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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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FINALLY! Now this is a forum topic I interact with... The amount of fury in my heart could not and still can not be measured when they changed "offline" to the hyphenated atrocity it is now. Did Anet not see the trends away from hyphenated words? Did they not understand how this would drive players into madness? Away from the game? Create complexity where none was needed? Degrade the slow evolution of literary and linguistical change? The time is now Anet! Return to our great and wonderful "offline" and let "online" have it's symmetrical word ally back. Do not behold to false hyphenating lexicological overseers! Less is more in these times! REMOVE THE HYPHEN!

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16 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

I kind of like the "online" vs "off-line", makes it easy to see even at a quick glance if it's someone logging in or out

Hey don't tell us, take that over to the Merriam-Webster forums if you want to effect change . . .

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is it possible to bind some chat to a key, with or with out a skill attached? in the good old city of heroes days i could have for example a targetable rez that when used would also do "/s rezzing $target" which would do the skill and announce to anyone near by that atoblato, the overzealous blaster was getting rezzed yet again.

i could also use it for just a commony used chat. "wait here, herding mobs" followed by another button press to say "kill em all now please".

i'm presuming the answer is a big fat no you can't with a side of it breaks the game rules but thought i'd get some clarity.

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4 hours ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

is it possible to bind some chat to a key, with or with out a skill attached? in the good old city of heroes days i could have for example a targetable rez that when used would also do "/s rezzing $target" which would do the skill and announce to anyone near by that atoblato, the overzealous blaster was getting rezzed yet again.

It's not quite that, but you can use Shift+T to call out action suggestions to your party (not to be confused with Ctrl+T, which marks a target). For example, if you target a dead player, it will briefly show a resurrection symbol over the dead player and put something like "<Your name> has targeted <dead player's name> for resurrection." in chat.

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please please please give us a toggle switch to disable auto-zoom at world bosses and metas. I cannot do the tangled depth meta or even go through the lanes without getting such bad motion sickness that i have to logout and go to bed. The camera wont stop teleporting back and forth every single time i get on and off my mounts while in lanes, no matter if the meta is active or not. I'm very sensitive to motion sickness and this constant snapshotting in and out causes me to feel physically ill for the rest of the day. 😞

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It's 4AM for me and I'm too tired to go back and check if this was asked before, but it's on my brain during my insomnia-riddled hell.

This is, less a QoL I guess, and more of a general suggestion, but I wasn't sure where else to put it. Is it possible to have some Homestead-related update for Extra Life pets? While I'm super thrilled that my kitties can follow me into Janthir (and hopefully I can build them a wonderful little area to relax in), I feel like adding some kind of option to adopt the EL pets would make it even more perfect. For example, I donated to have my partner's beloved cat put into the game after we tragically lost him last year, so it would probably really make their day to be able to have him show up in their Homestead. I know that the EL animals are a rather small part of the game, but it's a small touch that'd mean a lot, even if only to some.

(And on that note, please, please let me adopt Leo, Maddy and Harley...)

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On any PvE map:

  • PvP toggle, so a player can decide to play either only PvE or PvE+PvP, and statistics regarding the numbers of PvP players for each map.
  • Standings towards opposing NPC fractions achievable through the map events, so a player can take a side of "red" guys.


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Can we have a formalised 'challenge to duel' mechanic, especially in WvW i'm tired of having to go through an assortment of gestures or jumping or quickly stowing and unstowing weapons and hoping the other guys gets the hint

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I don't know where if there is a way to a suggestion or request a feature in the game, so I'm posting here hoping it will be heard.

I would like to request the addition of a photo mode like in horizon or something akin to the gpose feature like in ff14.  

I found that feature to be incredibly useful for taking photos, and very fun to mess around with.  and after taking a couple of years break from GW2, i came back and the game is just as beautiful as ever, so i want to take lots and lots of pic throughout my journey through it again, but without this feature, it has been difficult to make good pictures that capture the moment or the world. 

I know there is the ability to hide the UI, and some options to change the camera position slightly, but the changes r small, and this options r not enough to make the photos i want to make.  would love more and easier control of the camera position and rotation, changes in fov, depth of field, and if possible, color filters, post processing options, and different poses or animations in the photo mode.

thank you

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Please, yes. I would like to see: 

  • A photomode
  • Please add the Death Branded Shaterer to the World Boss Portal Device ( Why is he not there? 😞 )
  • The Tomes with Teleportation scrolls open the window below the inventory. Please make it so that window opens above the inventory window instead.
  • A better way to store lorebooks. I've had to resort to having an alt character that just holds all my books. It's not great.
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I don't think its a bug and just because of the way the skills summon temporary minions, but still please if it can be changed let me use renegade utilities from a height. Being unable to cast my aoe because I'm on a ledge is agonizing.

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Posted (edited)

I think that the best solution to the bad optics that afk farmers create would be something that makes it so impractical that they'll give up on it, but that can be easily avoided by players who aren't afk. 

And I think that could be achieved by giving players stacks of a hidden effect when they engage in an undesired behavior,  and triggering a punishing effect after accumulating enough stacks.  This would be probably the trickiest part of it: determining and scripting how and who gets the effects. 

For example, you would gain stacks of this hidden effect when your summons and other ai-controlled creatures kill something you have not attacked directly, when you spend too much time without moving, or when you use mostly just player or pet skills that have been marked to autofire, or a combination of these situations. 
After getting enough stacks of that hidden effect, your next attack will trigger a self-targeting skill that other players can see but won't affect them unless they also have several stacks of the hidden effect.  

What would this look like? Remember the Skyhammer beam? Something like that.  
In lore, the Inquest would have a secret base on the moon.  If your character gets marked as playing without attending the game for too long and too many times, the Inquest think you'll be an easy target to test the Skyhammer, and aim it at you.   
The beam would take a few seconds to build up, indicated by a vertical beam,  and the kind of warning tell that has a circle shrinking inside the larger area circle, indicating how long until it hits. 
Other players will see the beam so they can see what happens to AFKers, but they won't see the warning tell as it won't hit them.  

Any player who has afk-stacks and remains in the circle would be struck by the beam, but active players would hear the same "Please stay still for science" message you get when the Skyhammer is about to fire in the PvP map, and if they are smart they won't trust the message and get out, and if they are a bit too naive they'll get hit once and learn for the next time.  

What would happen to the players who are struck by the beam?  The effects would depend on how many hidden afk-effect stacks they had accumulated.  If they have enough stacks of the hidden effect:

  • They would get another visible afk effect with a description explaining what just happened and why.  The duration of the effect would depend on how many stacks of the hidden effect they had. So for someone who just got a couple because it's not possible to make a perfect detection, it would not be a big deal, but for someone who maxed the stacks for doing too many things that trigger the afk effect in too little time, it would last quite a long time.  
  • They would be take damage, and with enough stacks downed, and their downed health would be lowered by having more stacks, with max stacks would be instantly defeated.
  • All of their AI-controlled creatures would be instantly killed, and all of their AI-summoning skills would get disabled for the duration of the effect. The visible effect will also prevent instant recharge of their skills, like adrenaline mushrooms or mistlock singularities.
  • They will lose all boons, and the visible afk effect will also prevent giving or receiving boons.
  • Past a certain number of hidden effect stacks, enemies they tagged will not produce drops for them.

The server metrics would probably record how often someone is struck by this beam, so it would also work as a way to lessen the workload of GMs, as there would be records of who is triggering the anti-afk system. Someone constantly being struck by this would probably be botting or afk. 

This way people would just give up on the behavior, and GMs would have more free time to deal with more important issues, while anyone doing something similar but not AFK would rarely be affected as they can just avoid the beam by simply walking outside of it, and if they had an emergency and had to leave a character AFK, they would not be affect by this since they won't be doing anything that gives stacks of the hidden effect.

Edited by MithranArkanere.8957
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We got cute little duckling minis from dragon bash, we got a tree chair with a little duckling. now is the time for a little duck logo for guilds.


This is guaranteed to bring in a whole heap of players and place gw2 at the top spot. with out this the game is doomed!

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My idea for how Legendary Infusions could work could be similar to how the new account Swim Speed infusion works, where the infusion itself is relatively cheap, but the real cost comes from upgrading it. Legendary Infusions could be the logical conclusion to this system, where a full set of 25 infusions would only set you back maybe 300-400g worth of materials, but once you make them they'd be really weak at first, and you'd have to spend more to upgrade them to make them good. After crafting your legendary infusions, you would unlock a vendor with the following options:

Stat Upgrade - Adds selectable stats to all Legendary Infusions. Cost scales exponentially with upgrade tier. Caps at +5. Costs gold plus your choice of Fractal, Raid, or WvW currency.

Agony Upgrade - Increases the Agony Resistance granted by all Legendary Infusions by 1. Cost scales exponentially with each upgrade, capping at +30. Costs Agony Infusions + Fractal currency.

WvW Upgrade - Requires at least 1 Stat Upgrade. Adds either "Increase damage to guards in WvW by 1%" or "Reduce damage from guards in WvW by 1%" effect, depending on chosen stat, to all Legendary Infusions. Costs WvW currency, 1 Tier only.

Note that all upgrades would apply retroactively to any infusions crafted after purchasing the upgrades.

I think this would be a pretty good way to do Legendary Infusions if those are ever introduced.

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I enjoy playing around with different colors on my armor. I wish there was a way to save a specific set of colors. Like how we have build templates. Could you maybe think about making something like this? I think a lot of people would like this too! Thanks 🙂

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