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June 11th patch may be causing critical system crashes in some computers

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Since the introduction of the new event and skyscale skin on June 11th, my PC has been experiencing multiple large crashes. These crashes often appear about 5-30 minutes into gameplay or during a highly populated instance (Ie: Megadestroyer during the Destabilized Magic Event.)

  • My PC will either immediately shut down, or it will show a BSOD before shutting down.

  • After this, I will attempt to turn my computer back on - but it will instead go into an 'endless boot loop' where it endlessly tries to turn itself on, but fails.

  • My event viewer and BSOD will show errors such as:"System Service Exception"" Page fault in nonpage area""Exception not handled"" Kernel Power critical error""IRQL not less or equal""0xc00021a"

  • I HAVE gone to a computer technician for this issue. He spent 2 days monitoring my system, hardware, devices and drivers. He said that everything was working just fine - he told me that he even installed and ran the Final Fantasy XV benchmark on high for 2 hours straight and was still able to open and browse other tabs while doing so. He used HeavyLoad on my PC to monitor it's performance during a stress test.He told me he was actually 'stumped' because my computer is quite powerful and ran very smoothly.The ONLY thing he didn't test, because he didn't have my password, was Guild Wars 2.I went in, uninstalled all the Guild Wars 2 files, and then did a reinstall.I got in for about half a day... and then the crashes came back, in full force.

  • I have gone through and checked EVERY item in my system devices and device manager and updated all my drivers. There were only 2 that I needed to update.

  • I have scanned for malware, virus, cleaned my disk and files, defragmented my files. I even updated to that new Windows 10 update that rolled out a few days ago.

  • I am able to browse the internet, watch videos, and use my other programs without any issues. We were able to run the FFXV benchmark on High for 2 hours straight while simultaneously browsing multiple tabs ( and it could have gone on longer, but the technician didn't see any point since nothing bad was happening.) My crashes are strictly limited to when I play Guild Wars 2.

    I have NOT had ANY issues with system crashes like this until JUNE 11th and ongoing.

    So what I am saying is: Anet, could you please check the files and code for the June 11th patch? Because I am 100% certain that there is a corrupted file in there that is causing critical system errors for some people.

    I really, really love Guild Wars 2. It's my favourite MMORPG and I don't want to have to leave it. But there isn't anything else I can do if these crashes keep happening. I can't play the game as it is currently. Whatever's happening needs to be fixed.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Are you using any add-ons?

Have you repaired the game file?

I am not using add-ons.I haven't checked the files, no. But I did completely uninstall (twice) and then reinstall the game (twice.) From the official client.

I thought it would be important to be a squeaky wheel about it, because it seems that other people may also be experiencing this issue (another post from June 12th I read.)

edit: I am just a layman. I have been learning a lot this past week. I don't know how to scan/ repair bad files in a program like GW2. If you know how, could you explain to me? I'd like to check right away if I can.

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@Dragon Priestess.9760 said:So what I am saying is: Anet, could you please check the files and code for the June 11th patch? Because I am 100% certain that there is a corrupted file in there that is causing critical system errors for some people.Shouldn't there be much more thread about this, if this would be a more common error?

You can repair your gw2.dat with running gw2.exe /repair or gw2-64.exe /repair (depending on 32bit or 64bit)

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@Nokomis.5076 said:

@Dragon Priestess.9760 said:So what I am saying is:
Anet, could you please check the files and code for the June 11th patch? Because I am 100% certain that there is a corrupted file in there that is causing critical system errors for some people.
Shouldn't there be much more thread about this, if this would be a more common error?

You can repair your gw2.dat with running gw2.exe /repair or gw2-64.exe /repair (depending on 32bit or 64bit)

There is another forum about an issue like this from the 12th. I'm hoping it's the same issue. However, whatever it is - it's not my PC, it's not on my end, so it needs to be addressed.

And, how do I run those commands? Where do I put them?

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  1. Is that Final Fantasy XV benchmark a GPU benchmark? GW2 is CPU heavy and might overheat your processor. (?)
  2. Do you have all necessary DX9.0c files installed?
  3. You need to write down the error code of the BSODs that occur.
  4. Did the tech person test your RAM for errors?
  5. Also very important: have you added the GW2 installation folder to the list of exceptions for your antivirus' behavior shield?

@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:And, how do I run those commands? Where do I put them?

Just create another shortcut for the game and add -repair to the command line under "Properties". For example:"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -repair

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

  1. Is that Final Fantasy XV benchmark a GPU benchmark? GW2 is CPU heavy and might overheat your processor. (?)
  2. Do you have all necessary DX9.0c files installed?
  3. You need to write down the error code of the BSODs that occur.
  4. Did the tech person test your RAM for errors?
  5. Also very important: have you added the GW2 installation folder to the list of exceptions for your antivirus' behavior shield?

@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:And, how do I run those commands? Where do I put them?

Just create another shortcut for the game and add
to the command line under "Properties". For example:"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -repair

  1. I'd imagine so. The benchmark on high would also be using some pretty heavy stuff like Nividia Hairworks/ Flow/ Turf Effects etc....(http://benchmark.finalfantasyxv.com/na/)He was also using HeavyLoad so he also tested the CPU/ GPU to it's limits. I have 5 fans as well. Overheating is unlikely. I have already been playing GW2 on High Settings since Halloween. Why would that be an issue only now?

  2. I believe so, otherwise im pretty sure that benchmark wouldn't have gone so well. I also regularly update my drivers.

  3. All my hardware was tested. I am pretty sure he even reseated everything.

  4. Sorry. I'm really new to dealing with crashes. I had 10 secs before the window would close so I just scribbled down what I thought was important so I could look it up later.

  5. Just did now. Don't know if it'll help but let's see.

So I tried to create a new shortcut and add the command. I got an error saying it was an invalid location?

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@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

  1. I'd imagine so. The benchmark on high would also be using some pretty heavy stuff like Nividia Hairworks/ Flow/ Turf Effects etc....(http://benchmark.finalfantasyxv.com/na/)He was also using HeavyLoad so he also tested the CPU/ GPU to it's limits. I have 5 fans as well. Overheating is unlikely. I have already been playing GW2 on High Settings since Halloween. Why would that be an issue only now?

The thermal paste was last reapplied when? Also, fans alone don't help if they and/or the hardware are covered with dust, for instance. There are several things that can lead to overheating.

  1. I believe so, otherwise im pretty sure that benchmark wouldn't have gone so well. I also regularly update my drivers.

DirectX 9.0c is not (or was not?) a regular part of Windows 10. You have/had to install it manually.

  1. Sorry. I'm really new to dealing with crashes. I had 10 secs before the window would close so I just scribbled down what I thought was important so I could look it up later.

You can change the setting so that the BSOD stays until you manually restart the computer:https://lifehacker.com/keep-windows-blue-screen-of-death-from-automatically-r-509456466

  1. Just did now. Don't know if it'll help but let's see.

Keep us posted.

So I tried to create a new shortcut and add the command. I got an error saying it was an invalid location?

That was an example as I don't know where you have GW2 installed. :s You just add -repair to the target line as shown in the example. You do know how to create shortcuts?

Edit: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client

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You can find the instructions in the Knowledge Base, accessed via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Search - Repair'.Also, in the Wiki under 'Command Line Arguments'.

When I got those kinds of errors on my old computer, it took awhile, but eventually turned out to be my Hard Drive. Had to replace it, as it (after a year) totally failed.

Good luck.

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Did you leave a space? No quotation marks around -repair.
Also, it may stall (once you get it working) and say 'Not Responding' often, but you should be able to just let it continue.

Many have problems with GW2 in Program Files. It would be best to move it to another location, perhaps the Desktop or a 'Games' folder or something.

Good luck.

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@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:This is bothering me.

I am doing exactly as told: I put "-repair" at the end of the target line of the shortcut I labeled "guild wars 2 repair" But it still said that it's invalid and it won't go through.

The files are in Program Files. I don't see why it's not working.

Again, look at my example (click image below to enlarge):


In your case, the path would be:"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -repair

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Your first stop in your troubleshooting should have been your stop error code from the bsod. In this case 0xc00021a. Google this stop error code, you'll probably land a few hits on randoms websites, youtube vids, microsoft forums. See if if any of those have issues similar to yours. You should treat your issue as a bsod or os related issue and not the game and continue from there on. Stop benchmarks. Depending on the situation, malware is a big possiblity but consider os problems first before crossing that line.

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@godofcows.2451 said:Your first stop in your troubleshooting should have been your stop error code from the bsod. In this case 0xc00021a. Google this stop error code, you'll probably land a few hits on randoms websites, youtube vids, microsoft forums. See if if any of those have issues similar to yours. You should treat your issue as a bsod or os related issue and not the game and continue from there on. Stop benchmarks. Depending on the situation, malware is a big possiblity but consider os problems first before crossing that line.

@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

  1. Sorry. I'm really new to dealing with crashes. I had 10 secs before the window would close so I just scribbled down what I thought was important so I could look it up later.

I would say the first step would be to reproduce the error and capturing the full error message. From reading the thread it sounds like reproducing the error will not be an issue. It can also be important to see if the error resulting in the crash is the same each time or different.

Going by the 0x00021a error it is probably a corrupted file/driver though.If the error only occurs when you run GW2 it is most likely a file within the GW2 program (hopefully the repair client will help here when you get it working) or a file outside of gw2 that is currently only utilized by the gw2 program on your computer.

You have mentioned that you uninstalled the gw2 program using the provided uninstaller and then reinstalled the program. Depending on the registry the uninstaller might be unable to remove all game files, ANET has briefly mentioned it here.

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@LaGranse.8652 said:

@godofcows.2451 said:Your first stop in your troubleshooting should have been your stop error code from the bsod. In this case 0xc00021a. Google this stop error code, you'll probably land a few hits on randoms websites, youtube vids, microsoft forums. See if if any of those have issues similar to yours. You should treat your issue as a bsod or os related issue and not the game and continue from there on. Stop benchmarks. Depending on the situation, malware is a big possiblity but consider os problems first before crossing that line.

@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:
  1. Sorry. I'm really new to dealing with crashes. I had 10 secs before the window would close so I just scribbled down what I thought was important so I could look it up later.

I would say the first step would be to reproduce the error and capturing the full error message. From reading the thread it sounds like reproducing the error will not be an issue. It can also be important to see if the error resulting in the crash is the same each time or different.

Going by the 0x00021a error it is probably a corrupted file/driver though.If the error only occurs when you run GW2 it is most likely a file within the GW2 program (hopefully the repair client will help here when you get it working) or a file outside of gw2 that is currently only utilized by the gw2 program on your computer.

Most likely a corruption that an sfc can try and fix. Maybe. You are right though that yes, i guess it is better to follow a standard procedure of some sorts and capture the error a couple more times to observe.Considering 0xc00021a popping up and "endless bootloop" as a description, i'd say a corruption. 0xc00021a is common though, you'll find guides on google on how to try and fix it. The issue ofc is if they will work afterwards and if you can do the process. It's really simple to some of us but some people just really can't. Good luck though.

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Gaming benchmarks always forget something important: your I/O. They can stress test your CPU, GPU, and RAM for hours, but couldn't simulate heavy workloads like GW2 puts on your PC (especially during map loads, popular events, and in the big cities). The crashes and the bootloops usually clearly point your overheated motherboard chipset unit (or a faulty I/O component). It is not driver/OS problem, your chipset controller overheats because of the high I/O load and borks up until cools down to its normal temperature. You can check it by simply touch its heatsink (you can find it somewhere in the lower right quarter on the motherboard, under the RAM slots, near the SATA cable ports) but be cautious: when overheats it can easily reach 80-90+ Celsius degree that may burn your skin! Repeated overheating may cause unrepairable harm to the controller chip too.

Ask your techie friend to help in these:

  • Install a sensor meter software for your motherboard and monitor your chipset temps if it goes to red before your PC crashes.
  • Check the SATA cable and replace it. I had a similar problem with a faulty cable that worked all day, every day without a hitch until one day it crashed my PC during a heavy workload (copying files between drives). I also had bootloops too. Replaced the cable and since that everything works as before.
  • Try to move your games onto a different drive (SSD preferred). Never install I/O intensive stuffs onto your Windows disk (not the same partition, not the same disk), they add up on your single SATA port when playing and may get clog your PC (and overheat chipset).
  • Clean up your PC. Use PC cleaning air duster spray on heatsinks.
  • Try to install a small fan onto your chipset controller heatsink. Not every motherboard allows it and usually the size of your video card will be in the way. If your PC case allows it (as most cases have), install a big fan onto the upper frame that blows air downward thru the RAMs and cools the chipset controller too.
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Guys and gals, I think you might be overwhelming the OP with all the tech info. I get the impression she isn't tech-savvy at all, so take it slowly.

@Dragon Priestess.9760, first do what I wrote about changing the Windows settings so you can properly read the BSOD error text and write down the code. Then post the code here, perhaps we can help you with it. Then we will take it from there. ;)

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Maybe also lets go back to some basic info ..Motherboard make, modelCPU make and modelGPU specRam make, model, specWhat case you using and how many fans + fan configurationPower supply make model and size (watts)Do you run your GW2 off your windows drive.. if so have you run a chkdsk for drive errors and run a Windows repair.. maybe there is a system file causing issues. If you have GW2 on a separate drive also run a chkdsk and check for errors

It isn't beyond the realm of feasibility that there is something within GW2 that is causing your issues, but always good to do some checks and diagnostics of your PC first as others have said heat can be a real issue when running your pc under heavy load like with GW2... not just CPU or GPU but things like your Vcore temps can very well cause BSOD's.. I would not advise touching your motherboard with your fingers though no matter what temps.. just keep fingers away from your motherboard :)

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:Maybe also lets go back to some basic info ..Motherboard make, modelCPU make and modelGPU specRam make, model, spec

@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like Speccy. :) It will also display temperatures, although CPU-Z might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use CPUID HW Monitor Pro. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:Maybe also lets go back to some basic info ..Motherboard make, modelCPU make and modelGPU specRam make, model, spec

@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like
. :) It will also display temperatures, although
might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use
. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

Errm.. I don't need that advice.. my post was to the OP to give us the info so we can maybe check for any potential hardware issues.. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:Maybe also lets go back to some basic info ..Motherboard make, modelCPU make and modelGPU specRam make, model, spec

@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like
. :) It will also display temperatures, although
might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use
. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

TBH most motherboard come with specific software as does GPU's.. if the OP has maybe a corsair or similar cooler that too will have all that info.Personal I use ASUS AISuite for all my important info and setting up cooling solutions... but each system could be vastly different and not all software is compatable.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:Maybe also lets go back to some basic info ..Motherboard make, modelCPU make and modelGPU specRam make, model, spec

@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like
. :) It will also display temperatures, although
might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use
. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

Errm.. I don't need that advice.. my post was to the OP to give us the info so we can maybe check for any potential hardware issues..

Errm... I didn't give you advice, hence the "(at)Dragon Priestess" tag. I was talking to her, not you. ;)

@Ashantara.8731 said:@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like Speccy. :) It will also display temperatures, although CPU-Z might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use SpeedFan. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

Correction: Use CPUID HW Monitor Pro, it gives you more accurate temperature readings. Of course, if you have software installed that came with your hardware, I recommend using that rather than 3rd party programs.

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@"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:" Page fault in nonpage area""IRQL not less or equal"After this, I will attempt to turn my computer back on - but it will instead go into an 'endless boot loop' where it endlessly tries to turn itself on, but fails.

These 3 errors indicate a possible ram issue. If you have 2 sticks of ram, remove 1 and play the game see what happens, if you still encounter crashes and BSOD's, remove the ram and try the other stick (the one you previously removed). This test won't cost you anything except for a few minutes to remove it physically.

Sometimes even if a software test such as Memtest doesn't find anything wrong, a component may still be faulty.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:Maybe also lets go back to some basic info ..Motherboard make, modelCPU make and modelGPU specRam make, model, spec

@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like
. :) It will also display temperatures, although
might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use
. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

Errm.. I don't need that advice.. my post was to the OP to give us the info so we can maybe check for any potential hardware issues..

Errm... I didn't give you advice, hence the "(at)Dragon Priestess" tag. I was talking to her, not you. ;)

@Ashantara.8731 said:@"Dragon Priestess.9760", you can check those using freeware tools like
. :) It will also display temperatures, although
might be more accurate with temperatures.

Edit: Sorry, for temperatues, use
. My mistake, I am currently multitasking. ;)

Correction: Use
, it gives you more accurate temperature readings. Of course, if you have software installed that came with your hardware, I recommend using that rather than 3rd party programs.

Yeah I guess I misread how you posted.. looked very much like you were using my post though to put detail to the OP..which made the reply look like it was steered to me.. 1000 apologies :)

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I bet that, even when ArenaNet would roll back the June 11 patch, you still will experience crashes these. Games will not be able to cause BSODs, as they do not have OS permissions to do so. If the game crashes because of a bug, the crash will be limited to the game itself and not the entire computer. (A crash to desktop error)

"System Service Exception"" Page fault in nonpage area""Exception not handled"" Kernel Power critical error""IRQL not less or equal"

These are all pointing to computer hardware problems, driver problems. It can be anything like bad motherboard capacitors, bad memory, unstable PSU, bad PSU capacitors, bad VIDEO memory, failing graphics card solder links.

Games however, stress the computer and may trigger driver bugs which in their turn can cause these BSOD's. You already did a lot of research tho, so I cannot think of much further. If you have an image backup, restore your OS state to that of before the crashes, but this will not fix it if it is a hardware problem.

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