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Tyrian Service Medal and Orr Temples

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It's great that you are giving people reasons to go back and do older content. But if you do, please make sure that this older content is in some kind of playable state. The orr temples have multiple issues that make them very unpleasant to play.

  1. Very long timers that can't be sped up. If you miss the event on a map you can't get it back for 2 hours. Which would be fine except....
  2. Irregular timers. The event timers are instance-based, so you can't even tell when they are going to come up. This leads to crazy map hopping or people sitting around waiting for them to spawn.
  3. Encourages map hopping. Because the timers are instance based, the best tactic for a group is to pound the servers trying to force a new instance.
  4. Inconsistent credit. Some temples give credit for defense, some don't, and for those that don't you see map chat filling with people begging to let the event fail. For example the Melandru temple. Depending on an event to fail is NEVER a good thing (this also needs to be remembered for new events, like the bramble wall regrowth in Kourna).
  5. Inconsistent difficulty. Some of these can take 30 min or more (due to pre-events), while others can take less than a minute, frustrating people who desperately try to run over only to find it died nearly instantly. Sub events within also have very problematic difficulty, with some being very hard due to scaling and others being so weak that mob waves drop so fast that most people can't even get a hit in if the group size is high. I myself had had the Grenth event go so fast that the lag spike from it loading in took longer than the event.

If you are going to utilize older events, please take this as an opportunity to update them, or at least tune them a little bit. Showing off old content in a bad state speaks badly for the game and ANet.

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I agree that the temples should be put onto a rolling timer, have done for years tbh.Remove the defence events, have it be on a 5hr cycle (a temple comes up once every hour, regardless of if the previous has been retaken, the order can be randomised, or set in stone, as long as all the temples are up for recapture in the cycle).

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Another achievement based on events where failing event or restarting event new cause toxicity and overall bad feelings among players ruining the game experience. https://imgur.com/a/qGlC0Pv

edit: Things had gotten a lot worse than what's in the screenshot. There was verbal harassment and threats of mass reporting. These types of achievement based events need to change.

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The credit criteria for the Tyrian medals achievement are all over the place. I helped take Balthazar's temple and got credit, as expected. I got credit for Lyssa's and Dwayna's temples on successful defense.

Then, at Melandru's, about a dozen people insisted that they did the defense event earlier and didn't get credit. Who am I to argue, I joined in letting it fail, and fail it did, but not after I AoE bombed the first wave. When it failed, I got the medal, along with some other people. I'm guessing we made a significant contribution for event credit, and the people who just stood outside telling us to let it fail, didn't, and didn't get the medal.

I'm not sure what happened at Grenth's. After camping a cleansed temple for over an hour, I took a bathroom break, leaving myself safely high up by means of a springer leap. When I got back a few minutes later, I found that I got the medal, without participating at all.

Medals for participating in failed defenses and for not participating in successful ones. Doesn't sound right.

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I managed to get all 5 done yesterday, but I sat around for 4 hours last night to do it. It reminded me a lot of how things used to be in EverQuest. Camping, waiting. There was a nostalgia factor, and it won't happen again (for a long time hopefully) so no worries. I got pretty lucky on a few of them, right place at the right time sorta thing.

There were some that were odd, like I did Balthazar, and didn't get credit (most did), but went back later and purposely 'failed' the defense, and got it. 3-5 of the others worked on defense, and don't know about Melandru, b/c I happened to get it on an assault.

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Just to add my own experience from when I did my run of the temples yesterday:

Balthazar: Got it on taking the temple, after holding the Altar of Betrayal (the step before killing the priest).Dwayna: Got it on successful defense (specifically the one where you fight the Risen Lieutenant quaggan).Lyssa: Tried to do defense, but a commander insisted that defending wouldn't work. Those who tagged mobs during the defense ended up getting collection credit when it failed. Then we retook the temple and all got credit after killing the priestess.Melandru: Once again, a commander insisted that defending wouldn't work (I've since seen people claim that successful defense works and that failing defense works, as long as you tag). Got it when we retook the temple, after killing the priest.Grenth: Got it on successful defense (defeating the priest) after waiting a little over two hours for it to pop.

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@"UnDeadFun.5824" said:Another achievement based on events where failing event or restarting event new cause toxicity and overall bad feelings among players ruining the game experience. https://imgur.com/a/qGlC0Pv

edit: Things had gotten a lot worse than what's in the screenshot. There was verbal harassment and threats of mass reporting. These types of achievement based events need to change.

Instead of bullying people and pretend they're the one ruining your game, you could have just killed the Risen Priest that shows up and get your achievement credit. Because that's what give you credit, not "capturing" The priest shows up in both defense and capture.

Only one you need to actually Capture is Balthazar Temple. You need to capture of Altar of Betrayal to get credit. Balthazar temple cannot be defended infinitely though.

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@"Haishao.6851" said:Instead of bullying people and pretend they're the one ruining your game, you could have just killed the Risen Priest that shows up and get your achievement credit. Because that's what give you credit, not "capturing" The priest shows up in both defense and capture.

I killed the Risen Priest during the Mel defense I attended (got the champ box and all that), but I didn't get credit for the achievement. The entire event failed because people insisted on letting it fail by not killing the last few waves of mobs, so I don't know if full success would have counted. But just killing the priest didn't count for me.

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@"Haishao.6851" said:Instead of bullying people and pretend they're the one ruining your game, you could have just killed the Risen Priest that shows up and get your achievement credit. Because that's what give you credit, not "capturing" The priest shows up in both defense and capture.

I killed the Risen Priest during the Mel defense I attended (got the champ box and all that), but I didn't get credit for the achievement. The entire event failed because people insisted on letting it fail by not killing the last few waves of mobs, so I don't know if full success would have counted. But just killing the priest didn't count for me.

Yeah, I kinda implied that you kill the priest to complete the event linked to it. Sorry it was unclear.The priest alone is just a mob. But he is key to the event since it wont complete until he's dead. But if the event fails anyway, then I guess there's no achievement.

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:BTW while this thread is about Orr, the other events in the collection could also use some spiffying. Claw of Jormag in particular is pretty bad.

Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl.

In Shatterer and Tequatl you are always doing something that advances the boss. Not so for claw. The design of the event is bad, and has been for a long time. The first part is nothing but ability spam (and tends to lag out so badly you can't even see what you are doing) and the second part is several minutes of standing around waiting for the boss to go prone from the golems, which you can neither speed up by succeeding nor slow down by failing. The measure of a good event is if it's interesting and your presence is impactful, not how easy it is. Claw is neither.

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I can confirm, melandru defence event does not reward credit for success, but insteads rewards on event failure. Seem like a miscoded for reward.
Balth rewards on the walk up event, not killing the champ at the end. The wrong event is coded for reward.Also some temple have two variants for defence events, some dont give rewards, other do.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:I can confirm, melandru defence event does not reward credit for success[...]Also some temple have two variants for defence events, some dont give rewards, other do.Additional data point: I got credit for the Tyrian Service Medal from a successful Melandru defense event. I honestly can't remember what, exactly, we were doing at the time, though.

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@Haishao.6851 said:Instead of bullying people and pretend they're the one ruining your game, you could have just killed the Risen Priest that shows up and get your achievement credit. Because that's what give you credit, not "capturing" The priest shows up in both defense and capture.Been there, done that, more than once (on Dwayna). Got absolutely nothing. A person afking through the event got the achi though.

@Haishao.6851 said:

Yeah, I kinda implied that you kill the priest to complete the event linked to it. Sorry it was unclear.The priest alone is just a mob. But he is key to the event since it wont complete until he's dead. But if the event fails anyway, then I guess there's no achievement.

Some people are getting the achis on fails too. Both those that kill the main event boss, and those that didn't.

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:I can confirm, melandru defence event does not reward credit for success, but insteads rewards on event failure.It does reward on success. Can confirm that one.

Balth rewards on the walk up event, not killing the champ at the end. The wrong event is coded for reward.They did mention that this one is achieved on capture, so it's not a miscoding.

Also some temple have two variants for defence events, some dont give rewards, other do.The same defence event gives achieves to some, but not to others. Seemingly completely independently of the actual participation in the event.

It's all just very, very inconsistent.

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We've told ANet many times that the temple events aren't fun. They need to be on a timer liek world bosses and they should have fixed this years ago. Or, if they can't put the events on a timer, leave them out of collections. Waiting for an event does NOT count as content, waiting for an event is not fun and does NOT count as playing the game. What were they thinking...

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@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:BTW while this thread is about Orr, the other events in the collection could also use some spiffying. Claw of Jormag in particular is pretty bad.

Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl.

In Shatterer and Tequatl you are always doing something that advances the boss. Not so for claw. The design of the event is bad, and has been for a long time. The first part is nothing but ability spam (and tends to lag out so badly you can't even see what you are doing) and the second part is several minutes of standing around waiting for the boss to go prone from the golems, which you can neither speed up by succeeding nor slow down by failing. The measure of a good event is if it's interesting and your presence is impactful, not how easy it is. Claw is neither.

That’s because players are choosing to be lazy and just standing in one location spamming their skills. There are ways to speed up the entire fight.

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i had luck on Lyssas event. Everybody in map chat wanted to fail the event, but some killed the enemies so i attacked some and got the item for the collection.Grenth and Lyssa worked by defending. Dwayna and Melandru we had to fail the event and then retake and kill the last boss.Balthazar you have to be part of the last event before the last boss.

overall it took me about 4 1/2 hours. Most time waiting

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:BTW while this thread is about Orr, the other events in the collection could also use some spiffying. Claw of Jormag in particular is pretty bad.

Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl.

In Shatterer and Tequatl you are always doing something that advances the boss. Not so for claw. The design of the event is bad, and has been for a long time. The first part is nothing but ability spam (and tends to lag out so badly you can't even see what you are doing) and the second part is several minutes of standing around waiting for the boss to go prone from the golems, which you can neither speed up by succeeding nor slow down by failing. The measure of a good event is if it's interesting and your presence is impactful, not how easy it is. Claw is neither.

That’s because players are choosing to be lazy and just standing in one location spamming their skills. There are ways to speed up the entire fight.

If there are they are so badly communicated that no one knows what they are. As far as I can tell there is nothing to do in the BUT stand there and spam skills.

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@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:BTW while this thread is about Orr, the other events in the collection could also use some spiffying. Claw of Jormag in particular is pretty bad.

Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl.

In Shatterer and Tequatl you are always doing something that advances the boss. Not so for claw. The design of the event is bad, and has been for a long time. The first part is nothing but ability spam (and tends to lag out so badly you can't even see what you are doing) and the second part is several minutes of standing around waiting for the boss to go prone from the golems, which you can neither speed up by succeeding nor slow down by failing. The measure of a good event is if it's interesting and your presence is impactful, not how easy it is. Claw is neither.

That’s because players are choosing to be lazy and just standing in one location spamming their skills. There are ways to speed up the entire fight.

If there are they are so badly communicated that no one knows what they are. As far as I can tell there is nothing to do in the BUT stand there and spam skills.

Phase one has bombs and other items that can be used to damage the wall. Phase two has blowtorches which help remove the ice so the golems get to the boss. Just standing there and auto-attacking only prolongs the fight.

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I don't know what's going on , some people wants the melandru to fail so we can retake , some just wants to defend , 2 tries and people eventually went for the defense and I had to be the part it sadly to see if I can get the collection but unfortunately, no. The hint says that we need to retake but some people get it off by defending and then that's not it, if you still don't get it , you will have to wait for another hour or two and hope for the luck and spam on chat asking people to fail the event . Anet please :(

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