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List of legendary characters Revenant could channel to use Greatsword in the next elite spec


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While I'm not completely opposed to a Vampiric spec, I also feel like it would make more sense on a Necro.
Also Mragga who, let's not pull another Kalla please.

What is that even supposed to mean? The perceived failures of renegade/kalla are not the theme itself but instead was the execution of its implementation.

What I meant is that Mragga as a character might not be legendary enough.

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While I'm not completely opposed to a Vampiric spec, I also feel like it would make more sense on a Necro.
Also Mragga who, let's not pull another Kalla please.

What is that even supposed to mean? The perceived failures of renegade/kalla are not the theme itself but instead was the execution of its implementation.

What I meant is that Mragga as a character might not be legendary enough.

By that measure there is not really anything legendary about Ventari or even Mallyx.

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@"Ertrak.9506" said:It doesn't have to be limited in scope to "characters that had a GS" either, It just has to relate to them somehow. Last I checked, Mallyx the Unyielding didn't wield a mace and axe.

But he isn't an elite spec legend. Elite specs need to have all of their components tied around a specific idea

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maybe using Greatsword but not directly, but levitating it around you in a similar way to Balthazar would be cool

Considering though that we are going directly into the next living story season after this one ends i guess we wont know for a long time yet wich legend we will get next sadly

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Jora has been my top choice for a greatsword legend since people started clamoring for it. Balthazar would be the easy option but norn lore is weak and adding a legend could help.

Then and again it's not like Kalla has helped charr lore a whole truckload, so I dunno.

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@Tora.7214 said:maybe using Greatsword but not directly, but levitating it around you in a similar way to Balthazar would be cool

That would be sick! At least for the auto attacks it would be awesome to have medium range flying sword swings :D

@Jeknar.6184 said:You know who also used a Greatsword? Kalla Scorchrazor...

Yeah we kinda got cheated out of GS last expac with the Kalla spec. Honestly, if they wanted to give us something different like Scepter it should have been then. Shortbow is okay but it seems most of us Rev mains, myself included, just didn't like it. Hell, I ended up sidelining my Rev throughout the entire expansion in favor of Weaver until I switched back for LWS4. I think it's time to give us the popular option, Greatsword, considering they tried something different last expac and it just wasn't received well.

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I'd actually kind of rather see something like Urgoz and Focus, legendary warden stance. With a focus skin that looks like a sick lantern and abilities that actually give a decent mix of damage+defense like old sword OH used to be instead of having to choose between 2 glass cannon options ( Current sword OH and axe ) or stationary bunker ( Shield ).

People always ask for GS on Rev, but here's the thing: Look at staff. Read staff skills. Now imagine if Rev never had staff as a weapon and instead it was always GS with the same skillset staff currently has. Would anyone really notice the difference? I don't think anyone would. Rev already has a very viable two handed melee weapon, so it seems people only want GS for the "coolness" factor and not because the class actually needs it.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:People always ask for GS on Rev, but here's the thing: Look at staff. Read staff skills. Now imagine if Rev never had staff as a weapon and instead it was always GS with the same skillset staff currently has. Would anyone really notice the difference? I don't think anyone would. Rev already has a very viable two handed melee weapon, so it seems people only want GS for the "coolness" factor and not because the class actually needs it.

To be fair people want GS for every profession that doesn't already have it.

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Please, stop with the Greatsword. I get why people want it but it's the most obvious and lazy choice od weapon we can have. As mentioned above - I too think most of people who want GS want it just for the sake of being able to wield GS, nothing else. They are able to tie GS to any legend just to make it happen. Here - Mesmer already uses its sword very magically. Even Reaper to some extent.

Revenant has the potential to be a Heavy class that is different from obvious Guardian Paladin and Warrior Warrior. I would not want to see Revenant getting GS at aby point. There are tons of cooler ideas and options. And by the way - I find two-handed weapons boring (look at Thief - where did the 3rd weapon skill change go?).

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@"DonArkanio.6419" said:Please, stop with the Greatsword. I get why people want it but it's the most obvious and lazy choice od weapon we can have. As mentioned above - I too think most of people who want GS want it just for the sake of being able to wield GS, nothing else. They are able to tie GS to any legend just to make it happen. Here - Mesmer already uses its sword very magically. Even Reaper to some extent.

Revenant has the potential to be a Heavy class that is different from obvious Guardian Paladin and Warrior Warrior. I would not want to see Revenant getting GS at aby point. There are tons of cooler ideas and options. And by the way - I find two-handed weapons boring (look at Thief - where did the 3rd weapon skill change go?).

Revenant is already a very different class than Warrior and Guardian. Revenant plays more similarly to a Thief or Necro than to either of the other two Heavy classes. Besides, as I stated before, we already got a different elite spec than the "obvious and lazy choice" that seemingly most of us want. That was Renegade.

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:I'd actually kind of rather see something like Urgoz and Focus, legendary warden stance. With a focus skin that looks like a sick lantern and abilities that actually give a decent mix of damage+defense like old sword OH used to be instead of having to choose between 2 glass cannon options ( Current sword OH and axe ) or stationary bunker ( Shield ).

People always ask for GS on Rev, but here's the thing: Look at staff. Read staff skills. Now imagine if Rev never had staff as a weapon and instead it was always GS with the same skillset staff currently has. Would anyone really notice the difference? I don't think anyone would. Rev already has a very viable two handed melee weapon, so it seems people only want GS for the "coolness" factor and not because the class actually needs it.

As for Staff being a viable two handed melee weapon, it's more of a defensive weapon rather than a primary. It's only good because of the block and Surge of the Mists but it is not something you want to use as your main damage weapon lol.

Plus, it's already been suggested in this thread and others that Greatsword doesn't have to be pure melee. It can be a mid range dps weapon akin to Necro Axe with maybe one or two melee range skills for defense or cc. I think there's quite a few ways you can make a Revenant Greatsword elite spec without necessarily treading on Sword territory or Warrior/Guardian ground.

Hell, one of the things a couple people, myself included, were pushing for prior to PoF's announcement was Hybrid Condi/Power DPS on Greatsword with Kalla Scorchrazor. I think Anet heard us about suggesting Kalla but for some reason opted for Shortbow despite Kalla holding a GS in her statue. Had they gone with the Hybrid DPS GS, we would have gotten something super unique and they would have silenced the GS crowd. Coulda killed two birds with one stone but well, as I said before, I think they wanted to go against the grain and sadly it wasn't as cool as it could have been. Now I'd prefer they go with the safe route and give us an interesting GS playstyle.

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I can imagine Mainhand Axe in hybrid.1)Closerange AA 180-250 range2) something closerange for cleave on short CD3) some mid range ability could be utility

1)give 2nd and 3th hits in AA chill, poison, torment2)skill3) confuse or something/ on third skill is allways some evade or block tied to it so something jump in and out of the mist whit kittenload of hit

-Goal here is that you can go with Power stats for Axe/sword or Condi Axe/Axe-Why AA should be closerange? well if you play core necro and take axe you findout early in lot of ppl/mobs situation that it's impractical. So for this i think AA to 3 enemies max will be optimal. First and second hit could be classic hit while holding axe and third he wil throw it and it came back thru portal behind target (3 axes came to you and that would be AA chain. Third animation needs to be prety fast.

-2 and 3 skill i dont have much idea it could be something with small pulls. Or some cleave as said above. Cuz some short CD cleave for power classes is something im kinda missing but whatever.-For Condi lets stick with Torment, poison, maaaybe burning. Sw/Sw Axe/sw Staff hammer for Power and Axe/Axe Mace/Axe for condi I think it is kinda OK.

GS I dont have problem with GS I know if they get us GS it will be prety cool animations etc.

My main problem is "if" there will be another E-Spec it will be again jack of all trades because Rev Core design. E-spec needs to be able make builds with all legends so no specialization to something.


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@Dace.8173 said:

@Dace.8173 said:I just do not get the obsession with greatsword. Or Balthazar for that matter (I don't think they would give us a god, let alone one whose presence would conflict with the rest of the game's story. Balthazar as a Legend pretty much spoils PoF). However, if we had to get greatsword then Riannoc would be nice.

Aye, but he wasn’t really a god in PoF? > @LucianDK.8615 said:

a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.

The legend itself doesn’t have to be dps alone. Besides that, I look at shiro as more of a mobility legend. If you’re referring to sword/sword, those are more or less single target dps. Revenant needs an good cleaving weapon as it’s the last missing weapon type in the arsenal. That’s why GS makes more sense here.

It doesn't change that he was a god and that you do spoil the end to PoF. There is no way around the spoiling of PoF since the lore for Revenant is that you channel dead people in the Mists and going into PoF fresh you don't know whether or not you actually kill him. If he's a Legend then you know for a fact that he gets killed at some point. For people who are story focused, that's a big downer. After all, it is possible to defeat him otherwise by the end of that expansion. Death is not the only option on the table for how that story gets resolved.

It's also worth noting, standard Revenant is almost 100% melee. We have the hammer but it is slower than molasses in the winter. Renegade isn't all that special either. We could really use another ranged option since it is unlikely that Renegade will get the love it needs.

@Rain.9213 said:You can also say that about Glint though. Kinda doesn't make sense as a Revenant to have Glint in your head but she never mentions anything about Aurene or gives comments on the situation. Also messages from Glint are always relayed through other characters instead of directly to you.

As for the greatsword obsession, it's the coolest melee weapon with the coolest skins. Swords are super hit or miss but Greatswords usually look amazing. Not to mention everyone loves the legendary GS's.

Forgot about Riannoc! Good pick btw. Much more interesting than Trahearne imo.

Glint doesn't spoil the outcomes of any story material. As a matter of fact, she's the one that helps to create the Revenant in the first place. Since Glint was the one to teach Rytlock the ways of the Revenant she 100% makes sense as a Legend. The only reason messages from Glint is relayed to us from other characters is just to reduce the workload of creating story material. It's just one of those realities of game design that you have to accept if you want story material to be released at a steady stream.

As for the greatsword being the coolest weapon with the coolest skins, hard pass on that. I know everyone loves the Legendary greatsword but it is one of the least creative Legendaries that we have. It's a giant rectangle with a pointy end and different colors. I don't think I will ever get why folks find that to be cool. They have been more creative with their non-Legendary greatsword skins than they were with the Legendary one.

@Catchyfx.5768 said:Still think Jora would be awesome...:) or Eir. There was lot of disscous why there is no Norn Legend..D I V E R S I T Y :D for once I agree.

Eir spoils story outcomes. We could get a Norn one at some point but I have doubts it will be anyone that we actual party with so that they don't spoil story material for new players.

@LucianDK.8615 said:a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.

I think a more spellcaster like path would be fun. In that regard, I would love, just hands down love, Vizier Khilborn. The possibilities for what he could do are endless. The man sunk an entire nation under the seas. I get shivers thinking about the kind of magic he would throw down for a Revenant or the kind of scepter he could give us. The only real issue I could see is that we only have two off-hand weapon choices and so that kind of limits the potential. Still, it would be worth it. His gameplay could support a more long-range style of combat as opposed to the slow long-range we have or the faster mid-range that we have. We could get actual utilities with long-range potential.

I don’t think you quite understand how Revenant works. The class doesn’t just channel dead legends but any legendary figure that has visited the mists, living currently or not.

Also, it’s not a 100% melee weapon character at all. We have both a long range and short range option. The one weapon needed now is a good cleaving weapon, thus GS. Personally I’d like to see it treated as an auto attack at melee range and some of the 2-5 skills with a short range. The weapon also needs to be power/condi hybrid.

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@"LucianDK.8615" said:GS is the lazy option, we dont need it. Be imaginative, revenants are a non standard class. Weapons and their use should reflect that.

Because GS is the lazy option, it can be made interesting and different from other GS-Speccs.Sceptre and the "spellcast"-archetype weapons are the lazy way out by just being normal spellcaster weapons. They would have to make Sceptres melee to be "non-standard".

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@Jeknar.6184 said:You know who also used a Greatsword? Kalla Scorchrazor...


Well played golf clap

@"ventusthunder.5067" said:Jora has been my top choice for a greatsword legend since people started clamoring for it. Balthazar would be the easy option but norn lore is weak and adding a legend could help.

Then and again it's not like Kalla has helped charr lore a whole truckload, so I dunno.

I don't know, I think it did flesh out some things about the Charr. I think the inherent problem is that the professions really aren't tied to the story itself. I would have loved to have had some questlines related to the profession itself and the choices you made about your special profession skin (I would have replaced the Helping Hands questline with such stories). Still, they did try to remedy that some with having "mentors" of the Elites scattered throughout Elona. Finding them does give you a bit more lore on the game. For instance, I've lost count of the number of times I've seen someone claim that Engineer doesn't need something Asura themed because Holosmith is Asura tech when the reality is that it's Elonian tech. Sweet, sweet, Elona ingenuity.

@Rain.9213 said:

@Tora.7214 said:maybe using Greatsword but not directly, but levitating it around you in a similar way to Balthazar would be cool

That would be sick! At least for the auto attacks it would be awesome to have medium range flying sword swings :D

@Jeknar.6184 said:You know who also used a Greatsword? Kalla Scorchrazor...

Yeah we kinda got cheated out of GS last expac with the Kalla spec. Honestly, if they wanted to give us something different like Scepter it should have been then. Shortbow is okay but it seems most of us Rev mains, myself included, just didn't like it. Hell, I ended up sidelining my Rev throughout the entire expansion in favor of Weaver until I switched back for LWS4. I think it's time to give us the popular option, Greatsword, considering they tried something different last expac and it just wasn't received well.

I guess I'm the outlier as I main Revenant and love Renegade :)

@Elric.4713 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:People always ask for GS on Rev, but here's the thing: Look at staff. Read staff skills. Now imagine if Rev never had staff as a weapon and instead it was always GS with the same skillset staff currently has. Would anyone really notice the difference? I don't think anyone would. Rev already has a very viable two handed melee weapon, so it seems people only want GS for the "coolness" factor and not because the class actually needs it.

To be fair people want GS for every profession that doesn't already have it.

Yeah, I kinda think that's insane. Greatsword isn't all that great. At this point, I'd support the introduction of brand new weapons (I'd be willing to entertain people's desire for an on land spear for instance) rather than greatsword. At least then I'd get a bit more mileage out of all those spear skins I have.

@Rain.9213 said:Hell, one of the things a couple people, myself included, were pushing for prior to PoF's announcement was Hybrid Condi/Power DPS on Greatsword with Kalla Scorchrazor. I think Anet heard us about suggesting Kalla but for some reason opted for Shortbow despite Kalla holding a GS in her statue. Had they gone with the Hybrid DPS GS, we would have gotten something super unique and they would have silenced the GS crowd. Coulda killed two birds with one stone but well, as I said before, I think they wanted to go against the grain and sadly it wasn't as cool as it could have been. Now I'd prefer they go with the safe route and give us an interesting GS playstyle.

I find super unique to be questionable considering how similar greatsword is across the board. Three out of five have a whirl at, four out of five throw the darn thing, and four out of five have some form of gap closer (three of them charge at an opponent, one brings that opponent to you, and one lets you both charge and/or bring someone to you). So the level to which it would have been cool is at best dubious. As for shortbow, I kinda see what they were going for there. Revenant had only one ranged attack weapon at the time and it was extremely slow. Adding the shortbow beefed up their ranged attack potential; adding something that gave you distance and a bit more speed than you were going to get from a greatsword ( I have some serious doubts that folks would have been happy with a ranged greatsword on a heavy armor class that didn't let them hack people to death with their "kewl" greatsword Legendary). At the time, I imagine the logic was that Revenant was more in need of ranged assault options as opposed to more melee options. All things considered, had Renegade been better I think it would have done a fantastic job of covering an area that Revenant still kinda sorta lacks, good range assualt that isn't slow and requires your enemy to be slow too.

@Catchyfx.5768 said:



@"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

I don’t think you quite understand how Revenant works. The class doesn’t just channel dead legends but any legendary figure that has visited the mists, living currently or not.

Also, it’s not a 100% melee weapon character at all. We have both a long range and short range option. The one weapon needed now is a good cleaving weapon, thus GS. Personally I’d like to see it treated as an auto attack at melee range and some of the 2-5 skills with a short range. The weapon also needs to be power/condi hybrid.

Yeah, no I actually get and understand the lore. It doesn't change the implication and application of Revenant thus far, channeling dead Legendary people. That's what's been put on the table. Even the name itself, Revenant, suggests death. Though if we are going to get super nitpicky about this, the lore actually states legendary individuals from the past, of which Eir is not.

Since the way ANet has used Revenant positions the legendary figures as being dead and since the name itself implies death, making use of major storyline individuals whose fate is actually death implies a particular outcome, regardless of whether or not you just want to say that all they have to do is have been in the Mists. ANet backed themselves into this corner by only making use of long-dead individuals and giving it a name tied to the concept associated with death. As a matter of fact, the use of Eir and Baltazar would only further the association that Revenants channel dead, not living, legends. Using active storyline personalities that are not known to be dead from the start is just a poor choice and would spoil the outcome for a lot of folks who will not spend their time reading the wiki to find every little bit of lore on Revenants. The average person will look at Revenant, hear the name (and thus get its mental association of death) and look at the list of available Legends thus far, see that they are all dead, and thus assume that if Balthazar or Eir is a Legend they must have died too at some point in the story they have yet to reach. Maybe if ANet came out with a Legend of a person not known to be dead but is, in fact, alive and well but living in the Mists then they could break that association. However, until that's done there is no getting around how the use of Balthazar or Eir spoils their eventual story fates. So yes, I do in fact understand Revenant lore but I also understand the logical conclusions people could draw given the available facts.

Still not convinced that we need greatsword. It also amuses me that people talk about how much Renegade sucks and isn't really viable up until they need to make a case for greatsword and then all of a sudden folks are like "well you have Renegade!!" If Renegade is not viewed as viable and isn't really viable then that means the ranged attack option it provides isn't viable. It can't be the case that folks claim that Renegade is a failure but it that it also fills a needed slot. If it is a failure, as many folks who support greatsword have argued then the ranged option it provides is not being fulfilled.

@phokus.8934 said:Weapon is mainly irrelevant. Like Mesmer greatsword or Rev hammer, the weapon can be whatever ANet wants it to be. The only thing that matters would be type of weapon (main hand, off hand, 2h).

True, but a lot of folks have a specific function in mind when they pick weapon types.

@Raknar.4735 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:GS is the lazy option, we dont need it. Be imaginative, revenants are a non standard class. Weapons and their use should reflect that.

Because GS is the lazy option, it can be made interesting and different from other GS-Speccs.Sceptre and the "spellcast"-archetype weapons are the lazy way out by just being normal spellcaster weapons. They would have to make Sceptres melee to be "non-standard".

You say that but the track record for it thus far shows that it isn't the case. Reaper was given great sword and it didn't exactly break the mold. Its attacks look different but they still borrowed some of the basic functions from other greatsword wielders. If they make it ranged, like some say it could be to counter arguments for another ranged weapon, then they are borrowing from the Mesmer bag of tricks. If they make it melee, history shows they are more likely to lean on giving it many of the same attacks that other greatsword users get, such as spinning attacks, gap closers, and throwing it (seriously why do so many of them toss it?).

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@Rain.9213 said:I did consider Turai Ossa but he unfortunately wields a Sword/Shield.

@narcx.3570 said:I actually might not hate GS on Rev if they make it all bushido moves with like a highly mobile Belinda Delaqua spec or something... Not that she's great or anything, but just more for the thematics. Or pick like some Tengu warrior with a mix of Wing dashes and katana strikes. I could see a rev with ghostly Tengu wings out of his back as he dashes from foe to foe landing big crits and throwing up windwalls, etc.

Oh I completely forgot about Belinda. While she wouldn't be as exciting, she's also a potential legend I suppose. A Tengu would be cool though. I'd like to see a Talon Silverwing spec someday but mainhand dagger would fit better. I hope we at least get the GS before moving on to more singlehanded weapons.

@"Catchyfx.5768" said:That Jora concept art is cool!

If Legend will be Norn and weapon GS I can imagine more "bruiser" style combat. That is nice on new legends. They change how you play the game.

I completely agree. I'd love to see a CC heavy GS type spec with a block and "Bull's Charge" type of attack. Like a combination of Mace and Shield on Warrior but with good damage!

@"Ertrak.9506" said:It doesn't have to be limited in scope to "characters that had a GS" either, It just has to relate to them somehow. Last I checked, Mallyx the Unyielding didn't wield a mace and axe.

Also, I am aware that the weapon doesn't have to fit the legend perfectly but I think Anet still tries to make it make sense. For example, Mallyx didn't use a Mace but considering he used two different Smash moves, I think they figured a Mace would be perfect to replicate his fighting style. Same goes for Glint. I remember they mentioned something about her protecting or shielding the people of Tyria from Kralkatorrik's wrath so a shield fit her well.

Turai ossa was a tall man, and GW1 swords can be GW2 greatswords ( e.g. Fellblade, Khymswarden etc) so it's not a hard thing to do, maybe make it a greatswor,d but held like a onehanded sword?

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@Zenith.7301 said:Has to be Jora.

The norn are the most mist aligned of the races yet they gave the first revenant to a freaking charr because it's their game mascot. We don't even have a norn legend.

It's either Jora or the guy who chipped off Jormag's tooth.

I would argue sylvari are, as their dream is literally the mists, hence why they can speak to ventari etc.

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@Dace.8173 said:

@Jeknar.6184 said:You know who also used a Greatsword? Kalla Scorchrazor...


Well played
golf clap

@"ventusthunder.5067" said:Jora has been my top choice for a greatsword legend since people started clamoring for it. Balthazar would be the easy option but norn lore is weak and adding a legend could help.

Then and again it's not like Kalla has helped charr lore a whole truckload, so I dunno.

I don't know, I think it did flesh out some things about the Charr. I think the inherent problem is that the professions really aren't tied to the story itself. I would have loved to have had some questlines related to the profession itself and the choices you made about your special profession skin (I would have replaced the Helping Hands questline with such stories). Still, they did try to remedy that some with having "mentors" of the Elites scattered throughout Elona. Finding them does give you a bit more lore on the game. For instance, I've lost count of the number of times I've seen someone claim that Engineer doesn't need something Asura themed because Holosmith is Asura tech when the reality is that it's Elonian tech. Sweet, sweet, Elona ingenuity.

@Tora.7214 said:maybe using Greatsword but not directly, but levitating it around you in a similar way to Balthazar would be cool

That would be sick! At least for the auto attacks it would be awesome to have medium range flying sword swings :D

@Jeknar.6184 said:You know who also used a Greatsword? Kalla Scorchrazor...

Yeah we kinda got cheated out of GS last expac with the Kalla spec. Honestly, if they wanted to give us something different like Scepter it should have been then. Shortbow is okay but it seems most of us Rev mains, myself included, just didn't like it. Hell, I ended up sidelining my Rev throughout the entire expansion in favor of Weaver until I switched back for LWS4. I think it's time to give us the popular option, Greatsword, considering they tried something different last expac and it just wasn't received well.

I guess I'm the outlier as I main Revenant and love Renegade :)

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:People always ask for GS on Rev, but here's the thing: Look at staff. Read staff skills. Now imagine if Rev never had staff as a weapon and instead it was always GS with the same skillset staff currently has. Would anyone really notice the difference? I don't think anyone would. Rev already has a very viable two handed melee weapon, so it seems people only want GS for the "coolness" factor and not because the class actually needs it.

To be fair people want GS for every profession that doesn't already have it.

Yeah, I kinda think that's insane. Greatsword isn't all that great. At this point, I'd support the introduction of brand new weapons (I'd be willing to entertain people's desire for an on land spear for instance) rather than greatsword. At least then I'd get a bit more mileage out of all those spear skins I have.

@Rain.9213 said:Hell, one of the things a couple people, myself included, were pushing for prior to PoF's announcement was Hybrid Condi/Power DPS on Greatsword with Kalla Scorchrazor. I think Anet heard us about suggesting Kalla but for some reason opted for Shortbow despite Kalla holding a GS in her statue. Had they gone with the Hybrid DPS GS, we would have gotten something super unique and they would have silenced the GS crowd. Coulda killed two birds with one stone but well, as I said before, I think they wanted to go against the grain and sadly it wasn't as cool as it could have been. Now I'd prefer they go with the safe route and give us an interesting GS playstyle.

I find super unique to be questionable considering how similar greatsword is across the board. Three out of five have a whirl at, four out of five throw the darn thing, and four out of five have some form of gap closer (three of them charge at an opponent, one brings that opponent to you, and one lets you both charge and/or bring someone to you). So the level to which it would have been cool is at best dubious. As for shortbow, I kinda see what they were going for there. Revenant had only one ranged attack weapon at the time and it was extremely slow. Adding the shortbow beefed up their ranged attack potential; adding something that gave you distance and a bit more speed than you were going to get from a greatsword ( I have some serious doubts that folks would have been happy with a ranged greatsword on a heavy armor class that didn't let them hack people to death with their "kewl" greatsword Legendary). At the time, I imagine the logic was that Revenant was more in need of ranged assault options as opposed to more melee options. All things considered, had Renegade been better I think it would have done a fantastic job of covering an area that Revenant still kinda sorta lacks, good range assualt that isn't slow and requires your enemy to be slow too.



@"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

I don’t think you quite understand how Revenant works. The class doesn’t just channel dead legends but any legendary figure that has visited the mists, living currently or not.

Also, it’s not a 100% melee weapon character at all. We have both a long range and short range option. The one weapon needed now is a good cleaving weapon, thus GS. Personally I’d like to see it treated as an auto attack at melee range and some of the 2-5 skills with a short range. The weapon also needs to be power/condi hybrid.

Yeah, no I actually get and understand the lore. It doesn't change the implication and application of Revenant thus far, channeling dead Legendary people. That's what's been put on the table. Even the name itself, Revenant, suggests death. Though if we are going to get super nitpicky about this, the lore actually states legendary individuals from the past, of which Eir is not.

Since the way ANet has used Revenant positions the legendary figures as being dead and since the name itself implies death, making use of major storyline individuals whose fate is actually death implies a particular outcome, regardless of whether or not you just want to say that all they have to do is have been in the Mists. ANet backed themselves into this corner by only making use of long-dead individuals and giving it a name tied to the concept associated with death. As a matter of fact, the use of Eir and Baltazar would only further the association that Revenants channel dead, not living, legends. Using active storyline personalities that are not known to be dead from the start is just a poor choice and would spoil the outcome for a lot of folks who will not spend their time reading the wiki to find every little bit of lore on Revenants. The average person will look at Revenant, hear the name (and thus get its mental association of death) and look at the list of available Legends thus far, see that they are all dead, and thus assume that if Balthazar or Eir is a Legend they must have died too at some point in the story they have yet to reach. Maybe if ANet came out with a Legend of a person not known to be dead but is, in fact, alive and well but living in the Mists then they could break that association. However, until that's done there is no getting around how the use of Balthazar or Eir spoils their eventual story fates. So yes, I do in fact understand Revenant lore but I also understand the logical conclusions people could draw given the available facts.

Still not convinced that we need greatsword. It also amuses me that people talk about how much Renegade sucks and isn't really viable up until they need to make a case for greatsword and then all of a sudden folks are like "well you have Renegade!!" If Renegade is not viewed as viable and isn't really viable then that means the ranged attack option it provides isn't viable. It can't be the case that folks claim that Renegade is a failure but it that it also fills a needed slot. If it is a failure, as many folks who support greatsword have argued then the ranged option it provides is not being fulfilled.

@phokus.8934 said:Weapon is mainly irrelevant. Like Mesmer greatsword or Rev hammer, the weapon can be whatever ANet wants it to be. The only thing that matters would be type of weapon (main hand, off hand, 2h).

True, but a lot of folks have a specific function in mind when they pick weapon types.

@"LucianDK.8615" said:GS is the lazy option, we dont need it. Be imaginative, revenants are a non standard class. Weapons and their use should reflect that.

Because GS is the lazy option, it can be made interesting and different from other GS-Speccs.Sceptre and the "spellcast"-archetype weapons are the lazy way out by just being normal spellcaster weapons. They would have to make Sceptres melee to be "non-standard".

You say that but the track record for it thus far shows that it isn't the case. Reaper was given great sword and it didn't exactly break the mold. Its attacks look different but they still borrowed some of the basic functions from other greatsword wielders. If they make it ranged, like some say it could be to counter arguments for another ranged weapon, then they are borrowing from the Mesmer bag of tricks. If they make it melee, history shows they are more likely to lean on giving it many of the same attacks that other greatsword users get, such as spinning attacks, gap closers, and throwing it (seriously why do so many of them toss it?).

I’d be more inclined to think that Anet is willing to make the class work like how the lore behind Revenant works. I can see what you mean. We currently do just channel dead legends. There is one exception to this. We do channel a living legend in the living story, although it’s very short and in only one instance. However, it’s still classified by Anet as a legend channeling.

But upon thinking more about it, it is somewhat spoilerific using Balthy.

I would love to see a Jora legend, along with a transformation utility bar. But, I’m sorely going to miss my short bow from Kalla (yes, I actually do like the sb).

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@supa suop.8026 said:I would say Asgeir Dragonrender would also be a good contender for a legend that could wield a greatsword. To lesser extent if we want more of a notorious legend anet could choose Svanir. though I do feel like Svanir would be better suited with daggers or a claw-like weapons. I just hope the next legend is Norn focused they need some love.

As for the greatsword it does not have to be a melee weapon it can be a ranged weapon. I was thinking something similar to how a necromancer's axe works excepted that the greatsword would be able to cleave foes around the target. It could fit the theme of revenant because the greatsword slashes could open up mini portals to the mist that damage foes.

@"Kain Francois.4328" said:I'm all for a Norn elite spec that involves us transforming. It would be nice if "Become the Bear" were an actual mechanic at least some sort of Norn could use, like they were marketed to do in Eye of the North, rather than a subpar racial elite.

On a related note, I still think my ideal Norn legend would actually be Owl.I don't care if it makes sense. I just want it.

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