good at it and if everything is going to kitten you just don't have the build to help, you can only stall the game.

I don't think people are going up the ranks with warrior, most likely they go up with something that can carry a game like some roamer or teamfighter and then switch up to warrior to get 50/50 win rate from then on. Currently its quite abusable cause no one wants to sidenode anymore and most likely one team will have you as sidenoder and the other team will have more roamers. 
Honestly its that OP compared to previous OP sidenoders its still gankable, the catch is that most gankers are bad or if you have sidenoder he is bad too cause Match maker is pulling from each direction. When it gets balanced I think we will get shittier alternative that will probably be also roamer sidenoder and all the jazz and will be annoying to everyone not just the sides, its a pattern, after the 3 months warrior meta its always something somehow worse.   

1 spec that can control 1/3 of the game is not something you should overlook so lightly, especially when it is not holo level difficulty. I said many times that if a spec is going to hold 1/3 of the game, then it better be hard to play and punishing for mistakes, both of which SPB isnt, and increasingly less so.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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The game:


*Nobody likes wall RP*

Anet patch notes:


Here is a weapon that could be used on risky builds, but also makes the wall RP worse.

We have changed the one skill on the new weapon that can only be effective on a risky build  so that it actively tortures you if you try to use it. 

See you in 2 months

The community:


Why are there so many wall rpers its unhealthy

They'll figure it out I'm certain of it.  ❤️

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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4 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

1 spec that can control 1/3 of the game is not something you should overlook so lightly, especially when it is not holo level difficulty. I said many times that if a spec is going to hold 1/3 of the game, then it better be hard to play and punishing for mistakes, both of which SPB isnt.

That is the whole point of a sidenoder dude, it doesn't matter the spec, its not dictating anything, the whole point of circle quest is to hold nodes. Also how the kitten is Holo more difficult then warrior, its literally engi berserker. Seriously getting tired of dumb kitten comments about this and that being harder easier to play, everything  is basic as kitten to play when you get the muscle memory.

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15 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

That is the whole point of a sidenoder dude, it doesn't matter the spec, its not dictating anything, the whole point of circle quest is to hold nodes. Also how the kitten is Holo more difficult then warrior, its literally engi berserker. Seriously getting tired of dumb kitten comments about this and that being harder easier to play, everything  is basic as kitten to play when you get the muscle memory.


None of these builds require more cerebral play except for d/d weaver and kit engie, and those both crumple to every other build in the game. Some may have a higher initial learning curve but unless you play one of the aforementioned your game flow is pretty streamlined..

Skill is found in staying alive with very little passive protection, but unfort builds like that get targeted and removed from the game very quickly. 

So wall it is. If you want less wall, help warriors fix something that isn't wall RP. It's not like we haven't been trying for that for years. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

It isn't just about the FC CD but you can answer this question for me. Even if the CD was 10 seconds, the warrior has enough block/slept on defiant stance/kite/projectile reflect/cc, to ensure that FC CD at 10 seconds will still fall well within his "rotation", you might hit a missmatch of FC rotating at what, the 1 min mark?.. where he has to wait a shocking 2 seconds for an FC? Do you think that is the case or not? If so, then we are again back to the main point, anybody who is half decent at dodging, could pick up SPB and get regular FC procs.

If a spell is burning resources like that, then wait for the windows to CC and nuke, and said windows will be more frequent if the bug is fixed. For the record I am not saying that is easy, but that is what Spellbreaker is supposed to be doing. Spellbreaker is one of those matchups that unblockable boon removal or unblockable rips work best against, but those are few and far between since Roy and CMC have been on a vendetta against them. Spellbreaker being able to prolong a 1v1 or 1v2 is its job though, and we should want each spec to be able to do it's job. That is why my advice is to fix the bug first and then reevaluate whether it is performing that job well, or too well and adjust it while keeping it performing the job well. That and to increase the amount of boon rip/corruption overall, that would go a long way.

1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

This is fair enough, Anet have done a terrible job at this class overall, and thats a shame as it is one of the most iconic classes in this type of game. This is the cost of trying to be different.. rather than implimenting some tried and tested mainstays of what people expect from such a class.


Yeah. They did good with spear though. Now if only they applied that to the rest of warrior... We wouldn't have to have conversations about Full Counter and Defiance Stance...

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2 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

That is the whole point of a sidenoder dude, it doesn't matter the spec, its not dictating anything, the whole point of circle quest is to hold nodes. Also how the kitten is Holo more difficult then warrior, its literally engi berserker. Seriously getting tired of dumb kitten comments about this and that being harder easier to play, everything  is basic as kitten to play when you get the muscle memory.

Oh please stop talking rubbish. Every single meta is the same, the highest skill floor/punishing meta specs get played the least, and the lower skill floor/less punishing meta + a slew of "great" lower risk/punishing specs dominate representation. Stop pretending difficulty/punishment has nothing to do with that, and that all specs are "the same".


A lot of condi builds are more forgiving than their power counterparts becuase they can face tank more, or re-sustain better, more cleanse/protection/healing etc. On-top of that, are now a few sustain crept power builds, virt-spb-untamed. I've played them all, mace untamed is clearly harder to play of the three, yet even that is more forgiving than its older LB/GS meta virsion. I don't have to be fking p2 at these builds to see which ones I get punished less on, or do more damage with.


Or my fav example for people like you. I played hammer cata for months on end, trying to get good at it, and never won a single 1v2 (actively avoided +1 as best as possible). I started playing blade, and won multiple 1v2s within a day or so. The spec was very easy to understand, very easy to play, foolproof, to the point people were litterally running away from me. No difference though right? I must have just sucked at hammer cata.. well sure, fine.. but why?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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15 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If a spell is burning resources like that, then wait for the windows to CC and nuke, and said windows will be more frequent if the bug is fixed. For the record I am not saying that is easy, but that is what Spellbreaker is supposed to be doing. Spellbreaker is one of those matchups that unblockable boon removal or unblockable rips work best against, but those are few and far between since Roy and CMC have been on a vendetta against them. Spellbreaker being able to prolong a 1v1 or 1v2 is its job though, and we should want each spec to be able to do it's job. That is why my advice is to fix the bug first and then reevaluate whether it is performing that job well, or too well and adjust it while keeping it performing the job well. That and to increase the amount of boon rip/corruption overall, that would go a long way.

Yeah. They did good with spear though. Now if only they applied that to the rest of warrior... We wouldn't have to have conversations about Full Counter and Defiance Stance...


SPB is bloated to the point that you have to play 90% flawlessly to starve his sustain and have a chacne to win, while he can win playing 70% flawlessly. Its not a fully accurate comparison, but its like that. I also know a few very good tempests, and they all say the same thing "SPB destroys me". Ive dueled those recent tempest specs, and they are no push overs. Warrior has had too much of a manopoly on side, for too long, and that would be ok.. but for me the specs over all are just not mechanically hard enough where you can at-least force some errors, or for them to get punished unless they play <60% flawless. It sucks balls that you just have to leave a point becuase warrior.. or any spec for that matter. The same deal a little while back when scourge+core gaurd where just bunkering down on mid, and the only real option (even if you were playing a different spec support) was to rotate. Skill should be the larger decider, and spec choice should give you a small edge, that shits flipped on its head with SPB


There are so many times I've went to +1 on an SPB, he didn't see me walking in (not a steal or TP, litterally walking in), didn't react til I started attacking, took some hits and only then decided to start los abusing.. and has enough bloated mechanics to actually allow it. That is a testiment to how bloated/forgiving the spec now is. It doesn't even have to pro-actively position to watch for +1s.


Thieves often get away with that too mind you, along with WBs.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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21 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 @Lan Deathrider.5910 @Vancho.8750 @Azure The Heartless.3261 and here we Go again ......  Same talk.......... same Person who does still hold in his points even after been talked to multiple times now that He is wrong ........ same i don't give a f.. what other say mentality.......


Any Popcorn enjoyers? @arazoth.7290

I'm not writing paragraphs on this, tbh. I've been playing power zerk since it dropped, I don't care. 

Spb is annoying to fight, but Its the only warrior spec that's viable. There's really only one way the convo can resolve that isnt a time waster. Trying to argue people into playing something that won't work because it's more aligned with your accepted state of things is useless, especially when the people implying that don't take their own advice and play the most wretched builds imaginable. 

Giv skilled option thanks. If the wall rp is annoying then reward not being a wall. It's been years.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 @Lan Deathrider.5910 @Vancho.8750 @Azure The Heartless.3261 and here we Go again ......  Same talk.......... same Person who does still hold in his points even after been talked to multiple times now that He is wrong ........ same i don't give a f.. what other say mentality.......


Any Popcorn enjoyers? @arazoth.7290

Selling free popcorn 2 gold each, buy now !!!

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i'll take "50iq warrior mains who don't know how other classes function or how weak they are in comparison complaining that their class has never been op ever despite it happening repeatedly and predictably over and over again for years now" for 500

knowledge is half the battle and the other half is being played for you. your ego is inflated and you are playing only yourself. you can "me better" until the end of time but until you stop metaslaving overtuned fotm specs with textbook evade/CC-chain flowcharts you're a clown and should be treated like one. i can barely tell yall apart with how identically yall play. i'd expect that from a WoW player with a weakaura giving them a personalized rave party next to the button they need to press next but here we are.

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Running into a skilled warrior of any type is rare, and most of them are alts.

Be realistic, a guy with 127 AP is not going to give problems to anyone if they are genuine.

Smurf alts are terrorizing PvP, but most warriors can't play past mid gold, and if they are terrorizing you at silver, THEN we might have a problem.

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1 hour ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

Running into a skilled warrior of any type is rare, and most of them are alts.

Be realistic, a guy with 127 AP is not going to give problems to anyone if they are genuine.

Smurf alts are terrorizing PvP, but most warriors can't play past mid gold, and if they are terrorizing you at silver, THEN we might have a problem.

Genuine 127 ap accounts are free food on any build of any class.

On another note, spellbreaker can be an engaging build with a high skill cap (probably the highest of all warrior specs) but it can also be over performing because its numbers are just too high which it is currently. And that applies to any build, if you inflate damage and healing numbers enough it will become op and it rarely has anything to do with the design being inherently unhealthy as much as people may claim it to be.

Edited by ArthurDent.9538
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29 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@ArthurDent.9538 the thing peops are complaining about are not the numbers but it self sustain ..... what u talking about? xP

The whole point of a side noder is to have sustain....if a spec dies instantly to a +1 and has no mobility then it's not a side-noder. Nerfing the sustain of class A so that class B takes its place with the same levels of sustain previously held by class A. The absurdity of this perpetual discussion is shocking. I mean sure....nerf staff warrior and mace ranger even more....then replace them with the next best thing now having more sustain on a point....rinse and repeat to infinity...like....

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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I'd be happy if they make Full-Counter CCable. Just that and see where it goes. 

If it was working like a dark souls parry I'd be okay for it to also negate CC, but here the time-window is too large for the effects to be that rewarding.

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3 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@ArthurDent.9538 the thing peops are complaining about are not the numbers but it self sustain ..... what u talking about? xP

Sustain is also based on numbers. How much does each healing source heal for? What is the duration and cooldown of each block/evade? The duration and cooldown of each cc? Those are all adjustable numbers which determine a build's sustain.

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3 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Care to explain why a spellbreaker would care about boonrip? Because for my experience, it does nothing.

It is subsisting off of aegis, stability, and resistance. Rip or corrupt them (unblockable ones for aegis of course).  Increasing the number of corrupts and rips has the benefit of pulling builds that rely on certain boons in line without having to actually nerf them.

Part of the problem right now in both competitive modes is the degree that CMC and Roy have pushed down corrupts and rips.

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