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I wish GW2 had World Chat

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How about a world chat channel (divided by game mode) where only invested accounts (either by mastery level, comm tag, acc age/play hours, etc) can post a msg once/twice every x hours, and people can sqjoin on the poster? 3 warnings for inappropriate msgs and the acc is perm revoked from calling out

That is one way to call for and gather like-minded people, whether to do in game activity, facet for griffon, chat about topic xyx using squad chat, whatever they want?

The lfg system is great and all, but still lacking in several ways, because AFAIK there's no direct key bind to open lfg directly, doesn't save ur last view, and if you are looking for several different content and there's nothing there every time you check, or there's no one joining on you for long stretches of time, etcetc, especially for rarer activities like exploration of content, story, uncommon event chains for collections etc

So, when a player is bored for example, he can then turn on his world chat channel and watch for any group content that catches his eye

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@"casualkenny.9817" said:How about a world chat channel (divided by game mode) where only invested accounts (either by mastery level, comm tag, acc age/play hours, etc) can post a msg once/twice every x hours, and people can sqjoin on the poster? 3 warnings for inappropriate msgs and the acc is perm revoked from calling out

That is one way to call for and gather like-minded people, whether to do in game activity, facet for griffon, chat about topic xyx using squad chat, whatever they want?

The lfg system is great and all, but still lacking in several ways, because AFAIK there's no direct key bind to open lfg directly, doesn't save ur last view, and if you are looking for several different content and there's nothing there every time you check, or there's no one joining on you for long stretches of time, etcetc, especially for rarer activities like exploration of content, story, uncommon event chains for collections etc

So, when a player is bored for example, he can then turn on his world chat channel and watch for any group content that catches his eye

The problem here is any chat channel that can only be used infrequently is worthless for conversation or real information exchange, automatically limiting it to adverts of some kind (most likely guild spam and WTB type messages). Any system that can be used frequently, and has wide reach, gets spammed due to its large audience.... thus being useless for conversations or information exchanges; It also has the extra problem of overlapping context, making relevant conversation even harder. Limiting it to an opt in system doesn't work either, unless you can strictly cap its participants or actively moderate it. Gating it and being Opt in doesn't work either, because neither will preclude the type of abuse/spam/garbage unless its heavily moderated and/or exists for an express purpose that everyone can agree on at a playerbase wide level..... good luck getting people to go along with that without a strict selection process.

Planetside 2 has a global command chat system that reaches across all of the maps, and is accessible to anyone whose invested points into having access to Command tools. Nobody uses it because 90% of what actually goes on there is "squad leaders" (finger quotes) just bitching out everyone else on the server for not doing what "they" want; and almost never reaches the point of real utility, because any Squad leader who is actually focused on competent squad leading has to mute AND hide the command chat to avoid it becoming a massive distraction. More coordination goes on in Map chat then Command chat, because anyone being an ass is obvious to everyone, and gets blocked/reported if their obnoxiousness somehow exceeds the what the spam filter can limit. Command chat also has a Voice channel with similar functions, and less then 1 out of 20 squad leaders (which is the only time the channel would be active) have it turned on.... and of those, only 25% of them have it on deliberately. You can tell when a newer player just certed into it, because the first question on map or guild chat is "How do I turn this off?".

Its not without its uses.... but it can only serve its intended function when the participation rate is low enough that the channels themselves aren't just a flood of text and sound (even if people were behaving as intended), allowing contextually useful information can easily picked out. But with no other training criteria or enforcement for access, it quickly devolves into just another outlet for people looking for the largest audience, and gets the added bonus of overtaking a channel that people would otherwise want to use if proper conduct had been enforced, making them harder to ignore at first. Its not even a matter of whats required, so much as there is NO enforceable conduct by which people need to adhere to in order to stay minimally productive. Even Team chat in WvW, which gets a lot of not-wvw related conversations, still has the expressly designated function of cross map chat information sharing; and for most servers will respect that usage when important things need to get across. But you know theres a problem when too many people on your team is idle enough to hold multiple conversations in team chat, but the enemy is going to town on your team's territories. When things get busy in WvW, chat slows down.... a sign that people are busy focusing on "doing things" and not just intentionally being a distraction or verbally combative for the sake of it.

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Rather than a global chat channel, what I have in mind is more along the lines of making it easier for people to get into specific less-mainstream activities, including chatting about various subjects.

Want to role play as whatevers? Join the squad chat if interested. Want to talk politics with other like-minded ppl - or argue with others? Do it in the squad chat rather than in LA.

-It HAS to be infrequent enough so that people won't be spammed with LA chatter, and will be willing to leave it in their main chatbox-it HAS to be gated behind some kind of account investment, so that bots aren't able to advertise, and people have to be afraid of losing the privilege of posting anything on this chat-I am advocating using the squad function (as opposed to a dedicated chat channel) precisely to prevent people from sitting in an active playing squad while chatting unproductively on a separate chat channel-u can already get reported for breaking ToS when speaking on map chat, so the rules can always be appropriately more stringent over here-I have in mind a purchasable upgrade that requires certain prereqs (as mentioned earlier), that can only be purchased once per acc, during which the npc will inform u of the extra restrictions governing said channel

This global chat channel is not for the actual chatter, but to help people find the right places and the right like-minded people for it (and give others the peace that they want)

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  • 4 months later...

I forgot I had posted this.

I still would like to see a world chat. As I run along, questing, it's fun to watch conversations in the chat tab. I stay on WoW a lot longer than I would normally just because the chat is fun sometimes.

And for those who don't want it, you have the ability to turn it off.

All in all, since it is optional, would it really be so bad to have it?

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I'd rather have custom chat channels like in WoW. Sure there can be drama and trolling and channel creators getting nasty about booting people for no reason, so maybe there need to be some safeguards. But on the whole it means that someone can make a chat channel, name it what they want (within the bounds of propriety), and secretly or publicly invite whomever they like. It's a lot like a Discord channel, in fact. There could be channels set up for events (eg Pink Day in LA), for role play coordination, for WvW servers for however long those are relevant, etc. Maybe there'd be a limit to how many custom channels you could be in at once, perhaps five to match the coding for guild chatting.

While we're redoing the chat interface to allow this, why not let players customize their chat channel colors? Different people need different color cues. And probably just about every rp'er ever needs to be able to change the dull grey emote text to something that pops much better.

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I guess a server chat could be cool - that way I could see when people wanted to do some late night wvw raids (or tune in on a certain fun troll on my server who is susprisingly fun to be around). I don't see much benefit in a world chat though; as stated above, it would look like a twitch stream.

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@"Faline.8795" said:

World Chat is the one thing that is missing from GW2 that I wish it had.

Guilds don't count because those are limited to guild members.

To me (and I accept that this is only my personal opinion), World Chat makes the game seem more alive to me. World Chat is what kept me with World of Warcraft for so long. (It sure wasn't the crayon graphics!)

Yes, map chat is there. But what if something is happening on a different map, like a boss I wanted. Wouldn't know without World Chat.

I know a lot of people don't like the concept of World Chat.

If there was a toggle to opt out of World Chat, would that make it more palatable?

Someone else already nailed why this wouldn't quite work for events, but in order to clarify their statement. Maps in the mega-server system have a maximum per-instance player capacity. Someone saying in a "global" chat that Shatterer is up wouldn't work well because the moment that first map fills, the a second one is created where the Shatterer pre-events have not yet been completed and so it's not technically "up" anymore. This holds doubly true for events that are not on a set schedule but rather trigger based on pre-requisite event completion. That means the only use a global chat has at all becomes just talking to other players, but tbh if you want to see a large community to converse with just join a few mega-guilds (you can join 5 at a time after all) of around 500 people and you'll have lots of folks to speak with.

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  • 3 years later...
On 6/21/2018 at 9:34 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

In principle, bring able communicate events worldwide is a fine, the issue is that world chat would not be used for that and calls would be drowned out by a selection of players who would do nothing but sit in the channel spouting nonsense, trolling, spoilering, arguing etc etc. No matter what global chat ive used, from Anarchy Online, to Lotro and others, this has been the consistent and ever present issue with world chat. If the people who would benefit then turn it off because of this, it exists for no reason.

So in principle im ok with it, but practically speaking, it would turn into an impossible to moderate free for all and i think support have enough on their plate without constant chat reports coming through as well.

Luckily on EU we have a dedicated guild who jump around maps to call out things like triple trouble and tequatl. It works just as well.


There are trolls and gold sellers in LOTRO globat chat (that you can easily put on ignore), true.

But that's like 1-5% of the chat. The rest is mostly positive, with people having good conversations, helping new players etc.


I really like it when games have world chat too. Makes me stay in games sometimes a lot more than I usually would, just to chat with people. That was the case with LOTRO etc. 

Questing became so much more fun when I had folks to chat with along the way.

Guilds somewhat does the same, just on a much smaller scale.

However Guild Wars 2 global chat would have way to many players. Would probably have to be limited to server wide chat.


I would really like this as well. 

As long as you can turn it off in settings it wouldn't really have any negative effect on people who don't want it.

It could even be disabled by default.

Edited by jokke.6239
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1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:


And had I made a thread someone would come in and complain that I didn't search the forum first.

You can't win.

No, in this case with a three years dead thread and an extremely obscure topic not even Kharmin would have bothered you. 

Also, glad there isn't a world chat or some such equivalent.  Proof that Anet can still get things right.

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20 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

No, in this case with a three years dead thread and an extremely obscure topic not even Kharmin would have bothered you. 

Also, glad there isn't a world chat or some such equivalent.  Proof that Anet can still get things right.


Absolutely nothing would change for you if there was if you could simply turn it off (or if it was off by default)

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