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To the people who stop and help at HPs

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I will usually help or res when possible, simply because its what I'd like others to do for me. There is not always a waypoint nearby or using such a waypoint means you have to redo minidungeon/jumpingpuzzle which can be quite discourageing.I don't always jump in on battles that I have no intrest in otherwise if it seems to be going fine without me. I do think it is silly to be angry with someone coming in even if you did the first 90% on your own though. It has happened to me too and I really don't care that much about it. No one have more right to a kill than anybody else.

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I really enjoy helping others in game, even if I have to detour for it. The other day I was getting my daily quartz crystals in dry top, and someone, who didn't have a glider was having difficulty with the dry top JP. I had to rez them a few times, give them some pointers, but eventually they got it. I had help at JPs when I first started playing, and I just like to pay it forward.

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@ThrottleFox.2735 said:Thank you, no seriously THANK YOU, you players are send by the godsAs a support Chrono/(low damage guardian in the past) who has mediocre gear and doesnt have the funds for a DPS set. Some of these commune Hero Points can be challenging for some of us. To many times I've(and many others) got into combat with mobs around a hero point, just to see others come along and commune and bug out while I fight for my life, and sometimes lose that fight, more then once!

So, Thank You, from all of us players who needed help at Hero Points/Mastery Points/ even the kitten berries in Bitterfrost, to all of the players who stopped to help out, even if it was only for a moment. While we may bug out instantly without saying 'ty' due to not wanting to get overwhelmed again, we do remember you, we recognize those who stop and helped out.

You are welcome <3 Myself and a lot of others in the community will always help. If I even see a downed player tag show up on map im immediatly on my way to rez. If you need anything whisper me in game. If I can help you, I will.

Happy Hunting!

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Thanks also extended to anyone who has ever stopped to pick my dumb self up off the ground while I am still just downed. Doesn't happen as often as you would think. I've seen Scrappers (can tell cause of the gyro) not bother to pick my downed self me while standing on top of me killing the HP... even though the gyro literally means they don't have to stop DPSing to pick me up (yes I am aware function gyro was bugged for a while).

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Well, I'm trying to help mostly to be honest but sometimes I just run past by because I'm extremely anxious and it makes me feel uncomfortable to approach strangers. (yes, I mean ingame)Don't get me wrong, I'd like to help out but when I suffer from my usual anxiety and paranoia attacks there's no way. Also I'm always afraid everyone is judging me even though I play since start and know my stuff.And no, I don't confuse the game with the real world. Playing games just feels different to me than others might feel playing a game. I have some sort of connection to my character and for example hate it when people come near me or run through me. I'm always the one who waits at gathering spots for the others to be done before I mine, log or harvest.But anyways if there's anyone needing help with something I'd like to help. Just tell me! :)

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I'm always rezz or helping with HP and other stuff if i see people struggling by doing it. But before i enter the combat to help i take a short look how the player is doing. For myself i'm a guy who like to use this kind of stuff, especially the HoT points and bosses, as an solo challange, so i understand not erveryone wants a helping hand. Also some new player sometimes wants to try it for themself alone in the first time. Overall the most time people are gratefull for helping them out or rez them.

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@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I was thinking of that thread. Because of it I hesitate to help someone fighting a mob, even if it’s one guy against a champion since for all I know he doesn’t want help.

I never let that stop me. It's foolish to try to test your build in open world, where everyone can chime in. I jump in whenever I want and if people complain about that, it's their problem. This game has a training golem set up to test builds and rotations, where no one will disturb you. Doing it in open world is just asking for problems. Expecting anything else in open world is just unrealistic.

I pretty much agree with this. In a different game I did do some open world testing on my tank builds to make sure I had my mitigation rotations right. Of course there the goal wasn't to kill the thing but to see how long I could stay up. If somebody decided to help there were other champs to poke.

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@ThrottleFox.2735 said:Thank you, no seriously THANK YOU, you players are sent by the gods

I know, right? Yesterday, I couldn't find a certain NPC in a home city and said so in map chat. Several players whispered where he was. Even so, I still couldn't find him. So this one player grouped with me and literally led me to him.

Honestly, this game has the best community I've ever seen. ?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I see both of the thoughts I have had about the subject of HP help in the thread already. I happened across this situation last night, and I wasn't sure if I should help out or back off and let the player complete the HP on their own. In the end, I glanced at their health bar (pretty dire) and thought it might be useful to give a little aid, so I tossed some arrows around and received a "thank you" at the end. (And maybe the grumpy silence that sometimes occurs means maybe I should have been a wee bit less proactive, but really, it's a no harm/no foul situation, right?) Sure, some players would prefer to handle HPs on their own, but I have to think most don't mind some help... especially if they're close to death. :D

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:I see both of the thoughts I have had about the subject of HP help in the thread already. I happened across this situation last night, and I wasn't sure if I should help out or back off and let the player complete the HP on their own. In the end, I glanced at their health bar (pretty dire) and thought it might be useful to give a little aid, so I tossed some arrows around and received a "thank you" at the end. (And maybe the grumpy silence that sometimes occurs means maybe I should have been a wee bit less proactive, but really, it's a no harm/no foul situation, right?) Sure, some players would prefer to handle HPs on their own, but I have to think most don't mind some help... especially if they're close to death. :D

For me it really depends. If I'm near death and the champ is still going strong, sure. But if it's down to the wire where we're both at like 5%, there's nothing more frustrating than interference at such an exciting moment.

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I am always grateful for any help even If i'm ok. Been doing my specs on my ele and warrior - classes I don't play as a rule ( atm) so very thankful . I always thank people for their help be it bounties, HP or even jumping puzzles. So i'm going to Thank you all again on here.=)

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It's not so rare to see players doing a HP, and sometimes pretty low or in the downstate, or even ask for help in mapchat. I dunno, but, to me it seems natural to give an helping hand to them, because if some day I'm in trouble, I'll be happy to be helped too.

Still, I admit that if they're not in trouble, well I'll just let em do their stuff quietly. It depends on the situation o/

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Biff.5312 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:I see both of the thoughts I have had about the subject of HP help in the thread already. I happened across this situation last night, and I wasn't sure if I should help out or back off and let the player complete the HP on their own. In the end, I glanced at their health bar (pretty dire) and thought it might be useful to give a little aid, so I tossed some arrows around and received a "thank you" at the end. (And maybe the grumpy silence that sometimes occurs means maybe I should have been a wee bit less proactive, but really, it's a no harm/no foul situation, right?) Sure, some players would prefer to handle HPs on their own, but I have to think most don't mind some help... especially if they're close to death. :D

For me it really depends. If I'm near death and the champ is still going strong, sure. But if it's down to the wire where we're both at like 5%, there's nothing more frustrating than interference at such an exciting moment.

Seems fair enough to me. (That's why I checked the bar.) I've been in situations where I am close to a dirt nap yet too busy to say "A little help here?" to someone who passes by whom I see out of the corner of my eye. I sorta go with the flow -- join in or not, as you wish. Of course, a res is always appreciated if you don't. ;)

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I've gotta say that one of the things that surprised me the most when I came to this game was how readily people step up to help each other. Of course you'll always see a bit of the "typical" mmo behavior but far more often you see people pull together. I was doubly impressed and surprised when I went back to GW1 and even though it is lower population today, there is still a wealth of players happy to answer questions and help each other. All of that has led me to the conclusion that Anet should be applauded for creating an environment that encourages those sort of interactions because the Guild Wars community is one of the friendliest I've taken part in and everyone is awesome.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.

Mostly this in those situations.

I tend to avoid tagging a mob unless its clear someone is struggling, but it's nice to see that help is appreciated.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@Kor The Red.5186 said:you are very welcome, and ikr don't you just LOVE it when you just see people run right passed you when you clearly need help or even say HELP and they just keep on going its like zomg
facedesk till death

There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.

I’ll be honest. This game is designed cooperative gameplay. You are encouraged to play together and help eachother by the way it is designed. Arenanet is proud about how social the community is, and this design is why we are so social, we are encourage cause of how the game works.

It is an open world and you ar encouraged to help eachother. So I do believe that it should always be preferred to help others (if you feel like it), and if people complain, about it they are disrespectful to your positive attitude. If they want to do it solo for the sake of, they should ask you (not complain) to let them do it alone. Obviously when they do, let them do so. Respect should be answered by respect. So never hold back to help unless asked to do so!

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:

@Gaile Gray.6029 said:I see both of the thoughts I have had about the subject of HP help in the thread already. I happened across this situation last night, and I wasn't sure if I should help out or back off and let the player complete the HP on their own. In the end, I glanced at their health bar (pretty dire) and thought it might be useful to give a little aid, so I tossed some arrows around and received a "thank you" at the end. (And maybe the grumpy silence that sometimes occurs means maybe I should have been a wee bit less proactive, but really, it's a no harm/no foul situation, right?) Sure, some players would prefer to handle HPs on their own, but I have to think most don't mind some help... especially if they're close to death. :D

For me it really depends. If I'm near death and the champ is still going strong, sure. But if it's down to the wire where we're both at like 5%, there's nothing more frustrating than interference at such an exciting moment.

Seems fair enough to me. (That's why I checked the bar.) I've been in situations where I am close to a dirt nap yet too busy to say "A little help here?" to someone who passes by whom I see out of the corner of my eye. I sorta go with the flow -- join in or not, as you wish. Of course, a res is always appreciated if you don't. ;)

How about this as a suggestion: Have an indicator that could be a keybind toggle that would give a visual indication that help is needed and would be appreciated. It would be quicker (maybe) than putting "help" in chat...it would take only one keystroke and would go some towards giving a clue that help is/is not wanted.

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