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Guild wars 3

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2 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

This means that Arenanet will start working on a new title. It might be called GW3, but as developement hasn't started yet, it might not.

They haven't said it didn't start yet. They said that start of development has not been finalized yet. That's a much wider field for interpretation -  especially considering the possible loss of meaning in translation.

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5 minutes ago, vrauns.3215 said:

This all sounds good but it’s not based in reality, on a 12 year old game engine or whatever age it is.

It's not the same  engine (let's call it GW Engine 2.0) as they started with anymore. It's more like 2.5.17 or something - it's been through several internal overhauls the results of which we've only rarely seen. We know, for example (because we have been told that), that the engine went through some serious changes during both EoD and PoF releases.

Sure, you don't see a lot of these results in Core, because a rework of the engine does not automatically mean the content will be adjusted to make full use of the changes, but a new game with new engine will be even less likely to bring those changes to the same areas, right? Like before, it would affect only the new content (except in new game you would simply not have any older content at all).

Notice, btw, that concentrating on the age of the engine, and using it as a primary judge of whether the game should be replaced or not, means that a potential replacement would likely end up with even less time to grow. I mean, by the time they released significant amout of content for it it would already be old as well, and should be replaced.

According to this way of thinking, no MMORPG would ever grow big. It's a single player game thinking, and does not fit the MMORPGs too well.

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4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

why would current gw2 engine not block the game from growing?

Why would it block it? Engine age by itself is not an issue. It may become one only if you hit some kind of technical limitatins you can't overcome without replacing it completely. 

On the other hand, desire to have a new engine is a blocker by itself. You can only release so much content in a given time, so if you're predisposed to abandon a game just because the engine became aged, that effectively adds an upper cap on content this game might have.

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i like to know does gw2 makes profit? 

if not its clear whats happening

people who downvote me can say if they like to loose money.

someties really stop let ur emotions decide reality

Edited by Balsa.3951
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14 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Except from all that we can see and hear, the game isn't good and is not even mentioned in the recent NCSoft share holder meeting (which says a lot about a game which just released).

It does look pretty though on its new engine and all, which seems to be the only thing some here care about.

I think the meeting or at least the part where gw3 was mentioned was about western studios now all under Anet. And how the results are not yet as expected.

I could be off though because I only watched 1 video on it.

T&L has nothing to do with western studios and I think hasnt been published in the west yet. Is it even planned to be published in the west under NCSoft?

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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Why would it block it? Engine age by itself is not an issue. It may become one only if you hit some kind of technical limitatins you can't overcome without replacing it completely. 

On the other hand, desire to have a new engine is a blocker by itself. You can only release so much content in a given time, so if you're predisposed to abandon a game just because the engine became aged, that effectively adds an upper cap on content this game might have.

I don't know the exact reasons for cancellation of the new mmo game or why Ncsoft and Anet are hinting that the development of  GW3 could maybe be started. there has to be a reason for them to develop gw3.

I know for example, that wvw are very laggy for most players, when there are big fights, because of how the current engine is working. what if this is the reason why they aren't adding more content to wvw? maybe the new engine can handle more players and there will be less lag?

Im not the one who is against gw3 being developed on a new game engine.

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36 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I think the meeting or at least the part where gw3 was mentioned was about western studios now all under Anet. And how the results are not yet as expected.

I could be off though because I only watched 1 video on it.

T&L has nothing to do with western studios and I think hasnt been published in the west yet. Is it even planned to be published in the west under NCSoft?

Throne & Liberty is being Published by Amazon Games Studios, that has been confirmed for many, many months now.

32 minutes ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

I don't know the exact reasons for cancellation of the new mmo game or why Ncsoft and Anet are hinting that the development of  GW3 could maybe be started. there has to be a reason for them to develop gw3.

I know for example, that wvw are very laggy for most players, when there are big fights, because of how the current engine is working. what if this is the reason why they aren't adding more content to wvw? maybe the new engine can handle more players and there will be less lag?

Im not the one who is against gw3 being developed on a new game engine.

What do you mean in terms of "laggy"? Framerate or latency?

In the case of the former when you have that much going on within your screen literally no game is going to run 60 FPS or higher. WoW has arguably less demanding graphics and even that game still hits framerate issues, no matter the persons hardware, when there is that much going on within your screen. Any large scale PvP or large scale situation in an MMORPG will see framerate drops due to the amount your hardware needs to render being...more. To be completely honest GW2 probably does better with it out of other MMORPGs (I don't know where ESO stands with this since they have a similar gamemode), which is something they ironed out with their graphical culling settings many, many years ago.

In the latter case that isn't a game engine issue, thats server infrastructure. It gets bloated with a lot of information being sent from a lot of clients all at once while having to also send that information to each individual client present...and you just see how that gets to be a lot. This is why servers in any game have a cap, and why things like sharding, instances, phasing, channels, etc are all things many MMORPGs use to handle player populations within any given zone or area. GW2 has a "megaserver" for the PvE side of things but its not a literal massive server, it separates things into different shards or instances. Each one is effectively its own bottled group of players, when that bottle fills up then another one is opened and players start filling that one. WvW does not have this for each map, each map has a capped number of players, as do the servers in each matchup. So yeah, they get taxed quite a bit more "easily".

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Considering the content we received in the last couple of years, I wouldn't mind if GW2 will go in maintenance mode. I will probably still play it, like people still play GW1. But if GW3 will be a direct sequel and replace GW2, I guess it'll be time to stop playing MMORPGs. I'm too old to get attached to these games for so many years and then start over again.

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3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

i like to know does gw2 makes profit? 

if not its clear whats happening

people who downvote me can say if they like to loose money.

someties really stop let ur emotions decide reality

Per the last quarter results NCsoft released (available online), NA/EU had a 15% qoq increase due to GW2. GW2 has been NCsoft's 2nd-3rd most raw incoming money MMO in general since at least EoD (it flip flops with L2 from quarter to quarter for 2nd place behind Lineage 1). Whether the game itself makes a profit after expenses? Who knows for sure.

The CEO and co-CEO or whatever at NCsoft are in trouble because all the nepotism hires + overall bad/inconsistent business decisions that Anet would have to try hard to match (hi, fellow former/current Aion players!) + NCsoft obfuscated their individual game revenue for Q4 are making investors unhappy. Can't wait for the 1Q24 to be posted (I think in May). 😂

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Here is a list of the most important things gw2 needs to improve on for gw3. (in no particular order.)

1/ open world.
This has been the golden standard nowedays. not just for mmorpg but also for many advenure/rpg and survival/crafting games too.
many players would just not play a modern mmorpg if it does not have this feature. all announced future mmorpg (99% korean ones sadly) are open world.
no more maps connected with teleportation areas but a true massive world anyone can explore without all the invisible walls (except for the very edges of the whole playable world.)

2/guild wars.
Yes, it is in the name. guilds fighting each other for a pieces of land, fame and rewards. but not something organised by the players in guild arena or WvW. an official dedicated guild wars system with either PvE land to conquer or within a specific gamemode that is not made of just 5v5 but 15v15. (as 15v15 has been the standard made by the players so far. and of coursewe also need a big flat arena, bigger than the current guild hall arena, for either training or flexing.)
and no, the current WvW cannot replace real guild wars.

3/less but better rewards.
rewards in gw2 are bad. a ton of trash items that fill up the inventory. too many chests inside chests. hard content doesn't reward you well either (and it is worst with WvW). most of the time your best bet is to just farm gold somewhere to get black lion or store skins or lose an enormous amount of time in repetitive map event juts to get one trinket.

4/Less currency bloat and no more time gates.
Times gates are horrible. a free to play game's practive to entice you into playing a bit everyday to progress or you ll simply have to wait more days to finish whatever you started to farm.
it feels so much better to have the freedom of farming whenever you want for how long you want. it also makes newer payers able to reach older players faster as they don't have to wait a predetermined number of days.
the amount of  different currencies is staggering. having 50 different currencies all tied to one or a few map each that force you to farm all over again to get that thing from that new map is simply discouraging.
gw2 can boast of not having any mob farming in the game like other mmorpg all it want, event farming on the same map over and over again is the same thing.

5/freedom of duels.
Aside from the fact that most other mmorpg out there have a dedicated duel system, there is a little community of duelists in gw2 (i am one of them). we loves duels, especially in this game since the combat gamreplay is so good. but to do so, we need to either go inside a guild hall, seclude ourselves in a corner of WvW or go inside an empty sPvP map. i would love to be able to just duel on the spot on the PvE map. it is a simple feature that works great with group of friends in between PvE sessions, while waiting for a dungeon group to form or simply enjoying fighting in a cool environment. this goes especially well for seemless gameplay transition in an open world instead of having to teleport to somewhere very specific to do duels. even better if upon issuing a duel you can specify in what balance you want to do it (pve, spvp or wvw).
that said, a 1v1 spvp gamemode would be super cool too.

6/dynamic world changing events.
Just like how gw2 was innovative on its quests system, gw3 should innovate even further and rework dynamic events. instead of predetermined events with timers on specific locations. those open air mini dungeons (i did like some of the longer ones that got some lore put ito it), could be growing infestations instead, in random locations,which would interact with the world as they grow, depending on or on players input. no infinite centaurs attacking the same spot every 5 min that have no real consequences on the nearby land.

7/better WvW with a real frontline.
WvW is probably one of the greatest thing in gw2. no other mmorpg except AION an elderscroll online has made something like this. and gw2 WvW is the best of them 3.
however it needs some big improvements to make it more engaging. the best example to follow is planetside 2.
big maps with multiple areas to capture. often a fort but not neccessarly.
a natural frontline as you cannot capture territory beyond the frontline unless you push it.
no more caping everywhere like rats just to make points.
no more tick system that give an advantage to all nighters.
multiple frontlines on multiple areas... the best would be for you to check how planetside 2 maps work and look like to get the gist of what a perfect WvW would look like.

Guild halls are cool. being able to decorate them, mess with the arena and builds race tracks/jumping puzzle is top. but it will never replace housing.
players need a personal space they can decorate as they wish. perhaps with crafting tables and other usefull stuff. housing also shouldn't be an identical instance for all players but a "house" you can choose out of many. (like in black desert online for example.)

9/downed state rework.
Great for PvE, horrible for PvP. yes, you do see downed state in alot of pvp games however there is 2 major differences between them and gw2: they don't have downed state abilities and instant revive.
in a pvp environment (spvp and wvw) having a downed player able to continue to attack and use CC on its opponent is BS. it does cripple some builds and also make 1vX situations too hard to manage. but the worst of all is the insta revive when a downed ennemy dies. this is the worst thing ever. i dare say that the current downed state mechanic is what makes gw2 pvp so bad.

10/a real, dynamic, aggro system.
I did see that in some raids. but it needs to be a mandatory thing for any bosses.
make it like other games where aggro is determined on:
skill taunting power,
player DPS,
and amount of healing.
this is a mechanic that makes simple boss fighting more interesting and enjoyable.
it gives player more control on the fights. less random targeting. less mindless "dps as much as you can because there is nothing else you can do"
random targeting is both lazy and punishing.
having the player with more armor the only one who takes the aggro is too simple of a system.
more ways to punish blobs of players stacking on a wall should also be thought of.

11/"simplified" water battles
i honestly don't want to see water content go just because it wasn't that successfull in gw2. if you don't want to put more ressources into making a unique water gameplay to see it fail again either do one of those 2:
○ limit water content to very basic skills. so anyone would be weaker while in the water but also be more streamlined with one another.
○ make water combat the exact same as land combat, allowing any weapon to be used underwater. (with a few minor skills changes to adapt to water content.)

12/no political opinions/ideology forced into the game.
In this day and age, wokism is everywhere. and it destroy everytihng it touches. (movie/video game franchises, even some companies...)
you must NEVER, and this is crucial if you don't want tthis game to flop hard (yes, because it is often the case that when woke opinion are forced into games, it become a priority over good gameplay and story. thus harming the game. there is examples of this litterally everywhere) let anyone force change the game direction to cater to some personal political ideology or to please a very specific croud.
ESPECIALLY if it goes against the spirit of the world you have built so far. i hope the current whole arena net team has enough common sense to not fall into this trap.

13/... and give that 2 handed war axe to warriors 🙂
but also do please consider making water weapon, land weapons.

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agree with almost all points apart from aggro system.  Aggro systems ultimately turns into dull-witted manipulate the boss position strategies so we can tank n spank with a dps meter dictating builds.  We want more dynamic fights where people need to react to changing circumstances, breathing life into interesting hybrid builds and ultimately build diversity.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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2 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

agree with almost all points apart from aggro system.  Aggro systems ultimately turns into dull-witted manipulate the boss position strategies so we can tank n spank with a dps meter dictating builds.  We want more dynamic fights where people need to react to changing circumstances, breathing life into interesting hybrid builds and ultimately build diversity.

what would you suggest instead?

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1 hour ago, ledernierrempart.6871 said:

what would you suggest instead?

What we have just now, with even less skills that lean towards tank n spank dullness.

Put it this way if you are 'sad' and 'confused' by the idea that fight volatility beats tank n spank in terms of facilitating build diversity you may be misunderstanding the USP of GW.   WOW is the rightful market leader in that regard, and GW universe haoffered us something different., not all mmorpg needs to be the same.

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28 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

What we have just now, with even less skills that lean towards tank n spank dullness.

are you trolling? you said:

1 hour ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

agree with almost all points apart from aggro system.  Aggro systems ultimately turns into dull-witted manipulate the boss position strategies so we can tank n spank with a dps meter dictating builds.  We want more dynamic fights where people need to react to changing circumstances, breathing life into interesting hybrid builds and ultimately build diversity.

but you want to keep the current system you don't like?
you are contradicting yourself...

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I agree with with everything here. 
I'd also love to see GW3 be more like GW1 in terms of atmosphere and story. Definitely less modern speech, jokes everywhere, and politics involved. Let's focus on telling a good story which has a meaning and depth.

Would also love a vast open world to explore with a lot of secrets and with some amazing immersion. Less NPC talk across map etc.

Edited by Blur.3465
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19 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

What GW3 needs is a forum of its own.

Actually the only thing gw3 might need at this time!

Anet opens subforums for upcoming announced gw2 expansions to keep the irrelevant comments and speculations out of the current game's forum. So now either they should keep merging every gw3 post and thread into one garbage bin shared feedback thread; keep deleting them as irrelvant to gw2; or make a subforum dedicated to gw3 speculations. One way or another, if they normally don't want threads about known upcoming expansions sprinkled all over the place -and we know they don't- then I don't know why they're fine with these "what gw3 needs/can't/should/will be" topics popping up every day in gw2 discussion forums.



e: merging into one thread it is, I guess 😛 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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14 hours ago, ledernierrempart.6871 said:

 i do find sad that even before reading my post, only a few seconds after i post it, there was someone like you who felt the need to complain about the obvious, just because i didn't say the magic words.

That's because a lot of points you made (especially all the pvpve ones, like pve-related guild wars and duels) are not only highly contentious, but are also extremely unpopular in very large parts of the community. large majority of this game's players are strictly PvE ones with no desire for PvP activities (and feeling strongly against having those pushed in their faces even indirectly).

As such, it's not really a list of what the game needs (even just in your opinion). It's a list of what the game needs (in your opinion) coupled with some of the things that aren't needed, but what you, personally, would want to see.

Notice, btw, that some of those things are extremely likely to not get included into GW3 (and with no significant loss for that game either).

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15 hours ago, ledernierrempart.6871 said:

7/better WvW with a real frontline.
WvW is probably one of the greatest thing in gw2. no other mmorpg except AION an elderscroll online has made something like this. and gw2 WvW is the best of them 3.
however it needs some big improvements to make it more engaging. the best example to follow is planetside 2.
big maps with multiple areas to capture. often a fort but not neccessarly.
a natural frontline as you cannot capture territory beyond the frontline unless you push it.
no more caping everywhere like rats just to make points.
no more tick system that give an advantage to all nighters.
multiple frontlines on multiple areas... the best would be for you to check how planetside 2 maps work and look like to get the gist of what a perfect WvW would look like.

This is actually exactly what I was thinking a few days a go. I just started Planetside 2 again, played it alot in the past. And how that game is very similar to WvW but also has some great features that would benefit wvw immensely. Especially what you mentioned, Planetside 2 is really great at getting player to the action fast and keeping the action/frontline ongoing but still naturally moving across maps all the time. But it also gives opportunities for single players or havoc groups to go behind enemy lines and wreck havoc.

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14 hours ago, ledernierrempart.6871 said:

are you trolling? you said:

but you want to keep the current system you don't like?
you are contradicting yourself...

lol what is this narrative you have in your head. I love GW2, I would also love to see an improved GW3; bigger, better gfx,  housing, more customisation and better physics and so on.  What I don't want is a trinity style game, I would play games that have specialised in that if that's what I wanted, and its fundamentally not what the GW USP is about.  

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24 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

lol what is this narrative you have in your head. I love GW2, I would also love to see an improved GW3; bigger, better gfx,  housing, more customisation and better physics and so on.  What I don't want is a trinity style game, I would play games that have specialised in that if that's what I wanted, and its fundamentally not what the GW USP is about.  

I think he interprets your post as "I want to keep the current system" and then you proceed in telling what you want differently. So in their mind that's contradictory. Whereas you just want to take the current situation as a baselin and make some changes to that but not change the entire thing.

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1 minute ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I think he interprets your post as "I want to keep the current system" and then you proceed in telling what you want differently. So in their mind that's contradictory. Whereas you just want to take the current situation as a baseline and make some changes to that but not change the entire thing.

Yeah, its common sense really, GW2 is successful so it has great stuff, keep the great stuff and improve or add to it.

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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's because a lot of points you made (especially all the pvpve ones, like pve-related guild wars and duels) are not only highly contentious, but are also extremely unpopular in very large parts of the community. large majority of this game's players are strictly PvE ones with no desire for PvP activities (and feeling strongly against having those pushed in their faces even indirectly).

As such, it's not really a list of what the game needs (even just in your opinion). It's a list of what the game needs (in your opinion) coupled with some of the things that aren't needed, but what you, personally, would want to see.

Notice, btw, that some of those things are extremely likely to not get included into GW3 (and with no significant loss for that game either).

he posted that in the first 30 seconds i made my post. he did not read past the first few phrases and still felt entilted to point out that it was my opinion and nothing else.
don't try and defend that type of people. it will not get you anywhere.
then about pvp,
most pve players would just not care about my pvp points because they do not pvp. and a guild wars game without pvp is out of the question per guild wars history. so everyone who hate anythign pvp related because they prefer to have all the ressources for pve only can only dream.
for the rest, i am a duelist at core. duels help me get better at the game and testing builds. i also love dueling friends or strangers through my journey. of course not everyone likes dueling as not everyone like pvp at all. but it is part of the mmorpg ecosystem. there is not a single popular mmorpg without a dueling system EXCEPT for gw2. and even then , the dueling community still tried to thrive via WvW and guild halls. you have no rights to dismiss a part of the game just because you don't like pvp.
so for once, perhaps GW3 could have an official system for everything the community organised on their own, to , you know, cater to everyone, and make the ultimate, none korean, mmorpg. (even if the plan is to make a sort of GW1, all my points still stands.)
not just duels but GvG too and perhaps roleplaying. (as they did when they added sitting on chairs. yes, there is a roleplaying community in GW2. and its not just a few players either.
will you also tell them to screw off because the "vast majority" of players just like to brainlessly farm maps events to get trinkets and hunting achievments?).

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4 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

lol what is this narrative you have in your head. I love GW2, I would also love to see an improved GW3; bigger, better gfx,  housing, more customisation and better physics and so on.  What I don't want is a trinity style game, I would play games that have specialised in that if that's what I wanted, and its fundamentally not what the GW USP is about.  

having everyone as mindless dps with random aggro goes against =>

20 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

dynamic fights where people need to react to changing circumstances, breathing life into interesting hybrid builds and ultimately build diversity.

have you tried raids? you actually have a healer and a pseudo tank (in fact still a dps but with a tiny bit more armor than evreyone else. usually a guard.) and everyone else as dps. with some condi focus and some power focus.
mimicking a bit who the trinity works without embrassing it completely.

the aggro system i spoke of do not force you to have a trinity. you could still go full dps team. but this tiome, with rules that disctate how the fight will play out instead of randomness that push you to just optimise your build to squeeze out the most dps you can with disregarding everything else.
and ultimately, this aggro system (and also the trinity system, but thats not what i am talking about here.) proved to be the best through years of gaming. GW2 tried to reinvent the wheel but it failed. sometimes you better improve on what works instead of trying to change everythign and make it worse.

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