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Please Nerf Serpent's Ire

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@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:But it really saddens me seeing gw2 community on these forums constantly referring to 111 as a form of demeaning other players or forum posters when they have issues >with some aspects of the game. I just hope you realise all of you are part of gw2 community and using those terms is putting yourselves down and doing a great dis-service >to the community as a whole.

As much as I do not agree with the suggestion made in the OP (I would rather see rewards increased to make content desirable than have the content made easier) I very much agree with this post. Well said.

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@Colly.4073 said:

@Draco.9480 said:NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't nerf anything. make it harder so players will work harder and not just press 1 all their life pew pewing from range and give nothing. Work for your reward.
  1. What reward? the rewards for completing this meta are absolute garbage and this is why people don't want to step foot near once they have gotten the achievement they wanted.
  2. Now that players have moved on and don't go near the meta it makes it harder to get a group of even 30 people even at weekends, The scaling on this meta is terrible so even if you do manage to scrape 30 people together it's going to be a fail.
  3. Just because you got what you wanted when the maps where well populated and your runs where easy doesn't mean the ones that are trying to scrape groups together now are brain dead idiots who have no clue.

as i said, work hard, open lfg, work on rotation, take cc skills. you want achievement? work hard. that's what i did almost solo s2 living story, slipping with 1 mistake and had to start all over again. open world are kind of a joke content, if you can't gather few people for it then i dunno what to tell. if enough people and still fail then, those people have to work on their skill, too bad people running in open world won't give a damn about improving 'emselves, they'll just hit few mobs for participation and stand or just press auto attack.

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@Draco.9480 said:

@Draco.9480 said:NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't nerf anything. make it harder so players will work harder and not just press 1 all their life pew pewing from range and give nothing. Work for your reward.
  1. What reward? the rewards for completing this meta are absolute garbage and this is why people don't want to step foot near once they have gotten the achievement they wanted.
  2. Now that players have moved on and don't go near the meta it makes it harder to get a group of even 30 people even at weekends, The scaling on this meta is terrible so even if you do manage to scrape 30 people together it's going to be a fail.
  3. Just because you got what you wanted when the maps where well populated and your runs where easy doesn't mean the ones that are trying to scrape groups together now are brain dead idiots who have no clue.

as i said, work hard, open lfg, work on rotation, take cc skills. you want achievement? work hard. that's what i did almost solo s2 living story, slipping with 1 mistake and had to start all over again. open world are kind of a joke content, if you can't gather few people for it then i dunno what to tell. if enough people and still fail then, those people have to work on their skill, too bad people running in open world won't give a kitten about improving 'emselves, they'll just hit few mobs for participation and stand or just press auto attack.

I stood day in and day out with commanders advertising in lfg for a long time b4 the event starts and maybe 10-12 ppl join, except on one occasion when another squad merged with us and we had maybe 30 then, but the event still failed.

Not all classes have great cc's at their disposal either and there's always new players who boosted themselves to 80 and have no idea what cc's even are. Frankly, to make an event that so solely relies on cc's, is not very good design imo.

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@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:But it really saddens me seeing gw2 community on these forums constantly referring to 111 as a form of demeaning other players or forum posters when they have issues with some aspects of the game. I just hope you realise all of you are part of gw2 community and using those terms is putting yourselves down and doing a great dis-service to the community as a whole.

Harshness has a place. I will continue to contribute to this atmosphere that demeans players who refuse to put forth any effort, refuse to do any research, and refuse to listen to any instructions. The fact is, everybody wins and nobody loses when a player learns how to play the game well.

(1) The player themselves will be more powerful, more versatile, more helpful, and thus will find greater enjoyment of the game.(2) The players around will also benefit from higher success rates and shorter completion times(3) Everybody gets more loot per minute(4) The time saved by playing well is far greater than the time lost learning to do so.(5) The player who plays well has all possibilities in the game open up to them.

This isn't a zero-sum system. In order for someone to know that they can do better, they first have to learn that they're terrible.

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@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:@Blood Red Arachnid.2493Wow holly molly. ur one serious dude about a game and your attitude baffles me. nothing wrong with players getting better at the game,. but i don't think i'd enjoy you as my teacher.

I didn't want to join this conversation as I fear I gonna get a warning again. However.. the problem is not with players telling the "harsh truth" but with ppl not willing to learn and taking constructive criticism as an insult. This is a major problem with society these days. Everything is considered as an insult.

The event is not perfect and I would enjoy better rewards but I also remember how HoT was bugged with those metas. Things might change, let us give them time.

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@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:

@Draco.9480 said:NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't nerf anything. make it harder so players will work harder and not just press 1 all their life pew pewing from range and give nothing. Work for your reward.
  1. What reward? the rewards for completing this meta are absolute garbage and this is why people don't want to step foot near once they have gotten the achievement they wanted.
  2. Now that players have moved on and don't go near the meta it makes it harder to get a group of even 30 people even at weekends, The scaling on this meta is terrible so even if you do manage to scrape 30 people together it's going to be a fail.
  3. Just because you got what you wanted when the maps where well populated and your runs where easy doesn't mean the ones that are trying to scrape groups together now are brain dead idiots who have no clue.

as i said, work hard, open lfg, work on rotation, take cc skills. you want achievement? work hard. that's what i did almost solo s2 living story, slipping with 1 mistake and had to start all over again. open world are kind of a joke content, if you can't gather few people for it then i dunno what to tell. if enough people and still fail then, those people have to work on their skill, too bad people running in open world won't give a kitten about improving 'emselves, they'll just hit few mobs for participation and stand or just press auto attack.

I stood day in and day out with commanders advertising in lfg for a long time b4 the event starts and maybe 10-12 ppl join, except on one occasion when another squad merged with us and we had maybe 30 then, but the event still failed.

Not all classes have great cc's at their disposal either and there's always new players who boosted themselves to 80 and have no idea what cc's even are. Frankly, to make an event that so solely relies on cc's, is not very good design imo.

you just pointed out it's player's fault. and 30 can't do it????? then all of those people have to improve, if they don't want to won't it's not anet problem, it's the people. why people expect every event will succeed? look at triple trouble and teq, do ya think they always succeed? or tangled depths? of course not. if people aren't good enough nor organized then it's not the event fault but the people participating.

edit: forgot the cc part. all classes have access to cc. use the right weapons for damage and cc, use the right stats for 'em, use right skills for the build, use the right build. you playing the class wrong by using an invalid build isn't the event is too hard. you won't make an effort by using the right build. whatever class ya play, find a guide about its damage and cc and walla if that's hard then try power reaper in open world. it has like 5 strong ccs while delivering good cleave and very tanky even as a full berserker stats.

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One thing people may not be considering is the timezone in which people are attempting these events. For example, on NA it's not hard to get together enough people to clear most map metas at reset or for a few hours after it, but extend that to... oh, let's say 6 or 8 hours after reset, and boy does the population drop off dramatically. If you're stuck only being able to play during dead hours, then yes, you can't really blame these players if there just isn't a big enough pool of players to get it done, especially if the event requires a certain bare minimum of players who are actually willing to listen/adapt or just a bare number of players period. So yes, I think that ANet should look at the data and if they see that certain hours are always failing, then perhaps an adjustment to the scaling of the event, or to problem mechanics, SHOULD be considered so that players aren't trapped in their progress by factors outside their control.

An unrelated example? SAB W2 back when it was first released. The geysers and flowers were HORRIBLY affected by lag, which meant that US-based players breezed through it while players from Asia and OCX encountered all sorts of insane obstacles like getting knocked off geysers when your screen showed they were still up, or the flowers shooting you right into the chasm (seriously, there were videos of it on Youtube). End result, ANet made the geysers permanent and changed the flowers to always shoot you to a fixed location. It might have made SAB "easier", but I think it was a necessary sacrifice to make the game fair.

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@"Zaxares.5419" said:One thing people may not be considering is the timezone in which people are attempting these events. For example, on NA it's not hard to get together enough people to clear most map metas at reset or for a few hours after it, but extend that to... oh, let's say 6 or 8 hours after reset, and boy does the population drop off dramatically. If you're stuck only being able to play during dead hours, then yes, you can't really blame these players if there just isn't a big enough pool of players to get it done, especially if the event requires a certain bare minimum of players who are actually willing to listen/adapt or just a bare number of players period. So yes, I think that ANet should look at the data and if they see that certain hours are always failing, then perhaps an adjustment to the scaling of the event, or to problem mechanics, SHOULD be considered so that players aren't trapped in their progress by factors outside their control.

An unrelated example? SAB W2 back when it was first released. The geysers and flowers were HORRIBLY affected by lag, which meant that US-based players breezed through it while players from Asia and OCX encountered all sorts of insane obstacles like getting knocked off geysers when your screen showed they were still up, or the flowers shooting you right into the chasm (seriously, there were videos of it on Youtube). End result, ANet made the geysers permanent and changed the flowers to always shoot you to a fixed location. It might have made SAB "easier", but I think it was a necessary sacrifice to make the game fair.

this. i myself lead this event sometimes in NA-time, and its fine even with lots of pugs who dont know why theyre doing here.

6-8 hours after reset, event Auric Basin is hard to be sucessfull.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:But it really saddens me seeing gw2 community on these forums constantly referring to 111 as a form of demeaning other players or forum posters when they have issues >with some aspects of the game. I just hope you realise all of you are part of gw2 community and using those terms is putting yourselves down and doing a great dis-service >to the community as a whole.

As much as I do not agree with the suggestion made in the OP (I would rather see rewards increased to make content desirable than have the content made easier) I very much agree with this post. Well said.


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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:Harshness has a place. I will continue to contribute to this atmosphere that demeans players who refuse to put forth any effort, refuse to do any research, and refuse to listen to any instructions. The fact is, everybody wins and nobody loses when a player learns how to play the game well.

(1) The player themselves will be more powerful, more versatile, more helpful, and thus will find greater enjoyment of the game.(2) The players around will also benefit from higher success rates and shorter completion times(3) Everybody gets more loot per minute(4) The time saved by playing well is far greater than the time lost learning to do so.(5) The player who plays well has all possibilities in the game open up to them.

I fully agree that the game gets better for all if the players learn how to play.

Having said that, let me tell you about my Serpent's Ire experience.

I tried to get a successful event multiple times.After the 2nd fail, I realized I need all cc I can produce and create a rotation that enables me to apply as much cc as possible as soon as the break bar of my zealot gets blue.I perfected that rotation the next 10 fails.And I realized that a full squad has the best chance of success: the more players the better.So I chose maps with commanders who advertised in map chat and/or lfg.Usually, the squads were full.I got commanders who painstakingly explained every detail of the difficult phase, created groups and directed each of them to a certain zealot.I also got commanders who just said "do cc". If that happened, I tried to add to the commander's chat and explained what cc skills were and even pinged some of them for a few classes.All events failed.It didn't matter what I brought.It didn't matter how good I was with my cc skills.It didn't matter what the commanders wrote or what I wrote.It didn't matter if I joined 5 minutes before the event or 30 minutes before.It just failed.

One day, by chance I checked the lfg for that event just before logging off, and lo and behold, I found an entry. I joined, and locating the zealots has just begun. I was so happy that I found a full squad and full map without waiting, I totally forgot to prepare for phase 2. The commander didn't write much as well, he just said: "do cc to the break bar and distribute evenly to all zealots". The same as with all fails before.We succeeded.

Now, please tell me what was the difference between the ~10 fails and the one success. You know, there was none for me. I did the same thing as every time - fighting with all my power, not idle for even one second, giving my best. I even did less, because this time I forgot to swap in all cc, and when I realized that, I already was in fight.Please tell me what I did right in the successful run and what I did wrong in the failed attempts. I cannot tell. I always gave my best, but it failed nonetheless. I researched and learnt how to play the specifics of that event, but it failed nonetheless. But now suddenly it succeeded. Why? It was all the same for me, and the success was totally unexpected.

Of course, I never visited that event again.An event where you as a player cannot see what it makes successful or why it failed, an event where you cannot influence its outcome is not worth playing.I don't care for the loot, I play events if they are interesting and entertaining. But this event has nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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@Silmar Alech.4305 said:

@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:Harshness has a place. I will continue to contribute to this atmosphere that demeans players who refuse to put forth any effort, refuse to do any research, and refuse to listen to any instructions. The fact is, everybody wins and nobody loses when a player learns how to play the game well.

(1) The player themselves will be more powerful, more versatile, more helpful, and thus will find greater enjoyment of the game.(2) The players around will also benefit from higher success rates and shorter completion times(3) Everybody gets more loot per minute(4) The time saved by playing well is far greater than the time lost learning to do so.(5) The player who plays well has all possibilities in the game open up to them.

I fully agree that the game gets better for all if the players learn how to play.

Having said that, let me tell you about my Serpent's Ire experience.

I tried to get a successful event multiple times.After the 2nd fail, I realized I need all cc I can produce and create a rotation that enables me to apply as much cc as possible as soon as the break bar of my zealot gets blue.I perfected that rotation the next 10 fails.And I realized that a full squad has the best chance of success: the more players the better.So I chose maps with commanders who advertised in map chat and/or lfg.Usually, the squads were full.I got commanders who painstakingly explained every detail of the difficult phase, created groups and directed each of them to a certain zealot.I also got commanders who just said "do cc". If that happened, I tried to add to the commander's chat and explained what cc skills were and even pinged some of them for a few classes.All events failed.It didn't matter what I brought.It didn't matter how good I was with my cc skills.It didn't matter what the commanders wrote or what I wrote.It didn't matter if I joined 5 minutes before the event or 30 minutes before.It just failed.

One day, by chance I checked the lfg for that event just before logging off, and lo and behold, I found an entry. I joined, and locating the zealots has just begun. I was so happy that I found a full squad and full map without waiting, I totally forgot to prepare for phase 2. The commander didn't write much as well, he just said: "do cc to the break bar and distribute evenly to all zealots". The same as with all fails before.We succeeded.

Now, please tell me what was the difference between the ~10 fails and the one success. You know, there was none for me. I did the same thing as every time - fighting with all my power, not idle for even one second, giving my best. I even did less, because this time I forgot to swap in all cc, and when I realized that, I already was in fight.Please tell me what I did right in the successful run and what I did wrong in the failed attempts. I cannot tell. I always gave my best, but it failed nonetheless. I researched and learnt how to play the specifics of that event, but it failed nonetheless. But now suddenly it succeeded. Why? It was all the same for me, and the success was totally unexpected.

Of course, I never visited that event again.An event where you as a player cannot see what it makes successful or why it failed, an event where you cannot influence its outcome is not worth playing.I don't care for the loot, I play events if they are interesting and entertaining. But this event has nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You are playing a MMORPG. What other people do matters. That's why it's important that the game teaches people basic gameplay. That's why it's important that the game teaches people to carry their own weight. If the game doesn't do so, you see the results you have seen already. It's as simple as that.

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^^^ Pretty much this. I may seem like a harsh teacher, but in truth I'm only harsh to a very small number of people. It is my general experience that stupidity isn't an affliction. It is an attitude; a demeanor constructed by a set of anti-thinking beliefs and habits established long before any learning event occurs. The reason why it was easy to teach math at the community college was because any time a student came up to me, they had already breezed past those mental flaws and were willing to learn. But in an MMO, I'll end up in a situation where I have to teach people who don't want to learn.

For example, yesterday I ran a successful run of serpent's ire. In the midst of organizing the CC squads, I moved a herald to squad 5. Someone in squad chat asked if a herald had good CC, and the immediate response of that player was "no, we don't." I proceeded to list out all of the Herald's CCs and strategies, making particular mention of Ventari's ability to spam a knockback every 10 seconds as well as Staff 2 and Staff 5. I was immediately countered with "I don't bother with running any of those skills or weapons"...

Really? That's their response? "I could win but I'm going to stew and lose?" This is a person who was playing herald in PoF, so they obviously have both expansions, as well as access to all the utilities and weapons that are readily available and cheaper than ever. I nearly kicked his kitten from the squad right there for being a stupid kitten, and in retrospect I probably should have. To make a show of force, to get people's ears up and realize that I mean business when I am speaking.

I spent most of the preparation time slowly explaining to people how to CC... over and over again. Thankfully we were able to crush it with sheer numbers, because at the start of the event I learned half my squad is both colorblind and geometrically challenged.

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I don't care for rewards, and things are rarely difficult for me. But Serpents Ire is just very boring to me. Killing random branded in order to lure out some sort of special branded and then kill that a few times to only then come to the boss? That seems entirely random to me.

First of all, why are we required to kill random trash mobs for an event, or is it only veterans? The branded literally are randomly spread over the map, they have no structure whatsoever, so it's about as exciting as killing random centaurs in Harathi hinterlands (Actually that might be even better as they are actually well, in their camps.) What's the story here anyway? I feel like in comparison to basically any HoT meta, not the rewards or the difficulty or organisation btw, but the design purely? there's no story to this event. I would play Dragon's Stand just for the fun of it at times because that endboss and the tasks along the way are just amazing. This? This is trashmobs with standard zealot bosses with some automated flavour leading up to the bosses.

Second, the Zealots spawn in some random segment seemingly entirely random, serves no real point other than making people move.The killing of the zealots and then the boss seem fine otherwise. Though breakbars + scaling. They seem to run into problems alot of the times. There's alot fo times, they are either non existent easy or terribly tough to too hard. When it scales well and it makes sense to break the bar it often feels great.

The thing that annoys me with this event is that it has no scripting whatsoever, it feels like "We have to put an meta event here, but we forgot the surrounding context. As in, the grand court of Sehbelkeh, mirror of Lyss maybe even some mission areas, I expected something with at least some gw1 references in this very impressive area. So we're going to vabbi, but it's half destroyed. .. ... and well, that's it.

All that, might have nothing to do with the difficulty I guess, but with an event that already feels like: go kill trashmobs to lure out random snakedudes which you get to kill not once, BUT TWICE!.. I'm sorry, that doesn't guide players towards this event. And then no significant rewards on top of that. ANd it's actually quite hard to do so. AND in an area that is so hard to traverse. If that's a feature, at least do something with that feature. Throwing up such barriers will simply frustrate players. I'm not surprised this event is not popular. It's missing key elements to make it fun, and boring and hard just make it... no thanks guys.

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@"Tiger Ashante.1792" said:I'm on NA.But it really saddens me seeing gw2 community on these forums constantly referring to 111 as a form of demeaning other players or forum posters when they have issues with some aspects of the game. I just hope you realise all of you are part of gw2 community and using those terms is putting yourselves down and doing a great dis-service to the community as a whole.

It's a map meta, the idea is to bring the whole community together to do it, just like TD, AB, DS (not VB, bunch of selfish ppl kill matri and runs off)

we TTS generally run organised serpent once a week, here is our calendar, https://ttsgamers.com/event-calendar/make sure come early, the map tend to fill up pretty fast, and usually finish in under 30min

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@"Tiger Ashante.1792" said:I'm on NA.But it really saddens me seeing gw2 community on these forums constantly referring to 111 as a form of demeaning other players or forum posters when they have issues with some aspects of the game. I just hope you realise all of you are part of gw2 community and using those terms is putting yourselves down and doing a great dis-service to the community as a whole.

It's a map meta, the idea is to bring the whole community together to do it, just like TD, AB, DS (not VB, bunch of selfish ppl kill matri and runs off)

we TTS generally run organised serpent once a week, here is our calendar,
make sure come early, the map tend to fill up pretty fast, and usually finish in under 30min

Thank you but i can't see Serpent's Ire on that calendar., unless ur calling it something else?

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I checked that calendar, but i'm not sure what time that is for me, i'm East Coast Australia and was looking at the server time but oddly it's not showing if it's am or pm on server clock, which is odd, as i was sure it used to show am or pm on the mini map clock.

However, i feel i shouldn't have to go through all these hoops to complete an event in an open world. gw2 population is very healthy and this event like many others, should be completed on regular basis if it's tuned right, both in difficulty, fun and rewards, but it seems to me this event is not any of these so it's more of a niche event where only a few guilds do it b/c they can.

So instead of fixing the event, Anet tied a collection to it to force people to do this event that hardly anyone wants to do. And to me that's a bad way of doing things.

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@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:I checked that calendar, but i'm not sure what time that is for me, i'm East Coast Australia and was looking at the server time but oddly it's not showing if it's am or pm on server clock, which is odd, as i was sure it used to show am or pm on the mini map clock.

However, i feel i shouldn't have to go through all these hoops to complete an event in an open world. gw2 population is very healthy and this event like many others, should be completed on regular basis if it's tuned right, both in difficulty, fun and rewards, but it seems to me this event is not any of these so it's more of a niche event where only a few guilds do it b/c they can.

So instead of fixing the event, Anet tied a collection to it to force people to do this event that hardly anyone wants to do. And to me that's a bad way of doing things.

For east coast Australia that should be 9pm on Mondays and 12 noon on Sundays and Tuesday.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Tiger Ashante.1792 said:I checked that calendar, but i'm not sure what time that is for me, i'm East Coast Australia and was looking at the server time but oddly it's not showing if it's am or pm on server clock, which is odd, as i was sure it used to show am or pm on the mini map clock.

However, i feel i shouldn't have to go through all these hoops to complete an event in an open world. gw2 population is very healthy and this event like many others, should be completed on regular basis if it's tuned right, both in difficulty, fun and rewards, but it seems to me this event is not any of these so it's more of a niche event where only a few guilds do it b/c they can.

So instead of fixing the event, Anet tied a collection to it to force people to do this event that hardly anyone wants to do. And to me that's a bad way of doing things.

For east coast Australia that should be 9pm on Mondays and 12 noon on Sundays and Tuesday.

tyvm for the info, i'll try to get it done that way. much appreciate your help.

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