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(Theoretically) What new playable race do you want?


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If you had to choose just one. Also, any race comes with the assumption it's possible story-wise. Like minions of past enemies making a community or something. Initially it let me add more than 10, which was new so I thought I could actually use more than 10, but no. So I went with a combo of technically and lore-wise possible. I had am uch longer post about the expanded list :(. Thanks for leading me on D:. But anyway, I digest.

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Of those options? Tengu or Krait. But what I'd REALLY like is three Skritt stacked on top of each other, each wearing different oversized pieces of the armor you select, firing Longbows by having two hold the bow while the third draws the string, and jumping by hurling each other into the air with harnesses keeping them attached.

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I voted Djinn, mostly because I've always been a fan of elemental themed races in games. Which is partially why I have more Sylvari characters than any other race. I also loved playing as a Sylvan in DAoC.

At the same time, I feel adding anything other than Tengu first would create a massive backlash on the forums. I would certainly make one if added.

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@Ashur.7648 said:None actually. Too many resources to make them work with a city and personal story only to end up like everyone else, one story to fit them all.

TBH i'd be fine with no personal story. Aka if you choose tendu, you start after your personal story.At the very least, a combat tonic for tengu like the kodans.

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A few comments on the races:Krait cannot be a playable race, they don't have legs and that would mess up all animations and armor skins. They are also the bad guysGrawl, Ogre (also Quaggan, Hylek and Skritt) cannot be playable races because they are the "lesser races". We've already seen too much of them anywayAwakened and Mordrem Guard would make poor choices for a playable race, much like the krait, they are the bad guys.The Djinn don't appear to be very good candidates due to their shape (armor won't fit).Dwarves have a different purpose in the guild wars universe and wouldn't be good "commanders"

Largos, Kodan and Tengu are the best options for "new races".Tengu in an expansion that opens up the dominion of windsLargos in an expansion that gives us the unending oceanKodan in an expansion that adds the Far Shiverpeaks

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Where's the Jotun!how can you forget thos badasses

they have history, and there is a posibilty for an alliance, a smaller group of jotun realizing that the way they live now, they will never be able to be a real part of the world like they used to be like back in the day (as powerful rules sure, but they don't have to follow that path this time). male and female models should be quite easy to make and still be different from the other races.

aside from the jotun, the tengu would be viable as a new race.add a piece to the map as their home, basically a "city" of their race with a home instance. a little story to introduce people to the cultural lore of the race after which you go onto a mission ( part of the normal personal story).in other words, the story can be easily "fixed" by allowing people to create the race after they atleast reach level 60 (or another level). and have a story that puts them into the attack on claw island part, where you meet trahearne for the first time, the ideal place to start.

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What? No love for golems?I'd love to play as one of the asuras golems.You'd play as a new type of golem controlled by an asura golemancer who's stealthed for the most part. When you're doing story stuff he/she would pop out of stealth and act just as any asura player would.Would require very little from Anet, as they wouldn't need to add a new map or story, and it wouldn't clash with the lore as there's golemancers all over the place already.

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@Toolbox.9375 said:Of those options? Tengu or Krait. But what I'd REALLY like is three Skritt stacked on top of each other, each wearing different oversized pieces of the armor you select, firing Longbows by having two hold the bow while the third draws the string, and jumping by hurling each other into the air with harnesses keeping them attached.

With massive bonuses to stats when 50+ skirt are adjacent.

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