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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@Solori.6025 said:This is great. Watching people that complained about mirage and spellbreaker defend an obviously strong spec. Using the same excuses they were really quick to dismiss.This is a good day and fully shows off the utter hypocrisy of peoples views on balance when the class they play becomes the hated one.

Except the only thing scrapper has going for it is the sustain. :tongue:

The other thing is we've literally had three (read: three) days with the scrapper changes. If there's a counter build or a counter meta to it... it's going to take at least a week to come out. The impatience is palpable.

Ahhh yes. Finally someone using the " wait and see" excuse.

Three days. I'm not sure what part of that is difficult to comprehend.

Yes, the meta has shifted and old builds are not as viable any more. It's going to take some time for a new meta to coalesce.

I kind of agree, it is too early to fully determine whether (or how much) scrapper is OP. However, there are many hints of it becoming meta - and it seems to have the potential of becoming oppressive, but we will see.

What I wanted to add though is: It's not just number tweaks. The long lasting fields are insane, the superspeed uptime has been increased significantly with the changes to Shocking speed. And the power of an instant invisible basically perma-stealth is crazy. You can just fake-cast it in a fight and people run sides fearing you will pop out anywhere accross the map. The new Sneak Gyro is significantly stronger than the old one - which would be different if you saw the pulsing field (and reduced the stealth duration indeed).

So: Let's wait and see if it will be strong, meta or OP. But some number tweaks should happen very very quickly (sneak gyro, barrier amount, gyro durations maybe) int ehe next few weeks
if needed

Not denying that it may need tuning. Sneak gyro and bulwark gyro changed the most significantly, and it's likely those two gyros will need tweaking.

The problem is people are ridiculously quick to hop on the nerf bandwagon, despite scrapper being largely irrelevant ever since PoF launched (1.5 years). It has really limited use in PvE (and always has since HoT), it's been support in WvW, and was just insignificant in PvP. So everyone who's screaming nerf and comparing it to chronobunker needs to take a moment to evaluate why they're screaming so hard. Is it because the sustain was buffed? Is it because gyros were buffed? Or do they just not like having to deal with something they haven't noticed for a while?


Forgive me if I refuse to subscribe to the victim mentality when you and yours did the EXACT same thing every time a class you didn't play was buffed and/or got a viable build. Remember when base mesmer was buffed and got a power build. Less than a day people were screaming that mesmer was OP because surprise it could actually compete for a change in a power role that was dominated by thieves for years. Finally a build that could help the team instead of being used as a pure portal bot. But then a month later that build was nerfed. Oh then we get Chrono.... After being nerfed repeatedly bunker chrono shows back up and guess what? The community jumped on the nerf bandwagon like a cow in heat, the support the build offered is still being nerfed TO THIS DAY. What about spellbreaker? Not even a day it was released and people jumped on the bandwagon for it to be nerfed to grenth and back. But because it's engineer. We have to wait? Because scrapper had a diminished role it's ok, we just have to wait and let them have fun first?

The culture that was cultivated in this forum of cry loud and not understand, the same thing that was done with mesmer, warrior, and thief, is now coming full circle. This is the environment that this community cultivated and nurtured and I am so glad that the people that participated in the whole scenario of crying with hyperbole, false and/or ancedotal evidence, etc. are now getting the same treatment.

This is what you raised. Enjoy it.

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The old scrapper was fine, only the gyro's needed to be more functional which I was welcoming the new changes for that reason, the self aoe rather than half working NPC. Now it's overdone and completely unfun to play as or against. Why in the hell does everything have to be insanely buffed?

Just bring back the old gyro's and keep the new aoe effectiveness and it'll be all fine, that's all scrapper really ever needed. The FOTM is so obvious, it shows that the new gyro stats are out of place.

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@Solori.6025 said:

@Solori.6025 said:This is great. Watching people that complained about mirage and spellbreaker defend an obviously strong spec. Using the same excuses they were really quick to dismiss.This is a good day and fully shows off the utter hypocrisy of peoples views on balance when the class they play becomes the hated one.

Except the only thing scrapper has going for it is the sustain. :tongue:

The other thing is we've literally had three (read: three) days with the scrapper changes. If there's a counter build or a counter meta to it... it's going to take at least a week to come out. The impatience is palpable.

Ahhh yes. Finally someone using the " wait and see" excuse.

Three days. I'm not sure what part of that is difficult to comprehend.

Yes, the meta has shifted and old builds are not as viable any more. It's going to take some time for a new meta to coalesce.

I kind of agree, it is too early to fully determine whether (or how much) scrapper is OP. However, there are many hints of it becoming meta - and it seems to have the potential of becoming oppressive, but we will see.

What I wanted to add though is: It's not just number tweaks. The long lasting fields are insane, the superspeed uptime has been increased significantly with the changes to Shocking speed. And the power of an instant invisible basically perma-stealth is crazy. You can just fake-cast it in a fight and people run sides fearing you will pop out anywhere accross the map. The new Sneak Gyro is significantly stronger than the old one - which would be different if you saw the pulsing field (and reduced the stealth duration indeed).

So: Let's wait and see if it will be strong, meta or OP. But some number tweaks should happen very very quickly (sneak gyro, barrier amount, gyro durations maybe) int ehe next few weeks
if needed

Not denying that it may need tuning. Sneak gyro and bulwark gyro changed the most significantly, and it's likely those two gyros will need tweaking.

The problem is people are ridiculously quick to hop on the nerf bandwagon, despite scrapper being largely irrelevant ever since PoF launched (1.5 years). It has really limited use in PvE (and always has since HoT), it's been support in WvW, and was just insignificant in PvP. So everyone who's screaming nerf and comparing it to chronobunker needs to take a moment to evaluate why they're screaming so hard. Is it because the sustain was buffed? Is it because gyros were buffed? Or do they just not like having to deal with something they haven't noticed for a while?


Forgive me if I refuse to subscribe to the victim mentality when you and yours did the EXACT same thing every time a class you didn't play was buffed and/or got a viable build. Remember when base mesmer was buffed and got a power build. Less than a day people were screaming that mesmer was OP because surprise it could actually compete for a change in a power role that was dominated by thieves for years. Finally a build that could help the team instead of being used as a pure portal bot. But then a month later that build was nerfed. Oh then we get Chrono.... After being nerfed repeatedly bunker chrono shows back up and guess what? The community jumped on the nerf bandwagon like a cow in heat, the support the build offered is still being nerfed TO THIS DAY. What about spellbreaker? Not even a day it was released and people jumped on the bandwagon for it to be nerfed to grenth and back. But because it's engineer. We have to wait? Because scrapper had a diminished role it's ok, we just have to wait and let them have fun first?

So wait, you're blaming me for what others said/did? Yeah, methinks I'm not the one with a victim complex.

Also, I wouldn't describe the changes as making scrapper any more "fun" than it ever was. It's literally just a tank. It's a powerful side noder, to be sure, and bulwark and sneak gyro could use tweaking, but it's hard to call it particularly fun when it's compared against the BS that is condi mirage or was chronobunker. After the recent changes, I still much prefer to play prot holo, because just being a tank bores the everliving fuck out of me.

Also way to ignore the fact that scrapper is still mostly irrelevant in PvE. Chrono has never been irrelevant since it existed, nor has mirage. Scrapper has been irrelevant in high-end PvE since the day it existed, and irrelevant in PvP since PoF landed. If you don't want the spec to exist at all, just say so.

@Solori.6025 said:The culture that was cultivated in this forum of cry loud and not understand, the same thing that was done with mesmer, warrior, and thief, is now coming full circle. This is the environment that this community cultivated and nurtured and I am so glad that the people that participated in the whole scenario of crying with hyperbole, false and/or ancedotal evidence, etc. are now getting the same treatment.

This is what you raised. Enjoy it.

Yes, I am SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the toxicity in the PvP forums. It's all me! MWAHAHAA


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yay new cancerat least in gw1 we grouped before queue so we could meta vs meta.another season of hardly playing xD was cool just to hop on my tempest for a bit tho I haven't played that class in forever

@Captain Swag.5893 said:I would just like it if we left Scrapper in a good place for a while. We've waited too long for Scrapper to be good for it to be cut short so soon. It's not like we haven't had other unkillable classes before, let Scrapper have its thing for a bit. :p

so we're going full on WoW mentality now, great

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@Mathias.9657 said:yay new cancerat least in gw1 we grouped before queue so we could meta vs meta.another season of hardly playing xD was cool just to hop on my tempest for a bit tho I haven't played that class in forever

@"Captain Swag.5893" said:I would just like it if we left Scrapper in a good place for a while. We've waited too long for Scrapper to be good for it to be cut short so soon. It's not like we haven't had other unkillable classes before, let Scrapper have its thing for a bit. :p

so we're going full on WoW mentality now, great


"I was not meta for X period of time, so now that Im overtuned I deserve being in this state because I wasnt before"

If we follow this logic, then eles are due for a 3 years overtuned turn, and thus balance is just flipped around based on time one was underperforming vs overperforming.

This is the reason why I still get disappointed at people who dismiss ele's plead for help by saying "WOW WOW dude I cant BELIEVE you said that, do you remember that one time when D/D cele was like meta and all that? WOW!", well, yes I do, so what? Does that mean that they dont get to be brought up to everyone else's level just because they had a build that was over-performing? (and given the powercreep, even the old D/D cele now would still be undertuned).

How about we just try to reach a point where ALL classes can be somewhat relevant and not completely overshadow other speccs? Im not asking for perfect balance, but they are quite obvious outliers for extremely overtuned, and undertuned, and you only get to work on that by doing continuous minor patches at weekly to biweekly basis, not 4-5 months dump-n-forget patches. Anyways, it would be nice if tempest was relevant again, or eles in general.

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How to fix scrapper

  1. make bulwark gyro give barrier depending on how many allies are present. So when scrappers are by themselves, they get around 1/5 the barrier.
  2. make sneak gyro smoke field visible to enemies, and if allies leave the combo field they are revealed. Also increase the cooldown to at least 60 seconds (which is the cooldown of shadow refuge)
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@Bort.8647 said:How to fix scrapper

  1. make bulwark gyro give barrier depending on how many allies are present. So when scrappers are by themselves, they get around 1/5 the barrier.
  2. make sneak gyro smoke field visible to enemies, and if allies leave the combo field they are revealed. Also increase the cooldown to at least 60 seconds (which is the cooldown of shadow refuge)

Reasonable nerfs IMO

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it definitely need a look at however a quick counter

just play something like bunker decap,

for example bunk - guard / fb with shield + trait should be able to decap the node or even full cap later if it is left 1 v 1 for a while.guard also has more easy Stabs if the otherside play for decap

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@"Bort.8647" said:How to fix scrapper

  1. make bulwark gyro give barrier depending on how many allies are present. So when scrappers are by themselves, they get around 1/5 the barrier.
  2. make sneak gyro smoke field visible to enemies, and if allies leave the combo field they are revealed. Also increase the cooldown to at least 60 seconds (which is the cooldown of shadow refuge)

Purge Gyro needs a better tell. The actual gyro sprite is impossible to see in the heat of battle with tons of effects everywhere. It needs a display on the scrappers status bar like Soulbeast and warrior stances so you can see "Oh I shouldn't attack right now."

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Just enjoy the meta change ffs.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

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@"whoknocks.4935" said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game. There's a reason Anet went on the warpath against every defensive amulet and bunker build in the game after season 1.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"whoknocks.4935" said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

I'm seeing that in platinum.

It's also real cute how you keep saying "yeah, I'm sure you do in bronze." multiple times now.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

I'm seeing that in platinum.

It's also real cute how you keep saying "yeah, I'm sure you do in bronze." multiple times now.

So what's your main and what build you play?

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

I'm seeing that in platinum.

It's also real cute how you keep saying "yeah, I'm sure you do in bronze." multiple times now.

So what's your main and what build you play?

Mesmer, spellbreaker and necro in that order.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

I'm seeing that in platinum.

It's also real cute how you keep saying "yeah, I'm sure you do in bronze." multiple times now.

So what's your main and what build you play?

Mesmer, spellbreaker and necro in that order.

Now the meta changed and in a week will be stabilized.Spellbreaker I don't think is viable anymore after the previous patch, so you can't play it and complain after, wait a bit of time when the meta is stable, play one meta build and rank up.

You can't pretend to play a sub-par build and expect to win.If the enemy has 2 scrappers or 1 probably your team will have as well, just rotate better and win.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

I'm seeing that in platinum.

It's also real cute how you keep saying "yeah, I'm sure you do in bronze." multiple times now.

So what's your main and what build you play?

Mesmer, spellbreaker and necro in that order.

Now the meta changed and in a week will be stabilized.Spellbreaker I don't think is viable anymore after the previous patch, so you can't play it and complain after, wait a bit of time when the meta is stable, play one meta build and rank up.

You can't pretend to play a sub-par build and expect to win.If the enemy has 2 scrappers or 1 probably your team will have as well, just rotate better and win.

There is literally about one week of ranked left.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@whoknocks.4935 said:Just enjoy the meta change kitten.

We had condi meta, then power burst meta.

Now it's bunker meta.

You guys will find always something to complain about no matter what, if it wasn't scrapper it was another "mirage not nerfed, boonbeast nerfs are useless, holosmith is overtuned" yada yada yada.

People always complain when it's not their main to being busted.When their main is busted that's the most balanced spec of all game.

You already know how stupid those balances are, they always been, if you don't like the meta or pvp anymore just go to pve or somewhere else.

I prefer metas were kills actually materialize at some point in the game.

And you were probably one of those guys complaining about being busted down in few seconds by an holo.No. I've never had a problem with Holosmith damage. I actually prefered the explosives variant that showed up at the start of Path of Fire that was even more bursty than the elixir variants. I think Prot Holo is about as survivable as Scrapper should have been, and it's Holosmith's sustain that should have been adjusted so that it's more high risk to play like Revenant.

So maybe don't accuse me of saying things I've never said.

You see a scrapper side noding 1vs2 on a node he's holding?Go to another kitten cap point and don't go 1vs3 him like a monkey to make his joke.

Rotating correctly can completely make a bunker build useless at 50%.

Of course if you play with bronze monkeys who go 1vs2 a scrapper the entirr game, he will carry and win the game.

Okay and when the enemy team has three scrappers, one on every point? Because that's what I've been seeing in ranked.

You see that in bronze league and the first week after balance is always a mess.

As i said people complain of everything, this time is scrapper turn.Next time they will buff weaver and everyone will complain of weaver, next time renegade.

It's just how pvp always worked especially after pof release. The gamemode is not balanced, if you don't have fun anymore stop playing it, nobody forces you.After 5 months of condi mirages and boonbeasts i stopped myself too.Maybe now it's a bit refresh even if changed to bunker meta.

Also I have to another laugh at the "Oh bronze league is bad"

Top 30ish queue. 4 scrappers.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"Bort.8647" said:How to fix scrapper
  1. make bulwark gyro give barrier depending on how many allies are present. So when scrappers are by themselves, they get around 1/5 the barrier.
  2. make sneak gyro smoke field visible to enemies, and if allies leave the combo field they are revealed. Also increase the cooldown to at least 60 seconds (which is the cooldown of shadow refuge)

Purge Gyro needs a better tell. The actual gyro sprite is impossible to see in the heat of battle with tons of effects everywhere. It needs a display on the scrappers status bar like Soulbeast and warrior stances so you can see "Oh I shouldn't attack right now."

I like these sets of suggested changes, I'd also reduce the duration of superspeed from shocking speed OR shave a bit off the base heal on rapid regeneration.

I was excited to play scrapper again because I don't really like prot Holo but I do want a bunker option as an engineer but atm scrapper feels a bit dirty to play and when I queue as an engineer I always face at least 1 scrapper but mostly 2 + another bunker build (not rare to see a whole team of bunkers) on enemy team so they can pretty much lock down all 3 caps since no one has a solution to them yet or our team rarely has a comp that can deal with so many bunkers.

It feels like I'm gimping my team by queueing as an engineer but not playing a bunker scrapper so I'll probably give the rest of the season a miss.

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