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Guild Wars 2 is my "main" game, and while I play other things occasionally, this is where I spend most of my recreational time/money. I like to explore, collect and experiment with weapons/skills. GW2 is perfect for that. This is an incredible community, and I truly enjoy helping others out in game and via the Gifting thread on this forum.

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So much love for this game. The story is awesome, the community is pretty nice, too, and to be honest, I love playing as my Guardian. Also, Laranthir, he's such an adorable quiet riot salad. And then there is the beautiful graphics, the gorgeous music, and the superior voice acting. (I still maintain that Trahearne would have been one heck of a bad guy.) Sorry, I kind of went off tangent.

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So many dyes!

Sharing nodes, no fighting to get there first

The scale of maps and cities -- and whole secret areas to find

Fashionwars: transmutation, skins and outfits

Races: more than human. You can be a giant cat! Or a plant! Or a ...lil weird thingy

Helpful community

No monthly fees

Shrine Guardian Jackal: I HAVE NO REGRETS

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I was once playing on my cosplay character, Goddess Dwayna, in Lion's Arch, when a poor little skritt asked my help with an emergency. The skritt had been transformed into an object and they needed help to be transformed back. Goddess Dwayna happily helped them. The Skritt then asked the goddess to follow them to a dark alley, where they turned into an asura pointing her with a huge rifle. They gave her two option: All of her carrots or her life.Goddess Dwayna giggled, teleported to the closest bank and sent the bandit-asura 250 carrots... which they returned back with apologies. Goddess Dwayna once again sent them back and thanked the asura for making her laugh. :D

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@Vayne.8563 said:This is the only MMO I've played that prioritizes the open world and that's worth more to me and all the complaints they can muster. I neither raid nor PvP so if those formats aren't handled promptly it affects me not at all. But the open world is brilliant for me. It's expected regularly, there's plenty of stuff to chip away at, and it's fun for me. Even stuff like down-leveling which means I can go anywhere, instead of sitting huddled in the last zone of a game is brilliant.

Got to agree with you Vayne.Raiding has a burn out effect like no other imo. I was a guild/raid leader for many years in another MMO and the endless gear grind that forced you to keep going back time and time again until finally you think you have got everything you need only to then find the goal posts have been shifted againPvP I can take in small doses but the level of toxicity that always seems to hive around it just wears me down fast.

GW2 openworld is by far the best example of PvE I have played.. not perfect but better than other MMO's I have played.Story similarly is for me pretty darn good, a little disjointed at times but on the whole I feel engaged when playing it through and the VO is just quality.

So lots of positives to push back the ever present negatives... sorry OP naming just one was maybe a little hard for me :)

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No sub!

The most beautiful game world I've seen.

No sub!

Also, no trinity. I hated when a class I liked was forced into a role I hated.

The sense of humor throughout the entire world. The cow catapult still makes me giggle.

Oh yeah, no sub!

The choice of five distinct races, each able to play any profession. I can spend a couple of hours getting a new toon just right.

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Pretty, pretty, everywhere is pretty!

Core Tyria is a chill place to relax before bed.

Core world bosses are a ton of fun. Because of that, I've been hopping into more public-type raids and big world content in other games and having fun there too. Been a nice change for a lone wolf like me.

A helpful community with a gen chat I keep open. I love answering newbie questions, but someone always beats me to it here :) I've never experienced that anywhere else.

No gear grind! Starting to get annoyed with ESO, and Galactic Command burned me out forever on SWTOR. Here, I just hop on the AH and pick up something serviceable for a reasonable price.

Combat is fluid and fun. A lot of fun.

I can pop in and pop out whenever I like without feeling like I'm wasting my money (no sub!).

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I just want to say thank you ArenaNet for bringing GW2 into life. For me, this is the best MMO I fell in love with the fluid and dynamic gameplay, it is so unique, fun and different that I really can't be bothered to try any other MMO out there.

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@Epiphany.7125 said:1) It's not World of Warcraft.2) Player base > 0.3) Maybe a less toxic community??? That seems to be in some doubt based on the idiocy on full display in these forums.

Unfortunately, the new player leveling experience has not been as much fun as I've had in WoW and SWTOR. Leveling in this game reminds me of Rift, which is not a good thing.

Few clicks and your level 80. Easiest leveling ever.

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Top three for me:

  1. No node stealing... I still have nightmares about fighting off thirty mobs only to see some scrub harvesting my node.
  2. Mix and match armor skins.... I play Fashion Wars every night!
  3. The absolute beauty of the world. If you have a computer able to do it, turn all the settings to max and just stand there in a beautiful spot and look. I'm not talking about the "vistas" in the world. I mean on the rock out front of a Steading in Lornar's Pass, or in Metrica Province pretty much anywhere. It's the way the grass moves when you walk, or the footprints in the sand. The details are incredible.

There are many more, but if I sit here and start waxing poetic about what I like about GW2, I'll be here all night. Cheers!

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For me, I left another MMO and came to this game permanently close to 2 years ago now. I bought GW2 at launch and played casually but was committed to the other game. However, after paying a subscription, fighting over crafting nodes, fighting over loot drops in raids and living through an expansion launch that broke the servers (which was then left live but unplayable for 3 weeks; without a single response from the development team; who then took another 3 weeks to get it fixed), this game was a breath of fresh air.

But when I saw the negativity in some of this past week's threads, I got concerned the community was taking a negative turn so I thought I would post my thread. I guess I just think that sometimes, pausing and reflecting on the positives can help when people are frustrated. Logging in and seeing 75+ notifications for this thread has been a pretty cool experience for me. I really appreciate each of you for taking the time and sharing what you find positive about this game. I have been reading the responses and keep thinking "oh yeah!" "that's true!!"

Some of the key points I pulled from the threads are: (in no particular order)

  1. With the core structure of the game encouraging rezzing of the downed and getting credit for participating the community has nothing to be salty over (except for the person not reading chat and killing the octovine before north burns. :tongue:)
  2. People are just helpful and kind -- someone will always appear and help you get that achievement or kill or rez you when you run into a pack of pocket raptors
  3. Players can craft their own raid gear and never have to fight anyone for a resource node or loot drop.
  4. The open world metas and the fractal mechanics are brilliantly designed and are challenging, fun content that doesn't require the the holy trinity to succeed
  5. WvW is an experience like no other game -- really there is nothing like trebbing rotten cows at the enemy :grin:
  6. There are happy secrets buried throughout this game -- JPs, legendary collections, and the shoutouts to those in the community who have supported the dev team
  7. The fashion -- of course
  8. Buy to play -- no subscription
  9. The gliding and the mounts -- we are far more mobile than ever in this game and it really is a lot of fun
  10. Finally, it is all hosted and run by a dev team that live patches and in the event of an error, they own it and say "hey there was an error; we need to fix it" and most of the time, it is a same day fix.

Overall, I think we are pretty fortunate to have found a game as unique and as engaging as this one. Cheers everyone and thank you again for joining in on the positive train. :smiley:

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The amazing art and mount designs! Seriously, kudos to Anet for going above and beyond with the mounts. I honestly expected them to be like every other mmo, but they are so much better. I'm super happy that I decided to pick up PoF. The expansion has been a blast! Although it may not have much in terms of repetitive content, I still enjoyed it a lot. I'm looking forward to the next expansion and can't wait to see where the next living story takes us. (: The marketing team also did an excellent job with the trailer for Long Live the Lich!

Oh! And Asura!!! Best race. =)

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