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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@Crazy.6029 said:

This system is supposed to balance and create a population controlled enviornment. After this there should be no reason to say that you lost because of coverage or population. Rewards are essential or it just basically is playing wvw just to see who can get the most points or kills. We don't have any leader boards to tell us which guild is really good or which player is really good. We should at least get rewards out of this or something to keep things competitive.

Why wouldn't the existing rewards work already? Today we are already have a way to rate the worlds, and most people think its tied more towards coverage, I don't see this changing that. It will try and balance coverage, but unless it re-balances along the way, which it won't do, then people can game it but alternating their play windows.

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I've only read 24 1/2 pages, so please forgive me if I missed where someone suggested this...

I know that our current servers do have unaffiliated militia, unguilded server regulars, 'freelancers' if you will. I understand that they are irritated by the idea of having to be tied to a guild in order to avoid being shuffled into the empty spaces in random worlds.

What if each server had a guild made exclusively to preserve server militia? Just a SoS Freelancer guild, a HoD freelancer guild, etc.? You could get sorted into the same world as your regular cast of characters because of the guild, but you wouldn't need to put up with a serious guild's requirements, or get stuck trailing along after a guild leader's plans. You could all just go on with your bad roaming selves. You would still get moved from place to place, but at least you would all move together.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.EDIT: the system we have now already hinders your progress because of mega servers. Within WvW, TC is less and less an RP community but yes there is still one. What's stopping you guys from forming a guild and or alliance to keep the RPers together.

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

Again if there is a Disagreement in an Alliance guess what the people involved can either fix the issue or Leave Guilds aren’t stuck in Alliances. Wow such a mind blowing concept! There doesn’t have to be a system to babysit/handhold

Have you played in games with alliances before? If so have you been in one where a troll guild is introduced to your alliance? The point is knowing what tools they are planning on introducing to allow guilds to manage the alliances does have value and asking for more information about that upfront while in design is the best point to begin the discussion. Why asking for user interface options is an issue I don't understand your opposition. Can a guild leave yes, can a guild get kicked because guild a now has a troll guild leader? These are not the same thing.

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@Rampage.7145 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna have the power to be on a server where they can leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨ i am maguuma kitten MAGSWAG!!!!¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Your painting of people who choose not to involve themselves in the politics of guilds couldn't be further from the truth.

In past games and past years I have formed and led and taken over guilds, done all the hours of planning for battles, been on ts etc, seen the politics and the commitment required in what is, after all, just a game.

I'm past all that. For RL reasons I, and many others, don't want to be part of a larger guild that tries to impose it's rules on me. I also cannot commit to being available for any particular time/raid/day or even week, and wouldn't want to let a guild down (as if I was on ts, I'd probably end up running some of the raids).

When I am on and playing, I like to run with the same commanders, no matter which toon I decide to play or switch to to help group composition (depending if there is a queue!), and they happily accept me into the group despite not being on ts, as they know I will contribute positively both within the large battles and by doing the less liked jobs of breaking off and ninja a tower or keep or scouting. But I don't want to join their guilds.

Your 'get carried' comment shows your elitism. Many 'pugs' are much more skilled than those in guilds where the guild carries the weaker guildies. I've lost count of the number of times as a pug group with a comm with similar numbers we've wiped guild groups (who then moan that our spec isn't 'fair', etc, rather than switching their composition to enable them to wipe us).

I've also got to know a few fellow 'solo' runners who i know will dive into the fight with me even when we're 2v4, and some I wouldn't trust to engage even if we're 5v2!

I don't want to be placed in some random match up for 8 weeks under the new system so I'd like to know in advance of it coming in what our options are.

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@diamondgirl.6315 said:I've only read 24 1/2 pages, so please forgive me if I missed where someone suggested this...

I know that our current servers do have unaffiliated militia, unguilded server regulars, 'freelancers' if you will. I understand that they are irritated by the idea of having to be tied to a guild in order to avoid being shuffled into the empty spaces in random worlds.

What if each server had a guild made exclusively to preserve server militia? Just a SoS Freelancer guild, a HoD freelancer guild, etc.? You could get sorted into the same world as your regular cast of characters because of the guild, but you wouldn't need to put up with a serious guild's requirements, or get stuck trailing along after a guild leader's plans. You could all just go on with your bad roaming selves. You would still get moved from place to place, but at least you would all move together.

That is pretty much what you need to do to remain associated. You will also need to create an alliance and have those guilds join it. The biggest issue depending on the amount of the players is going to be the 500-1000 cap.

This is set to prevent stacking but has some drawbacks in certain circumstances and can change depending on responses.

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@MaLeVoLenT.8129 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

After this? Possibly being separated onto different channels from each other. There are too many RPers to squish into a single guild, even if they were all willing to throw away ties with their current guilds to do so, in hopes that the megaserver will put them in the same instance.

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@Tolmos.8395 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

After this? Possibly being separated onto different channels from each other. There are too many RPers to squish into a single guild, even if they were all willing to throw away ties with their current guilds to all try to squeeze together into a single one hoping the megaserver will put them in the same instance.

I dont understand what being separated into different channels means. You dont have to squish them into a single guild. You can make an alliance of many like minded guilds. You dont have to throw away any ties of anything.

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

First thing Guilds already have caps of 500 Roster size, so we already know Guild cap.

Every other “point” you made is handled by the guilds/leaders making up the alliances, because it takes the agreement of the Guild Leaders to even form an alliance, they can fill their guilds and their Allliance as they see fit for their needs, the system won’t hand hold the Allaince making, alliance roster cap will be between 500- 1000 players, players will have to set a WvW Guild as their primary WvW to be counted towards that’s guilds WvW presence and by extension that guilds Alliance presence. This is all clearly laid out in the OP.

But does that still work in this model? Is 500 the right size, too small, too big? Taking the algorithms that are planned how many size guilds of various sizes are being planned so that the mix is right. Yes they shared some conceps which is appreciated but this still sounds blobfest. And when you have disagreements in alliances what tools are in place to handle. Alliance tools by itself might make or break this system.

Considering guilds are replacing worlds, I would think that guild sizes might need a bit of a bump in max player size.

Guilds aren’t replacing worlds... and Anet states that Alliances won’t be able to make up the majority of a World’s population so yeah.

Good! It's going to be worth a chuckle when the group of insecure middle-fort campers can't buy their way to round the clock coverage.

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@MaLeVoLenT.8129 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

I've already said that... several times. The RP community can form guilds and find RP that way, sure, but most RP guilds are tight nit affairs with between 15-100 players, with one RP mega-guild of 500. Even if you fill your guild slots, that means you're only going to be matched with a total of about 500-600 other people, if you're lucky, and they happen to be on at the same times as you, and happen to be in the same maps. That's not how you meet people, however. You meet people by wandering around the world, seeing someone RPing via /emote and joining in on the open world RP... Before megaservers this was possible everywhere. It was possible to stumble across this. Post mega-servers it is not. What we're asking them to consider is a non-wvw based alliance system to COMPLIMENT the wvw based alliance system. This would literally have zero effect on the wvw world sorting, and so zero effect on ANYONE but RPers, which are a larger portion of the community than people like to give credit for. What I don't understand is how you can unilaterally object to a suggestion that can't possibly negatively effect you, but can be a benefit to us.

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Just quickly browsed through the comments, OP certainly looks promising but like a few others I wonder what will happen to the lone scouts/roamers that aren't part of wvw guilds because they already have 5 other guilds (yes, I'm one of those :p )

I've always liked the unity of a server, which is also why I still have very good memories of the times before megaserver, where servers competed to kill tequatl etc. In Wvw this server-community still stands out, it feels like that last part of unity will be sacrificed.. Ofc, it can be for the greater good and turn out to be fine, but it's something to be careful with.

Another thing I was wondering: when making guild alliances etc, I do hope those guilds will get values based on the people in there that actually play wvw, and not just the total number of people in the guild. Because for example, in my main guild we will most likely mark as wvw guild, just to play together when we do.. But from the 250 people there are only 5-10 that actually are engaged into Wvw while the others aren't and some of those would only join for guild events, but not to do any other significant contribution apart from that.

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@evlover.6270 said:Just quickly browsed through the comments, OP certainly looks promising but like a few others I wonder what will happen to the lone scouts/roamers that aren't part of wvw guilds because they already have 5 other guilds (yes, I'm one of those :p )

I've always liked the unity of a server, which is also why I still have very good memories of the times before megaserver, where servers competed to kill tequatl etc. In Wvw this server-community still stands out, it feels like that last part of unity will be sacrificed.. Ofc, it can be for the greater good and turn out to be fine, but it's something to be careful with.

Another thing I was wondering: when making guild alliances etc, I do hope those guilds will get values based on the people in there that actually play wvw, and not just the total number of people in the guild. Because for example, in my main guild we will most likely mark as wvw guild, just to play together when we do.. But from the 250 people there are only 5-10 that actually are engaged into Wvw while the others aren't and some of those would only join for guild events, but not to do any other significant contribution apart from that.

It’s stated in the OP that the WvW guilds WvW population is only the players that assign it as their primary WvW Guild..

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

This system is supposed to balance and create a population controlled enviornment. After this there should be no reason to say that you lost because of coverage or population. Rewards are essential or it just basically is playing wvw just to see who can get the most points or kills. We don't have any leader boards to tell us which guild is really good or which player is really good. We should at least get rewards out of this or something to keep things competitive.

Why wouldn't the existing rewards work already? Today we are already have a way to rate the worlds, and most people think its tied more towards coverage, I don't see this changing that. It will try and balance coverage, but unless it re-balances along the way, which it won't do, then people can game it but alternating their play windows.

The rewards today are just grind mats with out of date weapons/armor/skins. IF anet throws in some fresh rewards I see that as a positive to promote competition. I have decided to take Anets word on this matter based on the OPs goal statements.

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@MaLeVoLenT.8129 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

After this? Possibly being separated onto different channels from each other. There are too many RPers to squish into a single guild, even if they were all willing to throw away ties with their current guilds to all try to squeeze together into a single one hoping the megaserver will put them in the same instance.

I dont understand what being separated into different channels means. You dont have to squish them into a single guild. You can make an alliance of many like minded guilds. You dont have to throw away any ties of anything.

Say that you and I both log into the game at the same time, and want to play together (but are not part of the same guild). Depending on certain factors, we could both be standing in the exact same place in Divinity's Reach and not be able to see each other. We would be in different channels on the megaserver.

Right now, your chosen shard (Tarnished Coast, for RPers), gives some priority for where you end up. If we both logged in and were both part of TC, we'd likely be in the same channel and see each other. No shards, however, means that prioritization will be relegated to guild based only.

Now, the issue with this is: if you have 100 players all log in who want to RP, and they are part of different guilds, they could end up on 2 or even 3 different channels, all split apart. If some of those players are (and have been for some time) part of larger guilds that are not RP oriented, but that they have emotional bonds/ties with, then an RP alliance may not be something that they can do.

That's the problem. RP is a playstyle heavily reliant on running into like minded people in the same game world. If they are split amongst several game worlds dynamically, without some means of control over which channel they end up in, that puts a pretty solid hamper on their gameplay.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

I've already said that... several times. The RP community can form guilds and find RP that way, sure, but most RP guilds are tight nit affairs with between 15-100 players, with one RP mega-guild of 500. Even if you fill your guild slots, that means you're only going to be matched with a total of about 500-600 other people, if you're lucky, and they happen to be on at the same times as you, and happen to be in the same maps. That's not how you meet people, however. You meet people by wandering around the world, seeing someone RPing via /emote and joining in on the open world RP... Before megaservers this was possible everywhere. It was possible to stumble across this. Post mega-servers it is not. What we're asking them to consider is a non-wvw based alliance system to COMPLIMENT the wvw based alliance system. This would literally have zero effect on the wvw world sorting, and so zero effect on ANYONE but RPers, which are a larger portion of the community than people like to give credit for. What I don't understand is how you can unilaterally object to a suggestion that can't possibly negatively effect you, but can be a benefit to us.

I didn't object to anything. I was just asking a question that was based off something you said. I didn't clue into your suggestion at all. Just your thought process on what you had said. So now that you've clarified your suggestion, I do object. RP is a way to play any given game mode. You cant make a mechanic for RPers alone just the same as they cant separate the differences between a PPT guild and a Fighter guild. But the alliance system does not prevent or split either including a RP guild from playing in WvW. That 500 man RP guild does not produce 500 rpers in WvW either. The cap on alliances isnt set in stone aswell.

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@evlover.6270 said:Just quickly browsed through the comments, OP certainly looks promising but like a few others I wonder what will happen to the lone scouts/roamers that aren't part of wvw guilds because they already have 5 other guilds (yes, I'm one of those :p )

I've always liked the unity of a server, which is also why I still have very good memories of the times before megaserver, where servers competed to kill tequatl etc. In Wvw this server-community still stands out, it feels like that last part of unity will be sacrificed.. Ofc, it can be for the greater good and turn out to be fine, but it's something to be careful with.

I think as others have pointed out that we will see the rise of more server guilds or server alliances. That's one of the biggest differences here in how people view their current environment. For the roamers, havocs, mixed guilders and such it will be a matter of drifting and losing that existing feeling that they had a server to aid or trying to attach to a server alliance to try and keep in touch with people they enjoyed playing with even if they were in different guilds. It can work, it just means more back and fourth as extra politics are now being introduced.

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@Tolmos.8395 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

After this? Possibly being separated onto different channels from each other. There are too many RPers to squish into a single guild, even if they were all willing to throw away ties with their current guilds to all try to squeeze together into a single one hoping the megaserver will put them in the same instance.

I dont understand what being separated into different channels means. You dont have to squish them into a single guild. You can make an alliance of many like minded guilds. You dont have to throw away any ties of anything.

Say that you and I both log into the game at the same time, and want to play together (but are not part of the same guild). Depending on certain factors, we could both be standing in the exact same place in Divinity's Reach and not be able to see each other. We would be in different channels on the megaserver.

Right now, your chosen shard (Tarnished Coast, for RPers), gives some priority for where you end up. If we both logged in and were both part of TC, we'd likely be in the same channel and see each other. No shards, however, means that prioritization will be relegated to guild based only.

Now, the issue with this is: if you have 100 players all log in who want to RP, and they are part of different guilds, they could end up on 2 or even 3 different channels, all split apart. If some of those players are (and have been for some time) part of larger guilds that are not RP oriented, but that they have emotional bonds/ties with, then an RP alliance may not be something that they can do.

That's the problem. RP is a playstyle heavily reliant on running into like minded people in the same game world. If they are split amongst several game worlds dynamically, without some means of control over which channel they end up in, that puts a pretty solid hamper on their gameplay.

So far the solution I've been suggesting is allowing for alternate types of alliance, not just WvW ones. Chances are the WvW guilds don't want a bunch of RPers making guilds and tagging them as WvW just so they can form an alliance, as this could mess with how worlds are sorted. Allowing us to tag a guild as "RP" and only allowing those tagged guilds to ally with other guilds tagged as "RP", with mega-server sorting priority based on alliance, but not world sorting priority, would solve a lot of this problem.

An alternate solution is to allow us a chat command that can let us type in the IP of a shard and automatically move to that one, then the GW2RP site could keep track of the IPs of active RP shards and people could easily get in to them. This is the less than ideal solution though.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

After this? Possibly being separated onto different channels from each other. There are too many RPers to squish into a single guild, even if they were all willing to throw away ties with their current guilds to all try to squeeze together into a single one hoping the megaserver will put them in the same instance.

I dont understand what being separated into different channels means. You dont have to squish them into a single guild. You can make an alliance of many like minded guilds. You dont have to throw away any ties of anything.

Say that you and I both log into the game at the same time, and want to play together (but are not part of the same guild). Depending on certain factors, we could both be standing in the exact same place in Divinity's Reach and not be able to see each other. We would be in different channels on the megaserver.

Right now, your chosen shard (Tarnished Coast, for RPers), gives some priority for where you end up. If we both logged in and were both part of TC, we'd likely be in the same channel and see each other. No shards, however, means that prioritization will be relegated to guild based only.

Now, the issue with this is: if you have 100 players all log in who want to RP, and they are part of different guilds, they could end up on 2 or even 3 different channels, all split apart. If some of those players are (and have been for some time) part of larger guilds that are not RP oriented, but that they have emotional bonds/ties with, then an RP alliance may not be something that they can do.

That's the problem. RP is a playstyle heavily reliant on running into like minded people in the same game world. If they are split amongst several game worlds dynamically, without some means of control over which channel they end up in, that puts a pretty solid hamper on their gameplay.

So far the solution I've been suggesting is allowing for alternate types of alliance, not just WvW ones. Chances are the WvW guilds don't want a bunch of RPers making guilds and tagging them as WvW just so they can form an alliance, as this could mess with how worlds are sorted. Allowing us to tag a guild as "RP" and only allowing those tagged guilds to ally with other guilds tagged as "RP", with mega-server sorting priority based on alliance, but not world sorting priority, would solve a lot of this problem.

An alternate solution is to allow us a chat command that can let us type in the IP of a shard and automatically move to that one, then the GW2RP site could keep track of the IPs of active RP shards and people could easily get in to them. This is the less than ideal solution though.

I just mentioned this in another thread, but I'll mention it here as well:

Another solution is to keep the server selection that exists, but not have it apply to WvW. Right now, the only reason the WvW change is hurting anything else is because the server selection at start up is deemed unnecessary, since it isn't being used for WvW anymore. But, it actually affects more than just WvW. So, instead, if we keep that selection, everything works itself out. WvW can continue with all of its proposed changes, including the new Dynamic Worlds system they are planning, and the rest of the game can continue to function on the static worlds that already exist.

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Just for clarification: Is this just locked to WvW, or will it affect every other map in the game? So, if this system was a thing in the Crystal Oasis, would it have World 1, World 2 and World 3? And players from World 3 couldn't join World 1 if it had 90%+ capacity?

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@MaLeVoLenT.8129 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

I've already said that... several times. The RP community can form guilds and find RP that way, sure, but most RP guilds are tight nit affairs with between 15-100 players, with one RP mega-guild of 500. Even if you fill your guild slots, that means you're only going to be matched with a total of about 500-600 other people, if you're lucky, and they happen to be on at the same times as you, and happen to be in the same maps. That's not how you meet people, however. You meet people by wandering around the world, seeing someone RPing via /emote and joining in on the open world RP... Before megaservers this was possible everywhere. It was possible to stumble across this. Post mega-servers it is not. What we're asking them to consider is a non-wvw based alliance system to COMPLIMENT the wvw based alliance system. This would literally have zero effect on the wvw world sorting, and so zero effect on ANYONE but RPers, which are a larger portion of the community than people like to give credit for. What I don't understand is how you can unilaterally object to a suggestion that can't possibly negatively effect you, but can be a benefit to us.

I didn't object to anything. I was just asking a question that was based off something you said. I didn't clue into your suggestion at all. Just your thought process on what you had said. So now that you've clarified your suggestion, I do object. RP is a way to play any given game mode. You cant make a mechanic for RPers alone just the same as they cant separate the differences between a PPT guild and a Fighter guild. But the alliance system does not prevent or split either including a RP guild from playing in WvW. That 500 man RP guild does not produce 500 rpers in WvW either. The cap on alliances isnt set in stone aswell.

With the current system as outlined, if you don't tag a guild as "wvw" you won't be able to form or join an alliance at all, period. What that will lead to is RP guilds deliberately tagging as WvW just to have alliances, and so have mega server selection priority. This will in turn skew world selection numbers, and cause at least one server on every match-up to have a disproportionate number of players that are actually RPers, which the WvW community, I am sure, would absolutely hate. Leaving the system as it stands would 100% negatively effect the wvw community. What I am suggesting is allowing different types of alliances to be formed that in NO WAY effect wvw world sorting, because as both an RPer and a WvW player, I don't want to see WvW negatively effected anymore than I want to see the RP community be dissolved by this change. One or the other will happen if it stays as is.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

I've already said that... several times. The RP community can form guilds and find RP that way, sure, but most RP guilds are tight nit affairs with between 15-100 players, with one RP mega-guild of 500. Even if you fill your guild slots, that means you're only going to be matched with a total of about 500-600 other people, if you're lucky, and they happen to be on at the same times as you, and happen to be in the same maps. That's not how you meet people, however. You meet people by wandering around the world, seeing someone RPing via /emote and joining in on the open world RP... Before megaservers this was possible everywhere. It was possible to stumble across this. Post mega-servers it is not. What we're asking them to consider is a non-wvw based alliance system to COMPLIMENT the wvw based alliance system. This would literally have zero effect on the wvw world sorting, and so zero effect on ANYONE but RPers, which are a larger portion of the community than people like to give credit for. What I don't understand is how you can unilaterally object to a suggestion that can't possibly negatively effect you, but can be a benefit to us.

Could you post a snippet of RPing in WvW? It seems like you want to have a closed world so you can RP in peace but you want to be open so you can meet other RPs.What do you do currently to RP in WvW?

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@Swamurabi.7890 said:

@Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

Did Anet say you
have to

Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

At least that would be the logical method.

Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends?

I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too.

if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.

They just wanna leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨kitten i am maguuma kitten¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.

Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that
in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.The only point to servers is WvW. Without that, we're all on a mega cluster server that share the code and hardware. The term Server is wrongly used. Everyone is on the same server instead use the term world. Again. Servers don't mean anything to PvE or SPvP.

That is the case now, but it was not always so. It used to be that on the "unofficial" RP servers (Tarnished Coast in NA, and Piken Square in EU) people could be out wandering the world and have a high probability of finding other people who were just out and about RPing. Ever since the mega-server system was implemented, finding that is about as frequent as finding a precursor. It still happens from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Eliminating servers entirely, and thereby eliminating server-priority for mega-server instance selection, will make RP hard to find EVEN IN THE CITIES which was the last place we could be wandering around and still run in to other Roleplayers. It will no longer be rare in the open world, it will be gone completely. What I am asking them to consider is a non-wvw alliance system that would give mega-server selection priority to people in the same alliance. It's really my only concern on the matter (well that, and of course how effective the algorithms they use for determining the wvw World Selection are). It may not mean anything to you, but to the RP community it means a HELL OF A LOT.

What is stopping the RP community from playing together exactly.

I've already said that... several times. The RP community can form guilds and find RP that way, sure, but most RP guilds are tight nit affairs with between 15-100 players, with one RP mega-guild of 500. Even if you fill your guild slots, that means you're only going to be matched with a total of about 500-600 other people, if you're lucky, and they happen to be on at the same times as you, and happen to be in the same maps. That's not how you meet people, however. You meet people by wandering around the world, seeing someone RPing via /emote and joining in on the open world RP... Before megaservers this was possible everywhere. It was possible to stumble across this. Post mega-servers it is not. What we're asking them to consider is a non-wvw based alliance system to COMPLIMENT the wvw based alliance system. This would literally have zero effect on the wvw world sorting, and so zero effect on ANYONE but RPers, which are a larger portion of the community than people like to give credit for. What I don't understand is how you can unilaterally object to a suggestion that can't possibly negatively effect you, but can be a benefit to us.

Could you post a snippet of RPing in WvW? It seems like you want to have a closed world so you can RP in peace but you want to be open so you can meet other RPs.What do you do currently to RP in WvW?

We don't RP in wvw, but eliminating the existing Worlds will negatively effect RP in PvE, OUTSIDE of wvw, because currently your chosen WORLD has influence on what map instance you land in. Tarnished Coast is the unofficial NA RP world, and the best way to run in to other RPers in PvE is to join the TC server. By getting rid of all base worlds and converting to just NA and EU, this will completely eliminate that sorting priority.

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