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If Gw1 skills existed in Gw2...

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Just wanted to make a fun pvp-oriented thread, in which we take Guild Wars 1 spells and abilities and converted those for GW2. This thread was inspired by another recent thread (about Mesmers losing their identity from GW1). but ya, anyway, post your skill translations!

So here's a few i came up with with an explanation as to why it would be fun


Distortion.In GuildWars1, Distortion gave you a 75% chance to block, and in exchange, you'd be drained of energy. If you ran out of energy, the effect would end.Replace energy with endurance, and now you've got Distortion which gives you invulnerability at the cost of your endurance. This is cool because now your distortion has a pseudo cool-down associated with the amount of endurance you have... if you have no endurance, distortion does nothing.

Energy Burn In GuildWars1, Energy burn drained a segment of your energy bar, and dealt a coefficient of damage.Now replace energy with endurance, and the ability would deal a certain amount of damage per unit of endurance drained.The cool thing would be to give such an ability a cast time, thus you could either DODGE energy burn (take no damage but lose endurance), let it hit you and be depleted of the endurance and health, use a tactical block skill to completely negate the attack, or let energy burn hit you until your endurance is fully drained, which negates further damage from energy burn. This introduces a whole myriad of counter-play that actually makes players think about what skills to use and when, whether to dodge or not etc..., and offers a way to shutdown other DISTORTION mesmers as previously mentioned above (or thief, or MMR war, or any evade spamming class for that matter).

Revealed EnchantmentIn GuildWars1, Revealed Enchantment took away a buff (an enchantment), provided you with energy and granted you access to the skill that gave you the buff.In GuildWars 2, Revealed enchantment would strip a boon from your enemy, and then grant you access to the skill that gave you that boon. I think this would be REALLY cool because as a mesmer you could use a skill like "Save Yourselves" from a guardian, or "Unload" from thief. If a boon is stripped that was acquired by a trait, you'd gain endurance instead. This is an interesting mechanic because if fighting a mesmer with this ability, you'd have to analyze what skills you use that the enemy mesmer could use if such a skill was stolen. This makes mesmer a very unpredictable and interesting class to fight. The counter-play would be the analysis of what abilities you use that grant you boons.


Aura of DisplacmentIn GuildWars1, Aura of displacement was a shadowstep, that let you shadowstep to an enemy. The aura basically lasted as long as you wanted until you canceled it, which then returns you to your original location.In Guildwars2, Shadowtrap works SORT of like this. But what's cool about aura of displacement, is that you can add some counter-play to it, unlike shadowtrap which is kind of overpowered (it's bugged so nobody uses it, but if it wasn't bugged, it would be like mesmer portal).Anyway, Aura of displacement in Gw2 would basically grant you the ability to shadowstep to an enemy. While active, your endurance regeneration is hindered. When you cancel it, you return to your original location and your endurance no longer becomes hindered.

SwapIn GuildWars1, Swap was a shadowstep type skill, in which you and your enemy would swap to one another's location.In GuildWars 2, Swap would basically be the same. Just seems like a really fun skill to play around with. Of course it would have to be "pathing checked" due to abuse potential. But if done in the right way to reduce abuse into walls or whatever, this could be a really good ability for competitive games For example, a thief could have downed somebody, and a guardian comes in for the rez, uses Shield 5 to knock you back and almost rezes your enemy....but you are prepared with swap! You swap out the guardian for yourself and you complete the stomp. Sounds like it has really cool clutch factor potential!

Shameful FearIn GuildWars1 Shameful Fear was a hex that dealt periodic damage only when the enemy was moving. In compensation, the enemy would move 10% faster.In Guild wars2, Shameful Fear could deal damage to an enemy only when they move (sort of like a balanced version of torment) and in exchange, increased their in-combat movement speed to 25%. This adds an interesting level of counter-play, in which an enemy could choose to disengage with the speed buff and suffer the damage, or choose to not suffer damage but remain stationary. This skill would also be a cool addition to condition based builds that use torment, which pressures the enemy to remain stationary rather than to disengage.

  • Necromancer

This class was one of my most favorite to play back in gw1, simply because it had so many interesting mechanics. lets start with my most favorite skill of all.

ContagionIn GuildWars1 Contagion was by far the most interesting mechanic in the game. For every condition that you gained, enemies within a certain radius around you would gain the same condition. Every-time you gained a condition, and share them to others in this way, you would take a certain percentile of sacrifice damage.In GuildWars2 Contagion would operate in the same way. When you get a condition, enemies around you also gain the same condition. This would work extremely well with the corruption abilites, and give some counter-play, to other condition based-builds on the opposing team. The more condition based the enemy is, the more hard-countered they become with the existence of a contagion necromancer. It just needs to be sorted out when it comes to 2 contagion necromancers versing each other (probably by adding some sort of restriction, just so that we don't have another "epi-bounce" cancer meta) but otherwise, contagion would make for very interesting games, and introduces way better counter-play mechanics than pve shades shivers

Dark FuryIn GuildWars1 Dark Fury was kind of an oddball skill nobody used because it was so niche. It granted an extra tick of adrenaline to warriors for every strike they land.In GuildWars2 Dark Fury can be retconned to not only buff warriors by granting them extra adrenaline upon successful attacks, but also apply buffs, like might or quickness. The idea would be to add an alternative to team comps, making for example, a 2v2 necro+warrior comp viable, adding synergies like these are healthy for the pvp environment.

Offering of BloodIn GuildWars1 Offering of Blood was a simple elite skill that granted you energy in exchange for some of your health.In GuildWars2, Offering of Blood could allow you to exchange some of your health for some endurance. This is pretty cool because for the longest time, Necromancer has always needed some form of survival other than shroud. A skill like this could introduce some much needed survivablity for a necromancer, for the price of some health, i think that's fair.

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Aura of Displacement had cool counterplay in that it existed as an enchantment and thus could be removed. Sending your foe back to their original locational with enchant removal.


Hexing the foe for 6 seconds. If they use a skill during that time then said skill takes 60 additional seconds to recharge. Heavy punishment for keyboard mashing.


It sucks how bursty things are and how you can unload so much damage so fast with little recoil. For a warrior to unload like now, IAS from Frenzy was needed. But it doubled the damage you would receive while doing it. So not only did you have to time your burst when your opponents defense was down but also making sure you're not being focused. So much anti burst counterplay to be had.

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@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:


I would love to see Searing Flames return as fast, spammable ranged AOE skill.

There is nothing like it in game now. And the current Elites have very long cooldowns.

As i remember, Searing Flame inflicts burning if the target is not burning. If it is burning it takes a coefficient of damage instead of applying burn.

Even a spammy skill like Searing Flame had a little bit of counter-play.

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@Orwyn.6104 said:If you want gw1 skills why don't you go play gw1 ?

I do play GW1 and between the two... Let's just say GW1 compares extremely favorably.

As to GW1 skills in GW2. Players in GW2 get really upset at punishment mechanics, such as clone death, that don't permit simple attacking. A true GW1 Mesmer.. say a panic Mez would be absolutely dominant.

Few if any players in GW2 would be willing to stop attacking to avoid invoking a hex. If you don't believe it just look at spell breaker.

I'd love to see GW1 level skill introduced to GW2.

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@"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:ContagionIn GuildWars1 Contagion was by far the most interesting mechanic in the game. For every condition that you gained, enemies within a certain radius around you would gain the same condition. Every-time you gained a condition, and share them to others in this way, you would take a certain percentile of sacrifice damage.In GuildWars2 Contagion would operate in the same way. When you get a condition, enemies around you also gain the same condition. This would work extremely well with the corruption abilites, and give some counter-play, to other condition based-builds on the opposing team. The more condition based the enemy is, the more hard-countered they become with the existence of a contagion necromancer. It just needs to be sorted out when it comes to 2 contagion necromancers versing each other (probably by adding some sort of restriction, just so that we don't have another "epi-bounce" cancer meta) but otherwise, contagion would make for very interesting games, and introduces way better counter-play mechanics than pve shades shivers

In addition to the epic condition spam we have now, let's add something that transfers ALL the conditions to EVERYONE. 10/10 approved

On a serious note, I liked GW1 mechanics a lot more than GW2 (the mechanic of conditions and hexes actually). There were so many extremely unique skills.

Nothing beats a good EoE bomb in Heroes Ascent.

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I'd just be rubbing my hands with glee to bring skills like Ineptitude and Panic to GW2. All those key pounders dropping like flies....

Seriously though, GW2 population has complained quite loudly about every form of punishment mechanic. These get in the way of executing one's "rotation" super win button.

Some examples: SpellBreaker, clone death, retaliation ( on Mesmer ), and confusion all very heavily nerfed or removed completely from the game. The thing of it is: these skills prevent the game from being dominated by simple speed pounding buttons. A scourge can spam all there skills heedlessly on cooldown and still win pretty regularly. Real punishment mechanics would curb that.

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@"Ithilwen.1529" said:I'd just be rubbing my hands with glee to bring skills like ineptitude to GW2. All those key pounders dropping like flies....

Seriously though, GW2 population has complained quite loudly about every form of punishment mechanic. These get in the way of executing one's "rotation" super win button.

Some examples: SpellBreaker, clone death, retaliation ( on Mesmer ), and confusion all very heavily nerfed or removed completely from the game. The thing of it is: these skills prevent the game from being dominated by simple speed pounding buttons. A scourge can spam all there skills heedlessly on cooldown and still win pretty regularly. Real punishment mechanics would curb that.

Ooo, thats because GW2 is different game, you can't do nothing in GW2 as you don't have pocket Monk to deal with stuff like confusion for you, as you pretty often 1v1 on side nodes.

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Is this a bad time to point out that the skills in GW2 are the combination of 2 or more skills in GW1? I mean, confusion (the condition) is literally backfire, empathy, ineptitude, etc. all rolled into one thing.

Irony is...the original Heart of Fury was simplified because it was trying "To do too much."

Alas, changes in game design in order to appeal to a wider audience for GW2.

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Offering of BloodIn GuildWars1 Offering of Blood was a simple elite skill that granted you energy in exchange for some of your health.In GuildWars2, Offering of Blood could allow you to exchange some of your health for some endurance. This is pretty cool because for the longest time, Necromancer has always needed some form of survival other than shroud. A skill like this could introduce some much needed survivablity for a necromancer, for the price of some health, i think that's fair.

You nailed It !! Good Idea !!

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@"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:Is this a bad time to point out that the skills in GW2 are the combination of 2 or more skills in GW1? I mean, confusion (the condition) is literally backfire, empathy, ineptitude, etc. all rolled into one thing.

Irony is...the original Heart of Fury was simplified because it was trying "To do too much."

Alas, changes in game design in order to appeal to a wider audience for GW2.

To a certain extent, you're right. But it's been nerfed to unrecognizability.

Ineptitude is an elite in GW1. It is as powerful as Full counter was in it's own way. In Gw2, confusion, ( an extremely weakened Backfire ) does only minor annoyance damage and then only if it's not simply passively cleansed. Someone hexed with Backfire is going to have to eat serious damage if they try to cast.

There has been a lot of combining. The "modern" core Mesmer is really more like a Rt/me (Ritualist/Mesmer.) Again though, the spirits have been nerfed so far that they are not a real threat except as shatter fodder.

All this nerfing of punishment mechanics has led to what I'd call "fast and sloppy" game play. She or he who pounds the most buttons the fastest wins.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:

@"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:Is this a bad time to point out that the skills in GW2 are the combination of 2 or more skills in GW1? I mean, confusion (the condition) is literally backfire, empathy, ineptitude, etc. all rolled into one thing.

Irony is...the original
was simplified because it was trying "To do too much."

Alas, changes in game design in order to appeal to a wider audience for GW2.

To a certain extent, you're right. But it's been nerfed to unrecognizability.

Ineptitude is an elite in GW1. It is as powerful as Full counter was in it's own way. In Gw2, confusion, ( an extremely weakened Backfire ) does only minor annoyance damage and then only if it's not simply passively cleansed. Someone hexed with Backfire is going to have to eat serious damage if they try to cast.

There has been a lot of combining. The "modern" core Mesmer is really more like a Rt/me (Ritualist/Mesmer.) Again though, the spirits have been nerfed so far that they are not a real threat except as shatter fodder.

All this nerfing of punishment mechanics has led to what I'd call "fast and sloppy" game play. She or he who pounds the most buttons the fastest wins.

Yep. It is sad that they boiled half of the mesmer down into confusion. You can still interrupt people I guess, but then that is better for whoever has the lowest latency.

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@"rank eleven monk.9502" said:In addition to the epic condition spam we have now, let's add something that transfers ALL the conditions to EVERYONE. 10/10 approved

Heh, back then conditions were balanced, so it's one of those things, that would have to be adjusted to fit with GW2's pallet.

I guess they could change it so that conditions applied to the necromancer would apply to everyone, friend and foe in the area. Something super strong with dire consequence if not played right seems fairly interesting. late in the game in H.A., Edge of extinction after-the-nerf was used with Contagion and Pestilence as a pressure build rather than the imba-build featured in the video. The way Pestilence worked, was if a creature died with conditions, conditions on that creature would spread within range to everyone within the spirit area. It actually made for yet another formidable and interesting team composition that built upon the idea of constant pressure. Pestilence was eventually dropped, but it was a fun idea while it lasted.

Contagion is one of those skills that would need some carefully balancing if they want to make it work in gw2. but it's an intersting mechanic for sure that would add some flavor to the game.

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  • 5 months later...

@"rank eleven monk.9502" said:Nothing beats a good EoE bomb in Heroes Ascent.


I'd be happy to see these abilities and environment-affecting effects personally:

Edge of ExtinctionFertile SeasonPestilenceBlackoutFevered DreamsMigraineWard Against FoesWard Against HarmShadow ShroudWastrel's CollapseWeapon of ShadowAnthem of DisruptionAnthem of Guidance["They're on Fire!"](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/"They%27re_on_Fire!" ""They're on Fire!"")Anthem of FuryBallad of RestorationSong of Restoration

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@Morwath.9817 said:

@"Ithilwen.1529" said:I'd just be rubbing my hands with glee to bring skills like ineptitude to GW2. All those key pounders dropping like flies....

Seriously though, GW2 population has complained quite loudly about every form of punishment mechanic. These get in the way of executing one's "rotation" super win button.

Some examples: SpellBreaker, clone death, retaliation ( on Mesmer ), and confusion all very heavily nerfed or removed completely from the game. The thing of it is: these skills prevent the game from being dominated by simple speed pounding buttons.
A scourge can spam all there skills heedlessly on cooldown and still win pretty regularly. Real punishment mechanics would curb that.

Ooo, thats because GW2 is different game, you can't do nothing in GW2 as you don't have pocket Monk to deal with stuff like confusion for you, as you pretty often 1v1 on side nodes.

Yeah it’s strange how people forget that GW1 was meant to be played as a party, it’s why you have heroes, mercenaries and skills where it renders you completely unable to do anything without outside assistance.

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GW1 skills were all intelligently designed, GW2s are not. One thing that everyone should take note of is that nearly ALL GW1 skills had a negative penalty to it. Example: "In GuildWars1, Distortion gave you a 75% chance to block, and in exchange, you'd be drained of energy. The negative penalty made the player consciously choose if its a good idea to use the skill or not. GW2 has no such thing, the only skill that had it was warrior's frenzy when the game first launched. Originally it increased your attack speed but made you take more damage. They quickly removed this.

The reason why we have so much spam in GW2 isn't because the lack of resource bar but because the lack of negative penalties associated with skills. If we had that, then GW2 would be a much more skillful game.

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@Aza.2105 said:GW1 skills were all intelligently designed, GW2s are not. One thing that everyone should take note of is that nearly ALL GW1 skills had a negative penalty to it.

Absolutely!I remember an interview with a gw1 top player (can't recall if Ensign or someone from war machine or whatever) regarding GW2 saying this exact thing and giving Frenzy as the example.

@"Dmitri Fatkin.8162" said:Edge of Extinction

As I said in other thread, EoE would be amazingly hilarious on WvW!

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Gw2 is ment for "noobs" and bad players/extreme casuals who dont care to know how they win, mostly, can u guys imagine the outrcry QQ, if Anet added Spitefull Spirit and backfire, so many would cry that they cant keep spamming and keymashing and were takin damage from a passive hex that is damaging them when they atack ... lol kidz nowadays love to get carried :P

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