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Training Mode in Raids?

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Training raid mode , where you can kill the boss multiple times, can resurrect the players mid fight, and not get one shotted from every mechanic. Of course this is for training purpose only so rewards is out of the question. That would be perfect for every beginner stepping for the first time in the raids, having a chance to experience what is a raid, teaming up with 10 players, trying the mechanics, their dps, rotations, etc. Also will be great for testing new players before adding them to a static group.This would be cool to be accessible even after the boss kill on empty wing.

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I can tell you already that this thread will be moved to the Raid/Fractal subforum. Idk why you havent posted it there tbh xDNow to your topic:Many experienced Raiders already help out in "normal" Mode and it mostly works out fine. Especially the first 4 Wings aren´t really hard.As for now - I dont really see any need for this mode.Just take VG as an example ... just run green for beginners and your fine ... nothing can oneshot you there. You still will learn, you dont need meta builds you have "endless" time for the kill.

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Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

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@"Digit.1823" said:Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

No one will do it if there are no specific rewards, at least not enough people to warrant the developing effort. Fractal t1, t2 and t3 are populated because they have the potential to give same drops as t4 and CMs, but even then, guess which tier gets the most LFG posts? People will always try to maximize their profit and play the content at what level gives the most drops, even if they supposedly aren't ready for it (again, fractals are a great example of this - t4 can be a pain to pug). This is just how people work, and Anet is better off working on "normal mode" itself. But then again, this topic has been done in this forum, over and over and over again.

MINOR EDIT: there are a dozen unique skins, auras and a couple currencies only available to fractal CMs, but do not let this detract you from the point, that is, a player can still get all the major drops from fractals such as golden weapons by playing up to t3, it's just a massive effort that even justifies an inexperienced player going straight to t4's so that said player can have an easier time with rewards and a harder time with the encounters.

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@maxwelgm.4315 said:

@"Digit.1823" said:Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

No one will do it if there are no
rewards, at least not enough people to warrant the developing effort. Fractal t1, t2 and t3 are populated because they have the potential to give same drops as t4 and CMs, but even then, guess which tier gets the most LFG posts? People will always try to maximize their profit and play the content at what level gives the most drops, even if they supposedly aren't ready for it (again, fractals are a great example of this - t4 can be a pain to pug). This is just how people work, and Anet is better off working on "normal mode" itself. But then again, this topic has been done in this forum, over and over and over again.

MINOR EDIT: there are a dozen unique skins, auras and a couple currencies only available to fractal CMs, but do not let this detract you from the point, that is, a player can still get all the
drops from fractals such as golden weapons by playing up to t3, it's just a massive effort that even justifies an inexperienced player going straight to t4's so that said player can have an easier time with rewards and a harder time with the encounters.

t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

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@phs.6089 said:

@"Digit.1823" said:Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

No one will do it if there are no
rewards, at least not enough people to warrant the developing effort. Fractal t1, t2 and t3 are populated because they have the potential to give same drops as t4 and CMs, but even then, guess which tier gets the most LFG posts? People will always try to maximize their profit and play the content at what level gives the most drops, even if they supposedly aren't ready for it (again, fractals are a great example of this - t4 can be a pain to pug). This is just how people work, and Anet is better off working on "normal mode" itself. But then again, this topic has been done in this forum, over and over and over again.

MINOR EDIT: there are a dozen unique skins, auras and a couple currencies only available to fractal CMs, but do not let this detract you from the point, that is, a player can still get all the
drops from fractals such as golden weapons by playing up to t3, it's just a massive effort that even justifies an inexperienced player going straight to t4's so that said player can have an easier time with rewards and a harder time with the encounters.

t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

T1 through 4 teach you like 10% of what you actually need to know in fractal CMs. It's why you dont see any "CMs and T4s must have completed so and nightmare at scale 99 and 100" groups. The tiering system as currently implemented does very little to prepare people because it's missing so many of the foundational lessons you need to be successful in raids and cms.

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@"Digit.1823" said:Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

So... remove the skill requirement and leave the gold rewards and just "throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while".I'm sorry just what else do you think drops in raids?

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@maxwelgm.4315 said:No one will do it if there are no specific rewards, at least not enough people to warrant the developing effort. Fractal t1, t2 and t3 are populated because they have the potential to give same drops as t4 and CMs, but even then, guess which tier gets the most LFG posts?

As discussed on other threads, this supposed training/easy mode will be of the same difficulty as T1 fractals, not T2 or T3. T1 fractals doesn't have access to all the fractal rewards. No golden relics, no infused rings, no accessories, no ascended materials. Although ascended weapons/armor are listed as T1 rewards, according to the drop research on the wiki, none dropped after 800 listed chests, meaning their drop chance is very very low.

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@phs.6089 said:

@"Digit.1823" said:Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

No one will do it if there are no
rewards, at least not enough people to warrant the developing effort. Fractal t1, t2 and t3 are populated because they have the potential to give same drops as t4 and CMs, but even then, guess which tier gets the most LFG posts? People will always try to maximize their profit and play the content at what level gives the most drops, even if they supposedly aren't ready for it (again, fractals are a great example of this - t4 can be a pain to pug). This is just how people work, and Anet is better off working on "normal mode" itself. But then again, this topic has been done in this forum, over and over and over again.

MINOR EDIT: there are a dozen unique skins, auras and a couple currencies only available to fractal CMs, but do not let this detract you from the point, that is, a player can still get all the
drops from fractals such as golden weapons by playing up to t3, it's just a massive effort that even justifies an inexperienced player going straight to t4's so that said player can have an easier time with rewards and a harder time with the encounters.

t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

you ignore the fact that fractals are daylie content while raids are weekly. OR regarding CM´s, a once and done thing. Imagine that 2 factors for fractals and the lfg population. Would likely look like raids. Monday its bursting and each day you will see less and less.i also doubt raid LFG ONLY has raid seller ads.

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@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

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@phs.6089 said:

@"Digit.1823" said:Sure there will be rewards!

Just no LI/LD/Raid specific achievements/Wing specific skins. You want those, go do raids as they are currently intended (or "normal" mode raids).

For the rest you can have it all for all i care, get the gold, the drops. Heck throw a few regular ascended drops in there every once in a while. Should be fine.

No one will do it if there are no
rewards, at least not enough people to warrant the developing effort. Fractal t1, t2 and t3 are populated because they have the potential to give same drops as t4 and CMs, but even then, guess which tier gets the most LFG posts? People will always try to maximize their profit and play the content at what level gives the most drops, even if they supposedly aren't ready for it (again, fractals are a great example of this - t4 can be a pain to pug). This is just how people work, and Anet is better off working on "normal mode" itself. But then again, this topic has been done in this forum, over and over and over again.

MINOR EDIT: there are a dozen unique skins, auras and a couple currencies only available to fractal CMs, but do not let this detract you from the point, that is, a player can still get all the
drops from fractals such as golden weapons by playing up to t3, it's just a massive effort that even justifies an inexperienced player going straight to t4's so that said player can have an easier time with rewards and a harder time with the encounters.

t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

The quality of PUGs really diminished since Wing 5 hit and many people just run with statics or friends now. If we don't have enough guild members online for a raid evening we always check all friendlists from everyone in the squad before we even consider using the LFG.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.Whoever wants a t1 difficulty training raid, just kidding themselves

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@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.

T2 is a leap over T1, remember that in T1 a lot of the important mechanics are absent, for example in Uncategorized Harpies do not knock you over the platforms, while in Old Tom's room you don't have to use the crystals and the air vent. Which is another reason why T1 isn't very useful training. T1 teaches you to stand still, press 1 and win. T2 requires a little bit more thought, actual fights, I guess it's too much for those new players that struggle there. Higher tiers also add instabilities that make things even more complicated and let's not forget agony ticking.

Although if a player struggles in T2 it's most probably because their build choice is absolutely terrible. T3 is a different animal, the problem there is that lots of players running T3s think they are masters of the game. Ironically T4 is more forgiving and new user friendly than T3, I'd even suggest new players to skip T3 entirely, unless they join a nice static guild team to go through all tiers.

@phs.6089 said:Whoever wants a t1 difficulty training raid, just kidding themselves

There are loads upon loads of "training/easy mode" proponents that ask for exactly that in this thread:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18677/do-raids-need-easy-normal-hard-difficulty-mode-merged/p1

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.

T2 is a leap over T1, remember that in T1 a lot of the important mechanics are absent, for example in Uncategorized Harpies do not knock you over the platforms, while in Old Tom's room you don't have to use the crystals and the air vent. Which is another reason why T1 isn't very useful training. T1 teaches you to stand still, press 1 and win. T2 requires a little bit more thought, actual fights, I guess it's too much for those new players that struggle there. Higher tiers also add instabilities that make things even more complicated and let's not forget agony ticking.

Although if a player struggles in T2 it's most probably because their build choice is absolutely terrible. T3 is a different animal, the problem there is that lots of players running T3s think they are masters of the game. Ironically T4 is more forgiving and new user friendly than T3, I'd even suggest new players to skip T3 entirely, unless they join a nice static guild team to go through all tiers.

T4s are more forgiving BECAUSE players LEARNED mech, rotation, instance in t2/t3s .If they didn't learn they struggle and get kicked.

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@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.

T2 is a leap over T1, remember that in T1 a lot of the important mechanics are absent, for example in Uncategorized Harpies do not knock you over the platforms, while in Old Tom's room you don't have to use the crystals and the air vent. Which is another reason why T1 isn't very useful training. T1 teaches you to stand still, press 1 and win. T2 requires a little bit more thought, actual fights, I guess it's too much for those new players that struggle there. Higher tiers also add instabilities that make things even more complicated and let's not forget agony ticking.

Although if a player struggles in T2 it's most probably because their build choice is absolutely terrible. T3 is a different animal, the problem there is that lots of players running T3s think they are masters of the game. Ironically T4 is more forgiving and new user friendly than T3, I'd even suggest new players to skip T3 entirely, unless they join a nice static guild team to go through all tiers.

T4s are more forgiving BECAUSE players LEARNED mech, rotation, instance in t2/t3s .If they didn't learn they struggle and get kicked.

T4s are more forgiving because players already know their rotations and builds when they go there. Something they learned from playing this game anywhere and not necessarily in lower tier Fractals. Granted T2s have a value because the fight mechanics are intact (unlike T1), but those mechanics aren't really hard to understand anyway, you need one run to figure out the harpies knock you over. While other mechanics can be avoided entirely by new players, as the more experienced ones will deal with them. Or you can always read a guide about how to deal with them, or you'll find many T4 groups explaining things, especially if the new players says they are a new player.

Is there value for a "T2 equivalent Raid mode" as training? Maybe, but not enough to warrant a new "mode" for it, especially since there are training Raids available that teach you way more than a "training mode" ever would. T2s aren't run to teach players the higher tiers, there is the fractal daily, fractal recommended, precursor achievements, ad infinitum achievements that you can run on T2, without these options, I doubt T2 would be run at all.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.

T2 is a leap over T1, remember that in T1 a lot of the important mechanics are absent, for example in Uncategorized Harpies do not knock you over the platforms, while in Old Tom's room you don't have to use the crystals and the air vent. Which is another reason why T1 isn't very useful training. T1 teaches you to stand still, press 1 and win. T2 requires a little bit more thought, actual fights, I guess it's too much for those new players that struggle there. Higher tiers also add instabilities that make things even more complicated and let's not forget agony ticking.

Although if a player struggles in T2 it's most probably because their build choice is absolutely terrible. T3 is a different animal, the problem there is that lots of players running T3s think they are masters of the game. Ironically T4 is more forgiving and new user friendly than T3, I'd even suggest new players to skip T3 entirely, unless they join a nice static guild team to go through all tiers.

T4s are more forgiving BECAUSE players LEARNED mech, rotation, instance in t2/t3s .If they didn't learn they struggle and get kicked.

T4s are more forgiving because players already know their rotations and builds when they go there. Something they learned from playing this game anywhere and not necessarily in lower tier Fractals. Granted T2s have a value because the fight mechanics are intact (unlike T1), but those mechanics aren't really hard to understand anyway, you need one run to figure out the harpies knock you over. While other mechanics can be avoided entirely by new players, as the more experienced ones will deal with them. Or you can always read a guide about how to deal with them, or you'll find many T4 groups explaining things, especially if the new players says they are a new player.

Is there value for a "T2 equivalent Raid mode" as training? Maybe, but not enough to warrant a new "mode" for it, especially since there are training Raids available that teach you way more than a "training mode" ever would. T2s aren't run to teach players the higher tiers, there is the fractal daily, fractal recommended, precursor achievements, ad infinitum achievements that you can run on T2, without these options, I doubt T2 would be run at all.

There isn't anywhere in this game that makes you think and learn you pve build and rotation, besides fractals, none whatsoever, you know that.Its whatever, I'm wasting my time here, while I can go play a game that respects my time. Where I can go learn instaces on easy mod on my own time, not relay on some training groups that would be organized by someone at their prefer time. 2 mounts of subs to that wonderful game cost like a skyscale skin, guess which I chose to pay for.

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@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.

T2 is a leap over T1, remember that in T1 a lot of the important mechanics are absent, for example in Uncategorized Harpies do not knock you over the platforms, while in Old Tom's room you don't have to use the crystals and the air vent. Which is another reason why T1 isn't very useful training. T1 teaches you to stand still, press 1 and win. T2 requires a little bit more thought, actual fights, I guess it's too much for those new players that struggle there. Higher tiers also add instabilities that make things even more complicated and let's not forget agony ticking.

Although if a player struggles in T2 it's most probably because their build choice is absolutely terrible. T3 is a different animal, the problem there is that lots of players running T3s think they are masters of the game. Ironically T4 is more forgiving and new user friendly than T3, I'd even suggest new players to skip T3 entirely, unless they join a nice static guild team to go through all tiers.

T4s are more forgiving BECAUSE players LEARNED mech, rotation, instance in t2/t3s .If they didn't learn they struggle and get kicked.

T4s are more forgiving because players already know their rotations and builds when they go there. Something they learned from playing this game anywhere and not necessarily in lower tier Fractals. Granted T2s have a value because the fight mechanics are intact (unlike T1), but those mechanics aren't really hard to understand anyway, you need one run to figure out the harpies knock you over. While other mechanics can be avoided entirely by new players, as the more experienced ones will deal with them. Or you can always read a guide about how to deal with them, or you'll find many T4 groups explaining things, especially if the new players says they are a new player.

Is there value for a "T2 equivalent Raid mode" as training? Maybe, but not enough to warrant a new "mode" for it, especially since there are training Raids available that teach you way more than a "training mode" ever would. T2s aren't run to teach players the higher tiers, there is the fractal daily, fractal recommended, precursor achievements, ad infinitum achievements that you can run on T2, without these options, I doubt T2 would be run at all.

There isn't anywhere in this game that makes you think and learn you pve build and rotation, besides fractals, none whatsoever, you know that.Its whatever, I'm wasting my time here, while I can go play a game that respects my time. Where I can go learn instaces on easy mod on my own time, not relay on some training groups that would be organized by someone at their prefer time. 2 mounts of subs to that wonderful game cost like a skyscale skin, guess which I chose to pay for.

Can I have your stuff?Why dont you oraganize your own training groups at your preferd time tho?

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@Linken.6345 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:

@phs.6089 said:t4s have more populated LFG, cus people learned fractals trough tiers and now doing t4s+CMs. Unlike raid's LFG that only has raid seller ads.

As if running T1 fractals teaches you anything of value for T4... Most T1 fractals can be beaten solo or with a friend without much difficulty.Maybe there aren't enough LFG entries for Raids because players figured out the best way to run Raids is with static groups.

Tell that to new players that struggle in t2, t3.

T2 is a leap over T1, remember that in T1 a lot of the important mechanics are absent, for example in Uncategorized Harpies do not knock you over the platforms, while in Old Tom's room you don't have to use the crystals and the air vent. Which is another reason why T1 isn't very useful training. T1 teaches you to stand still, press 1 and win. T2 requires a little bit more thought, actual fights, I guess it's too much for those new players that struggle there. Higher tiers also add instabilities that make things even more complicated and let's not forget agony ticking.

Although if a player struggles in T2 it's most probably because their build choice is absolutely terrible. T3 is a different animal, the problem there is that lots of players running T3s think they are masters of the game. Ironically T4 is more forgiving and new user friendly than T3, I'd even suggest new players to skip T3 entirely, unless they join a nice static guild team to go through all tiers.

T4s are more forgiving BECAUSE players LEARNED mech, rotation, instance in t2/t3s .If they didn't learn they struggle and get kicked.

T4s are more forgiving because players already know their rotations and builds when they go there. Something they learned from playing this game anywhere and not necessarily in lower tier Fractals. Granted T2s have a value because the fight mechanics are intact (unlike T1), but those mechanics aren't really hard to understand anyway, you need one run to figure out the harpies knock you over. While other mechanics can be avoided entirely by new players, as the more experienced ones will deal with them. Or you can always read a guide about how to deal with them, or you'll find many T4 groups explaining things, especially if the new players says they are a new player.

Is there value for a "T2 equivalent Raid mode" as training? Maybe, but not enough to warrant a new "mode" for it, especially since there are training Raids available that teach you way more than a "training mode" ever would. T2s aren't run to teach players the higher tiers, there is the fractal daily, fractal recommended, precursor achievements, ad infinitum achievements that you can run on T2, without these options, I doubt T2 would be run at all.

There isn't anywhere in this game that makes you think and learn you pve build and rotation, besides fractals, none whatsoever, you know that.Its whatever, I'm wasting my time here, while I can go play a game that respects my time. Where I can go learn instaces on easy mod on my own time, not relay on some training groups that would be organized by someone at their prefer time. 2 mounts of subs to that wonderful game cost like a skyscale skin, guess which I chose to pay for.

Can I have your stuff?Why dont you oraganize your own training groups at your preferd time tho?

WTH, no! you can't have my shines. I'll still come back for Living World.You know I did. I get people that hope to be carried or I got people that need to rush trough, so I got carried. I couldn't find that golden mid like in other game where people have mastered easy mode and feel advanced to go for hard. It absolutely absent in GW2. reason? No easy mod for raids. Something all of the game have. Even the cheapest P2W Chinese mobile game.

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There is an easy mode for raids already. Its called 100% boon uptime. Easily achieved with the proper support comp. Herald over druid, renegade for alacrity, 1 chrono, 1 firebrand/chrono and you wont even need a good healscourge to carry you through 90% of all raidboss encounters.

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@phs.6089 said:There isn't anywhere in this game that makes you think and learn you pve build and rotation, besides fractals, none whatsoever, you know that.

T3/T4/CM fractals maybe. You will learn more about pve builds and rotations fighting Balthazar than T1 fractals. All low tier Fractals will teach you is that mobs and bosses in this game are damage sponges and you might fall asleep fighting them. If you manage to stay awake fighting them, they are of a lower difficulty than the story.

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