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Upcoming Warrior changes.


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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:^^ Berserker gives more advantages than being able to burst, so the duration increase isn't about how many bursts you can fit into a rotation.

See, that wasn't so hard to understand that. Better late than never I guess :D

That was never in question for me so ... #trollfail?

?After calling the berserker design "deficient" because it loses burst skills out of berk mode, you finally understand that berserker spec brings more to the table. Not to forget about you trying to play it off as if your thread somehow made these changes, while nothing you wanted happened. Suddenly after the minor number changes you seem to be all happy, guess that ""fixed the design"". But it didn't change the design at all, so it seems like you finally understood what it's about which wasn't hard in the first place. If someone's "failtrolling" here, it's not me. :)

Yeah I don't know what you are going on about. I never had a problem with how the berserker ON mode worked, and that includes all the good things on top of the burst you get from it. No wonder you were so confused.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:^^ Berserker gives more advantages than being able to burst, so the duration increase isn't about how many bursts you can fit into a rotation.

See, that wasn't so hard to understand that. Better late than never I guess :D

That was never in question for me so ... #trollfail?

?After calling the berserker design "deficient" because it loses burst skills out of berk mode, you finally understand that berserker spec brings more to the table. Not to forget about you trying to play it off as if your thread somehow made these changes, while nothing you wanted happened. Suddenly after the minor number changes you seem to be all happy, guess that ""fixed the design"". But it didn't change the design at all, so it seems like you finally understood what it's about which wasn't hard in the first place. If someone's "failtrolling" here, it's not me. :)

Yeah I don't know what you are going on about. I never had a problem with how the berserker ON mode worked, and that includes all the good things on top of the burst you get from it. No wonder you were so confused.

So the current changes solved all the "design issues" and berk-mode-off "deficiencies", ok, you totally make sense :D

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They should have adressed underperforming weapons like mace oh/mace main/sw oh,tweak hammer or core rifle,even longbow could be tweaked mostly in added projectile speed or adding a base burn on the auto ( which currently is power only which doesnt make sense on a condi weap ) and adding a new trait instead of the one in tactics..but instead they nerf rampage on toughness,a thing no one gives a shit about.Then giving 50% added dmg on headbutt when you remove your stabi is laughable when you realize how hard it can already hit.Completely clueless.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:^^ Berserker gives more advantages than being able to burst, so the duration increase isn't about how many bursts you can fit into a rotation.

See, that wasn't so hard to understand that. Better late than never I guess :D

That was never in question for me so ... #trollfail?

?After calling the berserker design "deficient" because it loses burst skills out of berk mode, you finally understand that berserker spec brings more to the table. Not to forget about you trying to play it off as if your thread somehow made these changes, while nothing you wanted happened. Suddenly after the minor number changes you seem to be all happy, guess that ""fixed the design"". But it didn't change the design at all, so it seems like you finally understood what it's about which wasn't hard in the first place. If someone's "failtrolling" here, it's not me. :)

Yeah I don't know what you are going on about. I never had a problem with how the berserker ON mode worked, and that includes all the good things on top of the burst you get from it. No wonder you were so confused.

So the current changes solved all the "design issues" and berk-mode-off "deficiencies", ok, you totally make sense :D

Again, not sure what you're going on about. I never had a problem with the berserker on mode, nor did I make any claim that the current changes solve the design deficiencies. Sounds like your just still confused. As long as that's an issue for you, I see no reason to reply any longer.

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Ok let me just clear something since i was addressed by a friend about this.. ;)

I think the whole Berserker rework and "SOME" of the coming buffs are pretty ok for PVE and only for a PVE, it brought power Berserker back into the fold which is great in my opinion and it is even possible to get a near permanent Berserk mode uptime from running a full slot of Rage skills, Blood Reckoning, Outrage, Wild Blow, Shattering Blow. Headutt can run Berserker, Strength, Arms (for MORE DAMAGE)/Def (for Rousing Resilliance and more sustain), this is also provided you can keep your rotations and timings in proper order, which isn't always the case in combat, you'll experience having to move, dodge, do mechanics etc.. and this is fun, high reward for proper positioning and play style.

What dedicated Warrior mains like me, who play all game modes, are actually unhappy about is its performance in PvP and WvW... too many drawbacks and too long a downtime when Berserk mode is off, no real setup to cover its weaknesses and even having Berserk mode up doesn't really give you significantly bigger advantage vs other classes. basically the same old story of kite the warrior kill the warrior.. but WORST because you basically have a dead trait line and at your best you don't even compare to the power level of other classes. More often than not you won't even make it to a 2nd activation of Berserk mode. Gimick one-shot builds rarely ever work on competent players.. specially if its 1v1, although its an excellent +1 full glass spec if you don't get focused on, this makes it a terribly shallow build option specially since versatility matters in PVP and WVW where you have to deal with a multitude of types of opponents.

Back on topic.. The real issue is this. the culmination of nerfs applied in the past as well as recently applied nerfs all slowly hurt Warrior as collateral damage, since they don't just directly nerf overtuned things, they nerf supporting core skills and traits, slot skills and weapon skills as well that make other builds unviable, killing diversity. also since we don't see any maintenance changes to bring these things back in line, and Why is this a problem? Its because it kills the overall gameplay experience in the long run. they're basically locking you into a single playstyle, and the potential "options" aren't real options because they just don't even come close to other classees specs and builds. It doesn't even have to be en par to be viable, it just has to come close with the general efficiency and power level. The rest can be supplemented with skill and creativity.

Balance is a difficult job and I honestly give props to the devs in charge, needs in-depth thinking and alot of hard work to bring things in-game.., but been playing gw2 for 5-6 years and like some other committed players are just tired of seeing the same old happenings in game state, when the game could be so much broader.

Bit long winded am sorry, peace and cheers.. ("(>___<)")

Edit: Just fixed some typos.. !@#$ auto-correct makes everything incorrect.. ^^

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@eXruina.4956 said:

What dedicated Warrior mains like me, who play all game modes, are actually unhappy about is its performance in PvP and WvW... too many drawbacks and too long a downtime when Berserk mode is off, no real setup to cover its weaknesses and even having Berserk mode up doesn't really give you significantly bigger advantage vs other classes. basically the same old story of kite the warrior kill the warrior.. but WORST because you basically have a dead trait line and at your best you don't even compare to the power level of other classes. More often than not you won't even make it to a 2nd activation of Berserk mode. Gimick one-shot builds rarely ever work on competent players.. specially if its 1v1, although its an excellent +1 full glass spec if you don't get focused on, this makes it a terribly shallow build option specially since versatility matters in PVP and WVW where you have to deal with a multitude of types of opponent.

Wise words, dude

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@eXruina.4956 said:since i was addressed by a friend about this.. ;)

Aww... :lol:

@eXruina.4956 said:yadda yadda Gimick builds rarely ever work yadda yadda

Gimmick or not, what you and most of people here want is an upgraded core warrior. If you don't like the change of pace and power shift of berk, then stay with core and spellbreaker, that's pretty simple.

The real issue is this. the culmination of nerfs applied in the past as well as recently applied nerfs all slowly hurt Warrior as collateral damage, since they don't just directly nerf overtuned things, they nerf supporting core skills and traits, slot skills and weapon skills

You seem to think that's limited to warrior, which is not the case.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

Aww... :lol:

Gimmick or not, what you and most of people here want is an upgraded core warrior. If you don't like the change of pace and power shift of berk, then stay with core and spellbreaker, that's pretty simple.

You seem to think that's limited to warrior, which is not the case.

You sure make alot of assumptions.. in what way shape or form did I say such things were my intent or mindset.. my post was pretty direct in what my focuses were. :)

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Hello there. New to warrior. I'm only so well versed in the class, but I think we're looking at this the wrong way. Take the entire scope of the balance patch into perspective:

Elementalist: Slight DPS Nerfs, minor adjustment to tempestsNecromancer: Minor nerf, minor adjustments to core necro.Mesmer: Chronomancers nerfed, mirages not improved since last heavy nerfs.Ranger: Both Soul Beast and Druid nerfed.Engi: Scrapper gutted, holosmith nerfed.Thief: Condi nerfed, a lot of reworked traits and skills so... hard to say.Revenant: Herald and Renegade heavily nerfed.Guardian: Buff to dragon hunters... I think?

From what I can tell, the hits to warrior aside from rampage were really minor. Considering that several other specs are left gutted or situation unknown, I'd say that this balance patch has been relatively nice to warrior this time around.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493: Yes I completely agree.., this patch isn't bad for Warriors at all this time around.. ^^

What I was focused on is the long term.. when you've played for a long time and have gone through the multiple patches and changes they've made. You start to see things like traits, slot and weapon skills that used to be viable, and were used for other builds.. but got unnecessarily gutted because of one probably intentionally overturned design or another. This kills the potential diversity of the class overall and we're seeing more and more of the results of these heavy handed changes today.

What we end up with are a multitude of underused/unused class mechanics, that used to be viable.

This is not even to mention the many underused/unused mechanics that were already there since the beginning and left to rot instead of getting fine tuned and reworked.

People newer to the game might not notice these things, but people like me, who've been committed to playing the game for a long time are very much aware of these problems, many in fact are sick of it , since its become apparent that ANET has no plans on fixing it, its simply a lazy and terrible design template of meta crafting and creating flavor of the month builds and classes. instead of making everything viable and letting the meta shape itself making even individual classes very diverse and not boring. whats worse this overtuning aspect of their design creates big problems in game modes like WVW and PVP where the gap in power levels is evidently bonkers.

Also this problem is not limited to Warrior either.. but Warrior is what I am most familiar with so Warrior is what I'm going to talk about. ^^

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@TheBravery.9615 said:This update didn't accomplish anything.

They could have easily not done anything and no one would have noticed.

Well, for PvE, it was relatively significant damage buff (around 2-3k dps), which is nice. But it seems they focused more on other professions and made non-berserker changes to look like they did something. Welp... sad that they are unable to fix certain skills or polish outdated skills. A 3 months patch btw.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:Fwiw, all damage modifiers in gw2 are multiplicative. I tested bloody roar pre-patch and it worked exactly as I expected it to: in a multiplicative fashion. I have no idea what they think they changed, but it sure didn't make bloody roar go from additive to multiplicative.

Maybe in one of the other game modes it was additive? Or a bug with another trait that caused the behavior?

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:Fwiw,
all damage modifiers in gw2 are multiplicative
. I tested bloody roar pre-patch and it worked exactly as I expected it to: in a multiplicative fashion. I have no idea what they think they changed, but it sure didn't make bloody roar go from additive to multiplicative.

Maybe in one of the other game modes it was additive? Or a bug with another trait that caused the behavior?

That's possible, I didn't test it in conjunction with all possible traits. I tested the damage modifier it applied with no other damage modifiers and then again with a couple various damage modifiers from traits and it worked the same both times. Not an exhaustive test, but enough to satisfy me that it probably worked normally.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Fueki.4753 said:When are they bringing our rifles in line with other classes' ranged dps options? 2049?I'd really like being able to deal with Deadeyes and Scourges in pvp.

The very moment they'll bring in line warrior's base stats that make you more beefy than those other classes. If you want to be another class, pick another class. That's pretty simple.

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Practically nothing changes for power berserker.Still having to swing great sword for majority of my life with 4 underwhelming skills to play with and another 4 useless additions that barely changes anything, with other weapons being barely ever used, why is it so fucking hard to just idk just buff other weapons so we have some diversification in gameplay?I always hated GW2 class design, but right now i hate it even more. It is all centered on the buffs and debuffs, the more buffs you have the stronger you are this is boring as hell. And one weapon being bis, and other being piss, this is sickening me, why do i even came back to this game, devs are forcing all classes into one weapon intentionally, i have not choosen warrior to play with only 1 or 2 weapons, GW1 WAS BETTER, entire class design is abomination not worth of holding "guild wars" name on it.

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