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mesmer too oppresive in pvp


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as with the recent necro changes, mesmer has become extremely oppressive and powerful in pvp (oh wait they always were) . As such memser shatter and stun abilities have been dominating with no tell what so ever that they are going to happen.

There should be a .5 second delay on all shatter skills as well as an AOE indication before any shatters go off at the clones locations. This will give people "more tells to spot" with "better tells for clone actions" so that people have the chance to dodge the 20k burst from stealth

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You have the gall to come in here with a scourge icon and say that?

Edit: Here's all the tells for a shatter, the clones will run slowly towards you, the mesmer deals primarily power damage, there is a giant purple greatsword listing lazily through the air toward you, the mesmer will produce a shatter effect and other shatter effects won't have popped up yet.

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Ok, but do it to all professions-specializations to be fair (none instant skills in pvp/wvw, all counterable and cancellable till be executed) and improve the AI of pets, illusions, etc, alloving them to avoid damage areas (even precasted) in several ways when they detect that probable damaging areas will land, for example, if is a ranged illusion or minion, to stop or move out of it and attack from outside the AoEs. If it's melee, cast their traited buffs (protection, aegis, blur or none) and then being summoned where it should and attack or jump quickly on your enemy knowing that they are receiving damage, of course, with it's own AoE's areas advising the enemy if proceed. Being fair with players, fair with their pets , illusions, AI tools, etc. All happy right...? Ah and all together in a megapatch... to avoid bad experiences for some temporally, because in our game that usually means months.

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@martin.1653 said:Completely agree with OP here, it got to the point where every PvP game has 2 necros on each side to combat those oppressive mesmers. If that's not a proof how oppressive mesmurs are then I don't know what is.

WvW roamers today only mesmers. So yeah. Its ez to play. No need to be good, kill most of opponents here just by burst and range. If you fu.k Up just blink away and try it again. Im litearly just camping GS from range. Lost ONLY if met good Thief or war(rarity ??). Because i play mesmer like 1 days , So dont know how IT all works. But like i Said, Its low risk high reward.

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:WvW roamers today only mesmers. So yeah. Its ez to play. No need to be good, kill most of opponents here just by burst and range. If you fu.k Up just blink away and try it again. Im litearly just camping GS from range. Lost ONLY if met good Thief or war(rarity ??). Because i play mesmer like 1 days , So dont know how IT all works. But like i Said, Its low risk high reward.

Curious, what server are you on? In my experience of roaming today, i have seen Thieves, Warriors, Rangers, Engineers, Necros all more than i have seen Mesmers today. Mesmer i have barely seen today. Only ones i have seen less today are Ele. Something tells me you're just flat out lying to try and make it out that Mesmer is strong so it gets nerfed. No one is THAT bad that they allow a GS Mesmer to stand at range with GS.

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Curious, what server are you on? In my experience of roaming today, i have seen Thieves, Warriors, Rangers, Engineers, Necros all more than i have seen Mesmers today. Mesmer i have barely seen today. Only ones i have seen less today are Ele. Something tells me you're just flat out lying to try and make it out that Mesmer is strong so it gets nerfed. No one is THAT bad that they allow a GS Mesmer to stand at range with GS.

Underworld playing 0:00 ->6:00 most of the time. I just told my experience: gs2 gs4 gs3 F1 a gn.Not that bad that they allow gs Mesmer Stand in range. If he blink on me i blink out if he blink again go to stealth And get out And Wait fór skills And then again....(im JUST trying Tell my experience So pls no trashtalks ty. Im sorry for my Eng...

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:

Curious, what server are you on? In my experience of roaming today, i have seen Thieves, Warriors, Rangers, Engineers, Necros all more than i have seen Mesmers today. Mesmer i have barely seen today. Only ones i have seen less today are Ele. Something tells me you're just flat out lying to try and make it out that Mesmer is strong so it gets nerfed. No one is THAT bad that they allow a GS Mesmer to stand at range with GS.

Underworld playing 0:00 ->6:00 most of the time. I just told my experience: gs2 gs4 gs3 F1 a gn.Not that bad that they allow gs Mesmer Stand in range. If he blink on me i blink out if he blink again go to stealth And get out And Wait fór skills And then again....(im JUST trying Tell my experience So pls no trashtalks ty. Im sorry for my Eng...

That is literally the standard shatter burst combo that has existed since the beginning of the game. You are just playing bad people.

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If someone Blinks on me i just blink Away 3x jaunt stealth And run. Then hide, Wait for CDs And do IT again. If i was playing my main(reaper) i died even in i was in shroud. He just do the samé thing. Pop shroud RS2 ( after cast 25k shroud Is gone i Stand before Mesmer then blink to another 1200 And then he just outrun me. So this Is why i start playing this. Can die od they Can't catch you. I know pro Thief Will Kill me on 1 hit or scepter ele. But for average ppl..

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:

Curious, what server are you on? In my experience of roaming today, i have seen Thieves, Warriors, Rangers, Engineers, Necros all more than i have seen Mesmers today. Mesmer i have barely seen today. Only ones i have seen less today are Ele. Something tells me you're just flat out lying to try and make it out that Mesmer is strong so it gets nerfed. No one is THAT bad that they allow a GS Mesmer to stand at range with GS.

Underworld playing 0:00 ->6:00 most of the time. I just told my experience: gs2 gs4 gs3 F1 a gn.Not that bad that they allow gs Mesmer Stand in range. If he blink on me i blink out if he blink again go to stealth And get out And Wait fór skills And then again....(im JUST trying Tell my experience So pls no trashtalks ty. Im sorry for my Eng...

I'll assume that because you wrote it in 24hr clock format you actually are playing from midnight to 6am in EU, you will only find 2 types of people in this time.

  1. Those with far too much free time to devote to GW2 and they will be amazing skilled players because they play so much....except most of them left.
  2. Nightkappas. These tend to spend 99% of their time fighting buildings and can't click the dodge bar quick enough to double dodge as soon as combat starts regardless of if you're attacking.

So yeah I would think your experience is heavily influenced by the time you play as well as the burst and run style you run, a good player will usually not let you land the burst and largely ignore you.

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hey if i could INSANTLY cast 2 stuns and interupts at will and BLINK away or go INVULNERABLE for a few seconds on top of the built in evades and 2 dodge rolls and skills on 15 second CD's and all the other mobility, then i might be inclined to agree that mesmer burst and necro :cough: burst :cough: are on the same level, but i can;t do 20k in 2 seconds.. Takes like 10 at the least


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@Lexan.5930 said:hey if i could INSANTLY cast 2 stuns and interupts at will and BLINK away or go INVULNERABLE for a few seconds on top of the built in evades and 2 dodge rolls and skills on 15 second CD's and all the other mobility, then i might be inclined to agree that mesmer burst and necro :cough: burst :cough: are on the same level, but i can;t do 20k in 2 seconds.. Takes like 10 at the least


You can fear, you have 2 blinks, you get barrier constantly, you also have 2 dodge rolls, you also have a knockdown, semi constant cripple, easy access to chill, the most boon corruption in the game and also the most surivivability of any profession. Stuns and interrupts are the same thing, good try though. All of our stuns are dodgeable, Power Lock is the only one remotely difficult to dodge because it doesn't have an obvious tell. I mean, if you're getting hit by the one shot combo, you kinda deserve to, it's been in the game since launch practically and hasn't gotten any more difficult to dodge. Don't forget Scourge practically dominates point gameplay.

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@Lexan.5930 said:hey if i could INSANTLY cast 2 stuns and interupts at will and BLINK away or go INVULNERABLE for a few seconds on top of the built in evades and 2 dodge rolls and skills on 15 second CD's and all the other mobility, then i might be inclined to agree that mesmer burst and necro :cough: burst :cough: are on the same level, but i can;t do 20k in 2 seconds.. Takes like 10 at the least


Yeah, it's not like reaper can do 20k with a single skill, right?

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Im not sure about oppressive but too much sustain for the burst a mesmer can put out. You want to be a glass cannon that is fine, give up sustain for it. Between the cloaks evade, blurred frenzy, distortion, stealth, teleports, dodges, and dazes you might finally be able to hit a mesmer.

Getting hit for a 5.7k mind wrack with just one of the clones the other hit me for 5.5k on a 3k armour class with the -10% dmg reduction food is a bit much for the survivability mesmer has.

I have no problem getting hit for crazy burst by eles because by definition they are glass cannons, they have an invuln in earth with a 50sec CD. A blink with lightning flash, and ......... FGS and run away? But if you are not careful you can be one shot, no probs with this. They are sacrificing 90% of their survivability for it, i think they should have a little more sustain tbh.

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@Chorazin.4107 said:Im not sure about oppressive but too much sustain for the burst a mesmer can put out. You want to be a glass cannon that is fine, give up sustain for it. Between the cloaks evade, blurred frenzy, distortion, stealth, teleports, dodges, and dazes you might finally be able to hit a mesmer.

Getting hit for a 5.7k mind wrack with just one of the clones the other hit me for 5.5k on a 3k armour class with the -10% dmg reduction food is a bit much for the survivability mesmer has.

I have no problem getting hit for crazy burst by eles because by definition they are glass cannons, they have an invuln in earth with a 50sec CD. A blink with lightning flash, and ......... FGS and run away? But if you are not careful you can be one shot, no probs with this. They are sacrificing 90% of their survivability for it, i think they should have a little more sustain tbh.

What if i told you a power mesmer only has 2 sources of stealth maximum that you can't interrupt and that mirage cloak and dodges are the same thing.

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@EpicTurtle.8571 said:

@Chorazin.4107 said:Im not sure about oppressive but too much sustain for the burst a mesmer can put out. You want to be a glass cannon that is fine, give up sustain for it. Between the cloaks evade, blurred frenzy, distortion, stealth, teleports, dodges, and dazes you might finally be able to hit a mesmer.

Getting hit for a 5.7k mind wrack with just one of the clones the other hit me for 5.5k on a 3k armour class with the -10% dmg reduction food is a bit much for the survivability mesmer has.

I have no problem getting hit for crazy burst by eles because by definition they are glass cannons, they have an invuln in earth with a 50sec CD. A blink with lightning flash, and ......... FGS and run away? But if you are not careful you can be one shot, no probs with this. They are sacrificing 90% of their survivability for it, i think they should have a little more sustain tbh.

What if i told you a power mesmer only has 2 sources of stealth maximum that you can't interrupt and that mirage cloak and dodges are the same thing.

It wouldn’t matter. I’ve been in matches were it was myself(Chrono bunker) and condi mirage were I was accused of running condi, the mirage was perma stealth, hacking, etc.I was accused of hacking because iSwordsman hit someone for 8k and downed them.People don’t care. They’ll complain about Mesmer regardless of if it’s good or bad. It could be removed from the game and they’d still moan and groan.

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@Jace al Thor.6745 said:

@Chorazin.4107 said:Im not sure about oppressive but too much sustain for the burst a mesmer can put out. You want to be a glass cannon that is fine, give up sustain for it. Between the cloaks evade, blurred frenzy, distortion, stealth, teleports, dodges, and dazes you might finally be able to hit a mesmer.

Getting hit for a 5.7k mind wrack with just one of the clones the other hit me for 5.5k on a 3k armour class with the -10% dmg reduction food is a bit much for the survivability mesmer has.

I have no problem getting hit for crazy burst by eles because by definition they are glass cannons, they have an invuln in earth with a 50sec CD. A blink with lightning flash, and ......... FGS and run away? But if you are not careful you can be one shot, no probs with this. They are sacrificing 90% of their survivability for it, i think they should have a little more sustain tbh.

What if i told you a power mesmer only has 2 sources of stealth maximum that you can't interrupt and that mirage cloak and dodges are the same thing.

It wouldn’t matter. I’ve been in matches were it was myself(Chrono bunker) and condi mirage were I was accused of running condi, the mirage was perma stealth, hacking, etc.I was accused of hacking because iSwordsman hit someone for 8k and downed them.People don’t care. They’ll complain about Mesmer regardless of if it’s good or bad. It could be removed from the game and they’d still moan and groan.

I know, I just like derailing the people who list off all the things we have even though several of them are same things and then get mad at us for having literally 1 or 2 of one thing and actually using it.

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