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How many E-specs do you think we need per class?

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Especs do give some flavor to characters since they make the gameplay completely different from the core builds or other especs. Balance wise.... Have you seen a single mmo where there is any balance? If they were balanced then everyone would have the exact same skills regardless of profession and weapon. Balancing seems to be a rotating thing where they then buff 1 class a bit, and nerf another and turn that around after a while or something. As long as there aint a massive powercreep so things get 1 shot....

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i just hope they eventually add a mesmer summoner elite spec... one where rather than shattering our illusions they instead become more permanent pets like necro has... like many NPC mesmers often do but we as player mesmers have always had illusions that break as soon as their target dies... how come all of the npc mesmers are better at this than us?...

instead of shatters we could have special buffs or actions for our illusions.. like swapping places with them/ordering them to use a skill such as a stun or something.. but as our class mechanic so we could still use various utility skills... and then we could have summoning skills for our utility skills that summon more "monstrous" beings.. nightmares for example...

alot of people dont like pet classes... but i love them and it would make sense for mesmer to be able to do this as many NPC mesmers already do similar things like summoning phantom armies... (hell jenna summoned a massive illusion army to defend her kingdom).. so it stands to reason that player mesmers should be able to do something similar with more permanent illusions rather than the summon and discard(shatter) playstyle we have now...

mirage for example would have been alot better if shatters were changed for mirage... i mean if the whole point of the class is to deceive your enemies why then do you want to shatter your own deception? it coulda done something different... mostly i just dislike shatters and want something different... i love most of what mesmer has but i cant stand the shatters so id love to see some change to them at least.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:Yea there should be one more expansion that brings us to Cantha. I think it's still one of if not THE most desired region by a big portion of the playerbase I'd assume (ofc not by everyone but judging by how often it got requested for the first expansion pre-HoT - when anet didn't even plan on making expansions at all .. ye)

I'd like to see maybe 1 more elite spec that flips every classes role completely but not to the point where like thief gets the new broken healer/support meta or any ridiculous stuff like that.But honestly I'd love to see a dual class system like in GW1. So like all elite specs + maybe 1 core traitline and 1 skill category (heal, utility and elite - the weapon skills obviously shouldn't change at all) for example can only be used by the primary class and not the secondary*.Ofc it would be near impossible to balance this but since balance is already almost non-existent and anet doesn't seem to care the slightest, why the heck not? It would open up build diversity exponentially and it would affect everyone, PvE and competitive game modes alike.Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware this would kitten up basically everything but I think at this point it wouldn't really matter but the variety would be kinda cool. Maybe everything would turn into such ridiculousness that nothing is broken anymore? :D

  • For those who don't know the dual class system in gw1: you basically had your primary class just like normal but later you could pick and swap every other class as a secondary class. Skills were also tied to a specific attribute which you could spend points for to increase their effectiveness -> this is where gw2 would have to differ I guess. You then had access to all skills of the other class as well with the exception of the 1 signature attribute/skill category that was exclusive for the primary class. So for example Soul Reaping for Necro.

I agree, it would be hella fun to play around with that, but oof, the balancing would be a pure nightmare, and technical dificulties like how are you implementing revenant as secondary class for example?

But imagining shadowstepping to my target as warri, smack my hammer/axe into their face and then return to my first position sounds interesting

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Agree with people saying 3 elite specs (at a minimum).

Potentially can provide scope for damage/support/control on each class (looking in a crude way), and variety for player customisation.

Any more than 3 would be a luxury, nice to have but wouldn't be fussed if there weren't.

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Since elite specs fill the role of new classes, 5 or 6. After that point, yes would expect we are on the way to GW3. Or go back to some sort of dual class system then we have plenty at 3 to mix/match with. The other reason I say 6 is I could see 3 of each general archtype (dps, heal/support, cc) and one of each power and condi mixes.

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