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Swat a Revenant...


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...its easy.

Leveling revenants are so soft and squishy. For a heavy armor class they just fall apart instantly. When that red goes down, even a little bit, its not coming back. But it doesn't go down a little bit, it goes down by half and then dead.

Elementalists, Guardians, even Mesmers are just flat out better. Which is so surprising. I always thought the Revenant was supposed to be a great class. Apparently not for combat.

Their kit seems like a mish-mash of unmatched parts.

Here is a close up assassin who can steal health with melee attacks, but not enough health to stay alive
Here is a healer, but he doesn't heal you, and without all-in, every point towards full on healing, he wont heal anyone else either
Here is a demon who eats conditions... that's it. Just that. A whole line of hero point investment for that... nothing more.
Here is a dwarf... who is pretty awesome. Gotta say the Dwarf is spot-on useful. For stability alone. Because if anyone anywhere has a CC, the Rev ought to go ahead and lie down. Without Dwarf road rolling, he is going to be face down until it sticks.

Like I say though, I am leveling. So maybe face-down and looking for a respawn waypoint is supposed to be the default experience. Or Maybe you are supposed to sword-kite, that's where you drop everything and run for your life.

And maybe I am in over my level, its kinda hard to tell.

But the leveling experience is definitely a six-pack of pure pain.
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1 hour ago, Mike.7983 said:

Ok? Considering revenant has the strongest most broken solo build in game.  Far from squishy overall.  Please give more than 1% effort before making a odd post to trash a class.

He's leveling though.
And leveling Rev isn't that great because your legend and build choices are pretty underwhelming without elite specs.

Probably not THIS bad (that's probably a combination of inexperience and poor gearing/trait choices), but the elites add a lot to the class. Heck, it was basically created with Herald as a default trait line choice. Ancient Echo wasn't even made until 2019.

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Played 6k hours on revenant, it's my main class. I don't understand your argument. He's average good and comfortable.

The only thing I would change would be to give him more opportunities to kill Defiance bar on opponents. The Jade Winds skill costs too much and is basically a useless skill.

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I can't say I remember the leveling experience as Rev, it's been quite a long time. However, from the way you are talking of it, maybe you aren't running something that works together. For starters, mobs in the core game are pretty simple and don't really do much. Get some power gear, twos swords and run jalis/shiro with Vengeful Hammers/Impossible Odds on. 

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15 hours ago, wraithedge.5476 said:

...its easy.

Leveling revenants are so soft and squishy. For a heavy armor class they just fall apart instantly. When that red goes down, even a little bit, its not coming back. But it doesn't go down a little bit, it goes down by half and then dead.

Elementalists, Guardians, even Mesmers are just flat out better. Which is so surprising. I always thought the Revenant was supposed to be a great class. Apparently not for combat.

  Between the end of last year and the beginning of this one I manually leveled from 1 to 80 all the 9 professions again just doing PvE.

  I would agree in that I would put Rev below average, fighting against Ele for the 6th/7th place and only with Engineer and Thief being worse, but that doesn't mean that leveling Rev in OW without dying is hard, only means that is easier with other options.

   Being said that, builds and gear is critical to ease the experience: lost of people will advice you to run power builds while leveling, but my experience is that aside Ranger, which works perfectly as both power or condi build while leveling, in most of cases condi is a stronger choice. At low levels best gear choices fror Rev is mixing power + HP and condition + precission in armor and trinkets (precission is a waste at low levels, but there's no other decent choice if you want condi damage below lvl 60) and then move to full carrion stats as son as they are unlocked (around 57? ). Also, Mallyx + Jalis with mace, axe and staff is probably the most solid choice leveling since provides tankiness, stability, AoE cc and damage that ignores enemy's armor. This is what I run when I level a Rev:


  You just need a few blues and greens and purchasing armor and trinkets once every ~25 levels and You'll reach 80 usncathed and with less than 4 gold coins spent in gear.

   But that is the leveling. Then is adquiring the specs. Assuming your post is not a troll entrance, this is my experience: assuming you have the expansions, this is waht I did last week to unlock everything for my third Guardian once I boosted Him to 80 to unlock the shared inventory slot coming with JW's expansion:

   I did use the teleport to Arbosrtone, geared him with my legendary stuff, then soloed all the HPs in Cantha (except 3 which unlocked with WvW tokens), which was enough to fully unlock the Willbender spec. Then whith a WB build and the same cele stats I did teleport to HoT and soloed all the HPs (including Balthy's Harb and the Mushroom Queen) except 4 from Dragonstand unlocked with WvW tokens. After that the character had less than 3 hours of existence and all the specs unlocked, and in less than an hour tp and unlocked all the PoF HPs, so in less than 4 hours was in excess of 250 hero points. If had to do it with Revenant, it would be the same, just easier, because I would unlock Vindi as the forst spec, and cele Vindi runs in circles around WB (WB is burstier, but much less tankier and requires a lot more kpm; cele Vindi mows OW wile facerrolleing the keyboard...).

   That's my take.  Rev is not the best at the beginning, but as soon as you unlock your fisrt spec is easy mode. And has quite variety in options in terms of builds.

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i won't join in on the bashing because it seems like a newer player having legitimate trouble, so instead lets try to give suggestions!

my suggestion would be to give Staff a try, it has some nice sustain!

and also run Dwarf, this should give you some nice sustain for PVE,

activate the whirling hammers and keep them active until you run out of energy then swap to the other spirit

(assassin is good but if you're still having trouble with sustain you could always run Centaur, spam Natural Harmony until you can swap back to dwarf)

Edited by Liewec.2896
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My main is Revenant, but I can’t comment on the actual leveling of the class because by the time I made my Rev, I just used a lvl 80 boost on it. So maybe I just skipped the worst part of the profession? I have loved using my Revenant ever since making it and using the boost though.

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My main is a Rev these days as well, but I remember it took me a while to 'get it' and before then I used to struggle some. Early on it will really help you read up on your tool tips for skills and weapons to figure out what and where your survivability lies. I hope that once you OP unlocks Herald and get's access to the Glint heal that will help them out a lot while they continue to learn the in's and out's of this class.

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Yeah levelling Rev is gruesome sorry for your loss OP. It gets better once you have the traits unlocked. Rev is designed with cycling every weapon and utility skill in mind, plus intelligent legend switching to trigger weapon and elite procs and various traits. You can't camp one weapon set or legend and remain viable, you can't switch legends and gain benefits of switching when those traits are locked. So Rev really suffers without its full kit available. It's like trying to do ballet with both your feet on the ground.

Edited by nosleepdemon.1368
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Now that I have reached 80, my poor delicate Revenant has started on the path to becoming a Herald.

Of course he does have to buy all his stuff first and that means throwing himself at hero points. Everything in the desert can rip him to bits like a rottweiler with a wet paper doily. he doesn't do much damage even as I am blazing through his abilities, so things take forever to kill. Most of the time I am  sword-kiting with like 15% health trying to get a heal ability off cool-down somehow.

I can get more sustain if I swap in Centaur, but then my already anemic DPS goes full pool-noodle.

Right now he is just a garbage version of a warrior. But who knows, maybe that will change as I unlock more of the herald.

I am also running sword/sword and mace/shield. Maybe go mace/mace? Or get Axe in there somewhere? I thought about hammer but somehow that is a ranged weapon... 🤔

So I am still working on it... but its really gross so far.

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5 hours ago, wraithedge.5476 said:

Now that I have reached 80, my poor delicate Revenant has started on the path to becoming a Herald.

Of course he does have to buy all his stuff first and that means throwing himself at hero points. Everything in the desert can rip him to bits like a rottweiler with a wet paper doily. he doesn't do much damage even as I am blazing through his abilities, so things take forever to kill. Most of the time I am  sword-kiting with like 15% health trying to get a heal ability off cool-down somehow.

I can get more sustain if I swap in Centaur, but then my already anemic DPS goes full pool-noodle.

Right now he is just a garbage version of a warrior. But who knows, maybe that will change as I unlock more of the herald.

I am also running sword/sword and mace/shield. Maybe go mace/mace? Or get Axe in there somewhere? I thought about hammer but somehow that is a ranged weapon... 🤔

So I am still working on it... but its really gross so far.

Just run Dwarf, turn on your spinning hammers, and run Swords with Devastation's Dance of Death. You can face tank most things like this in the Open World no problems.

Do note this doesn't mean you should be naked. You still need Exotic gear if you wish to do expansions well as well as Heart of Thorns being notoriously bursty, which is a huge step up in difficulty from base game. 

Try this before you get Herald. Will have lesser damage but very reliable sustain.

You can try this after you get Herald. Much more damage, you turn on Upkeep skill and simply slash away at enemies.

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17 hours ago, wraithedge.5476 said:

Now that I have reached 80, my poor delicate Revenant has started on the path to becoming a Herald.

Of course he does have to buy all his stuff first and that means throwing himself at hero points. Everything in the desert can rip him to bits like a rottweiler with a wet paper doily. he doesn't do much damage even as I am blazing through his abilities, so things take forever to kill. Most of the time I am  sword-kiting with like 15% health trying to get a heal ability off cool-down somehow.

I can get more sustain if I swap in Centaur, but then my already anemic DPS goes full pool-noodle.

Right now he is just a garbage version of a warrior. But who knows, maybe that will change as I unlock more of the herald.

   Ok, first of all: don't run a power build in Open Wolrd PvE, specially in a core character, and specially in HoT.

   So let me explain: you just did reach 80 and you have no gold and no gear. Where to start?

* First of all, you have the Wizzard Vault daily and weekly achievements. You can chose to do the achievements in WvW, PvP or PvE, or a mix of them. PvP is the easiest one: you don't need special gear, you don't need to do complicated things, you don't even need to win to get your Astral Acclaim rewards. But whenever in PvP, WvW or PvE get your Astral Acclaim rewards: you can get more than 100 a day. With  Astral Acclaim you can get up to 90 gold coins at the cost of 6 AA, so in two days you'll get at least 33.33 gold coins. Even after purchasing the limited gold coin bags you can still purchase new ones at 35 AA x gold coins, so even in worst case scenario is easy to get at least 37 raw gold coins in a single week just doing the weekly achievements.

* Even if you don't do daily achievements for the Wizzard Vault, ranked PvP is still quite profitable (and the reward tracks for the glorious armor give you a exotic armor piece with selectable stats after each completion). Another great source of exotic gear (weapons) with selectable stats are the WvW tokens, you can get exotic weapons of level 80 with selectable stats in WvW from the TED-07 golem at the cost of 90 to 100 silver gold coins and 50 to 75 tokens x weapon. That is extra cheap, BUT don't play PvP or WvW if you don't like it.

* So you are level 80 with no dime and don't like playing PvP, WvW nor doing the Wizzard Vault dailies, you don't have gear for dungeons, fractals, etc. and you want to get some gold with no effort, what you do? Well, there`s tons of profitable thing to do, but since you have the core game + HoT I would advice you to do something evry simple: to gather.

   Go to Fireheart Rise, Iron Marches and Mount Maelstrom maps and mine platinum in the 5-6 rich ores. It will take you 6 minutes a day. Platinum is selling ~2.4 silver coins, you'll get 1.2-1.5 gold coins in that five minutes. Do a log farming route in maps as Fireheart Rise, Harati Hinterlands or Timberline Falls.  It will take longer, but wood is valuable (gather and sell every crop you see in HoT maps!). Doing that, even in core Tyria maps, you should be able to get at least a couple of gold coins in 30 minutes. Do the same with rich iron nodes, and you'll be over 4 gold coins x day without any need of special gear or mounts or help. So: in less than 5 days, you should have at least 20 gold coins, more than enough to gear your character in full exotics.


* Phase two: gearing your toon.

   You have now well over 20 gold coins, congrats, you're rich! You can now gear yourself to solo any HoT HP. There's more than one way to do this but my advice would be either go full dire stats or full carrion stats. The first focus in condition damage, helath and armor delivering over 1400 condition damage and more than 24k HP and 3k armor. Carrion trades armor for power damage but is more expensive and I would say dire is better until you get celestial, so let's take a look:


   A level 80 dire daconic armor chest do costs 1.79 gold coins; legs,  helm and shoulder pad cost are similar, and gloves and boots trades below 1.60 gold coins. This means that you can have your full exotic level 80 dire armor for ~10.5 gold coins (if purchased instantly). We also need 6 runes of Blathazar which at the moment are below 9 silver coins so with another half gold coin our full armor is complete, below 11 gold coins in total.

   Connie ring another 72 silvers, Artic ring another 10, level 63 carrion amulet 79 silver coins, Tequatl bones & fang do sum ~85 silver coins, don't bother with the back piece. That's less than 3 gold coins!

   Weapons: pearled dire axe 89 silver coins, the same but in mace 97 silver coins, the same in staff 73 silver coins. Smoldering sigil 12 silvers, Geomancy 5 silvers, Hydromancy 13 silvers, Energy 91 silvers. Total cost ~3.8 gold coins.

   Total spending:  11 + 3 + 3.8 = around 18 gold coins.  Congrats, in less that 5 days you farmed a full exotic level 80 dire set (except the back piece) and yo're ready to rumble. You can now solo every HoT Hero Point Champion and you can easily earn 6-9 gold coins a day in 30-40 minutes just farming them. Your next step should be getting either a exotiic or ascended gear set and unlocking the specs so you can facerroll the PvE (disclaimer: my quicknes aplication was bad here, now my rotations are quite better):



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20 hours ago, wraithedge.5476 said:

Now that I have reached 80, my poor delicate Revenant has started on the path to becoming a Herald.

Congrats! I'm glad you're on the way to herald! My recommendation is to continue what may others have recommended, Jalis/Shiro. Using Sword/Sword in one hand and either hammer or staff in the other hand. Staff has CC and good healing. Hammer is ranged power, so it is helpful if you feel too squishy for melee range. 

I also recommend trying to find a hero point train going through Heart of Thorns maps. Once you unlock herald, the real fun of this class will begin. 

 As a herald main, I hope you enjoy it once you have your elite spec!

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Lvl 48 Revenant here.

For the first twenty or thirty levels, damage worked really poorly, and survivability even worse. I had no problems with normal mobs, but here and there I got beat against slightly stronger hero point bosses that I had no problem with when I leveled with other professions.

Now that I've unlocked Devastation and Invocation and have better weapons, things go a lot easier. I use sword/sword and Hammer + Dwarf and Assassination. The Hammer is an awesome weapon! Pure enjoyment against groups of mobs. And the dmg is even comparable to the dmg of double swords, if not even higher or is that just me?

Only Staff is still not clear to me why it is used: dmg is low and healing is almost non-existent. #5 is really awesome, but everything else isn't very useful. This weapon is probably only useful for healers with healing stats, although almost all guides recommend using Staff for dps specs as well. But the Hammer and Dual Sword seem to me to be better weapons for the class.

Everything is quite simple: just swap between Impossible Odds (Shiro) and Vengeful Hammers (Jalis). You don't even need to use any other skill (in most cases) other than Heal and some weapon skills, if you have enough energy and you need a burst dmg.

Edited by Sifu.9745
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4 hours ago, Sifu.9745 said:

Lvl 48 Revenant here.

For the first twenty or thirty levels, damage worked really poorly, and survivability even worse. I had no problems with normal mobs, but here and there I got beat against slightly stronger hero point bosses that I had no problem with when I leveled with other professions.

Now that I've unlocked Devastation and Evocation and have better weapons, things go a lot easier. I use sword/sword and Hammer + Dwarf and Assassination. The Hammer is an awesome weapon! Pure enjoyment against groups of mobs. And the dmg is even comparable to the dmg of double swords, if not even higher or is that just me?

Only Staff is still not clear to me why it is used: dmg is low and healing is almost non-existent. #5 is really awesome, but everything else isn't very useful. This weapon is probably only useful for healers with healing stats, although almost all guides recommend using Staff for dps specs as well. But the Hammer and Dual Sword seem to me to be better weapons for the class.

Everything is quite simple: just swap between Imossible Odss (Shiro) and Vengeful Hammers (Jalis). You don't even need to use any other skill (in most cases) other than Heal and some weapon skills, if you have enough energy and you need a burst dmg.

Staff needs healing stats yea and damage is poor on it. Staff needs to be made up to date, kinda outdated.

Take the life stealing traits in devastation, they will help with resustain if you use a power build and apply vulnerability condi to the enemy.

so rather use hammer to open ranged and swords for more damage up close. And yes hammer is pretty nice since it also has evade + aegis/projectile denial ontop

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   Character slots went on sale so I spent some gold; made a core Rev, did use tome knownledge tomes to level 80 and put the whiskas in the Heart of Thor maps. Then I purchased exotic gear (dire) for ~15 gold coins and did a few runs against the Hero Point Champìons.  Had  to replace Diabolic Inferno with Fiendish Tenacity but after that it was mostly fine: over 1400 condition damage, 2800 armor and ~22k HP. The only one which killed me was the herald of Balthazar (having no cleansing sigils and no ranged weapons makes it hard; burns are bursty as hell). But aside for that solo HoT is quite feasible as core Rev; I won't say is as easy as with a Warrior or Guardian, but I think wraithedge is wrong: is just that core Tyria is quite easy and creates bad habits. Again, my main tip would be: don't run power builds in HoT.




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On 9/17/2024 at 3:11 PM, Sifu.9745 said:

Lvl 48 Revenant here.

For the first twenty or thirty levels, damage worked really poorly, and survivability even worse. I had no problems with normal mobs, but here and there I got beat against slightly stronger hero point bosses that I had no problem with when I leveled with other professions.

Now that I've unlocked Devastation and Invocation and have better weapons, things go a lot easier. I use sword/sword and Hammer + Dwarf and Assassination. The Hammer is an awesome weapon! Pure enjoyment against groups of mobs. And the dmg is even comparable to the dmg of double swords, if not even higher or is that just me?

Only Staff is still not clear to me why it is used: dmg is low and healing is almost non-existent. #5 is really awesome, but everything else isn't very useful. This weapon is probably only useful for healers with healing stats, although almost all guides recommend using Staff for dps specs as well. But the Hammer and Dual Sword seem to me to be better weapons for the class.

Everything is quite simple: just swap between Impossible Odds (Shiro) and Vengeful Hammers (Jalis). You don't even need to use any other skill (in most cases) other than Heal and some weapon skills, if you have enough energy and you need a burst dmg.

Staff was picked for its utility, in PvE really only useful for defiance break on skill #5. It's not kept up with power creep.

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