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What about PoF maps and their enemies?

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So I'm a pretty new player and I got my guardian to 80 a few days ago. (Used a boost from 70-80, so I have some nice beginner gear.)Started to get the mounts. Now I have the Raptor, Skimmer, Springer and the Jackal all at Mastery 3. After that I finished the PoF storyline, it was pretty cool.So my next goal was to finish these maps 100% but the amount of enemies (veterans and elites) is just terrible. I go to one single POI to explore and there are always 2-3 Veteran mobs around. It's okay I can kill them but then I go forward and some other mobs start to shoot me from the distance, I go there and pull more in the process. You cannot stop for one second to check your map anywhere. Are these maps supposed to get done in a party of 2 players?I've found an "open world" build, this is what I'm using currently. Maybe this is the problem? Is this old or outdated build?VdU5gTE.png

I'm using the Exotic gear from the boost with a Greatsword and I don't really switch my weapon because I don't like the idea.From the boost I got an Exotic Scepter and Shield.Would be nice to get some tips or advices on what I'm doing wrong.


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Your build wouldn’t matter in regards to mob placement and aggro range. This is just the nature of those maps.

That said, I did map completion on all of the classes for the PoF maps very recently and didn’t have any issue. For PoI’s, you just need to be within the vicinity to get them so vets shouldn’t be an issue.

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@Tyrick.9805 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Your build wouldn’t matter in regards to mob placement and aggro range. This is just the nature of those maps.

By that I mean maybe the build is not good for open world or maybe there are some better passives to use especially for those short fights with usually high AOE.

The trait setup won’t necessarily matter as much as gear in the open world. Are you using at least exotic quality gear?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Your build wouldn’t matter in regards to mob placement and aggro range. This is just the nature of those maps.

By that I mean maybe the build is not good for open world or maybe there are some better passives to use especially for those short fights with usually high AOE.

The trait setup won’t necessarily matter as much as gear in the open world. Are you using at least exotic quality gear?

Yes, I'm using this set I got from Boost: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tempered_Scale_armor#Set_pieces

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Boost set is awful because you deal 0 damage. Play through the personal story and look out for gear with "Berserker" stats (Power, Precision, Ferocity) and slowly switch your gear piece by piece over to that. Get a feel for your class and weapons, try different builds and see what sticks. PoF and HoT too in some regard reward you for killing enemies quickly. You WILL lose longer fights if you're not good at the game.

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Well, one thing you could try is replacing Stand your Ground with Smite Conditions. The most annoying thing about PoF mobs are the condi bombs they hit you with, so that acts both as a condi cleanse and an AoE damage ability.

Since you're running DH, you might as well equip a Longbow for when you want to keep at range in open world. Its not an ideal weapon thanks to repeated nerfs, but it is a long range attack that you can use to poke/whittle your enemy away until they or you get into melee range.

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@Tyrick.9805 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Your build wouldn’t matter in regards to mob placement and aggro range. This is just the nature of those maps.

By that I mean maybe the build is not good for open world or maybe there are some better passives to use especially for those short fights with usually high AOE.

The trait setup won’t necessarily matter as much as gear in the open world. Are you using at least exotic quality gear?

Yes, I'm using this set I got from Boost:

I think that armor is soldiers which is more defensive in nature so you’ll take longer to kill things. From my experience I found it easier to kill things faster than trying to out-sustain them. It’s really what you’re more comfortable with.

Enemies may also have some mechanics. An example being that you’d want to break the defiance bars on the djinn so that you can quickly kill them.

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@Tyrick.9805 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:Your build wouldn’t matter in regards to mob placement and aggro range. This is just the nature of those maps.

By that I mean maybe the build is not good for open world or maybe there are some better passives to use especially for those short fights with usually high AOE.

There are elite specialization you could unlock to make life bit easier.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/SpecializationOther then that PoF is harder the Core game, yes mobs have longer aggro range and in general can be annoying, you blink and you might get downed

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@Blocki.4931 up there is absolutely correct. That Soldier's armor is really hindering you at this point. If you are going to stay on Dragon Hunter definitely consider swapping out your gear. Berseker's gear on the TP is pretty cheap, I would start kitting out with that. Dragon Hunter does ridiculous damage open world. Those two or three veterans become less of a concern when you are wiping them out before you draw more aggro.If you have season 3 definitely consider farming up some winterberries/stumps/blood rubies ect. for some ascended trinkets.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Your build wouldn’t matter in regards to mob placement and aggro range. This is just the nature of those maps.

By that I mean maybe the build is not good for open world or maybe there are some better passives to use especially for those short fights with usually high AOE.

The trait setup won’t necessarily matter as much as gear in the open world. Are you using at least exotic quality gear?

Yes, I'm using this set I got from Boost:

I think that armor is soldiers which is more defensive in nature so you’ll take longer to kill things. From my experience I found it easier to kill things faster than trying to out-sustain them. It’s really what you’re more comfortable with.

Enemies may also have some mechanics. An example being that you’d want to break the defiance bars on the djinn so that you can quickly kill them.

On the flip side PoF mobs' buggy invuln can really mess up that plan.

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@Tyrick.9805 said:[...] You cannot stop for one second to check your map anywhere. Are these maps supposed to get done in a party of 2 players?That's unfortunately by design. You could kill mobs faster with more damage, but they will respawn quite fast in any case. They are not maps where you can rest, open your inventory to sell stuff, or open the map to check your direction. When you know the map, for your second/third map completion, is not a problem: you know where to go and you know the spots where you can take a small respite. But if you are exploring with your first character, it's very annoying indeed.If you need to look at your map to plan your next POI, it might be a good idea to climb some hill with the springer.

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