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Smart Mount Selection

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GW2 allows us to choose a default mount. When you press the mount button you can use that mount and ONLY that mount. However there are situations where only specific mounts are usable and the button does nothing. Wouldn't it be great if the mount button automatically chose a different mount if your default mount is unavailable?

This means:

  • When normally pressing the mount button your use your default mount.
  • When pressing the mount button in the air you automatically use the griffon.
  • When pressing the mount button on the water you automatically use the skimmer.
  • When pressing the mount button in WvW you automatically use the battle cat.
  • When pressing the mount button underwater you automatically use the potentially upcoming underwater mount (we can dream right?).
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@Vancho.8750 @Randulf.7614 I already have different keys set up for each mount. With the addition of the warclaw that will be 7 keybinds. With a potential underwater mount it will be 8. And for what? For the functionality that you could have with 3 or 4 keybinds. With my suggestion a single keybind would suffice for most situations.

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I do use seperate keybinds for each mount, but this would still be really useful for me. I have the default mount button bound to one of the extra buttons on my mouse for quick access and most of the time I have it set to the griffon. Every so often I change it because I'm using another mount more, but need to keep dismounting and getting back on...and then I forget to change it back until after I've jumped off a cliff and tried to get on my griffon.

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@Vancho.8750 said:Use combination keys Ctrl X Ctrl Z.

I use one key for mounts, with modifiers for each. Default is Griffon, with alt, ctrl, and shift giving me bunny, raptor, and jackal. The other mounts are covered by ctrl+shift and alt+shift. There's room for alt+ctrl.

I'm not against a contextual default mount, but it wouldn't improve the situation for me.

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Seems redundant, but interesting. There are plenty of other context-sensitive commands, so we can assume it's at least possible. I don't know how the mount controls and context cues are coded, so it could be a much bigger PITA than it's worth, or it could be as simple as two switches.

I wouldn't go out of my way to push for it, but I wouldn't be upset if they added it. A fine suggestion.

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@"Vancho.8750" said:Or use key binds like a normal person.

  1. "Normal person" - wow, offensive much?
  2. There are people who have no keys left to bind (like me). A better approach at mount selection would be nice (like a quick radial menu).

@"phs.6089" said:try to bind them on Num.Raptor-Num1, Bunny-Num2 etc. Very comfy.

How is that "comfy"? You have to let go of your mouse in order to do so. That is most inconvenient in many situations.

I hope they introduce a better mount selection system with the new upcoming mount. That small icon (which is too close to the Novelties one) is not perfect.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to reply to such an old thread, but Is this still okay to use? I can't find any recent discussion of it. I'm just coming back to the game and I'm finding my fingers are cramping trying to hit some of the keybinds I've had to smoosh these mounts into. :tongue:

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Lol how many keys do players have on their keyboard?

Supported OP, it needs to have a few tweaks.

  1. You can set the default air mount to skyscale or griffon. The default land mount to jackal, raptor or springer or beetle.

  2. Could bind the other mounts you didn't choose to keys.

  3. Would save about 3 keys

To those who say just press two buttons at the same time. The lengths we have to go to mount up. :p

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Well I'm just trying to know if this radial is okay to use or otherwise what 3rd party prorams are okay to use. I see people talking about TacO in conversations from a couple years ago, but I don't know what's okay here in 2020.

Regarding keybinds, I don't know how ya'll set up your skills bar but I have all skill actions bound to my keyboard within reach of my movement keys. I don't use my mouse to perform actions. Only for camera, auto-movement, target selection. My mounts are set to the F keys because those are a strain to use with Shift/Alt/Ctrl when doing combat. I'll post a map of my keybinds but I'm jam packed with most keys on my keyboard having primary and Shift functions if not Alt/Ctrl functions.

I don't know how ya'll set your keybinds if you don't mouse-click buttons, but I've got all my keys orbiting my movement keys so I don't have to pick up my hand to reach around the keyboard while in combat. I have it set up so I can almost always stay moving around to avoid damage regardless of what combat skill or function I'm using.

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I would appreciate it changing the default to skimmer when on and now in water automatically cause I too still use the default mount button for quick mounting. Would be nice to be able to quick mount on the only usable mount for that situation. Yeah I have each mount on its own unique keybind on the numpad for when I need it, but it's kinda annoying to reach over and hit that keybind in situations like water where I'm forced to use a specific mount that's not usually needed as the default anywhere else. If it can change my weapon and utility skills underwater, not sure why it can't change my default mount too.

While we're at it, stop making my default mount switch to warclaw whenever i come out of WvW as well plz.

Warclaw is already changed to the default inside WvW though.

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