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The king of open world pve


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Reaper I guess.

Second healthbar readily available, lots of damage and the strongest down state in the game, able to outheal the damage of many mobs easily. GS skills are also very strong and easy to use. The concept of how the different combos work are also very intuitive.

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As an older, slower player the two classes that have worked best for me have been the Necro and the Rev. Reaper really is strong for open world pve. Currently I'm playing around with a Scourge to see if I like it as well. My main for solo open world roaming though is a Rev in full soldier's gear running as either a core Rev or a Herald. While it may not pack as much of a punch as a Berserker, its durability and easy combat mechanics make it well suited for my slower abilities.

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If you truly want to solo the challenging stuff (like champs and whatnot): Scourge and Mirage running Tormenting runes. Scourge will just bunker and keep himself topped up while dealing very decent damage. You can corrupt boons and cleanse condis like there's no tomorrow. Mirage has a lot of evasion, stun breaks, and some condi cleanse with Jaunt. For group content...it really doesn't matter. Anything can work.

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I don't think there is a "king" for open world group content, it's more a matter of how well you exploit each profession traits. As for solo open world PvE, it's more a matter of your affinity with each kind of gameplay the professions can offer you. For example, I suck at playing revenant and warrior but it doesn't mean that in other hands they can't be the "king" of openworld PvE. On the other hand, some player suck at playing elementalist but I can pretty much solo any open world thing with it. The answer is really up to each player gameplay affinity and mechanic knowledge.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:I don't think there is a "king" for open world group content, it's more a matter of how well you exploit each profession traits. As for solo open world PvE, it's more a matter of your affinity with each kind of gameplay the professions can offer you. For example, I suck at playing revenant and warrior but it doesn't mean that in other hands they can't be the "king" of openworld PvE. On the other hand, some player suck at playing elementalist but I can pretty much solo any open world thing with it. The answer is really up to each player gameplay affinity and mechanic knowledge.

What build are you using on your elementalist? I am great at soling with Power Reaper, full zerk with very good dps - but i still didn't get a grip of ele.

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@pinguadoido.6581 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:I don't think there is a "king" for open world group content, it's more a matter of how well you exploit each profession traits. As for solo open world PvE, it's more a matter of your affinity with each kind of gameplay the professions can offer you. For example, I suck at playing revenant and warrior but it doesn't mean that in other hands they can't be the "king" of openworld PvE. On the other hand, some player suck at playing elementalist but I can pretty much solo any open world thing with it. The answer is really up to each player gameplay affinity and mechanic knowledge.

What build are you using on your elementalist? I am great at soling with Power Reaper, full zerk with very good dps - but i still didn't get a grip of ele.

Staff tempest. Tempest is easy mode most of the time, you just need to know how to kite and what your opponent will send at you..

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There is way too much variation in difficulty and content anymore to choose just one class anymore.

For the HARDEST solo encounters, I put my bets on Mirage.For easymode, fast trash clearing/roaming/gathering in core areas, it's Warrior.For HoT meta's, FT Engi for the tagging.For HoT OW roaming, Reaper.

Really, you can almost find a build on any class to do what you want, except for the hardest or most extreme content.

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As a new player who has spent their first month playing all of the classes from levels 40-80, almost all at 80 now. Without a doubt and far away, the easiest way to play this game for someone with very low skill is the necromancer and I have run both specs now.

I find it annoying how powerful that class is as the class I tend to stick with is thief/deadeye, but I get trashed by things on thief (champs and big mob packs) that my necro easily cruises through. This is the case even though the majority of my time is spent on thief.

I once filled a heart while AFK on necro. An event occurred where I thought I was safe and my minions did the event for me lol.

Please re-do the "Initiative" system, its not fun to use 2 skills and have to wait around while running around in circles for your life with no survivability, due to no "initiative". lol

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There is no king of the Open World PvE. Survivability depends on build and your skill. Some people can say "elementalist is a thrash because bla bla bla dies in one hit". Do you know that group event in Crystal Oasis a'ka Balthazar's Army? I did it solo as an auramancer tempest. This build provides a lot of protection, evades, healing, reflects... later I did it as a POWER scourge.I can easily solo champs with my deadeye (there is a trait that heals you for percent of critical hits).

But if you're a beginer, you can try with power reaper.

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@"Skiravor.1257" said:As a new player who has spent their first month playing all of the classes from levels 40-80, almost all at 80 now. Without a doubt and far away, the easiest way to play this game for someone with very low skill is the necromancer and I have run both specs now.

I find it annoying how powerful that class is as the class I tend to stick with is thief/deadeye, but I get trashed by things on thief (champs and big mob packs) that my necro easily cruises through. This is the case even though the majority of my time is spent on thief.

I once filled a heart while AFK on necro. An event occurred where I thought I was safe and my minions did the event for me lol.

Please re-do the "Initiative" system, its not fun to use 2 skills and have to wait around while running around in circles for your life with no survivability, due to no "initiative". lol

You could just slap on Invigorating Precision and call it a day. Laugh in your newfound immortality (assuming you aren't trying to face-tank).

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@Chichimec.9364 said:As an older, slower player the two classes that have worked best for me have been the Necro and the Rev. Reaper really is strong for open world pve. Currently I'm playing around with a Scourge to see if I like it as well. My main for solo open world roaming though is a Rev in full soldier's gear running as either a core Rev or a Herald. While it may not pack as much of a punch as a Berserker, its durability and easy combat mechanics make it well suited for my slower abilities.

On that rev part - come to renegade. To be specific wanderer renegade. You'll keep the tankyness, while getting the punch you're missing with herald (due to extra free crit, ferocity and cats ;).

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:As an older, slower player the two classes that have worked best for me have been the Necro and the Rev. Reaper really is strong for open world pve. Currently I'm playing around with a Scourge to see if I like it as well. My main for solo open world roaming though is a Rev in full soldier's gear running as either a core Rev or a Herald. While it may not pack as much of a punch as a Berserker, its durability and easy combat mechanics make it well suited for my slower abilities.

On that rev part - come to renegade. To be specific wanderer renegade. You'll keep the tankyness, while getting the punch you're missing with herald (due to extra free crit, ferocity and cats ;).

Thanks for the tip. My Rev had both Herald and Renegade maxed so I will give your suggestion a try.

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It's power Chronomancer.

+It can stack 25 might, permanent quickness, high duration alacrity.+Excellent AoE CC.+Phantasms don't require you to face the enemy, meaning you can beat any fight just by running around in circles spamming phantasms.+It has a large toolbox that lets you overcome many challenges with ease (projectile destruction, boon removal, stealth, etc).+It has a large number of defensive skills to keep you alive.+It can buff all nearby teammates with Alacrity and Quickness, turning even the most incompetent players into murder machines.-Phantasms will fail to interact with many objects.-No good ranged offensive weapon.

It is really hard to compare with that kind of performance. No other class has that level of group buffing, self buffing, damage, control, defense, or cheese capabilities. At this point, it is a question of whether you run full berserker and have better personal damage, or run diviner and have better alacrity + group boons.

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@"Antycypator.9874" said:There is no king of the Open World PvE. Survivability depends on build and your skill. Some people can say "elementalist is a thrash because bla bla bla dies in one hit". Do you know that group event in Crystal Oasis a'ka Balthazar's Army? I did it solo as an auramancer tempest. This build provides a lot of protection, evades, healing, reflects... later I did it as a POWER scourge.I can easily solo champs with my deadeye (there is a trait that heals you for percent of critical hits).

But if you're a beginer, you can try with power reaper.

This pretty much, it seems that with the ideal build any class can become king of PVE, just search for Lord Hizen videos, he has quite the gift to come out with these kind of builds, currently he has 3 (scourge, weaver, spellbreaker) in his videos that still work and are quite able to solo champions and meta events with quite ease

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Open world: I like to play classes that can move quickly during farming, so I play thief that has a good aoe and high damage.

For solo: I play with soulbeast and mirage, having distracting pets and clones facilitates the killing of the boss

Group: warrior, druid and chronomancer, in my opinion they have better skills.

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