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Anybody want to share your ideas for some Back models?

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I had a few ideas for back model themes.

I seen what can be done with Wing physics. Think it's time for some capes and cloaks.

A guild cape and guild cloak could be nice. The cloak can have a hood that covers the head like Reaper's hood skin.

Also I am big on the idea of a Sheathed Weapon for a Back Model. A reversed Sheathed Greatsword would be cool. I don't mind a basic Greatsword here but a cool looking GS would be nice as well.A sheathed Spear can look nice as well.

A sheathed GreatAxe.

A other idea is mechanical arms for. Back model like Dr Octopus from Spider-Man.

Right now I am using the back skin with the floating orbs. I wouldn't mind more cool skins with floating objects of some kind. Floating Daggers could be cool.

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No. I wouldn't share my ideas with this audience if you paid me. Unappreciative kittens.

I will, however, tell ArenaNet that I would love a "Red Baron" scarf, similar to the Festive one, that constantly flows in a nonexistant wind. Come to think of it, anything automatically billowing as if in a gentle breeze would be neat, if you can pull it off.

...but no capes. Capes are dumb.

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Well that's weird, I came to this topic specifically to suggest an actual backpack which isn't huge and/or covered in random items. At the moment all we've got is the Guild Backpack and Sturdy Leatherworkers Backpack, both of which are quite...lumpy and still look oversized on a lot of characters. If I could remove all the excess stuff from the Divinity's Reach Rucksack that would work, but of course that's not an option.

At the other extreme I'd like more colours of holographic wings (same models we have now) so they can be used on characters who don't wear blue.

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I'd like them to fix the glitch some backpieces have on charr where they lift off of the back when wielding a 2 handed weapon firstOther than that...that's hard. I guess more simple backpiece options. I feel most are a but large or cluttered

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@"Trise.2865" said:I will, however, tell ArenaNet that I would love a "Red Baron" scarf, similar to the Festive one, that constantly flows in a nonexistant wind. Come to think of it, anything automatically billowing as if in a gentle breeze would be neat, if you can pull it off.

Ooh, and then pair it with the aviator cap. I think you might be on to something here. Now we just need old-timey biplanes and triplanes for our next mount and we'll be all set.

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