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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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Sadly, since the new release, I think they'll prioritize the tickets surrounding it first, so that it's a successful new release, and after that they'll get their hands on the other tickets.

It's a bit unfair how - first arrived, first served, but the ones about real money, or payments, or gem store etc. etc. are almost treated immediately. Like looked at and updated, as if within the hour. Tickets about account changes (like e-mails etc. are treated like in about 24h) but when it comes to somethink like in-game items, characters etc (something not related moneywise) it's put on hold for some reason.

(All of those cases are from tickets I had gone through, not pulling info out of a hat)

Support is weak in this game. Now, I am NOT saying they are incompetent. No! CS teams are after all people with knowledge, they are trained to do their job.The way however, the system as if is a bit shaky.First - you don't know if the representative is working on the issue (you just see last activity changes and you're thinking: "Wow, they're gonna solve it now" and then the wait begins) - no updates whatsoever. Like if they need some more info, or to just sum up the ticket or I don't know - any response is better than no response at all until the end.Second - remember how another MMO has live chat in particular times of the day? Why not try and implement that. Outsourcing, call center - I know it might be costly, but hey - better service options -better chances of increasing the revenue, profits when people are served well.And besides - that other MMO is in the millions of customers, and CS answers in like hours. I think GW2 has a lower playerbase than that. It is manageable.

And don't tell me GW2 Support is understaffed. From personal experience, I have worked as support - we were about 60 people taking about 100 calls and 100 written support tickets a shift. That's 12,000 calls+tickets in total for a single shift. And that's a single 8 hour shift. Multiply that by 3 (cus you have the 24/7 policy. It comes to around a total of 36,000 calls + tickets for 24h, from which 32,000 were successful)

The difference between my last ticket here, and the newest one is 8,503 tickets (you can calculate it from the ticket number)Now, don't tell me Support is, as one person joked - 3 people shifting every 8 hours :lol: It's a massive game whatsoever.

I'm probably just ranting about it, because I don't have statistics on the Support to base this on, but hey - show me statistics and I'll happily admit I'm wrong.And besides - not defending only myself, but fellow customers as well - have a ticket almost 4 days old now. About 3 days is almost fine, we can take it. But everything else is just tragic. You can't have a HUUUGE backlog if people are working 24/7 as stated, unless you're REALLY heavily understaffed or everyone got their summer vacations in the same day :lol:

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@"batepress.6310" said:Sadly, since the new release, I think they'll prioritize the tickets surrounding it first, so that it's a successful new release, and after that they'll get their hands on the other tickets.

It's a bit unfair how - first arrived, first served, but the ones about real money, or payments, or gem store etc. etc. are almost treated immediately. Like looked at and updated, as if within the hour. Tickets about account changes (like e-mails etc. are treated like in about 24h) but when it comes to somethink like in-game items, characters etc (something not related moneywise) it's put on hold for some reason.

(All of those cases are from tickets I had gone through, not pulling info out of a hat)

Support is weak in this game. Now, I am NOT saying they are incompetent. No! CS teams are after all people with knowledge, they are trained to do their job.The way however, the system as if is a bit shaky.First - you don't know if the representative is working on the issue (you just see last activity changes and you're thinking: "Wow, they're gonna solve it now" and then the wait begins) - no updates whatsoever. Like if they need some more info, or to just sum up the ticket or I don't know - any response is better than no response at all until the end.Second - remember how another MMO has live chat in particular times of the day? Why not try and implement that. Outsourcing, call center - I know it might be costly, but hey - better service options -better chances of increasing the revenue, profits when people are served well.And besides - that other MMO is in the millions of customers, and CS answers in like hours. I think GW2 has a lower playerbase than that. It is manageable.

And don't tell me GW2 Support is understaffed. From personal experience, I have worked as support - we were about 60 people taking about 100 calls and 100 written support tickets a shift. That's 12,000 calls+tickets in total for a single shift. And that's a single 8 hour shift. Multiply that by 3 (cus you have the 24/7 policy. It comes to around a total of 36,000 calls + tickets for 24h, from which 32,000 were successful)

The difference between my last ticket here, and the newest one is 8,503 tickets (you can calculate it from the ticket number)Now, don't tell me Support is, as one person joked - 3 people shifting every 8 hours :lol: It's a massive game whatsoever.

I'm probably just ranting about it, because I don't have statistics on the Support to base this on, but hey - show me statistics and I'll happily admit I'm wrong.And besides - not defending only myself, but fellow customers as well - have a ticket almost 4 days old now. About 3 days is almost fine, we can take it. But everything else is just tragic. You can't have a HUUUGE backlog if people are working 24/7 as stated, unless you're REALLY heavily understaffed or everyone got their summer vacations in the same day :lol:

Have anet ever said they have 24/7 support? Maybe they only have it 8am-4pm

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Hello to all. So, I contacted the support two days ago to ask if it was possible to reset my account (I would like to return to play GW2 from the beginning, after several months of absence), or, at most, delete the existing one so you can create one new and start again completely from the beginning. I am very disappointed that, to date, I have not yet received an answer. This makes me worry even in the future. Is it possible that the support is so slow to respond? I have read about cases where some users have waited a month to receive news from the staff. For me, in a mmorpg, reliable support is almost equal to the content of the game itself. So I would like to know from the experts how much longer there is to wait (considering their experiences). Thank you.

PS: I hope to be in the right section. Otherwise, I apologize for this.

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There is no way to 'reset' your account. You can create a new account by either creating a Play4Free account (with restrictions) or purchasing one or both of the expansions. You can find information in the Knowledge Base accessed via the 'Support' link above/below.

In the past, when there is no high volume of tickets, the CS Team has allowed itself 72 hours to respond. There has been a backlog due to high volume for the past few months.

Good luck.

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Having a really bad problem with my account, sent a support ticket, takes days for them to respond (if they ever respond). Most companies i sent support tickets in the past from other games respond in matter of hours. Anyone here have any experiences with customer support tickets latelly? what kind of waiting time did u guys get from them?

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It does usually take up to a week or longer to reply. Sometimes they just don't depending on the question. I would suggest you just delete all your characters and stuff you have in your bank. That's the closest you can get. You do have the achievements still though. But completely starting over would mean you would have to buy all the lw seasons for gems again as well. You sure you want that? Just start over with a new character :)

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Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, creating a new character is an idea I have already experienced in the past, and it has bored me quickly. My intention is to start completely from scratch, and "rediscover" the game from the beginning. Playing with already completed achivements that can alter the gaming experience is not very rewarding. Besides, I have already asked the support to cancel my account (if it was not possible to reset it). But the problem at this point remains just this aspect. A support so slow to provide a simple answer, like the one placed in my ticket, leaves me very puzzled about its reliability. I really hope it's just a period of overcrowding ...

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We have a community that feels it is their right to contact customer service and ask for help when they make a mistake crafting or that they should get reimbursed every time something goes on sale for 20% off a month after they bought it in the gemstore.We have a large number of trigger-happy "do-gooders" who will report people to CS for everything from making a meta event take too long to playing their novelty instruments in crowded places.We have a large number of low-skilled PVP'ers who cry "hacker" every time they lose a game fairly.

And we have a network of "helpers" on this forum and reddit that enable this behavior by telling them to do it.

Yeah it's a puzzler alright.

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@"diogene.6249" said:Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, creating a new character is an idea I have already experienced in the past, and it has bored me quickly. My intention is to start completely from scratch, and "rediscover" the game from the beginning. Playing with already completed achivements that can alter the gaming experience is not very rewarding. Besides, I have already asked the support to cancel my account (if it was not possible to reset it). But the problem at this point remains just this aspect. A support so slow to provide a simple answer, like the one placed in my ticket, leaves me very puzzled about its reliability. I really hope it's just a period of overcrowding ...

They're not going to agree to wipe your account clean (they might not even be able to do such a thing). If you want to start from step one, you'll need to make a brand new account (a free account would give you what you're wanting, but with the free account restrictions). As for your wait time for your ticket, you've only been waiting two days so far. Try to be patient.

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@diogene.6249 said:Same situation with my ticket. And by now almost 3 days have passed. I'm sorry to have to admit it, but if this is the case I'll see again my intentions to go back to GW2. I have never seen such long waiting times in any other mmorpg ...

They quite clearly say up to 72 hrs!! Almost 3 days isn't 72 hrs. And with a new LS released you can expect longer waits.

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@Blude.6812 said:

@diogene.6249 said:Same situation with my ticket. And by now almost 3 days have passed. I'm sorry to have to admit it, but if this is the case I'll see again my intentions to go back to GW2. I have never seen such long waiting times in any other mmorpg ...

They quite clearly say up to 72 hrs!! Almost 3 days isn't 72 hrs. And with a new LS released you can expect longer waits.

I certainly expect longer waits, since in less than an hour will have already passed 3 exact days (72 hours, to want to be picky). So the times, as they are reported, have already passed. And a support that takes so long to respond is not very reassuring ...

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This thread makes me angry. That entitlement.. idk guys. We just came from a time where people spammed so many tickets they had to hire new people and it still took up to 3 or 4 weeks for a response, now you wait a couple of days and you're done with it? I wouldn't even complain before a full week passes. Sure, it's annoying and I can see why you'd push the "this shouldn't happen" angle, but this is far from needing an outrage

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