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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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Human female

Tier 3 cultural armor: Light

Issue: In some zones, when the camera is zoomed out mid- to long-distance, there is substantial texture flickering on and underneath the skirt. Its always present in Arborstone.  It started after one of the July updates.

Edited by arcade.8513
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There's a graphic bug when you use the Mystic Lotus Chair with your female character (human/sylvari/norn) that wears the "Masquerade Leggings".
The crotch area of the female character gets strecthed out and distorted.

Hope this will get fixed, because this bug really destroys the experience of this chair!

Screenshot on the bug 1

Screenshot on the bug 2

Screenshot on the bug 3

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The Branded Relic Backpack has textures and effects of the crystals replaced with white void unless you run the highest possible shader settings. The glider however looks fine in all settings.





What it looks like high shaders that drop my fps to 10


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As the title say, I wore the Light Antique Hat on my norn female mesmer (dunno if these details matter) and there is a very very bizarre visual bug.

It seems like the model of the hat counts the character hair as part of the hat model and it "paints" the character hair with the hat texture, resulting in a very weird bumps and look (had a longer hair type which made it even weirder, but changed it recently).

Link for proof and comparing -



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I just noticed an issue where the human haircut with ribbons adds a small line hole behind the ear.  You can actually see out the other side of the head through it.  I haven't played much lately but don't remember noticing it before.  I tried different heads, sliders, but nothing will get rid of it.  My friend tried the haircut on his character and saw the same thing.



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Race: Charr

Gender: Male

Profession: Engineer


I just unlocked the decade cape model but unfortunately it seems to sit in the air above the neck, even using shoulders that are bulkier it's still pretty obvious it's just floating above the character model. I tried different chest skins as sometimes spacing will respond differently but in this case it didn't seem to make a difference.


Really big bummer as I want to sport the new guild merch in wvw but it looks pretty goofy 😞

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When opening equipment panel on hero menu, all avatars are showing either partially or not at all. Started today after patch. Doesn't matter what class, race or gender. 

When looking at preview from Black Lion Trading, nothing is showing at all. Can't change wardrobe without seeing how it looks. 



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Race: Charr

Gender: Both

Weapon: Great-sword, hammer... maybe rifle. Seems its the close-grip 2 handed weapon. Does not happen on bow or staff for example.

So the issue is, the backpacks go... sideways (for a lack of better description. See attached) when a Charr draws either a great-sword or a hammer. Would love some love with it ❤️

Skewed backpiece GS

Backpiece normal

Skewed front view

Skewed winged backpiece GS

Winged backpiece normal

Winged backpiece normal rear-view


Please help 🙂 

Edited by MagpieAlt.3982
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Race: doesn't matter

Sex: doesn't matter

Profession: doesn't matter


Holographic elements of the Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit flicker in DX11 rather than have their usual effect (DX9). This problem occurs in the character selection screen aswell as in the hero panel and in game. First time I saw this was like 4-6 month ago I think (maybe even with the release of the Beta DX11 but I'm not sure).


For a gemstore Item this isn't acceptable at all.

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On 8/31/2022 at 11:18 AM, MildRamenBirb.4378 said:

My character models have been up to 3/4th missing? Whenever I enter the hero panel to look at my character, weapons, or mounts, it's just missing. It's been going on since the Steam release and it happens regardless of which character I use.


This has started today for me. Have tried deleting the GW2 cache and repairing game but my character models are 3/4 missing in the hero preview panel.

Also the TP is working intermittently. I have to log out to reset the TP for some reason.

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Bug I found on the 16th of September 2022 (Build 134370) with the Apprentice Pants skin (example from the video: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Apprentice_Pants_(skin))
There is a gap between.. well you can see it in the video.
I can replicate this every time by just using the skin, no matter what.
Yes this is an absolutely degen bug, but graphical bugs annoy the kitten outta me.
Changing or removing Infusion does not change the bug.


  • Windowed Fullscreen (2560x1440, 144Hz, 60fps locked via AMD software, ingame unlocked; no changes to either of these makes a difference)
  • DX11
  • From Animations to Character Model Quality: High, None, Medium, High, None, High, Native, None, High, None, Low, Low (no changes to any of these settings seem to fix this.)
  • These are on: Ambient Occlusion, Best Texture Filtering, Effect LOD (no changes to any of these settings seem to fix this.)

Video showcasing the issue:


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Gonna compile two graphical issues I found and posted separately into here:

  1. SAB Backpack Flickering:
  2. Apprentice Pants Panty Gap:

Videos and details can be found in the threads.


  1. SAB Backpack skins flicker on all graphics settings in all but one zoom level.
  2. There is a weird, very visible gap in the panties of the Apprentice Pants skin on Human female characters along the middle of the back. Yes, this is a very degenerate find, sorry.
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Race:  Human

Gender: Male

Profession: Ranger

I captured this with xbox capture so the quality may seem low however I am running the game on the highest settings.

The Mist strangers outfit from the store has a flickering issue.
This issue happens on both my Human & Asuran no matter profession. I have seen this also on the well known streamers stream themightyteapot & asked people in-game with this armour only to find out they also had this issue. It is mostly noticeable from the front when moving the camera however when standing still you will also notice it from the characters movement animations.
Updated drivers, changed dyes and this issue is still persisting.

First link shows flickering without me moving the camera


Second link shows flicking whilst moving camera


Edited by Welshy.1936
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On 8/31/2022 at 12:18 AM, MildRamenBirb.4378 said:

My character models have been up to 3/4th missing? Whenever I enter the hero panel to look at my character, weapons, or mounts, it's just missing. It's been going on since the Steam release and it happens regardless of which character I use.



Same here. Seems it started happening only after last patch (but I could be wrong).

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