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Charr and how Anet treats them aesthetically

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I'm glad to see that the charr are slowly getting things in the gem shop that look good on them. (And by good i mean they finally started adding a place for their tales, for the most part) but you still run in to the issue of the make over kit things looking terrible. Most of the charr make over looks are silly or outlandish or just very out there and its really disheartening. I see all these new hair styles and faces for the other races and than we get some smooshed in face, really silly and outlandish hair, and just over all trash. The armors in game still dont look as well as they could (and they still haven't fixed the cultural armor that for some reason clips and stretches on them even though it was designed for them).

My question is this, will Anet actually start putting content out that looks good on charr, I get that not a lot of people play charr but im positive its for all the above reasons, nothing looks good on them. Cause let me tell ya im getting really disheartened each time i see other players walking around and than there i stand looking terrible.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:thats why a changed my race back then. i started a Charr female warrior and playing 298h with her. but everything looked bad and dull. especially hats.

Exactly. Hats and healms remove your hair and horns like, come on! Why did you make a race like this playable if youre not even going to bother putting in any effort! I remember how great a lot of the stuff the art book had on charr armor, hell the gw1 charr had great armor still!

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In a way I'm happy about this – because most of the Makeover Kit options for Charr are so terrible it saves me gems. Some hairs and faces that are more in line with the basic ones, though, would be nice; short, fluffy hairs/manes with actual feline faces.

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@AzureShiron.7658 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:thats why a changed my race back then. i started a Charr female warrior and playing 298h with her. but everything looked bad and dull. especially hats.

Exactly. Hats and healms remove your hair and horns like, come on! Why did you make a race like this playable if youre not even going to bother putting in any effort! I remember how great a lot of the stuff the art book had on charr armor, hell the gw1 charr had great armor still!

Well they also remove human, norn, asura and sylvari hair (or leaves in the case of sylvari). Yeah it's a pain but it's not like wearing a hat making you bald is unique to charr, really. If those races had horns they'd remove them too (they often remove asuran ears and human or norn beards too, after all).

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"Charr and how Anet treats them aesthetically"Answer: Badly.

Clipping, stretching, more clipping, designs not intended for their frame. Muzzles poking through face masks, horns randomly disappearing, claws breaking through shoe buckles... Even some of their racial sets aren't well suited for them.

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I am disappointed in ANet's unwillingness to fix existing content (and I am not talking about game-breaking bugs), because of their policy of "rather focusing on new content". :-1:

That includes not only big topics like a whole missing Living World Season 1, but also generic stuff that should be a given to see fixed - like what this thread is about, namely issues with body designs (e.g., male norn), body sizes and armor (clipping issues, stretching issues, big gaps in the quality of detail between armor weights and races, etc.).

I am still miffed how changing my ranger's body size caused this, because the chest piece size wasn't properly calculated/adjusted for it. I mean, that dungeon armor piece has been around since 2012, and it's 2018 now - come on! :s

"Fix your kitten before you go create new stuff!" should be every good game developer's primary stance, especially in a game where aesthetics matter so much.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:

I am still miffed how changing my ranger's body size caused this, because the chest piece size wasn't properly calculated/adjusted for it. I mean, that dungeon armor piece has been around since 2012, and it's 2018 now - come on!--snip--

I like your Ranger. Have you looked at all the body sizes to find one which may not clip? I had to do that with one of my characters..and I succeeded in finding one : )

Good luck.

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Unpopular opinion here because I really enjoy the ferocious bestiality aesthetics of the charrs and the range of unique styles for charrs are surprisingly not as limited as, say, for Norn male. I love every bits of the exaggerated hairstyle, horn, and facial features, and even the oddly scaled shoulder pieces. I'm currently having 3 charrs of all three weight classes and 5 different armors for them. Compared to my older set of asura, they are relatively new additions but definitely more stylish ones.

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@Pifil.5193 said:Well they also remove human, norn, asura and sylvari hair (or leaves in the case of sylvari). Yeah it's a pain but it's not like wearing a hat making you bald is unique to charr, really. If those races had horns they'd remove them too (they often remove asuran ears and human or norn beards too, after all).

It's most noticable on charr because most of their hair is along the neck. Doesn't mean there wouldn't be huge problems if they left it on though, so it's something we have to live with I guess.

Shame there's so few helm skins that don't remove it.

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whitestripedcharrpv1.pngI want you guys to look at some of the Eotn armors they had on the charr. It looks fantastic! The horns dont vanish when a healm is put on them they look like they designed that armor for the charr and not just stretched out a current set of armor and slapped it on to them. http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/c/c8/%22Charr_Group%22_concept_art_2.jpgf98315abd5574d04febd0077b0ffd034.jpgI mean look at the charr with the flame thrower! How the mask is designed to fit around the muzzle, how the rest of the armor fits him aesthetically! When i got the art book back before the game even came out and saw these designs for charr i had such high hopes, only for them to continually be crushed. The gem store stuff is finally starting to at least look good on charr but I dont want to have to constantly shell out money just to look good, and for it to just be an outfit! I want to mix and match sets! > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

Unpopular opinion here because I really enjoy the ferocious bestiality aesthetics of the charrs and the range of unique styles for charrs are surprisingly not as limited as, say, for Norn male. I love every bits of the exaggerated hairstyle, horn, and facial features, and even the oddly scaled shoulder pieces. I'm currently having 3 charrs of all three weight classes and 5 different armors for them. Compared to my older set of asura, they are relatively new additions but definitely more stylish ones.

I agree with you on how amazing those charr look with what you mixed and matched with them, but the problem is that its very hard to do so, more so if you like the way one armor set looked on one race and than realize oh, it looks horrible on charr.

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Totally agree with the OP - reading about the Charr in the art book was what got me into GW2 in the first place. I actually think the Charr cultural armour designs are great, but some of those designs haven't been implemented well (e.g. because of tail-clipping and floating shoulders).

@"AzureShiron.7658" said:they still haven't fixed the cultural armor that for some reason clips and stretches on them even though it was designed for them

Which one is that? I've never noticed it, but I haven't used all of them.

There are also several things worn by Charr NPCs that aren't available to players, at least some of which are compatible with light armour. It'd be great if we could finally get those - same goes for NPC clothing for the other races as well.

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@"AzureShiron.7658" said:Cause let me tell ya im getting really disheartened each time i see other players walking around and than there i stand looking terrible.Fj86fgM.jpgI look good and most of the people walking around me in LA look like radioactive garbage or 50 shades of grimblack. :yum:

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@"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:Totally agree with the OP - reading about the Charr in the art book was what got me into GW2 in the first place. I actually think the Charr cultural armour designs are great, but some of those designs haven't been implemented well (e.g. because of tail-clipping and floating shoulders).

@"AzureShiron.7658" said:they still haven't fixed the cultural armor that for some reason clips and stretches on them even though it was designed for them

Which one is that? I've never noticed it, but I haven't used all of them.

There are also several
that aren't available to players, at least some of which
. It'd be great if we could finally get those - same goes for NPC clothing for the other races as well.

Medium tier 2 and tier 1 for heavy if im remembering correctly.

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I have been using the jungle explorer outfit on my charr since the day it came out. I personally play as a guardian, so that's part of the reason - but WOW is it almost criminal how bad everything looks on charr. I'd lose my marbles if I could update my charr after...what, 3 years now?

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I've noticed that with these surprisingly charr heavy living world updates they've added a few things that actually look good on charr. (though again its still only shoulder and glove armor because anet hates making full sets.) I'm hoping with the possibly charr themed expansion coming we finally get good charr content. (and maybe theyll make it so pauldrons dont look stupidly big and silly on them.)

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