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Mesmer "balance"


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@Legatus.3608 said:

@dude.2950 said:Now that mesmer has been balanced, what class will forum be complaining about next ?

Mesmer . They nerfed the dmg but not the 110% stealth uptime and the 100 second evade chain.Oh and the Condi spam

I know you're exaggerating to make your point but I'll go ahead and list the stealth options anyway:2 seconds on Signet of Midnight 30 second cooldown3 seconds on The Prestige and Decoy 30 second and 40 second cooldowns respectively5 seconds on Mass Invis which nobody runs. Ever.2 seconds on Veil, but y'know dat cooldown

As far as evade chains go, you can't actually do the ridiculous 12 second evade chain unless you give up your spots for portal and blink and even then Desert Distortion effectively just increases Distortions timer by 3 seconds. It's not that overbearing.

Well if you only survive 12s that's 100% uptime bruh

I read that in Theo Vons voice 'bruh'.Anyone else? lol...

mesmer is an evolved game of 3 card monte

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@dude.2950 said:Well scourge is gonna be balanced in the next 3 months.

I doubt that because it would require a fundamental rework of their core mechanic to properly balance (pulsing mobile AoE's is nuts). ANet seems to have chosen the lazy route of balance, thus we will never see scourge in an actual balanced state where it is both useful and not braindead to play.

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@dude.2950 said:Now that mesmer has been balanced, what class will forum be complaining about next ?

Whatever new build people start spam queuing in hope of easy rating. What prompts people to complain is less imbalance and more just the fatigue of seeing the same build (often twice on the same team) in virtually every games, over and over, and over.

Don't play FoTM and you shouldn't have to worry about the nasty nerfs in short.

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@gateless gate.8406 said:

@"apharma.3741" said:Stating clone army is a little unreasonable don’t you think? I mean at that point what don’t we just say guardian has all of that except a weapon skill that evades but it has virtues, undodgeable CC and symbols! Can even get stealth from trapper runes! OP OP OP right?

Also the sad fact is many classes have most of that stuff, yes in a singular build too but they also have other things which make up for what they don’t have, how many classes have additional endurance regeneration outside of vigor? How many classes have better sustained healing? How many blocks does the mesmer have vs other classes? I can tell you right now their shield has one of the lowest block up times in the game.

Virtues and symbols? There is nothing fundamentally wrong with virtues and symbols, at all. Worst counter-argument ever.

Here's the point: Stealth is problematic in any PVP game. Invulnerability is problematic in any PVP game. Creating duplicates of yourself is EXTREMELY problematic in any PVP game. Other games that have included "clone army" characters inevitably see them nerfed to oblivion (or take over the meta) because clones are inherently overpowered against other humans.

The point wasn’t that there is anything wrong with virtues and symbols, the point was that they are exclusive to guardian just like clone army (which isn’t anything to worry about if you have AoE damage because then have 2.4k health) is unique to mesmer yet you’re trying to leverage it into some misguided crusade as to why mesmer is too strong because it has that feature that no other class has.

If AI is overpowered against other humans I think it’s a problem with the humans, we are not at the point where computer game AI can out think a monkey.

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@BeLZedaR.4790 said:

@apharma.3741 said:Condi mirage, people will not be happy till they don’t have to think to beat a mesmer.

I think you quite misunderstand the situation here. I want THE MESMER to need to think to beat ME. Right now they just need to kitten exist. Chrono is now finally where it should be for a braindead build, it’s time for a mirage nerf.

P.S and scourge nerf because it’s also just as braindead and still op.

That’s a 2 way street btw. I think people are vastly overestimating the skill required to be effective in just about all the meta builds. It won’t stop with condi mirage and you know it, I’ve seen people still complaining at power shatter.

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@Vague Memory.2817 said:

@Vague Memory.2817 said:What is this bunker chrono everyone is talking about, I've seen no matches where a chrono can hold a cap with enough sustain that isn't done better by Scourge, firebrand, warr or ele. Chrono bunker got nerfed about 2 years ago.

There has been at least one every single match I've been in all season long. Check godsofpvp.net it's probably still on there in the mesmer section.

It made the survivability of spellbreaker, ele druid and Firebrand a joke and had higher sustained damage than a holosmith.. The last monthly tournament final had 5 of them between 10 players. 2 on one team and 3 on the other.

If you aren't aware of what is even happening in Spvp this season why do you care?

I main chrono, so I actually know what I'm talking about.

Aren't you the guy who was complaining about rev phase traversal?? That kinda undermines your statement there.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@apharma.3741 said:Condi mirage, people will not be happy till they don’t have to think to beat a mesmer.

I think you quite misunderstand the situation here. I want THE MESMER to need to think to beat ME. Right now they just need to kitten exist. Chrono is now finally where it should be for a braindead build, it’s time for a mirage nerf.

P.S and scourge nerf because it’s also just as braindead and still op.

That’s a 2 way street btw. I think people are vastly overestimating the skill required to be effective in just about all the meta builds. It won’t stop with condi mirage and you know it, I’ve seen people still complaining at power shatter.

Naturally power shatter got complained about. It was over performing since it was buffed massively. I believe that now since it got nerfed it’s more skillful and is fine where it’s at with reward for skill.

That is/was not the case for condi mirage and chrono, and many other highly performing builds. Will it stop at condi mirage? No. Of course I know it but I think it’s good for the game.

We should keep pushing for the highly skilled builds to be the most effective ones when played well. (Such as d/p thief, reaper, power rev, f/a weaver, tempest, power shatter, etc.)and for easy cheese builds to have a lower entry bar but be more nieche and thus less effective at higher level play. (Scourge, bunker chrono, spellbreaker, condi thief, etc.)

Is it too much to ask for to push the game to reward playing builds that aren’t faceroll?

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@EpicTurtle.8571 said:

@dude.2950 said:Now that mesmer has been balanced, what class will forum be complaining about next ?

Mesmer . They nerfed the dmg but not the 110% stealth uptime and the 100 second evade chain.Oh and the Condi spam

I know you're exaggerating to make your point but I'll go ahead and list the stealth options anyway:2 seconds on Signet of Midnight 30 second cooldown3 seconds on The Prestige and Decoy 30 second and 40 second cooldowns respectively5 seconds on Mass Invis which nobody runs. Ever.2 seconds on Veil, but y'know dat cooldown

As far as evade chains go, you can't actually do the ridiculous 12 second evade chain unless you give up your spots for portal and blink and even then Desert Distortion effectively just increases Distortions timer by 3 seconds. It's not that overbearing.

Well if you only survive 12s that's 100% uptime bruh

I'm impressed that someone could die that fast.

Clearly never played sPvP with other people then :p It still impresses me to this day every time I see someone do it but being impressed never slows them down :p

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I am kind of interested to see what happens next. How about: With Chronobunker gone for good - which could be dealt with pretty good by carrion mirage or spellbreaker (FC and toughness, baby) for example - you'll see more mirages which will probably hurt SBs and the few revs. Cleanses bump to even higher priority. Holos go conversion and will be even stronger now they are able to cc the shit out of Elusive Mind without encountering Bountiful Disillusionment side noders. Well, before anything can settle, season will be over :<

Also: how can you not have met chronos? D:

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@BeLZedaR.4790 said:

@apharma.3741 said:Condi mirage, people will not be happy till they don’t have to think to beat a mesmer.

I think you quite misunderstand the situation here. I want THE MESMER to need to think to beat ME. Right now they just need to kitten exist. Chrono is now finally where it should be for a braindead build, it’s time for a mirage nerf.

P.S and scourge nerf because it’s also just as braindead and still op.

That’s a 2 way street btw. I think people are vastly overestimating the skill required to be effective in just about all the meta builds. It won’t stop with condi mirage and you know it, I’ve seen people still complaining at power shatter.

Naturally power shatter got complained about. It was over performing since it was buffed massively. I believe that now since it got nerfed it’s more skillful and is fine where it’s at with reward for skill.

That is/was not the case for condi mirage and chrono, and many other highly performing builds. Will it stop at condi mirage? No. Of course I know it but I think it’s good for the game.

We should keep pushing for the highly skilled builds to be the most effective ones when played well. (Such as d/p thief, reaper, power rev, f/a weaver, tempest, power shatter, etc.)and for easy cheese builds to have a lower entry bar but be more nieche and thus less effective at higher level play. (Scourge, bunker chrono, spellbreaker, condi thief, etc.)

Is it too much to ask for to push the game to reward playing builds that aren’t faceroll?

No it isn’t too much to ask however when making adjustments they do have to be in the right places. The shield has some the highest amount of counterplay to it, you can use unblockable skills, dodge the phantasm and the summon as well as massively reduce the effectiveness of the shield by not attacking it at all. How many skills can you honestly say have that level of counterplay to them? A 50% nerf isn’t toning down, it’s a very high nerf to deal to something.

Likewise staff, the warlock nerf now means they do less damage than a mesmers greatsword at 0 range.

1/3rd of the nerfs were OK, 1/3rd were bad and should have been better and 1/3rd of them were completely unwarranted. The balance team continues to show that instead of proper adjustments over proper time periods we get heavy nerfs far too late.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Mesmer is not balanced at all....name another class that has access to blinds, invulns, evades, blurs, dodges, blocks, blinks, n teleports n stealth all on one toon in one build? You cant... The mechanic that is mesmer is broken and overpowered it self when compaired to any other class.

Editited in stealth...lolz

Engineer has stealth, invlun, block, blind, and can umm dodge roll.

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@Legatus.3608 said:

@dude.2950 said:Now that mesmer has been balanced, what class will forum be complaining about next ?

Mesmer . They nerfed the dmg but not the 110% stealth uptime and the 100 second evade chain.Oh and the Condi spam

I know you're exaggerating to make your point but I'll go ahead and list the stealth options anyway:2 seconds on Signet of Midnight 30 second cooldown3 seconds on The Prestige and Decoy 30 second and 40 second cooldowns respectively5 seconds on Mass Invis which nobody runs. Ever.2 seconds on Veil, but y'know dat cooldown

As far as evade chains go, you can't actually do the ridiculous 12 second evade chain unless you give up your spots for portal and blink and even then Desert Distortion effectively just increases Distortions timer by 3 seconds. It's not that overbearing.

Well if you only survive 12s that's 100% uptime bruh

I'm impressed that someone could die that fast.

Clearly never played sPvP with other people then :p It still impresses me to this day every time I see someone do it but being impressed never slows them down :p

I find that the more I expect other people to play well the faster they die. But that's never been limited to GW2 tbh.

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@Frostmane.9734 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Mesmer is not balanced at all....name another class that has access to blinds, invulns, evades, blurs, dodges, blocks, blinks, n teleports n stealth all on one toon in one build? You cant... The mechanic that is mesmer is broken and overpowered it self when compaired to any other class.

Editited in stealth...lolz

Engineer has stealth, invlun, block, blind, and can umm dodge roll.

Well he's kind of correct, mesmer has access to all of these things and a lot of other classes do not or are lacking at least part of that whole kit. I think engi lacks the mobility shown by mesmer and staff thief for example comes pretty close as well, but lacks either stealth or block depending on which utility you bring and doesn't have all the clones/turrets/etc shown by either build

Although I don't think that's necessarily the main indicator of balance per se, maintaining permanent uptime on block would be pretty broken even without all those other mechanics and stealth is kind of irrelevant in a balance debate for pvp, imo

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@Meteor.3720 said:

@Vague Memory.2817 said:What is this bunker chrono everyone is talking about, I've seen no matches where a chrono can hold a cap with enough sustain that isn't done better by Scourge, firebrand, warr or ele. Chrono bunker got nerfed about 2 years ago.

There has been at least one every single match I've been in all season long. Check godsofpvp.net it's probably still on there in the mesmer section.

It made the survivability of spellbreaker, ele druid and Firebrand a joke and had higher sustained damage than a holosmith.. The last monthly tournament final had 5 of them between 10 players. 2 on one team and 3 on the other.

If you aren't aware of what is even happening in Spvp this season why do you care?

I main chrono, so I actually know what I'm talking about.

Aren't you the guy who was complaining about rev phase traversal?? That kinda undermines your statement there.

How so? Explain. If you read my post my main issue was The Rev was on the other side of the wall and had no line of sight. All the suggestions require that I be able to see what he was doing, which wasn't possible. How does that negate anything I said. Fact you don't explain means you have nothing valid to say.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@apharma.3741 said:Condi mirage, people will not be happy till they don’t have to think to beat a mesmer.

I think you quite misunderstand the situation here. I want THE MESMER to need to think to beat ME. Right now they just need to kitten exist. Chrono is now finally where it should be for a braindead build, it’s time for a mirage nerf.

P.S and scourge nerf because it’s also just as braindead and still op.

That’s a 2 way street btw. I think people are vastly overestimating the skill required to be effective in just about all the meta builds. It won’t stop with condi mirage and you know it, I’ve seen people still complaining at power shatter.

Naturally power shatter got complained about. It was over performing since it was buffed massively. I believe that now since it got nerfed it’s more skillful and is fine where it’s at with reward for skill.

That is/was not the case for condi mirage and chrono, and many other highly performing builds. Will it stop at condi mirage? No. Of course I know it but I think it’s good for the game.

We should keep pushing for the highly skilled builds to be the most effective ones when played well. (Such as d/p thief, reaper, power rev, f/a weaver, tempest, power shatter, etc.)and for easy cheese builds to have a lower entry bar but be more nieche and thus less effective at higher level play. (Scourge, bunker chrono, spellbreaker, condi thief, etc.)

Is it too much to ask for to push the game to reward playing builds that aren’t faceroll?

No it isn’t too much to ask however when making adjustments they do have to be in the right places. The shield has some the highest amount of counterplay to it, you can use unblockable skills, dodge the phantasm and the summon as well as massively reduce the effectiveness of the shield by not attacking it at all. How many skills can you honestly say have that level of counterplay to them? A 50% nerf isn’t toning down, it’s a very high nerf to deal to something.

Likewise staff, the warlock nerf now means they do less damage than a mesmers greatsword at 0 range.

1/3rd of the nerfs were OK, 1/3rd were bad and should have been better and 1/3rd of them were completely unwarranted. The balance team continues to show that instead of proper adjustments over proper time periods we get heavy nerfs far too late.

You're talking to people who just spam attacks after attacks without paying attention to what is around them. The Phantasmal Defender is one of the easiest attacks to avoid, but since people play braindead, they have to complain that they got owned by an easily avoided defensive ability.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Mesmer is not balanced at all....name another class that has access to blinds, invulns, evades, blurs, dodges, blocks, blinks, n teleports all on one toon in one build? You cant... The mechanic that is mesmer is broken and overpowered it self when compaired to any other class.

Blinds, anyone can get theseInvulns, we have one on a 50 second cooldown and it's been like that since release although the cooldown was slightly higher at one point,Evades, assuming you mean weapon skills, other classes also have evade on weapon skills it's not newBlurs, see previous pointDodges, everyone has these, and in the current meta build there's exactly one spot open for an additional dodgeBlinks and teleports are the same thing.

You literally expanded two points into four points out of some sort of misguided spite I suppose.

All them words and you still failed to answer the question: What other class?

Oh, and add stealth + clone army to the list.

Stating clone army is a little unreasonable don’t you think? I mean at that point what don’t we just say guardian has all of that except a weapon skill that evades but it has virtues, undodgeable CC and symbols! Can even get stealth from trapper runes! OP OP OP right?

Also the sad fact is many classes have most of that stuff, yes in a singular build too but they also have other things which make up for what they don’t have, how many classes have additional endurance regeneration outside of vigor? How many classes have better sustained healing? How many blocks does the mesmer have vs other classes? I can tell you right now their shield has one of the lowest block up times in the game.

Over my 3000 guardian games I've never encountered the undodgable cc. Mind to elaborate? If you say Ward effects, I'm not even sure how I'll respond.

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@Vague Memory.2817 said:

@Vague Memory.2817 said:What is this bunker chrono everyone is talking about, I've seen no matches where a chrono can hold a cap with enough sustain that isn't done better by Scourge, firebrand, warr or ele. Chrono bunker got nerfed about 2 years ago.

There has been at least one every single match I've been in all season long. Check godsofpvp.net it's probably still on there in the mesmer section.

It made the survivability of spellbreaker, ele druid and Firebrand a joke and had higher sustained damage than a holosmith.. The last monthly tournament final had 5 of them between 10 players. 2 on one team and 3 on the other.

If you aren't aware of what is even happening in Spvp this season why do you care?

I main chrono, so I actually know what I'm talking about.

Aren't you the guy who was complaining about rev phase traversal?? That kinda undermines your statement there.

How so? Explain. If you read my post my main issue was The Rev was on the other side of the wall and had no line of sight. All the suggestions require that I be able to see what he was doing, which wasn't possible. How does that negate anything I said. Fact you don't explain means you have nothing valid to say.

Even with no line of sight you can see what they are doing by properly rotating your camera angles.

The main points made in your other thread though were that it's hilarious you complain about a rev skill which is easily telegraphed and an expensive energy cost for revs, yet don't realise the mechanics are not unique to rev. Thief and guard have identical mechanics with even less tell.

The point I was making is that you say you "main" chrono so you know what you're talking about in relation to how op/ common chrono bunker is (or was, rather). The fact you can't deal with a rev teleport, which is easily telegraphed and can be countered (especially by chrono), suggests you really don't know much about your own profession or others for that matter.

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@schloumou.3982 said:

@"apharma.3741" said:

If AI is overpowered against other humans I think it’s a problem with the humans, we are not at the point where computer game AI can out think a monkey.

I recommend to do some research on that.

If you're meaning this: https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/14/16143392/dota-ai-openai-bot-win-elon-musk

There's a lot of caveats and it is most likely out of ANet's ability to use, especially when it's developed and trialled by a man who could buy ANet several times over with his personal wealth alone. I appreciate yes we are getting there but certainly not in most video games. Most AI are limited to 1 specific character, 1 specific map, 1 specific set of rules. We are not there yet within normal gameplay with multiple human players and certainly not with Arena Net.

Was a good read though so thanks.

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The main issue is the phantasm rework made it so there really is nothing stopping a Mesmer from executing the strategy of "12345 my phantasm skills, then rotate defensive skills/evades while my phantasms kill people for me". Chrono bunker is/was the biggest offender of doing this but the truth is any Mesmer spec can -and does. Condi mirage does it. Power shatter does it. Even core Mesmer can do it. And the problem is that strategy is just bad for the game. Any kind of simultaneous attack and defend needs to be heavily limited as "God mode" combos may be fine for PvE, but for PvP they are just way too effective due to lack of viable counterplay.

In fact even if Mesmer was balanced but their mechanics remained the same, I'd bet people would still be complaining purely because it's just frustrating to deal with. If we were to design a class around making it as unfun to play against as possible, a class that spams invulnerability while 7+ AI are are hitting 25%+ of max health damage each tick would definitely be a top contender for the bad game design raspberry awards.

So until the mechanics themselves ( -as opposed to just number tweaks- ) are addressed specifically for PvP, threads like this will likely continue for a very long time.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:The main issue is the phantasm rework made it so there really is nothing stopping a Mesmer from executing the strategy of "12345 my phantasm skills, then rotate defensive skills/evades while my phantasms kill people for me". Chrono bunker is/was the biggest offender of doing this but the truth is any Mesmer spec can -and does. Condi mirage does it. Power shatter does it. Even core Mesmer can do it. And the problem is that strategy is just bad for the game. Any kind of simultaneous attack and defend needs to be heavily limited as "God mode" combos may be fine for PvE, but for PvP they are just way too effective due to lack of viable counterplay.

In fact even if Mesmer was balanced but their mechanics remained the same, I'd bet people would still be complaining purely because the class is designed in such a way that makes it frustrating to deal with. If we were to design a class around making it as unfun to play against as possible, a class that spams invulnerability while 7+ AI are shooting others for 25%+ of their max health each tick would definitely be a top contender for the bad game design raspberry awards.

So until the mechanics themselves ( -as opposed to just number tweaks- ) are addressed specifically for PvP, threads like this will likely continue for a very long time.

Post rework phantasms are just like any other class's skill with a fancy delivery system. The incentive for not spamming them is that you'll whiff you best skills and lose a lot of momentum in the fight just like any other skill.

Like literally every class falls back and plays defensively if they fuck up their main attacks. Literally all of them. It's not unique to mesmer.

The build that summoned 7+ phantasms just got smiter's booned this patch. You're unlikely to see mesmers running more than their weapon phantasms ever again.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

Like literally every class falls back and plays defensively if they kitten up their main attacks. Literally all of them. It's not unique to mesmer.

Does a warrior summon a rampager while using Defensive stance?Does Glint pop out and start beating you in the face while a Rev is using Crystal hibernation?Do Guardians automatically summon free spirit weapons that deal 200% more damage whenever they gain Aegis?

Every class has a few god mode skills like Warrior with Endure pain, but the difference is they are focused to those specific skills. The way mes is designed, legit 100% of their defensive skills are simultaneous attack and defend because they can always have a phantasm smacking people around while they do it. That's the problem. It isn't any one specific skill that makes Mesmer broken, rather the class itself is broken by design.

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@Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Like literally every class falls back and plays defensively if they kitten up their main attacks. Literally all of them. It's not unique to mesmer.

Does a warrior summon a rampager while using Defensive stance?Does Glint pop out and start beating you in the face while a Rev is using Crystal hibernation?Do Guardians automatically summon free spirit weapons that deal 200% more damage whenever they gain Aegis?

Every class has a few god mode skills like Warrior with Endure pain, but the difference is they are focused to
those specific skills
. The way mes is designed, legit 100% of their defensive skills are simultaneous attack and defend because they can always have a phantasm smacking people around while they do it. That's the problem. It isn't any one specific skill that makes Mesmer broken, rather the class itself is broken by design.

Ah yes I forgot where Mantra of Concentration summoned the phantasmal concentrator. And when Blink summons phantasmal blinker, or when Null Field summons Phantasmal Fielder, or when Feedback summons phantasmal critic. As of the most recent patch, any simultaneous attack and defense skills were cut in effectiveness by 50%. Any other instance is on the part of the target for failing to dodge a phantasm summon and then failing to deal with it afterwards.

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@Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Like literally every class falls back and plays defensively if they kitten up their main attacks. Literally all of them. It's not unique to mesmer.

Does a warrior summon a rampager while using Defensive stance?They can if they want to. Endure Pain, Berserker Stance, Balance Stance and Balanced Stance can all be used before going into Rampage to overlap their effects.

Does Glint pop out and start beating you in the face while a Rev is using Crystal hibernation?Do Guardians automatically summon free spirit weapons that deal 200% more damage whenever they gain Aegis?

Every class has a few god mode skills like Warrior with Endure pain, but the difference is they are focused to
those specific skills
. The way mes is designed, legit 100% of their defensive skills are simultaneous attack and defend because they can always have a phantasm smacking people around while they do it. That's the problem. It isn't any one specific skill that makes Mesmer broken, rather the class itself is broken by design.

No offense but you really come across as someone who has no idea what mesmer as a class is doing and how it works, especially since you're resorting to such hyperbolic exaggeration of their capabilites.

Mesmers, especially after this round of nerfing, will not always have a phantasm out attacking players. Ineffectual clones? Maybe. But not phantasms. Mesmer phantasms have been reworked. Now, the phantasm does one attack before it transforms into a clone, which are only good for as ammo for shatters. This means that phantasms are only going to appear once for a little bit on generally a 20-30 second cooldown before doing one attack and going away. The build that let them double cast all the phantasm skills, and made those phantasms attack twice got smiter's booned. It's dead.

Most, not all, but most classes have offensive skills that give defensive coverage. Warriors have Whirlwind on Greatsword and Full Counter. Thieves have Flanking Strike>Larcenous Strike, death blossom, the daredevil condition dodges, vault. Herald Revanants can cover their offensive pushes with full on complete damage reversal and also has evade on Unrelenting Assault and Surge of the Mists. Guardians can cover their attack with the focus skill Shield of Wrath, which is in fact a key part of Core-Guardian's burst combo. If they're Dragon Hunter they have their F3 skill which is a 3 second frontal block that they can freely attack while doing.

You can argue about the efficacy of these skills, but abilities that cover your offensive bursts are not new or unique to mesmer.

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