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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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@"Blocki.4931" said:This thread makes me angry. That entitlement.. idk guys. We just came from a time where people spammed so many tickets they had to hire new people and it still took up to 3 or 4 weeks for a response, now you wait a couple of days and you're done with it? I wouldn't even complain before a full week passes. Sure, it's annoying and I can see why you'd push the "this shouldn't happen" angle, but this is far from needing an outrage

Oh ya... other games respond right away but we should be ok with anet taking days/weeks to respond?

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@hunkamania.7561 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:This thread makes me angry. That entitlement.. idk guys. We just came from a time where people spammed so many tickets they had to hire new people and it still took up to 3 or 4 weeks for a response, now you wait a couple of days and you're done with it? I wouldn't even complain before a full week passes. Sure, it's annoying and I can see why you'd push the "this shouldn't happen" angle, but this is far from needing an outrage

Oh ya... other games respond right away but we should be ok with anet taking days/weeks to respond?

Exactly. I have noticed that there is a strange logic here; as if it were the user who was wrong, and not the support. They would even be ready to justify delays of weeks. Are you serious? I've had experiences on dozens of mmorpg (some much poorer than GW2), but I've never seen or heard anything like that (except once when the same location of the support had been submerged in the snow and were understandably backward with the tickets). For the rest, I've always waited max 48h to get an answer. Now here we do not even talk about this period; say 72 hours, but before writing I read dozens of posts that complained weeks of waiting (someone even a month). If you do not believe it, check how many threads have been opened in this regard. You will also notice that this problem has persisted for months ...

I am also interested in this aspect. Efficient support certainly makes the game better and more reliable ... And at the moment I have some doubts about it ...If this makes you angry ... Your problems .

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Thank you Blude! Someone who actually sees logic! Nothing i have said here is out of line with what every person has a right to. The most frustrating problem is they know there is a huge wait for the tickets, yet they make no effort to implement other ways to get things fixed. They could easily add something to reset the SMS by just making it ask me some questions about my account that only i would know.....VERY easy and it avoids MORE tickets. Stuff like this is what a quality customer service would provide. To me it just seems like they are either lazy or don't even care or both.

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Just got a reply to my ticket! Whoever saw this and mentioned it to customer support, THANK YOU! You have no idea what it is like having to wait a week just so you can get into your own account! Now the reply did ask for some more information, which i have replied back to. I just pray and beg of you guys, don't make me wait another week for a reply! I just want to get my account back lol!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@"Player.9621" said:i think they ignore anything they either cant/wont fix or would otherwise not matter if they just ignored it long enough

like pretending your little brother transferred your character, the standdown to return is 1 week, they can just ignore it anf the problem fixes itself in a week

The CS Team does not ignore any tickets. If there are instances where the request cannot be fulfilled, or when the "facts" behind the request are a little sketchy, they'll work with the player and will inform them of what they can and cannot do. We don't let tickets "sit" in hopes that the issue will resolve itself or that the customer will go away. We endeavor to answer all tickets. The queues have been honed down to better volumes lately, and most responses are coming in a few days, even while some outlier or unusual cases can take longer, as always.

As far as changes to display names, changing the names is a risky proposition, and it can result in account issues. The CS Team makes this clear when they are asked to make a change, and they inform the player of the risks involved.

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Bovine.4382 said:Just got a reply to my ticket! Whoever saw this and mentioned it to customer support, THANK YOU! You have no idea what it is like having to wait a week just so you can get into your own account! Now the reply did ask for some more information, which i have replied back to. I just pray and beg of you guys, don't make me wait another week for a reply! I just want to get my account back lol!

If memory serves, once you are being assisted with, your ticket is given a certain level of priority. ie You shouldn't have to wait long for a follow up to info they have requested

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I am reading this discussion and become little bit scaredAlready 2 days cant join sPvp because of ranked/unranked button bug, and for only pvp player it is pretty big dealSend my ticket but hope it would take less time then 8 days to reply ;/

Live chat or active forum bug report solving would be great.One sentense "We are investigating" will already reject all negativeObscurity is more annoying and causes discontent

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So, I'm usually not the type of person who get's easily annoyed or impatient, or who even complains about a little wait.That being said, it is unreasonable for a minor issue, that would've been fixed within 5-10 minutes of work, to have to wait 8 days (and counting). A day after opening the ticket it got viewed by CS, though there were no further questions or even a simple reply that they're looking into it.This has been my first ticket ever, and so far, I'm disappointed.

For anyone interested, this is what happened:Did Qadim CM with my static group and didn't get the reward while everyone else did. Sounds easy to fix to me, given the fact that I could even provide proof that I was participating in the kill itself in form of a PoV.

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I get that it's not a top on the priority list, but Arena.net is not some small indie company. Fixing my issue would take 5-10 minutes, at max. Taking over a week for something like this is a huge dealbreaker and if I'd be in charge of the CS-Team, I'd be ashamed of my coworkers tbh.

Thank you tho.

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Support response time is not acceptable for such big company like Arena net and huge community game like GW2In 2018 response time should be 1-2 workday max!Please fix this situation and optimize support department

It cause negative emotions about company and feeling like client is not important

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I currently have 2 tickets open (about the same issue and I don't think I can remove the 2nd one) and the initial response was very fast, about 4 hours after creating the ticket I got a response and help. Although the help I got was tremendous and I feel very lucky to be where I am with my issue, I don't know when to expect the next reply or if I even should pursue the issue further since ''it's a one time thing for your account'' and I don't feel like I have the right to push my luck. The last reply was 4 days ago.

Short story: basicly In an attempt to quit GW2 I gave away the most valueble things in my bank and deleted my characters with the thought that If I ever wanted to return I would return to nothing which would be a 2nd deterrent to not play this game.The grass isn't greener on the other side, I can't even maintain 1 up to date character in the gear progression scene due to my irregular free evenings making static groups nearly impossible and here I am again, spoiled rotten due to the no gear treadmill but with an empty account.Of the 23 characters I deleted on the day I quit, 17 have been restored which I am truly thankful for but of the 6 missing characters 5 are very very important to me (very high birthday age / map completion / legendary armor equipped) and I don't know if I can still pursue those characters or not.(I absolutely don't ask or expect the things I gave away to be restored, actions have consequences but 6 years of work being lost in 1 dumb impulse of mine is sour).

Does anyone have experience with having their characters restored?Is the fast replies to slow replies a normal thing and is it based on priority? Should I just be more patient?

Overal I have to say CS is very good. Looking in my history of tickets, responses are usually between an hour to 3 days with my issues being resolved.

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You can (and should) close the second ticket by replying to the email with, "This is a duplicate ticket, please close." And, include the original ticket's ID number.

You can expect the CS Team is still working on your request until they finalize their response to the issue of restoring your characters. It may take some time.

Good luck.

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@Setz.9675 said:I currently have 2 tickets open (about the same issue and I don't think I can remove the 2nd one) and the initial response was very fast, about 4 hours after creating the ticket I got a response and help. Although the help I got was tremendous and I feel very lucky to be where I am with my issue, I don't know when to expect the next reply or if I even should pursue the issue further since ''it's a one time thing for your account'' and I don't feel like I have the right to push my luck. The last reply was 4 days ago.

Short story: basicly In an attempt to quit GW2 I gave away the most valueble things in my bank and deleted my characters with the thought that If I ever wanted to return I would return to nothing which would be a 2nd deterrent to not play this game.The grass isn't greener on the other side, I can't even maintain 1 up to date character in the gear progression scene due to my irregular free evenings making static groups nearly impossible and here I am again, spoiled rotten due to the no gear treadmill but with an empty account.Of the 23 characters I deleted on the day I quit, 17 have been restored which I am truly thankful for but of the 6 missing characters 5 are very very important to me (very high birthday age / map completion / legendary armor equipped) and I don't know if I can still pursue those characters or not.(I absolutely don't ask or expect the things I gave away to be restored, actions have consequences but 6 years of work being lost in 1 dumb impulse of mine is sour).

Does anyone have experience with having their characters restored?Is the fast replies to slow replies a normal thing and is it based on priority? Should I just be more patient?

Overal I have to say CS is very good. Looking in my history of tickets, responses are usually between an hour to 3 days with my issues being resolved.

Well if I were the cs person I would give you 1 character back since you willingly deleted all of em.You already got 17 of em back so should be happy they were that nice tbh, still you cant get any answer worse then no so try it.

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After 5 days another character was restored (with my legendary armor yay) sadly my 6 year old characters have moved on the next imaginary world.

Overal good experience with CS team, 5 days may seem long but don't forget that they average about 3000 tickets a day. Some issues have lesser priority than others and that's something customers will simply have to deal with.

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Hello everyone,

So this week I had to contact support to try and recover my old (this) account.After 3 days I received the message that my password had been reset and I was given instructions on how to access my old (this) account.In the last bit of the email it was asked if I needed further assistance, which I did, so I replied to that email directly.

Was that a mistake? Would I need to create a new ticket?

To make things worse I have a feeling my issue is a little bit time dependant. Before I could restore my old account (6 years + HoM) I thought I lost it forever and created a new account on which I purchased the expansions. After restoring my old account I would like to get those keys refunded or transferred. I'm afraid that by the time support gets back to me I won't be able to get those keys refunded. I'm bit lost to what I'm supposed to do in this situation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I asked for a game refund 5 days ago, got a response after 3 days to confirm a refund request and then nothing. There has been activity on my ticket since then that wasn't me, but still no reply. Both expansion packs are still active on my account which leads me to believe the process has not even been started. This issue is extremely urgent to me but apparently only to me and I feel like I'm being ignored.

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