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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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All these ideas here today are about making you money ANet.


1. New function to Name Mounts and display their name.

People get the first one free, for every single mount you have or by creating a new character, but will have to buy a mount name changer after that. 

Maybe, let's say at 250 gems. Too much?

2. New item to recover deleted characters.

We will need an empty slot, and will cost 800 gems.

3. New item to rename guilds. 250 gems.

Rather than having to go through support, players can do it on demand.

4. A save templates function for character creation, that can slso be used in total makeover kits. 

This is really helpful for people who create or change characters appearance all the time, can save their creations to be loaded later when creating another character or using total makeovers.

Able to store up to 10 character creation templates. First one free, others cost bundle of 5 for 400 gems.

5. Able to save different hairstyles in equipment templates in order to create alter egos for our characters.

More reasons to buy self hairstyles kits, and the oh-so-expensive infinite self hairstyle contract.

And offcourse more equipment templates slots.

(Loads of dosh to be made here)

6. Increase the gem price of changing home, if player does it often.

Then give it a cooldown of a set period of time for price to reset to standard.

This stops people from jumping around all the time, giving you the means to balance wvw.


See, A-Net, you got ways to make a ton of money, if you want.

I've got loads more where that came from.

You have so many potential things already in game that could be making you a pretty penny, if only you put a couple of devs dedicated to this.


You need to hire me 😁 


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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On 7/30/2024 at 1:29 PM, willow.8209 said:
  • motion direction just from moving the mouse (so people don't have to continually grip the mouse button)
  • targeting done by where cursor is pointing 

So in your idea, how exactly are you separating the movement directional change and targetting while tying both to the same mouse/cursor? I mean... other than it is now, where it sets up a reticle in the middle of the screen.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

All these ideas here today are about making you money ANet.


1. New function to Name Mounts and display their name.

People get the first one free, but will have to buy a mount name changer after that. 

Maybe, let's say at 250 gems. Too much?

2. New item to recover deleted characters.

we will need an empty slot, and will cost 800 gems.

3. New item to rename guilds. 400 gems.

4. A save templates function for character creation, that can slso be used in total makeover kits. 

This is really helpful for people who create or change characters appearance all the time, can save their creations to be loaded later when creating another character or using total makeovers.

Able to store up to 10 character creation templates. First one free, others cost bundle of 5 for 400 gems.

5. Able to save different hairstyles in equipment templates in order to create alter egos for our characters.

More reasons to buy self hairstyles kits, and the oh-so-expensive infinite self hairstyle contract.

And offcourse more equipment templates slots.

(Loads of dosh to be made here)

6. Increase the gem price of changing home, if player does it often.

Then give it a cooldown of s set period of time gor price to reset to standard.

This stops people from jumping around all the gime, giving you the means to balance wvw.


See, A-Net, you got ways to make a ton of money, if you want.

I've got loads more where that came from.

You have so many potential things already in game that could be making you a pretty penny, if only you put a couple of devs dedicated to this.


You need to hire me 😁 


You can already rename your guild with a customer service ticket for free.

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Can we please add a participation meter to the newer meta? It is so insanely infuriating how many shameless, low-life players are reaping the rewards while do absolutely nothing. 

Into the Spider Lair, for example... So many people die and lay there. It is a waste to revive them, and most of the time they are just stalling and not contributing. Can there at least be a timer that forces them to WP?? We have one in WvW, though I believe it should only be 30seconds to a minute until they are kicked from the area. 

Additionally, after multiple times they should not be able to get the rewards at all. Otherwise, what is the point? 

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8 hours ago, Houligan.4759 said:

You can already rename your guild with a customer service ticket for free.

It's not the same thing, and the point of it is...

Riiiight at the top of the post.

First line:

"Making ANet Money"

Besides, you can just pop in gem store, buy it, rename your guild... all in a matter of less than 2 minutes.

The free one... by using a ticket, could remain, but that means you still have to wait at least a day or so.

This item would be more of a convenience item, for those who don't like to wait.

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  •  Skyscale mount skin where there is no mount only the wings that u have on u back so now you are the mount! (For roleplayers and fantasy lovers that will be awsome Aion style!)
  •  Elite spec that turns all power weapon skills  into condi weapon skills and other way around 
  •  New weapon ways like - In wing 6 zommoros that has a staff in 1hand and a sword in second hand and also 2 greatswords 1 each hand

        Please make this happen! 🙂

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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  • Nightcore.5621 changed the title to Some Ideas i will love to see in my favorite game gw2

I always find it interesting the things people would like to see and appreciate the time they take to put it into a thought.   

1.  Ok, but isn't that....a glider?

2.  Lol well alright but you could just spec condi..or power...or condi...

3.  Could be interesting or an eyesore...I don't think you want to see me with Exordium in each hand, an Aurene variant staff and sword, in a giant light show of edgy glory.  Or maybe you do.  

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I think new weapon skills for existing weapons could be interesting, there probably are people who like the idea of certain weapons that don't fit their build (or the other way around) and there's generally no reason certain weapons have to be power or condition focused. For example sword is a condi weapon on some characters and a power weapon on the others. So adding alternate skill sets to existing weapons could give players new options.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think new weapon skills for existing weapons could be interesting, there probably are people who like the idea of certain weapons that don't fit their build (or the other way around) and there's generally no reason certain weapons have to be power or condition focused. For example sword is a condi weapon on some characters and a power weapon on the others. So adding alternate skill sets to existing weapons could give players new options.

Wouldn't that make things challenging in the competitive modes? You see a warrior with a sword, you know what skills he has. With this, you see a warrior with a sword, it could be this, or it could be that. Not very helpful.

Not to mention weapon balancing would be even worse than it is now.

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1 minute ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Wouldn't that make things challenging in the competitive modes? You see a warrior with a sword, you know what skills he has. With this, you see a warrior with a sword, it could be this, or it could be that. Not very helpful.

Not to mention weapon balancing would be even worse than it is now.

Not really thats why u have elite spec icon so they can see what they deal with. 

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some very old QoL items could use some polishing:

  • Mystic Forge Conduit as well as (Permanent) Bank Access Express still close their windows when moving too far from the spot one has opened them
  • Personal Merchant Express and Personal Trader Express still spawn NPCs with no indication that they are Personal. when i spawn the TP i regularly see people trying to interact with it a couple time (NPC turns towards them) and then even relog repeatedly. they could do with either a name change to indicate that they are not for public use or better yet turned into just a window that opens without the needless NPC spawn.

if the (Permanent) Bank Access Express is to be updated, it would be very nice if we could use consumables/gizmos/portal scrolls etc. from the bank too. currently you can right click them and get the 'Use' option, but selecting it does absolutely nothing, not even an error message. Of course removing that 'Use' option would also be a positive change, makes it look intentional.

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QoL Request: Request to Make Fishing Lures Sellable

Hello ArenaNet Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to suggest a quality of life improvement for Guild Wars 2, specifically concerning fishing lures.

As an avid and "professional" fisher within the game, I, along with many others in the community, have acquired the infinite fishing lure, which renders the standard lures largely redundant. It can be quite frustrating to continue acquiring these lures from various fishing holes around Tyria without any way to effectively utilize or dispose of them.

To address this, I propose allowing players to sell fishing lures to vendors. Setting the sell price at 5 silver would be a fair value, considering their limited use once an infinite lure is obtained. This change would provide a small but appreciated boost to our in-game economy and help declutter our inventories.

This adjustment would enhance the overall fishing experience by reducing the inconvenience of managing unwanted lures. I believe this improvement aligns with the quality of life enhancements that make Guild Wars 2 such a fantastic and player-friendly game.

Thank you for considering this suggestion. I look forward to any potential updates and appreciate all the hard work the team continues to put into making Guild Wars 2 a wonderful gaming experience.

Best regards,

Edited by CodeBuild.5619
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I think a very highly wanted feature would be a library / bookshelves for our books and journal pages in the homestead. While it would be nice to have a sophisticated feature, even a simple container to directly store books would be a good starting step.

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Feature request pvp

At start of match if someone steps out of spawn they should be automatically flagged as ready.   -> some kitten running around showing off

Also, I use a metabolic primer to save a few gold sometimes.. But when I go to pvp all that juicy buff is gone.  When I get back to wvw the primer didnt matter.

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On 8/2/2024 at 9:57 PM, taigi.9207 said:

I think a very highly wanted feature would be a library / bookshelves for our books and journal pages in the homestead. While it would be nice to have a sophisticated feature, even a simple container to directly store books would be a good starting step.

Yes. And seeing there's interactable decorations, I think it should be possible to create a decoration that acts similar to the Explore the Lost Epics of Deldrimor, in which collected books are tracked and can be accessed.

I mean, I'd love a bookshelf where I can see which book is which, but that is probably to much to ask. 😅

Alternatively: make each book that we can find a decoration that acts similar to when we find such a book in open world and that unlocks when we find the book in question (or finish its collection as with LW3E1). I'll make a bookshelf myself and put them in.

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It's 2024 and we still can't quickly join our party/squad in instanced content, especially while swapping characters. We need to go through 2, 3 or sometimes even 4 loading screens. Why can't we have an option to instantly join our party in fractal/dungeon/raid/strike mission from character selection screen?

Edited by Antycypator.9874
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I would like to suggest making hero points account wide rather than character bound. On my Ranger I have about 450 extra hero points just sitting there doing nothing. I would like to try other classes and that would put those points to use. Thanks!!!

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Please make green medallions salvageable! I would salvage them at a loss with the copper salvage-o-matic, and I'm sure many others would just to take care of them quickly, since they can't be insta-sold with the junk. Thank you for your consideration.

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The starting area of Obsidian Sanctum is a great poor man's lounge.
Many players instinctively exit it via the blueish gate "Mystical Portal" that leads to Lion's Arch.
When you interact with the gate it "says" "Exiting Obsidian Sanctum will take you to Lion's Arch." and accordingly, the only two dialogue options are:
✓ Exit to Lion's Arch. or
No, wait. I don't want to leave.

👉 Please add an option "Return (me) to my previous map." to the Mystical Portal in Obsidian Sanctum. 👈
… like exists on Lounges' Portal NPCs, like for example, Rifaah in the Lily of the Elon.
It would just do the very same as if you clicked the "Leave the Mists. →🚪" button in the bottom right of the World vs. World panel.

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