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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:Right now, we cant mark comments as "bad idea", people will call out weird and bad ideas in topics and we can't downvote them. It was a good idea to change to votes to anonymous, but dont remove it,Y'know, lets throw a poll, i dare to make a wager that more than 66% will want the downvote option back

Downvoting stifles discussion. Post why you think something is a bad idea, and people can upvote that if they agree with your point. But more importantly, the poster of what you think is a bad idea can offer counterarguments or elaborate on why he thinks his idea is a good idea. There's no reasoning with downward pointing thumbs.

How? This is not like reddit where downvoting hides the post. Whether it gets a lot of thumbs up or thumbs down is simply feedback done in a more efficient nature than a reply.

Efficient? You must be joking. A thumbs down isn't feedback at all. It's posturing, void of content and impossible to respond to. It's less than worthless. It's a waste of space on our screens.

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@Leo G.4501 said:I'm in agreement.

As an American (and i do realize not everyone on these forums is American but the devs are stationed here) it feels like an infringement of my civil right, not because thumbs down was removed, but because the reason behind its removal is to police criticism that wasn't in any way inherently negative. And yes, i realize the forums do not follow anything regarding the US constitution but you'd expect someone who is from the country to have similar morals and values, i.e the devs and mods.

Considering the whole social and political climate, just removing thumbs down is an act of favouritism within the community who feel some discourse make a discussion better vs those who think simple dislikes is a negative environment. The only recourse is to remove all voting options and leave silence as a mode of disagreement. This would also mean removing the badge system as well. For someone who enjoys posting, reading and participation in the forums, this is a net loss but an apparently necessary one.

Just so you know your constitutional rights better, your right for free speech only warranties that a government will not censor or punish you for expressing your views. However it does nothing over other free parties in the democratic system. As such it is the forums operator right to censor you for whatever reason they deem necessary, usually that applies to inflammatory posts.

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@Maunzi.3764 said:

@Leo G.4501 said:The only way to express yourself in an environment were such petty posters will do everything to bait you into harassing thembait you into harassing them

Or you could, you know, not harass them.

This is a forum. If somebody gets you so angry that you get so angry that you need to harass them, what you do is leave your chair, get up, get outside, and take a breath of fresh air. It's a person on the internet. Just
let it go

Harassing people is never the right choice, and it is always

This is so true - no one deserves to be harassed for whatever reason - if they did something wrong, use the appropriate channels to get it dealt with.

On topic:Yes, I think the removal of the Thumbs Down was a good choice. ArenaNet gave people the chance to not abuse it, and they abused it; so now it is a feature we will no longer have access to.

It's as simple as that, I guess.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:Right now, we cant mark comments as "bad idea", people will call out weird and bad ideas in topics and we can't downvote them. It was a good idea to change to votes to anonymous, but dont remove it,Y'know, lets throw a poll, i dare to make a wager that more than 66% will want the downvote option back

Downvoting stifles discussion. Post why you think something is a bad idea, and people can upvote that if they agree with your point. But more importantly, the poster of what you think is a bad idea can offer counterarguments or elaborate on why he thinks his idea is a good idea. There's no reasoning with downward pointing thumbs.

How? This is not like reddit where downvoting hides the post. Whether it gets a lot of thumbs up or thumbs down is simply feedback done in a more efficient nature than a reply.

Efficient? You must be joking. A thumbs down isn't feedback at all. It's posturing, void of content and impossible to respond to. It's less than worthless. It's a waste of space on our screens.

So why was thumbs up kept? The exact same reasons apply to it.

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@Beorn Raukar.4328 said:

@"Leo G.4501" said:I'm in agreement.

As an American (and i do realize not everyone on these forums is American but the devs are stationed here) it feels like an infringement of my civil right, not because thumbs down was removed, but because the reason behind its removal is to police criticism that wasn't in any way inherently negative. And yes, i realize the forums do not follow anything regarding the US constitution but you'd expect someone who is from the country to have similar morals and values, i.e the devs and mods.

Considering the whole social and political climate, just removing thumbs down is an act of favouritism within the community who feel some discourse make a discussion better vs those who think simple dislikes is a negative environment. The only recourse is to remove all voting options and leave silence as a mode of disagreement. This would also mean removing the badge system as well. For someone who enjoys posting, reading and participation in the forums, this is a net loss but an apparently necessary one.

Just so you know your constitutional rights better, your right for free speech only warranties that a government will not censor or punish you for expressing your views. However it does nothing over other free parties in the democratic system. As such it is the forums operator right to censor you for whatever reason they deem necessary, usually that applies to inflammatory posts.

Also I forgot to say "as an American" is just a very wrong thing to say. Most countries in the world actually warranty free speech, the US is not some strange outlier leading the world in the fringe idea of free speech.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:Right now, we cant mark comments as "bad idea", people will call out weird and bad ideas in topics and we can't downvote them. It was a good idea to change to votes to anonymous, but dont remove it,Y'know, lets throw a poll, i dare to make a wager that more than 66% will want the downvote option back

Downvoting stifles discussion. Post why you think something is a bad idea, and people can upvote that if they agree with your point. But more importantly, the poster of what you think is a bad idea can offer counterarguments or elaborate on why he thinks his idea is a good idea. There's no reasoning with downward pointing thumbs.

How? This is not like reddit where downvoting hides the post. Whether it gets a lot of thumbs up or thumbs down is simply feedback done in a more efficient nature than a reply.

Efficient? You must be joking. A thumbs down isn't feedback at all. It's posturing, void of content and impossible to respond to. It's less than worthless. It's a waste of space on our screens.

So why was thumbs up kept? The exact same reasons apply to it.

Why are you asking me? I don't make the rules here. I have no interest in arguing the merits of "Thumbs up", I'm just here arguing the pointlessness of "Thumbs down".

But obviously, approving of something or agreeing with it requires no motivation. Disagreeing does. And as I posted before, if you must vent an opinion despite being too lazy to formulate it, wait for someone else to write something that echoes your opinion, and give that a thumbs up.

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@Timo.1065 said:

@Epphyx.5078 said:As the title says, I do think that removing the thumb down was a bad idea.1) You did it on the day one Anet post was massively down voted. Most definitly a coincidence but it will stick in people's mind as "they did it so we can't express our disagreement so easily". So bad timing.2) You did not remove Helpfull nor thumb up. If I have to type a message to express how I disagree with a post, with don't I have to type a message to express how I agree ?3) It promote the idea that only positive thoughts are allowed on the forum. But without criticism there's no progress only stagnation.

100% agree. Thumb down and thum up is the fastes way to share with others your opinion about topic. Bring us back thumb dowm.

That's not an opinion, that's a vote.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Henry.5713 said:People always assume a downvoting system would be used in a civilized manner only, as in nobody would ever use it to downvote a well-reasoned opinion they happen to disagree with. I find that a little strange. There is no surer way to get a simple "Yes or No" out of people than to implement such a system, as they are not required to take their time to write down a reply. Of course here are those few who are going to dislike anything you post because they dislike you. So what, that is how life is. Wish people stopped being so offended about everything nowadays. This is yet another form of censorship that has become so common in social media. Next step will to allow members to block others from even posting anything in their threads to keep out anyone who disagrees with them. And all of that just because they can not deal with a tiny symbol that shows the honest opinions of others.

This isn't censorship. You can write a 10 page pamphlet about why you dislike someone's post or disagree with it. No one is stopping you. You're just being stopped from being lazy.

You can say the exact same thing about thumbs up. If all reaction buttons had been removed they at least would have been consistent in a forum philosophy. No pun intended, but they are putting their thumbs on the scale by removing one option and not the other.

Yeah, because we totally get far with posting "Yeah I agree" over and over, don't we?

If you agree to someone, there's nothing much to add to the post, and posting the same thing only floods the forums.

Also, a simple 'thumb down' is feedback? Doesn't really help much if you just click a button that shows you disagree with them, without giving a reason.

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@Ashen.2907 said:Expressing disagreement in a simple non-offensive manner is not trolling.

Insisting that those who disagree with an expressed idea or post be held to a different standard than those who agree is an attempt to discourage anyone from expressing disagreement. Only those who agree with posts are fully empowered to express their opinion.

On the GW2 forums you can express any opinion you like, as long as it agrees with everyone else...

If you're unwilling t> @Haishao.6851 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:How many more threads on the same topic do we need? :#

As I wrote before (twice):

The thumbs down feature would have been a good idea if it weren't for all the trolls who abused it. See, when there is an opinion posted, you have the right to disagree, of course. But often, it was used on posts that did not represent an opinion whatsoever, that were 100% neutral and contained mere information (no more, no less), only to troll the poster (and since it was made anonymous it was even easier to troll someone).

You still can disagree on something the old-fashioned way, by simply posting your counter-opinion, and I am certain many people who agree with you will respond with a thumbs up. :) It has the same effect, but is trollproofed. ;)

How do you even troll with thumbs down?You give someone a thumbs up and when you think they're happy about it you change it to a thumb down?I don't get it

It's pretty easy, find someone you don't like, and just "thumb down" all their posts, if you can get a friend or two, or maybe your whole guild involved. you can pretty much spam someone with Thumb's Down votes. Just a way to make people look or feel bad, petty childish antics is all. So removing the feature is more a mark on A-net realizing what fine upstanding community they have.. LOL.

But that's not trolling though. How many time has this happened?I don't think people in this game are so childish they would waste their time getting their guild to thumb down all comment of someone only to hurt their feeling.

I think Anet felt the same way that the members of their community would not be that childish and petty, hence why the button was installed. Gamers are gamers. It's the truth.

Also what stop people from gathering their guild to give thumbs up on topic that are generally disagreed by the community?

Nothing at all, but making one person feel better about themselves is not as toxic to a community as a bunch of trolls down voting anyone that disagrees with them. Truth is, gamers are in fact petty people, and they will hunt down and down vote someone because they don't like them, much in the same way they hunt down and report all the posts of someone they don't like. And yes, it happens, a lot more then you might think.

@Leo G.4501 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@Zefiris.8297 said:

@Leo G.4501 said:I'm in agreement.

As an American (and i do realize not everyone on these forums is American but the devs are stationed here) it feels like an infringement of my civil right

As a non-american, I continue to be amused by the complete failure of many self-proclaimed Americans to understand what "civil rights" actually means.This is not a free speech issue. In fact, if you actually read your constitution that you whine about, you'd understand that private companies have every right to completely remove any kind of speech they dislike in any way they wish to.

You kids wouldn't have lasted long in forums or usenet, that's for sure.

It's funny that you completely misrepresent my argument while using insults to make your argument. I'd thumbs down the post to hammer in that message while explaining why to allow no solid ground to argue against.

If you read my post, i express that i understand that the constitution has no power within these context but use the background of those within power (mostly Americans) to consider where they stand morally and bring into question if they value the freedoms people died defending. If they do not value any of that, the argument fails. But the purpose is to appeal to the same emotional side those arguing to remove down votes did to scrap the entire system as its unecessay either way. If you fail to understand that, what else can i tell you but to respectfully explain in further detail why your post misrepresents me but you are not worthy of that much effort.

My god, did they not teach you your own laws at school? This is really, really silly. When I was in school, I apparently learned more about your legal system than you did! How can this even be?

Have you never taken philosophy, public speaking or debate?

I think he's got you beat, after all, your whole point was that a point that disagreed would get ignored, and you two just laid that whole thing to rest with responding to him because he disagreed with you. Can't wait to see what becomes of this discussion that was started because you disagreed, and did not hide behind an anonymous button to express that.

You keep saying hide. Do i have you tear down that argument too?

You must not value my time, but i have an ulterior motive to responding and its not related to proving anything you corroborate to down vote removal.

"Tear that down too" You say that like you have managed to successfully rebuke anyone that has disagreed with you so far, and how you waste your time is on you, since you are using to get into petty fights on a forum, it can't be that valuable to start with.

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@Waldo.8075 said:"Oh no! A button that doesn't do much other than showing an icon of a hand pointing its thumb down has been removed while I can also just be civilized and write a productive counter argument that could lead to a discussion, hopefully without throwing insults and immaturity at each other, to express each other's opinion on the subject. I'd rather just click a button and not spend a few minutes writing a valid counter argument and be less productive about it so that I can sleep well at night knowing that I've contributed absolutely nothing but an additional count to the thumbs-down mass."

Also what's this about the change being against freedom of speech? I ain't hearing people talking or reading anything about their so-called speech when all we get to see is a number next to an icon going up.If someone disagrees, it'd be a lot better if a counter argument was given to back-up that disagreement.Don't have time to write the disagreement to one's post? Then your disagreement is probably void to begin with.

An agreement and a disagreement are two completely different things. Comparing them is like comparing a train with my granny's scootmobile.And she doesn't even have one. Think about that.If you agree with someone, there isn't much to add because you simply have the same opinion and if you had to express that, the forums would be full with the same post over and over. Probably more frequent than the posts about bugged events for legendaries.

If you disagree with someone, you can add something to that with your view and opinion (as long as you don't fling immaturities about) by expressing your argument with words and not with a hand gesture. Leave that to people who need to use hand gestures because they are unable to speak.

See, this post would have gotten a thumbs down because its useless and demonstratea the poster didnt read the opposing argument AT ALL.

That post deserves a level heades and indepth reaponse while demonstrating a lack or respect and patients? Or we could just ignore rhe person and hope he goes away, making countless of useless posts in the meantime?

This folks.. is why the Down Vote Button is better off Gone.

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Honestly speaking, I agree with the removal of the downvote button. I wouldn't mind if they removed the upvote button either, because I find both to be inconsequential. The only one I personally believe has any practical use is the "helpful" button, because it can help new visitors/players find posts with useful advice or information much more easily, which has real benefits.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:However, a lack of headway on your part, might have something to do with you invalidating your whole point, by responding to posts that are in disagreement with you. now, if you came to a forum to just press buttons as opposed to seeking to engage in open dialogue, then you missed the whole idea what even coming to a forum is about, it's about discussing things, if you you did not come here for that, then maybe you should spend your time doing something else.. like playing the game.

And yet the entire premise of this thread was that, if the disagree button was to be removed so too should be the single button to agree. How is that open dialogue that we should be coming to these forums to find encouraged by someone who just presses a single button?

Well, let me see if I have this right. What you are saying is that you want a topic full of people quoting each other saying "I agree", reality check, people don't need to discuss why they agree, do you expect everyone that agrees with you to chime in and say "I agree" Your post has 1 agreement to it, do you need to know why they agree with you?

However, understating different views and opinions is integral to growth, ergo, trying to understand why someone may disagree with you, can be very helpful.

However, this is also a gaming forum, and thus it has no shortage of people with way too much ego and free time that just want to be right and would rather a button to say "No your wrong" then trying to make any effort to have a discussion, I can see those people wanting/needing such a feature. In some cases, for some posters, it's better to give them their button if that would shut them up. But why bother to cater to such a demographic?

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@DakotaCoty.5721 said:

@Carighan.6758 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:because just enough people use that tactically rather than strictly as a "I disagree" marker

I would love to see data on this before making wild statements such as this. "Tactically"? For combat purposes or what?

  • Oh I dislike this idea? Downvote, no comment
  • Oh I dislike this person? Downvote, no comment
  • Oh this person is trying too hard, downvote, no comment.
  • Oh this person is popular, downvote, no comment
  • Oh I dislike something this person said but the idea was good, Downvote, no comment

You see where I'm going with this?

Making stuff up with no evidence and ignoring the opposing argument isn't a strong argument.

I didn't "make stuff up" it was removed because people were openly abusing it. Helpful players with massive downvotes on their profile because people simply disliked the advice they gave or didn't agree with the content.

Your persistence in arguing with me, or rather, attempting, is getting tiresome. They wouldn't have removed the system unless it was being abused and what you quoted was a literal example of things I saw.

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@Leo G.4501 said:\The only recourse is to remove all voting options and leave silence as a mode of disagreement.

Just in case you didn't know, or perhaps forgot, but you can still disagree with anyone you like as verbosely as you like, it's called a Forum Post. You just can't do it behind the facade of anonymity.

And as a fellow American, I can honestly say, No owning up your feelings and putting it out here bravely, preferring to hide behind an anonymous function to speak for you is about as UnAmerican as you can get.

Just saying on that last bit.

You did not read my post fully. Otherwise you wouldn't be putting forth the same tired countered argument and expect me to write a full comment to correctly represent my argument and counter yours.

Simply put, silent agrees are meaningless when you can only make a post that is promptly ignored because it is not agreement.

LOL, and yet.. here we are. having a Discussion.. because we disagree. Imagine that. right here, right now, you'e proving yourself wrong, because you responded to me because I disagreed with you, and was brave enough to say it to your face, and not feel the coddling need to hide behind a anonymous "I don't like that" button.

Look at us using the forum as intended.

And neither of us are getting anything out of it except wasting more time saying we disagree with each other and not making any headway into getting our point across to the other.

Hmm, i wonder if there was a quicker way to get the same idea across...maybe a switch or...button that would prevent me from needing to repeat myself or tear down the same argument over and over again...

Well the fastest way would be to just move along and not get involved.

However, a lack of headway on your part, might have something to do with you invalidating your whole point, by responding to posts that are in disagreement with you. now, if you came to a forum to just press buttons as opposed to seeking to engage in open dialogue, then you missed the whole idea what even coming to a forum is about, it's about discussing things, if you you did not come here for that, then maybe you should spend your time doing something else.. like playing the game.

Silence does not mean disagreement, however. That's what you're not understanding. Also responding to your post is not agreement which you are completely misinterpreting.

And it corroborates nothing considering i feel my time being wasted with this pointless back and forth. Not only that but your strawman (i only come to the forums to press a button? You're trying to say all people who disagree and used the feature do the same which completely invalidates your argument but here i am wasting my time with such a baseless argument but that's somehow a victory for forum discussion?) is only meant to divert the debate and no one has made a solid argument for keeping up votes which rests my case. Until you make such an argument, you've done nothing but derail the thread which is against forum rules.

I am not wasting your time.. You are choosing to use your time in this manner, if you view that as a waste, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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A simple, efficient, non-offensive "I disagree," via a single key press instead of several is not trolling, or being mean.

If a poster, suggestion, or topic cannot bear to have someone disagree with him/it as readily as having agreement then the poster shouldnt post or the topic shouldnt be posted. If one is the sort that considers another disagreeing with one to be, "mean," then one might not belong on a public forum. I really am shocked that someone actually claimed in this thread that disagreeing with someone, expressed in a non-offensive manner is mean.

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@Pixlboy.5296 said:I think that it force people to verbalize their opinion, especially negative. Not just simple "no", "You're wrong" by giving thumbs down.If you don't like something, write it. Then people that also agree with you will give you thumb up to show the strength of your arguement.That's good.

That goes also for thumbs up, you don't have to write thousend posts repeating the same.

Just disagreeing goes nowhere and I've also seen thumbs down on post that weren't even negative.

I totally agree with you

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@Pixlboy.5296 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@Pixlboy.5296 said:I think that it force people to verbalize their opinion, especially negative. Not just simple "no", "You're wrong" by giving thumbs down.If you don't like something, write it. Then people that also agree with you will give you thumb up to show the strength of your arguement.That's good.

That goes also for thumbs up, you don't have to write thousend posts repeating the same.

Just disagreeing goes nowhere and I've also seen thumbs down on post that weren't even negative.

You say we should write our disagreement, but suddenly when it comes to agreement, writing a thousand of posts repeating the same is bad.Can you please elaborate on this? Why is one good and the other bad?

Also you've seen posts that you think weren't negative getting thumbs down. They were obviously negative to people who gave it a thumb down.I see your post got a thumb up and it is not even positive.

Come on, it's simple, when you participate in a discussion or just passing by you probably read prievious post to some extend, when you agreeing with someone negative or positive (it doesn' matter), you give them thumbs up.Saying that's an opinion you could stand by.That's good I think. Sure you could also write this I guess np. But it would be better to add something new to the topic, negative or positive.I just personally like more concrete discussions when I'm not reading the same over and over again.On the other hand I've found similar opinions to mine that I just thumb up, feeling no point in repeating something that was already said but in my words.

Don't get me wrong for all I care the whole system could be removed ;)

Yup. I agree with this point as well.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@Pixlboy.5296 said:I think that it force people to verbalize their opinion, especially negative. Not just simple "no", "You're wrong" by giving thumbs down.If you don't like something, write it. Then people that also agree with you will give you thumb up to show the strength of your arguement.That's good.

That goes also for thumbs up, you don't have to write thousend posts repeating the same.

Just disagreeing goes nowhere and I've also seen thumbs down on post that weren't even negative.

You say we should write our disagreement, but suddenly when it comes to agreement, writing a thousand of posts repeating the same is bad.Can you please elaborate on this? Why is one good and the other bad?

Also you've seen posts that you think weren't negative getting thumbs down. They were obviously negative to people who gave it a thumb down.I see your post got a thumb up and it is not even positive.

In a discussion, agreement doesn't require substantiation. Disagreement does. If you're too lazy to write why you disagree, wait until someone else writes something that echoes the opinion you couldn't be bothered to express, and upvote that post.

Good point, I agree "thumbs up"

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@DakotaCoty.5721 said:

@Carighan.6758 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:because just enough people use that tactically rather than strictly as a "I disagree" marker

I would love to see data on this before making wild statements such as this. "Tactically"? For combat purposes or what?

  • Oh I dislike this idea? Downvote, no comment
  • Oh I dislike this person? Downvote, no comment
  • Oh this person is trying too hard, downvote, no comment.
  • Oh this person is popular, downvote, no comment
  • Oh I dislike something this person said but the idea was good, Downvote, no comment

You see where I'm going with this?

Good Post. "Thumbs Up", I agree.

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@DakotaCoty.5721 said:

@Carighan.6758 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:because just enough people use that tactically rather than strictly as a "I disagree" marker

I would love to see data on this before making wild statements such as this. "Tactically"? For combat purposes or what?

  • Oh I dislike this idea? Downvote, no comment
  • Oh I dislike this person? Downvote, no comment
  • Oh this person is trying too hard, downvote, no comment.
  • Oh this person is popular, downvote, no comment
  • Oh I dislike something this person said but the idea was good, Downvote, no comment

You see where I'm going with this?

The exact same happens with the upvote button though. So if we are going with this logic, we have to remove the thumbs up button as well because:

  • Oh I like this idea? Upvote, no comment
  • Oh I like this person? Upvote, no comment
  • Oh this comment is popular? Upvote, no comment
  • Oh this is clearly a troll post and it made me laugh? Upvote, no comment
  • Oh I like somethign this person said but I don't like the idea. Upvote anyway, no comment

Your argument is 100% hypocritical since it works against both the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. If you use this argument you have to either be in favor of both, or in favor of none. You can't just have upvote.

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