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Upcoming Balance Patch

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My IRL reactions while reading upcoming balance notes:


  • Scrapper—Function Gyro: While scrapper specialization is equipped, this skill now occupies the F5 slot. Recharge has been increased to 30 seconds. This skill trait is now ground targeted at a range of 600 and creates a lightning field at the target point with a radius of 180. Within this radius, it spawns up to 6 function gyros targeting up to 3 enemies and/or 3 allies. Enemies are finished while allies are revived. This skill's recharge is increased by 50% for each function gyro spawned beyond the first. = "Oh.. my.. god..why? Every 30 seconds? What in the actual $%^&? This is essentially possessing both artifact buffs from Eternal Coliseum, all of the time. Function Gyro by itself is now almost equal to the entire support kit of Firebrand."
  • Speed of Synergy: This new trait causes all leap finishers to give superspeed to the scrapper, and all blast finishers give superspeed in an area around you. + System Shocker: This new trait causes your function gyro to inflict daze in an area for 0.5 seconds when cast. Improves effectiveness of all lightning field finishers by 50%. = "That's at's a lot of extra CC & Superspeed boys. So the dazes will be longer off leaps through lightning fields, Function Gyro is another daze, in addition to Hammer #5 wow, and it's going to be able to rotate around the map nearly as fast as a Thief. I surely hope all of that superspeed leaping & blasting only works in-combat or this is going to make Scrapper a transcendent side node presence to any other class."_
  • Object in Motion: This new trait increases outgoing damage by 5% if you have swiftness, superspeed, or stability. Each boon increases the bonus damage by 5%, up to a maximum of 15% if you have all three. = "...…."
  • Kinetic Stabilizers: This trait is no longer triggered by Function Gyro. Instead it increases the duration of stuns and daze effects by 25%. It also grants stability and superspeed when disabling a foe. = "lolololololol"
  • So what we're looking at is a class that has by far more revive power than anything else in the game to the point that it will actually be very difficult to even secure a kill if an experienced Scrapper is present, in addition to the ability to full team free stomp every opponent every 30s, that will be unkillable 1v1 on a side node, that has nearly 100% uptime of stability & superspeed and random elongated dazes & stuns, that rotates nearly as quickly as a Thief. Just... why is this happening? I surely hope as I read the rest of the patch notes, that something is buffed to be able to contest Scrapper. Well actually.. they need to be toning down the power creep, not making it worse like this, but whatever.


  • These changes are actually good for both competitive modes and pve.


  • I don't think these changes will necessarily be buffs or nerfs in competitive modes, but I could be wrong. These however: Flow of Time: The alacrity per clone shattered has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds & Seize the Moment: The quickness per clone shattered has been increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds, are going to be pretty damn strong in pve.


  • These changes won't change much. But this: Soul Eater: This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health. <- This was an unnecessary nerf.


  • Barrage: Reduced recharge from 30 second to 20 seconds. Lowered cripple duration from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Increased damage by 25%. Damage floaters for this skill now show total damage instead of damage per hit. = "Nice buff, not sure why this was focused on however."
  • Reductions to unblockable uptime is adequate. This was really what needed to be addressed.
  • "Sic 'Em!": Reduced the bonus damage applied to a merged soulbeast from 40% to 25% in PvP and WvW only. Damage bonus for pets remains unchanged. Fixed a bug that caused this skill to not grant the listed movement-speed bonus. = "This will remove Sic Em from play. The skill will no longer be worth using. Now everyone will begin running more dangerous Marksmanship builds that land even higher damage Mauls & Worldly Impacts. Aside from the popular complaints vs. Sic Em, mid-tiered players are about to find out that Sic Em was a skill that was preventing players from figuring out how to run Marksmanship builds that front a much higher and more frequent damage modifier for Mauls & Worldly Impacts than Sic Em could offer, as well as more stun breaks & dodges. The complaints about Marksmanship builds will be much worse and much more aggressive when people begin adapting their playstyle around it. This effect will be similar to the Mirage effect, where traits like Elusive Mind were secretly preventing players from discovering even more ridiculous Mesmer builds. Just a heads up: AoO 25%, MoC 50%, Remorseless 25% = +100% damage modifier for a given Maul or WI. I warned everyone, been warning you for months."
  • Ancestral Grace: This skill no longer evades attacks. Increased recharge from 18 seconds to 20 seconds. If at least 1 ally other than yourself is healed, the recharge is reduced by 5 seconds. = "Ok, as the last person who even plays Druid at a plat 2 level, just why? Why nerf Druid further? This is the stupidest and most unwarranted change in this entire list of patch notes. Let me explain why: First of all, making the recharge 20s from 18, just completely screws up the synergy of weapon swapping with the staff. The staff is generally used as a defensive measure and the #3 staff skill is the largest part of that defensive measure. Being able to evade while using it, allows the Druid to do what it does, and that is survive and disengage. So quite often, when a Druid swaps to staff they are able to use #3 immediately alongside of an effect such as sigil of escape. 18s CD scales perfectly for this purpose while weapon swapping back and forth between a damage weapon side and staff escape side. Now with a 20s CD, the player can no longer immediately use staff #3 escape, which is an enormous nerf to the already Renegade level gameplay in competitive modes. Secondly, having the recharge reduced by 5s if at least 1 other ally is healed during the use of staff #3? That's ridiculous for so many reasons. The Druid is a side node mainly in spvp, which means it is usually alone, and it doesn't have realistic reason to keep teleporting to its pet for the 5s reduction either. It needs to use the #3 to stay away from things, as far away as possible. Furthermore, the 5s CD would put it to a 15s recharge, which is meaningless because it doesn't matter if it is a 15s CD or an 18s CD, because weapon swapping takes 18s anyway to rotate, and Druid's DO NOT CAMP STAFF SIDE. So this effect granted of a 5s reduction is completely useless not only in competitive modes, but also in pve, where Druids are weapon swapping as often as possible to warhorn and back to staff, meaning it will take them at least 18s to be able to use staff #3 again. This change is a completely lackluster nerf to the Druid in competitive modes and pve. Why is there no one in the Arenanet office that is capable of recognizing skill trait practicality issues like this? <- This change needs to be reverted ASAP. I seriously do not understand why Arenanet would aim at making something like Scrapper an inordinately powerful force to be reckoned with, defensively, offensively, and now even with its mobility, but then continue to nerf the batshit out of something that quite seriously has a class representation of 1 person in the top 100." <- It's these kinds of changes that make gameplay feel funky & wonky, and not smooth.
  • Upon all this ^ I'd just like to add that Druid is a class that needed significant straight flat buffing, not nerfing. The CA kit is a joke compared to FB kits. And now with Scrapper buffs, Scrapper is going to be a clear upgrade from Druid play in literally every aspect. Scrapper will have A LOT more sustain than a Druid, A LOT more damage, A LOT more CCs, waaaaaay better support, waaaay better kill securing power, it'll rotate fast as hell for disengage factor due to mass superspeed buffs, and still be able to front tons of stealth if it chooses. What are you guys doing? I mean who makes these decisions? I don't normally get enraged by patching just maybe a bit confused, but this time I'm actually pissed off about it. These changes are like Arenanet dropped a few weird suggestions into a hat that didn't make sense to begin with, shook them up, and then began drawing them out see what would randomly happen next.


  • Not what I would have changed but w/e. Hopefully it tones things down a bit.


  • Weird changes. I don't know enough about Thief to see if these will be useful or not.


  • Rampage: Changed recharge to 120 seconds in all game modes. This skill no longer grants bonus toughness. Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively. = "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just no"

Everything that is the main problem PoF wise was completely 100% overlooked in this patch. Things that direly needed buffs were overlooked, and Scrapper was made ultra mode for absolutely no reason. I'm sorry guys, but this is the first time I have to speak out and say that this is a terrible patch, and I am quite disappointed.

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I honestly don't know what they based the decision on that reapers survivability was too high with soul eater healing in shroud.

It's the squishiest class of all the melee professions and common knowledge to focus it first as an easy kill! Seriously wtf

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I don't know man, marksmanship is a pretty ballsy traitline... I was running it with zerker and sic em just to feel it was doing enough damage. The 15% reduction to sic em actually isn't much AND it has added move speed now... might still be worth it. I just don't expect players to be running marksmanship and dropping wilderness survival.

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Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively => it means that the Damage Reduction will stay the same, why are you complaining if you dont know what multiplicatively and additively means?

Sic'Em was not fine and it needed to be addressed. Even top soulbeast players like Boyce were playing it and im pretty sure he's capable enough to have figured out that SUPER DANGEROUS MARKSMAN BUILD by now... and was still changing from Sic'Em with Axe/Axe Slb.

About scrapper => it forces more active play where you need to deal damage and press buttons to get your barriers instead of standing still rolling your face on the keyboard. Sounds better to me.

The patch wasnt AWESOME but it was pretty decent tbh :)

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@Eurantien.4632 said:I don't know man, marksmanship is a pretty ballsy traitline... I was running it with zerker and sic em just to feel it was doing enough damage. The 15% reduction to sic em actually isn't much AND it has added move speed now... might still be worth it. I just don't expect players to be running marksmanship and dropping wilderness survival.

@Zawn.9647 said:Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively => it means that the Damage Reduction will stay the same, why are you complaining if you dont know what multiplicatively and additively means?

Sic'Em was not fine and it needed to be addressed. Even top soulbeast players like Boyce were playing it and im pretty sure he's capable enough to have figured out that SUPER DANGEROUS MARKSMAN BUILD by now... and was still changing from Sic'Em with Axe/Axe Slb.

About scrapper => it forces more active play where you need to deal damage and press buttons to get your barriers instead of standing still rolling your face on the keyboard. Sounds better to me.

The patch wasnt AWESOME but it was pretty decent tbh :)

Agree with you guys for most part.

Though there is a particular full melee build I had been testing with Marksmanship, might end up being great. Could suck though, I dunno. I'm going to run some testing on it today and try to narrow down if it's functional, viable or just trash. If it's good, I'll post some footage of it.

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@James.1065 said:I honestly don't know what they based the decision on that reapers survivability was too high with soul eater healing in shroud.

It's the squishiest class of all the melee professions and common knowledge to focus it first as an easy kill! Seriously kitten

It's a PvE change. In PvE the mobs just stand there and eat your damage, and even if they move a bit reaper has enough cleave to easily multi-hit them. The trait made it so you were much harder to kill. This is on a spec that was already harder to die with than other DPS specs in PvE without soul eater. It does suck a little for competitive modes but the truth is that it barely did anything there anyway. If you get any significant healing from this it means that you would have won the fight anyway.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:I don't know man, marksmanship is a pretty ballsy traitline... I was running it with zerker and sic em just to feel it was doing enough damage. The 15% reduction to sic em actually isn't much AND it has added move speed now... might still be worth it. I just don't expect players to be running marksmanship and dropping wilderness survival.

@Zawn.9647 said:Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively => it means that the Damage Reduction will stay the same, why are you complaining if you dont know what multiplicatively and additively means?

Sic'Em was not fine and it needed to be addressed. Even top soulbeast players like Boyce were playing it and im pretty sure he's capable enough to have figured out that SUPER DANGEROUS MARKSMAN BUILD by now... and was still changing from Sic'Em with Axe/Axe Slb.

About scrapper => it forces more active play where you need to deal damage and press buttons to get your barriers instead of standing still rolling your face on the keyboard. Sounds better to me.

The patch wasnt AWESOME but it was pretty decent tbh :)

Agree with you guys for most part.

Though there is a particular full melee build I had been testing with Marksmanship, might end up being great. Could suck though, I dunno. I'm going to run some testing on it today and try to narrow down if it's functional, viable or just trash. If it's good, I'll post some footage of it.

cool! want to see it :)

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@Trevor Boyer.6524

You made a mistake on function gyro. At 50% added the cooldown goes up by each additional gyro spawned.

So, assuming you stomp 3 and res 3 at the same time that adds 15x5 seconds to the recharge. As such, in that extreme example, you have a cooldown of 105 seconds.

More likely you will have two downed (one enemy and one ally). The cooldown is 45 seconds. So this gives you a chance to save an ally from cleave while stomping an enemy once every 45 seconds.

Strong but will have to see how much better it is than some of the scourge resurrection bots.

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Yes. Nerfing Sic 'Em will increase Soulbeast damage. Rofl!!

The reason people don't run Marks is because it's just glassy damage with no utility, but they've already been using Maul and Greatsword since day 1. Either way, it won't matter because there's no longer any meaningful unblockable damage anymore, so even if they can't do big burst on a target dummy, it won't matter in actual PvP.

@Cyric.7813 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Reductions to unblockable uptime is adequate. This was really what needed to be addressed.

It s not adequate...And again ranger will enjoy all projectiles hate and blocks, yay bunker meta rises!

It definitely looks like we will be running into a very tanky meta after this patch...

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@saerni.2584 said:@Trevor Boyer.6524

You made a mistake on function gyro. At 50% added the cooldown goes up by each additional gyro spawned.

So, assuming you stomp 3 and res 3 at the same time that adds 15x5 seconds to the recharge. As such, in that extreme example, you have a cooldown of 105 seconds.

More likely you will have two downed (one enemy and one ally). The cooldown is 45 seconds. So this gives you a chance to save an ally from cleave while stomping an enemy once every 45 seconds.

Strong but will have to see how much better it is than some of the scourge resurrection bots.

It removes the elite toolkit ability.

The new gyro is a massive nerf to the scrapper.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:the badscrapper gutted

Was scrapper gutted??? I don't see anything other than a slight shave in healing (not a shave in barrier creation) that leads me to believe that it was gutted. I think it might be
in a team setting after the patch.

all of its heals over time were removed. new function gyro will not hold this class up.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:My IRL reactions while reading upcoming balance notes:


  • Scrapper—Function Gyro: While scrapper specialization is equipped, this skill now occupies the F5 slot. Recharge has been increased to 30 seconds. This skill trait is now ground targeted at a range of 600 and creates a lightning field at the target point with a radius of 180. Within this radius, it spawns up to 6 function gyros targeting up to 3 enemies and/or 3 allies. Enemies are finished while allies are revived. This skill's recharge is increased by 50% for each function gyro spawned beyond the first. = "Oh.. my.. god..why? Every 30 seconds? What in the actual $%^&? This is essentially possessing both artifact buffs from Eternal Coliseum, all of the time. Function Gyro by itself is now almost equal to the entire support kit of Firebrand."
  • Speed of Synergy: This new trait causes all leap finishers to give superspeed to the scrapper, and all blast finishers give superspeed in an area around you. + System Shocker: This new trait causes your function gyro to inflict daze in an area for 0.5 seconds when cast. Improves effectiveness of all lightning field finishers by 50%. = "That's at's a lot of extra CC & Superspeed boys. So the dazes will be longer off leaps through lightning fields, Function Gyro is another daze, in addition to Hammer #5 wow, and it's going to be able to rotate around the map nearly as fast as a Thief. I surely hope all of that superspeed leaping & blasting only works in-combat or this is going to make Scrapper a transcendent side node presence to any other class."_
  • Object in Motion: This new trait increases outgoing damage by 5% if you have swiftness, superspeed, or stability. Each boon increases the bonus damage by 5%, up to a maximum of 15% if you have all three. = "...…."
  • Kinetic Stabilizers: This trait is no longer triggered by Function Gyro. Instead it increases the duration of stuns and daze effects by 25%. It also grants stability and superspeed when disabling a foe. = "lolololololol"
  • So what we're looking at is a class that has by far more revive power than anything else in the game to the point that it will actually be very difficult to even secure a kill if an experienced Scrapper is present, in addition to the ability to full team free stomp every opponent every 30s, that will be unkillable 1v1 on a side node, that has nearly 100% uptime of stability & superspeed and random elongated dazes & stuns, that rotates nearly as quickly as a Thief. Just... why is this happening? I surely hope as I read the rest of the patch notes, that something is buffed to be able to contest Scrapper. Well actually.. they need to be toning down the power creep, not making it worse like this, but whatever.


  • These changes are actually good for both competitive modes and pve.


  • I don't think these changes will necessarily be buffs or nerfs in competitive modes, but I could be wrong. These however: Flow of Time: The alacrity per clone shattered has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds & Seize the Moment: The quickness per clone shattered has been increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds, are going to be pretty kitten strong in pve.


  • These changes won't change much. But this: Soul Eater: This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health. <- This was an unnecessary nerf.


  • Barrage: Reduced recharge from 30 second to 20 seconds. Lowered cripple duration from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Increased damage by 25%. Damage floaters for this skill now show total damage instead of damage per hit. = "Nice buff, not sure why this was focused on however."
  • Reductions to unblockable uptime is adequate. This was really what needed to be addressed.
  • "Sic 'Em!": Reduced the bonus damage applied to a merged soulbeast from 40% to 25% in PvP and WvW only. Damage bonus for pets remains unchanged. Fixed a bug that caused this skill to not grant the listed movement-speed bonus. = "This will remove Sic Em from play. The skill will no longer be worth using. Now everyone will begin running more dangerous Marksmanship builds that land even higher damage Mauls & Worldly Impacts. Aside from the popular complaints vs. Sic Em, mid-tiered players are about to find out that Sic Em was a skill that was preventing players from figuring out how to run Marksmanship builds that front a much higher and more frequent damage modifier for Mauls & Worldly Impacts than Sic Em could offer, as well as more stun breaks & dodges. The complaints about Marksmanship builds will be much worse and much more aggressive when people begin adapting their playstyle around it. This effect will be similar to the Mirage effect, where traits like Elusive Mind were secretly preventing players from discovering even more ridiculous Mesmer builds. Just a heads up: AoO 25%, MoC 50%, Remorseless 25% = +100% damage modifier for a given Maul or WI. I warned everyone, been warning you for months."
  • Ancestral Grace: This skill no longer evades attacks. Increased recharge from 18 seconds to 20 seconds. If at least 1 ally other than yourself is healed, the recharge is reduced by 5 seconds. = "Ok, as the last person who even plays Druid at a plat 2 level, just why? Why nerf Druid further? This is the stupidest and most unwarranted change in this entire list of patch notes. Let me explain why: First of all, making the recharge 20s from 18, just completely screws up the synergy of weapon swapping with the staff. The staff is generally used as a defensive measure and the #3 staff skill is the largest part of that defensive measure. Being able to evade while using it, allows the Druid to do what it does, and that is survive and disengage. So quite often, when a Druid swaps to staff they are able to use #3 immediately alongside of an effect such as sigil of escape. 18s CD scales perfectly for this purpose while weapon swapping back and forth between a damage weapon side and staff escape side. Now with a 20s CD, the player can no longer immediately use staff #3 escape, which is an enormous nerf to the already Renegade level gameplay in competitive modes. Secondly, having the recharge reduced by 5s if at least 1 other ally is healed during the use of staff #3? That's ridiculous for so many reasons. The Druid is a side node mainly in spvp, which means it is usually alone, and it doesn't have realistic reason to keep teleporting to its pet for the 5s reduction either. It needs to use the #3 to stay away from things, as far away as possible. Furthermore, the 5s CD would put it to a 15s recharge, which is meaningless because it doesn't matter if it is a 15s CD or an 18s CD, because weapon swapping takes 18s anyway to rotate, and Druid's DO NOT CAMP STAFF SIDE. So this effect granted of a 5s reduction is completely useless not only in competitive modes, but also in pve, where Druids are weapon swapping as often as possible to warhorn and back to staff, meaning it will take them at least 18s to be able to use staff #3 again. This change is a completely lackluster nerf to the Druid in competitive modes and pve. Why is there no one in the Arenanet office that is capable of recognizing skill trait practicality issues like this? <- This change needs to be reverted ASAP. I seriously do not understand why Arenanet would aim at making something like Scrapper an inordinately powerful force to be reckoned with, defensively, offensively, and now even with its mobility, but then continue to nerf the batshit out of something that quite seriously has a class representation of 1 person in the top 100." <- It's these kinds of changes that make gameplay feel funky & wonky, and not smooth.
  • Upon all this ^ I'd just like to add that Druid is a class that needed significant straight flat buffing, not nerfing. The CA kit is a joke compared to FB kits. And now with Scrapper buffs, Scrapper is going to be a clear upgrade from Druid play in literally every aspect. Scrapper will have A LOT more sustain than a Druid, A LOT more damage, A LOT more CCs, waaaaaay better support, waaaay better kill securing power, it'll rotate fast as hell for disengage factor due to mass superspeed buffs, and still be able to front tons of stealth if it chooses. What are you guys doing? I mean who makes these decisions? I don't normally get enraged by patching just maybe a bit confused, but this time I'm actually pissed off about it. These changes are like Arenanet dropped a few weird suggestions into a hat that didn't make sense to begin with, shook them up, and then began drawing them out see what would randomly happen next.


  • Not what I would have changed but w/e. Hopefully it tones things down a bit.


  • Weird changes. I don't know enough about Thief to see if these will be useful or not.


  • Rampage: Changed recharge to 120 seconds in all game modes. This skill no longer grants bonus toughness. Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively. = "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just no"

Everything that is the main problem PoF wise was completely 100% overlooked in this patch. Things that direly needed buffs were overlooked, and Scrapper was made ultra mode for absolutely no reason. I'm sorry guys, but this is the first time I have to speak out and say that this is a terrible patch, and I am quite disappointed.

Scrapper is now better than druid was before it received any nerfs.

The ancestral grace nerf just literally makes no sense, i can see unstoppable union of course. But druid? Lol , it's like they didn't know what else to add so they just threw that in there, i mean it could be a PvE intended change for whatever reason but then wouldn't make sense that there wasn't a split.

Ranger will still be complained about.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:I don't know man, marksmanship is a pretty ballsy traitline... I was running it with zerker and sic em just to feel it was doing enough damage. The 15% reduction to sic em actually isn't much AND it has added move speed now... might still be worth it. I just don't expect players to be running marksmanship and dropping wilderness survival.

Dropping wilderness survival in this meta is simply not worth it. Marksmanship is literally a meme full power trait line and a major reason why this class gets complained about, because it can push out good damage, but they don't understand the flipside of your survivability trade off is 100% for even hitting higher numbers.

You are a walking target aside from necro because it's obvious if you're running opportunity buff icons on your bar, then you're most likely not running WS aka easy burst down.

This is obviously fine , for the most part there should be trade offs in survivability for higher dmg, the issue with ranger is you don't do near as much dmg as other classes consistently and one cleave from WI or maul isn't enough with res capability now no matter how many once-every-30second trait modifiers you setup beforehand (blocks, evade, invuln exist too , blocks even more now).

Also @"Trevor Boyer.6524" "AoO 25%, MoC 50%, Remorseless 25% = +100% damage modifier for a given Maul or WI. I warned everyone, been warning you for months." - This is not efficient in higher level play or against people with brains unless you're 1upping. Nevertheless, it will be complained about and requested to be nerfed heavily because unfortunately casuals will be victims to this setup and immediately clamor to the forums to cry for nerfs. So expect that coming soon. I'm sure there's already numerous threads on it anyway so lol

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:the badscrapper gutted

Was scrapper gutted??? I don't see anything other than a slight shave in healing (not a shave in barrier creation) that leads me to believe that it was gutted. I think it might be
in a team setting after the patch.

all of its heals over time were removed. new function gyro will not hold this class up.

I'm still not convinced.... Scrapper can find a lot of means to generate heals. It has more blocks/reflects than Holosmith and has access to all the same healing if you equate exhaust healing to the barrier Scrapper generates.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 i dissagree with your opinions and frankly with everybody who is saying "Soulbeast got cancelled"Lets talk about numbers:

  • Sicem damage has been reduced roughtly an 11% from the numbers you are seeing right now. So those 32K magic mauls will still do 29K. Those 12K magic LB autos will do 10K .
  • The increased speed from Sicem will make the soulbeast very mobile. If it respects the original skill you get +40% speed for 10 seconds which will allow to make use of the short stealths very effectively.
  • The only noticeable nerf will be unstoppable union. Sniper soulbeast will use SoH traited now for the unblockable pewpew with some quickness sigil.
  • the buff to barrage will make this skill do more damage after the patch than right now. Now barrage + sicem gives +40% while after the patch same combination will be +50%.
  • I don't think we will see many changes in builds or gameplay for Soulbeast. The usual BM/WS/SBeast build will still be viable and the damage will be more consistent and a little bit less bursty.
  • Paper thin zerker builds will still melt against a Sicem Soulbeast and as Irenio explained, this is working as expected as there should be an spot for this kind of builds.

I am very happy with the balance notes in general. I think is not enough for the ranger thou , Soulbeast is still locked into power dps .with the normal builds. I don't think others than WvW builds are going to make use of the MS traitline however.

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@"Mbelch.9028" said:I'm still not convinced.... Scrapper can find a lot of means to generate heals. It has more blocks/reflects than Holosmith and has access to all the same healing if you equate exhaust healing to the barrier Scrapper generates.Except it no longer generates any barrier on hit (trait removed and and replaced with the most ridiculously useless trait in the entire history of GW2 and its not even the new barrier trait) and bulwark has been nerfed by an unspecified amount. On top of the complete removal of hp regen, you now also have a base hp of 13K.

The new barrier trait force marauder hammer/rifle builds and makes everything else utterly pointless. And it wouldnt surprise me if the trait is kitten in practice with that kind of gear because there is no point in barrier if it forces you to build for enough damage to fully kill a player in 3 seconds to equate the passive hp regen+barrier regen as before, because the percentage is low and it only counts "strikes" (kitten does that even mean).

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It depends on which class.

Ele, cannot make a decision. I love condi ele in PvE and it got buffed. Primordial Stance buff could be big in sPvP. Dunno. Will see. Ya, there is a damage power nerf in PvE. I think overall should be okay.

Eng, some say scrapper changes are a nerf. Others as a buff. I dunno. It surely needed a sustain nerf. Will see. Slight nerfs to holo. More are needed, but better than nothing.

Guardian. As a guardian main, they should nerf FB support. NOPE AGAIN. Not sure why. It is the biggest determent factor most in sPvP games. Core guardian.. not sure. I though it was nerf. Now I think it is a buff. I mean, if the target ate symbol of wrath + GS (with zeal), they will probably get instantly downed now. GL with that though, since core guardian only has 1 unreliable CC. But, with the removal of 250 ferocity from retribution, we could see the 3 second root being used instead of the 10% damage. Will see.. Hard to guess. Unlikely to be meta since all of its existent problems, are still the same, and they were not damage related anyway. DH slightly better, but will remain dead.

Mesmer, not sure. Will see.

Necro, I have to say, however wrote this at Anet: "While reapers were designed to be durable frontline fighters, the Soul Eater trait is providing a little too much survivability," should be nowhere close to class balance in a mile radius. Seriously, at least try test shit outside of PvE golem. Try veteran mobs and maybe one day your skill level will take you to soloing a champion in PvE :p Until then, please do not do any class balance..

Ranger, some nerfs were needed. I think this went to far. Also, Druid nerfs?!

Rev, good changes, except Mallyx.

Thief, dunno. Seemed very weird.

Warrior. Berserker will remain not PvP viable. Rampage changes are not what I would have liked. And nerfs are need to tether more than anything else, but whatever.

Overall, there should be zero changes to the meta. So.. I guess if no builds are killed we should call that success now?!

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I thought it was April Fools Day when I read the notes.

There was some semblance of truth with obvious fixes that have been long overdue, but then they also dropped in troll abilities and statements. Of ALL things needed for thieves....they needed development time spent on a PORTAL??? We waited months for development effort being placed into Engies function gyro getting the OP treatment??? Reapers are too survivable??? They wear cloth, but need to fight up close. When have you ever seen a reaper win a duel? They buffed rampage survivability and overall warrior cc/damage??? They nerfed druid survivability???

Just like every patch in the last few years...they are breaking just as much as they fix if these patch notes are real...it's almost unbelievable that they spent this many months on these things. Some of the obvious things should have taken only a week, not 3 months. The "new stuff" is truly mind boggling that made people wait so long for genuine fixes.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:MESMER:

  • I don't think these changes will necessarily be buffs or nerfs in competitive modes, but I could be wrong. These however: Flow of Time: The alacrity per clone shattered has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds & Seize the Moment: The quickness per clone shattered has been increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds, are going to be pretty kitten strong in pve.

For those that don't know- Illusionary Persona is a trait that became baseline for Mesmers after the the traitline rework that preceded HoTs release. It makes the Mesmer count as a clone, consequentially scaling up all shatter effects. It also allows Mesmers to use Shatters without any clones present.

Chrono will be losing Illusionary Persona, so at max illusions you'll see...Flow of time-Now: 1s x 4 = 4 secs of AlacrityAfter update: 1.5s x 3 = 4.5 secs of alacrity

Seize the Moment-Now: 1.5s x 4 = 6 secs of quicknessAfter update: 2s x 3 = 6 secs of quickness

In PvE, the loss of Illusionary Persona shouldn't make any difference to the efficacy of Chrono, just makes it even more annoying to play... In the competitive modes (especially WvW) this is a MASSIVE nerf.

I'm super excited to playtest all the changes, though. Especially the Ele changes.

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