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"Guild Wars 2: Wave of Shadow" fansite

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@Sir Alric.5078 said:Oh my..... This was EXACTLY the kind of thing i wanted for a third expansion. But of course i knew it was fake. As if they would announce an expansion when we have not even finished LWS4 yet. Still, i do hope something like this can become reality one day.

I mean, in one way they could, since the site says absolutely nothing about the story. We just know bubbles is supposed to be the baddy and thats it.It was the same with PoF leaks, we knew what we were getting, but we had no idea why we're going there and what the story is about.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:Alongside with "Scarlet's Return", the "underwater themed expansion" is one of the most overhyped things on these foruns. I hope Anet is not fooled by this trap, it would be the least played expansion.

It would all depend on how it would be made. Just because its "underwater themed" doesnt mean it must have priority on underwater combat. It could easily have amazing xyz movement, yet 90% of combat could still be "normal". Image huge air pockets underwater, caves, largos cities etc.... This all could be free of water, yet be underwater.

Another thing is, image a mastery which enables you to to "drop" to ocean floor, as if you have steel boots, and pulling all of the enemies with down you, so you can do normal combat with them.It realy fully depends how it would be implemented, as long as we would be able to do normal combat most of the time, it would be fine.

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@"Glider.5792" said:It would all depend on how it would be made. Just because its "underwater themed" doesnt mean it must have priority on underwater combat. It could easily have amazing xyz movement, yet 90% of combat could still be "normal". Image huge air pockets underwater, caves, largos cities etc.... This all could be free of water, yet be underwater.It realy fully depends how it would be implemented

Underwater could indeed yield interesting maps if areas inside it could be huge air bubbles with normal overground movement. But currently that would require putting the "air hole" into a new instance since underwater physics are applied at a fixed height with no exceptions below (or above!) them, judging from what I've seen in every map so far. Imagine swimming in a river floating down a mountain slowly.

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@Ray Koopa.2354 said:

@"Glider.5792" said:It would all depend on how it would be made. Just because its "underwater themed" doesnt mean it must have priority on underwater combat. It could easily have amazing xyz movement, yet 90% of combat could still be "normal". Image huge air pockets underwater, caves, largos cities etc.... This all could be free of water, yet be underwater.It realy fully depends how it would be implemented

Underwater could indeed yield interesting maps if areas inside it could be huge air bubbles with normal overground movement. But currently that would require putting the "air hole" into a new instance since underwater physics are applied at a fixed height with no exceptions below (or above!) them, judging from what I've seen in every map so far. Imagine swimming in a river floating down a mountain slowly.

Its more like, if i understand correctly, swimming is implemented in a way that, as soon as your character hits position Z < 0 (or something), you enter swiming mode. This could be changed in a way that it would not only check Z anymore, but also X and Y.Basicaly, there would be areas under water where it would not count that you are in water.

At this moment, the way it works is:If (position.Z < 0) then Swimmode = true; else Swimmode = false

However for the "air bubbles" it could be changed to:If (position.Z.between(-1400,-1200) && postion.X.between(200,400) && position.Y.between(400,600)) then Swimmode = false

Which now makes an area of 200x200x200 at a specific place as Swimmode off.

The problem would be though that, there would be alot of these IF checks, for every single "air" pocket in the water. These IFs would have to be checked every frame to see if you're still in one of those pockets or not. Since i dont know much about performance, idk how hard and heavy these checks would be.

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@Glider.5792 said:

@Glider.5792 said:It would all depend on how it would be made. Just because its "underwater themed" doesnt mean it must have priority on underwater combat. It could easily have amazing xyz movement, yet 90% of combat could still be "normal". Image huge air pockets underwater, caves, largos cities etc.... This all could be free of water, yet be underwater.It realy fully depends how it would be implemented

Underwater could indeed yield interesting maps if areas inside it could be huge air bubbles with normal overground movement. But currently that would require putting the "air hole" into a new instance since underwater physics are applied at a fixed height with no exceptions below (or above!) them, judging from what I've seen in every map so far. Imagine swimming in a river floating down a mountain slowly.

Its more like, if i understand correctly, swimming is implemented in a way that, as soon as your character hits position Z < 0 (or something), you enter swiming mode. This could be changed in a way that it would not only check Z anymore, but also X and Y.Basicaly, there would be areas under water where it would not count that you are in water.

At this moment, the way it works is:
If (position.Z < 0) then Swimmode = true; else Swimmode = false

However for the "air bubbles" it could be changed to:
If (position.Z.between(-1400,-1200) && postion.X.between(200,400) && position.Y.between(400,600)) then Swimmode = false

Which now makes an area of 200x200x200 at a specific place as Swimmode off.

The problem would be though that, there would be alot of these IF checks, for every single "air" pocket in the water. These IFs would have to be checked every frame to see if you're still in one of those pockets or not. Since i dont know much about performance, idk how hard and heavy these checks would be.

Well yes, I didn't want to get too technical :P Instead of hardcoding ifs you'd just create trigger zones (don't forget the game already has that, for example, to change lighting and fog parameters, but nothing to change to swim physics). You can see such "swim levels" instead of trigger zones in many older games (sorry for the insult D:)... or at least those who don't need anything better...This is the reason why we will never get our own swimming pool in the home instance! jk

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:I always imagined underwater but in underground cave systems full of air. They could trick the game by making the maps at the water cut off even though its lorewise beneath the ocean.

There is no way they could do an expansion where the majority of the time you were underwater. Even after the revamp a while back, there are still way too many skills and utilities that just plain do not work while underwater. Top of my head would be Scourge for instance. When being underwater neuters an entire elite spec, it would be foolish to dedicate too much gameplay in that environment, at least without massive changes.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"Mewcifer.5198" said:I always imagined underwater but in underground cave systems full of air. They could trick the game by making the maps at the water cut off even though its lorewise beneath the ocean.

There is no way they could do an expansion where the majority of the time you were underwater. Even after the revamp a while back, there are still way too many skills and utilities that just plain do not work while underwater. Top of my head would be Scourge for instance. When being underwater neuters an entire elite spec, it would be foolish to dedicate too much gameplay in that environment, at least without massive changes.

I mean... it wouldn't necessarily have to be underwater the majority of the time. Like with what I said, the zone is "underwater" but is actually a series of caves under the ocean where the player is landed and there is only underwater sections.

As for the issue of skills, yes underwater still needs a lot of work. That doesn't necessarily mean they could not do an expansion with a lot of underwater. It just means they would need to put more effort into underwater combat to make it more enjoyable so the expansion doesn't flop. I would support them adding more to underwater, making it more enjoyable and fixing more skills to be usable. The underwater combat was always something I really liked about GW2. I really loved that they made it different, that you don't just float and do the same attacks as you would on land, you have to adapt to underwater, you can't just try and play exactly as you would on land. And I have always been kind of sad that it was never kept updated with the rest of combat. The outdated underwater combat made players hate it, the players saying they hated it made anet not want to do more with it, anet not wanting to do more with it made it stay outdated, an endless cycle.

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