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Legendary Trinkets Effects

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Hi all, I am sorry if I have created a repeated topic. I wasn't so excited to learn about the legendary trinkets stack effect, but there maybe people who likes it. I really like to hear your opinion and find out how many actually like it and why so i made this poll. Also can you please share your suggestions if you have any that you think can make the legendary trinkets better. i will start first i feel that:~ if the aura (eg sphere and blobs) can be dyed to different colour. either single colour change or two colour change or 3 colour change will be great. i like white and blue.. the current aurora + vision is purple/pinkish colour effect, just doesn't really suit my characters.~ if we can select to turn on certain effect 1 or 2, when 3 trinkets is equipped.

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Personally I like the stacking effect of the trinkets. This is obviously personal preferance.

There are two improvements I could think of which I believe would appease multiple people while bring value to the game:

A.) different colors for the first effect (depending in trinket worn).B.) different colors for the second effect (again depending on which 2 trinkets are worn).

Ideally though, I believe a system which unlocks auras per account would be best served (similar to the weapon wardrobe system).

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I'm not a fan of these aura effects around characters, either legendary trinkets or infusions. I don't mind other people using them, they can do what they like, but I can't see myself ever wanting one for my characters. I also don't change stats often so the stat swapping isn't useful enough to justify putting up with the aura. As a result I'm not likely to make any legendary trinkets until there's a way to hide the auras.

Although that would help with the OP's problem as well - if you could hide the trinkets to disable the effects people could make them, experiment with combining the effects and then choose the ones they want to show on each character. Or keep them all on, or all off.

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i'm in a love hate relationship. on one hand i think the effects are cool like the liquidated orbs or the blue triangular orbs but... at the same time i want to see all of them without sacrificing a trinket. so if it was randomized while ure in combat, it would be neat... but i dont think its gonna happen.

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To each his own, really.

I have so much ascended that I have really no justification in getting myself a legendary beyond looks. The trinkets, though they provide a look, are just gaudy effects that are too clashy for my tastes (Fashion Wars wins again).

And even for someone who likes experimenting with flavor-of-the-moment builds and attributes, an afternoon in Bitterfrost gets me what I want anyway, and so that extreme time/ reward difference makes them a lesser choice for me in the end.

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I personally like the stacking effect but it would be nice to have a wardrobe-like system for it, both for using effects on different characters (without having to swap trinkets) and for hiding effects for those who don't like them or prefer one in particular.

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I don’t care for the effects of either the legendary trinkets nor most infusions. I would prefer either a subtle effect from where the trinket is worn or some kind of thematic effect like the legendary weapons have. The “bouncy balls” effect of these trinkets is not for me.

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Imo, each individual legendary should have a different colour while maintaining the base animation but retain the stacking effect the way it is.

Aurora: purple orbs + purple auraVision: Blue orbs + blue auracoalescence: green orbs + green aura (dhuum coloured)LS5 amulet or ring: red orbs + red aura???? amulet or ring: yellow orbs + yellow aura

Wouldn't mind combining different jewelry for different effects/colours, that would be next level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aurora only is great, the balls a little iffy for me but whatever, Aurora plus Vision is just mesmerizing i love pretty little bubbles, the triple stack could have been better with regards to the floating turd looking thing,but you know i know some people don't really care how they look, they just like the hype of having the three of them :/

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