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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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Good evening, I bought the new cape for 700 gems. 
Unfortunately, I have to state that the tail of my charr sticks through the cape and the animation when gliding is that of the normal glider, and not the one in the trailer. 
Are these bugs that will be fixed, or is there a way to return the item because I was promised otherwise by trailers etc.?


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Your post is hard to read. If pasting in text, please do a right-click > paste as plain text to avoid that in the future.

I think from what I see that you didn't actually apply/select the glider? Make sure the new one is what is selected in Hero Panel > Glider. Back item and glider are 2 separate items.

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Sorry i was not sure where to post this but i really enjoy the Radiant setting we obtain from achievements, but i have an issue where the pants of the Radiant Set as much as i like them they sort of keep my characters behind exposed any chance to maybe dunno fix it XD!


https://ibb.co/n65gk8S - Link with a picture, would be nice for a fix if possible, not really expecting it but... maybe i'll be lucky sigh..

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On 8/31/2023 at 1:04 PM, Kalavier.1097 said:

Infernal Envoy outfit, at least on Sylvari has some weird texturing glitches around the hands, with the fingers being fused together.  https://i.imgur.com/L8Q1vnb.png https://i.imgur.com/npR5xy3.png

Adding on to this, female human also has this visual bug.

A lineup of the races with the outfit: https://i.imgur.com/DHUe6fF.jpg

Not sure if this bug is also present on male characters.

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Hi there,

Clipping problems with gemstore items :

The new sorcerer's cape is clipping with a lot of legs skin with ligth armor while staying idle with a female Asura (and male too) :



That's the only cape with that kind of problem, tried with a few other one and they stay slightly higher, preventing clipping as you can see below :



Another clipping problem with the forest scout cape with chest pieces on the soulders on female Asura too :


It's clipping with most chest pieces and even with bare shoulders :



That's quite concerning as it's gemstore items and they're clipping with most of the skins in game (and even body model for the forest scout cape), for Asura at least.


Hope you'll be able to correct this,




Edited by Akhume.2463
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My Female Charr Engineer now inexplicably has a permanent (conditional) texture error after getting to lvl 80. The error looks like a normalmap/shader imprint of a ghost object on the left back of her neck: https://imgur.com/m6F6qSd

  • I've been leveling and questing on this character for many hours without issue. After going to Armistice Bastion, boosting to 80, buying and unlocking traits, and applying all my legendary equipment (everything but one amulet), the textures on her neck are permanently bugged, possibly after transmuting the chest and legs to the Leather Straps set.
  • The texture bug persists through client and PC restarts, changing maps, well as changing all slots of equipment.
  • The texture bug does not appear in the character selection screen or the hair/makeover kit panel (even though it simultaneously shows in the Hero panel)
  • The texture bug goes away if I equip and show any armor in both the Boots and Gloves armor slots. No other slots affect the textures. Different armor skins do not seem to affect the bug.

I've not been able to reproduce this on any of my other characters but I'm also out of free slots to try a new one

While I'm here again, I could also remind you that one of the EoD female charr faces still has the glaring bone weight mistake where a single vertex from the upper lip is mapped to the jaw or something, now also demonstrated by an Astral Ward NPC (anet pls it should take like 1m to fix if I had access to the mesh working file): https://imgur.com/1fFvp9l

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Issue in the visual effect/beam of the Heart of the Obscure while activating the "Starlight Laterns" : Dismounting from SKyscale before interacting with the lantern will cause two beams to appear, one beam from the character hand, and a second one from the skyscale's. 
Same issue if activating the lantern while riding the skyscale, two beams will show.

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I've reported this via Support Ticket and in-game support 2-3 times each over the past year and, so far, "crickets".

I have a character Lily La Bama (my main) who has 'purchased' sunglasses equipped that show fine in the Hero Panel but only show the right-side in game.  Here's a twist.  On other characters on the account, the sunglasses appear fine in game.  So it appears to only be on Lily La Bama.  I even tried a makeover just in case this might reset the problem but it didn't work.  I have played since right after rollout and I do spend about $200-250/yr in game purchases so ANET is making money off me.  I sure wish someone at GuildWars2 could fix this problem.


Edited by Scatmanicus.4582
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race: Charr (tested on male, but probably affects female too)
profession: ranger/druid (probably all medium users)

The Left Oni Arm medium skin is missing its dye channels and (possibly as result?) displays corrupted textures (the Right arm doesn't have either of these issues, and as best as I can tell, neither do the other armor weights of the Left arm). I have attached an album with several examples here: https://imgur.com/a/yORL7PX

What the texture displays as seems to be random, and that includes when previewing it with nothing else equipped as well! Occasionally it will even preview with normal textures, which is why I bought the skin in the first place, unaware of the horrors about to befall me.

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Pleading to get this fixed since it's been this way a long time apparently. So, on numerous Asura armor skins, unchecking show gloves is effectively broken for us if we don't want to look screwy, on certain armor now.

What I mean by this, is if you uncheck showing gloves, there's this weird seam between your hand and arm, it's literally void space and your hand is floating like half an inch away from the arm, it's not attached. Strangely enough, this is not a universal thing even though the armor is being hidden, what armor skin is in the slot effects whether or not this happens. I can't make an exhaustive list here of them all but I've had a few different newer armor skins that do this, including the brand new Sanctified one in the Wizard's Vault. I also know for sure the CJ-1 Command Sleeves also do it.
Unfortunately I can't really check these out in previews to see if they do it before I apply it either, which is also really crappy but it also makes it hard for me to give you a list of any other skins that do this, but as I have demonstrated with these two, one brand new one does, and one from EOD does, so this has been going on with some newer armors for a while. I will include an image link below, with the Sanctified Gloves skin that just came out, but the visual effect that's caused, happens exactly the same way each time this happens regardless of what skin may be glitchy:



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It appears yet another unfortunate clipping issue has risen, despite having used this armor skin for half a year and never once had any clipping issues until the new expansion or even patches were later released.

Race: Male Asura

Class: Engineer
Armor Type: Medium Armor
Weapons: Rifle

Description: Marauder Jacket now has a clipping issue within the lower back region, causing the characters buttcheek to peak through the coats tailed end as if the character had a hole in its jacket and the clipping gets worse when withdrawing its weapon.

Sample: Marauder Jacket Clipping

Edited by Snytchell.7869
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On 9/19/2023 at 5:50 PM, Scatmanicus.4582 said:

I've reported this via Support Ticket and in-game support 2-3 times each over the past year and, so far, "crickets".

I have a character Lily La Bama (my main) who has 'purchased' sunglasses equipped that show fine in the Hero Panel but only show the right-side in game.  Here's a twist.  On other characters on the account, the sunglasses appear fine in game.  So it appears to only be on Lily La Bama.  I even tried a makeover just in case this might reset the problem but it didn't work.  I have played since right after rollout and I do spend about $200-250/yr in game purchases so ANET is making money off me.  I sure wish someone at GuildWars2 could fix this problem.


Your issue is not a bug with the sunglasses. Instead, it is because that character is wearing the Astral Scholar Outfit in the screenshot. As a result, the Outfit fashion overrides the wardrobe fashion for all armor slots, and so the character is displaying the monocle eyepiece that is part of the Astral Scholar Outfit and not the sunglasses.


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I saw this the day they added the skill to the ranger one-handed sword, but I thought it would be fixed in the next updates. Unfortunately, this didn't happen and Pounce is still buggy. The animation stops suddenly at the end when the character lands on the enemy (this applies to human, I haven't checked it on char, sylvari, norn or asura). Please Arena, fix it. 🙏

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