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EU worlds population adjustment

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Mister Anet, what happened with EU servershttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World14 servers dropped population, just last week 7 servers were full, many high/very high.what is this jokei no hate btw, is just serius question cause make no sense, where literally all EU people disappear within a week

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366705273416581126/598202701200752641/unknown.png current worlds btw

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4 possibilities: :p

  • all moved to Dzagonur, that went to Full now
  • Dzagonur is so overstacked now, that compared to it, everything else now looks empty :)
  • most reduced/stopped playing because it was to hot last weeks
  • ANet manually increased the limit to satisfy their complaining friends on Piken
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@"Tomas.6092" said:14 servers dropped population, just last week 7 servers were full, many high/very high.We don't know if the servers dropped in population or if the change to ignore language in linkages means that ANet succeeded in making it easier to balance teams via linkages. (It could mean either or both.)

The designation doesn't reflect actual population and hasn't done for years. ANet uses "full" as a synonym for "closed," whenever a world's participation is so overwhelming that they can't easily balance by linking the opponents. Similarly "high" and "very high" are used to increase the cost of moving, to discourage transfers to worlds that are approaching too much relative participation compared to opponents.

As players we don't have any good methods for measuring world populations any more. The closest proxy we have is looking at activity numbers via the API, which is problematic because skill, organization, and coverage affect that. It's probably accurate to better than an order of magnitude; it's probably less accurate than a factor of two, maybe three.

tl;dr the jargon is misleading: "full" no longer means full, it means "closed."

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Closed server, but still lacks population? Don't make complain threads, but mass bandwagon to raise awareness and actually enjoy content.

There's a bug that's easily exploitable? Don't report it, spread it so it's widely popular and abusable by everyone.

Anet cant do everything on their own, we have to do something ourselves since we have tools to do so. 60% of the time, it works every time.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

As players we don't have any good methods for measuring world populations any more.

Either Arenanet, it seems. I wonder what new numbers they used for this drastic change... that for sure, still doesn't show the reality about populations in every server.

Edit: I noticed something... Gunnar, "medium"? Underworld, "high"? What kind of joke is this? lol

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Piken full - loud complaintsAnet possibly boosting the limits because even Piken is very high now - loud complaints


Was not only Piken that had population issues. Many of the other servers had it as well. Gandara been closed for half a year and called full but we are constantly outnumbered on one or two maps and then one queue if we have a tag. If no tag then no queue at all on any border through out the whole day and night.You might not like the servers or feel they that they offer your mu nothing and that is fine, but don't mix that up with population issues. No one wins if we have servers who are low and still kept closed and called full when this is clearly not the case. WvW is bleeding heavy and have been sinking faster just the last months and it should not be covered up by calling servers full when they clearly are not. Sometimes we have to put the mu's aside and look at what WvW as a whole need and it does not need cover ups around the population. People who play the game mode every day for years and years are not blind. We can see when something do not add up.

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@"Dayra.7405" said:

  • Dzagonur is so overstacked now, that compared to it, everything else now looks empty :)

This is the most likely reason. The same thing happend back when Kodash had their large influx of players. The week after every other server dropped down in population back then. Dzagonur is so stacked right now that it raised the threshold for "full" so high that all previously full servers are below that threshold.

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@Leaa.2943 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Piken full - loud complaintsAnet possibly boosting the limits because even Piken is very high now - loud complaints


Was not only Piken that had population issues. Many of the other servers had it as well. Gandara been closed for half a year and called full but we are constantly outnumbered on one or two maps and then one queue if we have a tag. If no tag then no queue at all on any border through out the whole day and night.

You could be describing the population monster known as Blackgate with that opening. Not feeling you have an issue.

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