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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@Cynder.2509 said:Yikes... the news about the grow lamp is really sky shattering. Does anyone know how many you need so I can get them in advance before the price goes up to 100g. It's already 44g and you need 22 as far as I heard and I want to know if that is truly correct or a mistake.

You don't need 22 grow lamps, you only need one.

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@Cynder.2509 said:Yikes... the news about the grow lamp is really sky shattering. Does anyone know how many you need so I can get them in advance before the price goes up to 100g. It's already 44g and you need 22 as far as I heard and I want to know if that is truly correct or a mistake.

Nonono... You need 22 charged quartz (or so I've heard), and 10 of those are for the one grow lamp needed so you don't have to buy it. At least, that's how it sounds to me.

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@Thundabolt.8541 said:

@Cynder.2509 said:Yikes... the news about the grow lamp is really sky shattering. Does anyone know how many you need so I can get them in advance before the price goes up to 100g. It's already 44g and you need 22 as far as I heard and I want to know if that is truly correct or a mistake.

You don't need 22 grow lamps, you only need one.

Aww damn that's quite good news as this was starting to bother me the most now. Good to know that there's still hope. Didn't expect the timegate within a timegate. I thought the collection things were actually nice until I cam across this information.Thanks for the response.

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Okay so here is my take on this,

I played the story, map and events. Never did i really rush through it.At the very beginning though i would have loved to have used the skyscale in the actual story/map events but then i saw i had to wait untill after the story.So my plans changed from getting it right away to getting it after. The fact that i didnt rush anything and then after all of it had the first collection done i wasnt really expecting more gating since they already make you wait until after the story and the first collection making you do 10 events in every part of the map...Really doesnt give the impression that it was done to make people not rush through the content and if that was the reason they failed hard at it.

like maybe if they gated it after just one day and then you could do the rest but thats also not the case, to me it just seems this is a huge overkill.

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I'm a "casual" player. I'm an RN, I work 10h shifts including every other weekend, and I spend time with hubby and friends away from my computer. At the same time, I've been gaming since there were no hard drives and we used cassettes, chortling over text adventures. I was a fan of DOOM.WAD back in the day. These days, if an MMORPG game becomes a grind, demands that I do raids to progress, or focuses only on a mini-game (I'm looking at you, SWL and your agent system), I move on.

I've been truly enjoying GW2 because I love the relaxed feel of it. I've been able to work through collections on my own, or by participating in open world events to obtain my griffon. I can set my own goals and tasks - working on story, completing a map, hunting down MPs, participating in metas, RP. I'm slowly chipping away at the collection towards my ascended long bow (stuck/working on leveling the various HoT masteries that let me use the vendors and obtaining more HoT MPs, oh, and killing the stealth mushroom... thing once I get the ability to see it). I've never set foot into a fractal or raid because I don't have the time. My crafting is minimally leveled, again, because I don't have the time.

Reading all of this time gating stuff and the need for high level crafting, I'm pretty much resigning myself to not having an opportunity for this mount. Which IS a bummer but I can live with it. What DOES worry me is what I'm seeing about the mastery line being locked and not letting you toggle? Is that true? I have other masteries in PoF to train if I can't have this one.

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That they would merge the poll instead of closing this discussion means that they are still paying attention to what we're saying. I'm certain they didn't do it to hide the poll, I imagine it's just a side effect of merging a poll with a discussion.

Let's give them a chance to respond, although, almost anything they might say in response to all this would likely be met with more discontent. They know it's not something to be taken lightly, hence the silence.

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@Thundabolt.8541 said:That they would merge the poll instead of closing this discussion means that they are still paying attention to what we're saying. I'm certain they didn't do it to hide the poll, I imagine it's just a side effect of merging a poll with a discussion.

Let's give them a chance to respond, although, almost anything they might say in response to all this would likely be met with more discontent. They know it's not something to be taken lightly, hence the silence.

It should be ok though, since obviously most of us have phones....

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@Thundabolt.8541 said:That they would merge the poll instead of closing this discussion means that they are still paying attention to what we're saying. I'm certain they didn't do it to hide the poll, I imagine it's just a side effect of merging a poll with a discussion.

Let's give them a chance to respond, although, almost anything they might say in response to all this would likely be met with more discontent. They know it's not something to be taken lightly, hence the silence.

Yeah, they'll probably hit us with a vague and generic PR response a week down the road that's just a bunch of coorperate nothings. Their communication with the community is historically poor which is compounded with how often they botch things. I'm not saying they don't get things right but they are good at getting stuff wrong.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

Some of which i never agreed with, like the nerf of elite spec requirements in HoT.Anet should learn from past controversies and/or mistakes...

Funny you should mention the HoT Elite Spec unlock requirement. There are some interesting parallels between that debacle and this one.

  • ANet did not announce ahead-of-time the process for HoT Spec unlock or for Skyscale mount acquisition.
  • Players developed expectations for both based on prior in-game experiences that resemble the incoming process.
  • Players find out that the process is significantly different than they expected.
  • In both cases, the process took/takes longer than those player expectations
  • In both cases, the process impacted/impacts players whose preference is to get the unlock quickly to enjoy playing with what has been unlocked.
  • Players complain.

So, no, it certainly looks like ANet did not learn from a similar past controversy/mistake. What mistake? They allowed players to develop expectations when they could have just been up front with the method needed. There would certainly have still been an upset. However, thwarted expectations are a major source of upset in people. Those thwarted expectations, at least, could have been averted.

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Here's an idea that my brother mentioned that might be a good compromise between those who like the time gate and those who don't. Make the time gate not dependent on daily reset. If there must be wait time between completing one part of the collection and starting the next, make the time consistent. My main problem with the time gate as it stands now is that if you are just 1 minute too slow, you now have 24 hours where you can make absolutely no progress, while the guy next to you was only slightly faster and now has all day to work on the next part. It actively punishes people who prefer to take their time and enjoy the content. If the wait was, for example, 2 hours regardless of when you completed the previous step, I feel a lot fewer people would be upset. Point is, there are ways to make a time gate that are a lot better than the way this was implemented.

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@Asum.4960 said:

@Ototo.3214 said:I'm fine with doing collections. I'm fine with the collections taking 30+ hours. But let me do it at my own pace. I hate feeling like I have to rush to finish the kitten thing each day and can't stop to just...play fractals with friends or anything like that because if I don't finish it before reset, I have to wait another 24 hours before I can do anything. It's unneeded stress and frustration for a collection I'd otherwise really enjoy.

But you don't, because you can't rush time gated content. If you feel like that, that's a player problem.

You see, the big problem I have here is that no one complains they are stressed when content ISN'T time gated but they should be because it does get harder to do group content when it isn't

... but when your forced by the game to progress content in steps over time .. THAT is stressful? That doesn't make sense.

I think you are taking his words too literallyI think he means like me for example i did nothing till the reset yesterday and rushed to complete the egg magic gathering collection so that that i wouldnt have to worry about not finishing it before reset it took about 4 hours doing it with a group.

After that i was done didn't do dailies, fractals, or play dragonfall at all i was pretty much done.Based on what im hearing for the next step ill be feeding a skyscale 3 times then today I might do fractals if they are any i particularly like after which ill going to prob stop and play another game.

If there are going to be more time gates within time gates the ESO new chapter early access is looking more and more lovely by the day. At which point i could be playing that and logging into gw2 just to feed a train a pet thats not a pet 3 times a day.

Ideally we are still rushing content because no one wants to wait an extra day if they dont have to. And because the mount is the main focus for so many people it easily pushes other forms of content to the side.

The decision to rush is a player issue and I doesn't make sense to make an argument based on it. All content gets rushed by people to some degree, but for some reason when it's time gated, rushing it all the sudden a big problem for you? That doesn't make sense.

Just be honest here ... you just want the mount without artificial restrictions imposed on you. Feeling like you have to rush content is not a compelling argument to not have time gates.

Except the time gate is causing people to rush the collections within that given day. Many of my friends started the collection for the mount and were taking their time because they didn't think it had some stupid time gate to it. Then when they found out it was gated, they started rushing it.

So what? That's still a player perception issue.

What was that that they said were their core philosophies for GW2 in that recent update on what was to come for the game? Wait, player autonomy and fun content were listed? That can't be right. That really screws with player expectations.

That doesn't change what i said ... rushing can't be a problem for time-gated content if it's not a problem for non-time gated content. Content is still fun (and is subjective anyways) and players still have options to experience it ... as far as I can see, those philosophies still stand.

The difference is that with non time gated content you are rushing at your own pace because you enjoy doing so.If you are getting close to reset and you know you are losing a day if you don't rush to finish the collection because you will get stuck on working on it very early on when trying to work on it the next day, in which case you feel forced to rush and burn yourself out to finish those parts up, which makes rushing a problem, due to the time gate.

So it's not about the rush ... because you don't mind doing it at your own pace. So the real problem here is not about rushing content.

Except it is, because I and many others wouldn't rush that hard it it weren't for the time gate, or be bummed out about missing the reset because they were busy enjoying the map and story instead of working on the collection already, just to then realise that progression is gated when wanting to work on it the next day.Is this really that hard to understand, or do you simply refuse to do so?

Oh c'mon.. at least be a little more honest about your issue here.I mean there is no genuine reason to feel forced into rushing just cos you missed a reset... if your RL schedule is such that you only have those few minutes each day to get the skyscale bit done then there is little ANET can do to help.No sorry, the real reason you are causing a fuss about this is because you want to rush it to completion ASAP.... and then what, what will you be doing when you have it completed - logoff until next content update (hardly great for ANET from a business perspective) OR will you go about playing out all the other content options you have at your fingertips especially new map and new content (if so what is stopping you doing while your waiting for the next skyscale content to become available??)No sorry the " ANET force me to rush cos reset" is just a very poor attempt to smokescreen the "I want it, I want it NAOW" mentality, nothing more.

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@"tekhiun.8653" said:It is hard to understand why people want time gated contend, if you want to be lazy and not play the game you don't the game to do that *<:-)

See anyone can be dishonestly obstuse to try to invalidade other peoples experience.

No one has said they "WANT" time gating, but there are players who understand why it is utilised within content (and not just GW2).The only reason this is an issue to some players is because they have chosen to burn through content so fast, but then end up on here complaining it's taking too long for the next content drop. They are not forced to rush they choose to rush. The mount does not stop you playing the game, it is not a necessity to complete anything in game except some achievements and mastery unlocks, which will become available when you do have the skyscale.Pushing the notion that players are forced to rush the Skyscale or that the timegates in some way invalidates your gameplay is likely the more dishonest play here.

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When I saw what this was I noped out. It's an MMO, a content buffet where I get to pick and choose the things that I want to do. Sure, I miss out on a lot of stuff, but that's the price I pay for not doing content I don't enjoy.

So seriously ArenaNet, you're actually going to constantly nag me to go get this unwanted mount by doing content I do not want to do? I get you assume players are stupid rather than actively choosing not to engage with certain content and systems, but you're incredibly obnoxious. And your obnoxiousness is why over time I've spent less and less time with your game. You think I'm dumb and incapable, you want me to play on your schedule rather than mine, and you nag nag nag at me to play 'right'. I don't need to be reminded that this exists. Your design choices made it undesirable. Just stop.

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@ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

@Gop.8713 said:The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

I mean this thread and like 10 other threads alone are proof that it's causing harm in terms of the fact that no one is actually able to play the content created.To me the past ten pages are proof that ppl will complain about anything . . .Again, the time gating is forcing players who actually want to invest time in this game to not invest time in it because they aren't simply hitting a wall that they can break later on, they are being completely stopped from progressing.

If players are only interested in the shiny, what is their contribution to the game such that their interests should be protected? How is a player who burns through a collection in one marathon session then quits better for the game than a player who plays through the collection as far as they can and quits . . ?@Absconditus.6804 said:

@Gop.8713 said:The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

The harm it causes is burning players out within just a few days. I am in this boat. Due to the nature of the timegating being tied to needing to complete the previous stage before a daily reset, I feel compelled to push myself through collecting all the collectibles within just a single sitting, whereas otherwise I may have naturally spread it out over a few days as I did other content. That tires me and I barely feel like playing at the moment. I am just logging in and doing it to do it. Getting it to get it. There's no drive to do that other content anymore because I am spending so much time collecting the collectibles. Afterwards I just want to log out the moment that stupid timegate wall hits me. I've done my
for the day, time to clock out and go home to relax.This just doesn't make any sense to me. You're 'burned out' from completing a small portion of the collection so your solution is to make more of it available all at once? I'm not saying you don't feel this way, I'm just saying it doesn't make any rational sense and so will not be compelling to others . . .The toxicity brewing in map chats all over the zones related to the collections aren't exactly good either. I haven't seen this high levels of nasty comments fired around.. I think ever. This clearly is upsetting people and then there's those it doesn't upset that are nasty in return to those who are upset, with no good reason either. There's no reason to defend the timegating as far as I can see. The timegating has nothing to do with instant gratification or effort put towards getting the mount. It is just a wall, preventing you from putting in effort where you want to have fun and focus your playtime, when you want to focus on it, not when the game psychologically pushes you towards doing it.Our experience has varied in this regard. I haven't seen any complaints in game about the time gate, possibly bc the ppl frustrated about it quit playing and come to complain about it on the forums instead. Which actually is a net benefit to the game if you think about it objectively . . .I'd say that any prolonged investment in the map isn't there because of the timegating either. You only need to do 10 events in each "lane" to unlock the vendors, but otherwise you don't need to partake in the map events or meta. "Day 2" sends you around to various other maps as well, so there's no investment in the new map there, other than speaking with a couple NPCs. I am actually kinda sick of the new map. I loved it as I went through the story, I loved it as I did my initial events clears and exploration. Now I hate it. Well, hate is a strong word, but I am unlikely to return to it unless its needed. I somewhat feel bad for the talented map designers. I associate it with a frustrating grind that sent me to the same freaking locations three bloody times to collect scales, feed medicine to sick Skyscales and then pick up eggs, all in one sitting. It was largely the same exact locations! That was such a
and frankly terribly done collection that was simply frustrating after the second roundabout. At the very least it could have put the collectibles in more varied locations. "Day 2", far better, but I still feel like I am under a time constraint where I have to complete it all, and there is a lot to do, within the time I have to spend on the game, before the daily reset. I know there's no gun to my head, but psychologically this timegating with the daily reset mechanic has that effect on me, and I'm sure plenty other players too. It's just frustrating.I've had the opposite reaction, really disliked the map at first and now my only complaint is the ridiculous aggro range. That's why when you want to make a complaint about the game it is important to discount your personal experience and consider a broader perspective. The individual is irrelevant bc you will always be able to find ppl who enjoy the things you don't . . .I do think it's causing harm. I think it's creating negativity in what has been one of the most open and welcoming game communities out there. Sure, we're largely still friendly, but a new player being greeted with a bunch of complaints in the map chat about the timegating and seeing a bunch of nasty comments from those who don't mind it, flung in the direction of those who do mind it, isn't going to be a good first impression. I think it's burning out players. I think it's an element of frustration when you don't got enough time to finish a collection stage in a single day and are as such forced to wait yet another day when you do get it done. I am not in that boat, but I can only imagine how demotivating that must be.Take heart, I am in that boat and it doesn't bother me at all :)I do not see anything positive about the timegating, and I can't fathom why people are defending it.For me it's primarily bc there's nothing wrong with it and seeing ppl get all bent out of shape over it makes me think legitimate complaints that may arise in the future will be dismissed as just another baseless tantrum from the disgruntled masses . . .

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@RizelStar.3724 said:

@"Gop.8713" said:The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

The harm it causes is burning players out within just a few days. I am in this boat. Due to the nature of the timegating being tied to needing to complete the previous stage before a daily reset, I feel compelled to push myself through collecting all the collectibles within just a single sitting, whereas otherwise I may have naturally spread it out over a few days as I did other content. That tires me and I barely feel like playing at the moment. I am just logging in and doing it to do it. Getting it to get it. There's no drive to do that other content anymore because I am spending so much time collecting the collectibles. Afterwards I just want to log out the moment that stupid timegate wall hits me. I've done my
for the day, time to clock out and go home to relax.

The toxicity brewing in map chats all over the zones related to the collections aren't exactly good either. I haven't seen this high levels of nasty comments fired around.. I think ever. This clearly is upsetting people and then there's those it doesn't upset that are nasty in return to those who are upset, with no good reason either. There's no reason to defend the timegating as far as I can see. The timegating has nothing to do with instant gratification or effort put towards getting the mount. It is just a wall, preventing you from putting in effort where you want to have fun and focus your playtime, when you want to focus on it, not when the game psychologically pushes you towards doing it.

I'd say that any prolonged investment in the map isn't there because of the timegating either. You only need to do 10 events in each "lane" to unlock the vendors, but otherwise you don't need to partake in the map events or meta. "Day 2" sends you around to various other maps as well, so there's no investment in the new map there, other than speaking with a couple NPCs. I am actually kinda sick of the new map. I loved it as I went through the story, I loved it as I did my initial events clears and exploration. Now I hate it. Well, hate is a strong word, but I am unlikely to return to it unless its needed. I somewhat feel bad for the talented map designers. I associate it with a frustrating grind that sent me to the same freaking locations three bloody times to collect scales, feed medicine to sick Skyscales and then pick up eggs, all in one sitting. It was largely the same exact locations! That was such a
and frankly terribly done collection that was simply frustrating after the second roundabout. At the very least it could have put the collectibles in more varied locations. "Day 2", far better, but I still feel like I am under a time constraint where I have to complete it all, and there is a lot to do, within the time I have to spend on the game, before the daily reset. I know there's no gun to my head, but psychologically this timegating with the daily reset mechanic has that effect on me, and I'm sure plenty other players too. It's just frustrating.

I do think it's causing harm. I think it's creating negativity in what has been one of the most open and welcoming game communities out there. Sure, we're largely still friendly, but a new player being greeted with a bunch of complaints in the map chat about the timegating and seeing a bunch of nasty comments from those who don't mind it, flung in the direction of those who do mind it, isn't going to be a good first impression. I think it's burning out players. I think it's an element of frustration when you don't got enough time to finish a collection stage in a single day and are as such forced to wait yet another day when you do get it done. I am not in that boat, but I can only imagine how demotivating that must be.

I do not see anything positive about the timegating, and I can't fathom why people are defending it.

I agree with you but it’s because that guy is defending just for the sake of defending in fact there have already been more alternatives that make [sense], the issue is [pretending] that there is nothing better than timegating when everybody [knows] there are better alternatives.

Timegating adds nothing I don’t know why it has to keep being said but apparently it does, you could tie it to the meta event in dragon fall you can time gate something for a few hrs and have certain objectives be tied into decreasing the time of the wait in the game. That’s a few that make more [sense] than to just stop you for [no reason]. If it’s tied to exploration and actually playing the game, Someone already said that if it just started when you start the achievement that’s already a better alternative that what it [currently] is.

But again as I’ve told that person, I’m wrong and they are right. Timegates are the best thing and they make sense and they don’t dictate how people play the game. So don’t remove them, they improve the game 10 fold...smh

So to recap you refuse to respond or articulate your position but blame others for not agreeing with you. Well played, that's a difficult argument to counter . . .
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I'm pretty much neutral on this issue. However, I'm 3 days behind the time gates because I wasn't able to finish the egg collection until today. I'll probably be slowed down again because I only have 15 charged quartz. It's funny because just a few weeks ago I was wondering if I should bother charging my quartz as I never really messed with it since the last time I needed them. Of course I blew it off and didn't bother with it. :sunglasses:

The first part was frustrating at times but I did enjoy most of that part of the collection aside from going back to the same general spots a few times over for each part. At least I had a good idea how to get to those places by the time I got to the eggs. I suppose the good part about being 3 days behind is that by the time I get to the next parts there will be plenty of videos and guides out by then for when I get stuck. :grin:

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@tekhiun.8653 said:

@Gop.8713 said:The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

@EmmetOtter.8542 said:My only concern is will this become the norm? If it sets a precedent that is used for items that are really needed for progression in game then you can certainly point at this moment as being a terrible thing.I'm not too worried about this. Anet seems to prefer mixing up their gates so it doesn't get stale, and if they did decide to go with precedent in the future they certainly have far worse examples from the recent past that they could follow . . .

Then you haven't read any comments at all.You are mistaken. It would be helpful for you if you stopped now and considered what led you to make this error . . .There are plenty of alternatives, like giving the mount at the beginning of the story, or after the first collection, and making the rest of the time gated stuff about something else like an exclusive skin for the skygated that would have matching skins for the other mounts in the gem store. Or just more an ascended gear box.

Those are not better, just different. For players who enjoy the getting more than the having they would actually be worse . . .As for the timegate actually causing harm, look at my case and of many others that are 1 day behind the collections:I'm more than one day behind and I'm doing just fine. Again that's why personal experience is a bad argument. Anyone who feels like the game should be changed bc it would work out better for them has an inflated idea of their importance . . .
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@sigur.9453 said:

@"Gop.8713" said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

So what's the alternative... have those same player go off complete the skyscale in a few hours then log off and go play something else until the next content update.If your just logging in to do a collection then ignore the rest of the map content/the game in general... perhaps question why...

If the game has nothing else to offer than an artificial time gate, probably yes. But then it's on the devs to ask "why are people not playing out content? ".This is a great point, but it does nothing to suggest that removing the time gate would improve the situation . . .
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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I think it's funny someone complains about the time gate ... I guess spending 250G is more to your liking?

Do we have any reason to think it WON'T cost 250g? The Griffon had collections, too...

Yes, that would be an added insult. Actually, I'm OK with the time gate for the Skyscale although not crazy about it. BUT, if at the end of however many days it takes, we're hit with a requirement that costs 100s of gold, I will be miffed. To put it mildly.

I heard we're not out of the woods yet.. and there is gonna be a feeding part that some one said will require grow lamps or something that's time gated.

I can't wait to find out what it is..

Yes, I was OK with the first few collections/scavenger hunts, now I read there are timegates within timegates and I'm not happy.

The absolute worst part is not knowing exactly how long it will take or what resources you should be stockpiling in advance for each step. It's driving me crazy...

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Why was my discussion merged into this megathread? It was focusing on THE XP LOSS DUE TO THE TIMEGATE. Not actually concerning the timegate or the Skyscale itself. This entire post is irrelevant to me...what a waste.

Edit: If anything it was about how it would profit not to have the Mastery track locking xp from the get go and unlocking it when you are finished with everything.

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

So what's the alternative... have those same player go off complete the skyscale in a few hours then log off and go play something else until the next content update.If your just logging in to do a collection then ignore the rest of the map content/the game in general... perhaps question why...

If the game has nothing else to offer than an artificial time gate, probably yes. But then it's on the devs to ask "why are people not playing out content? ".This is a great point, but it does nothing to suggest that removing the time gate would improve the situation . . .

Removing the time gate increases the breadth of appeal of the content. People who want to slowly advance the progression over the course of days or weeks could do so while those desiring to do the same amount of work over a shorter period, and who have the free time, could do so.

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