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Thank you for the Skyscale

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It is awesome. On another thread, I mentioned that it hadn't quite kicked griffon out of the #1 and default mount spot for me. But after weeks of using it and perfecting its mechanics, it's become my default. In that same thread (I think) I called it the best mapping mount.

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Have to agree and nice to see one "positive post" about the Skyscale. I personally love it and thought nothing would replace Griffon, but alas I use Skyscale way more. Only reason I really use Griffon is from a high vantage point to cover terrain fast: Always loved it on Bloodstone Fen map during Meta to reach end boss super fast.

Problem is the vast majority of us mortals are impatient creatures and the Skyscale got nothing but abuse and complaints for the whole collection, the time-gating, and generally the vast amount of running around everywhere pressing "F". If we weren't so impatient, looking back it, it really wasn't difficult or taxing or even that costly if you took your time with the time-gated mats (ofc I didn't !), but as a player base we had done without the Skyscale mount for so many years, and we managed just fine. So really what was all the mad rush and all the toxic moaning & whining about ? Sensible players that took their time, and paced themselves probably enjoyed the whole experience a lot more, than players that rushed to get it out of the way as quick as possible.

I guess the lesson learnt is to enjoy the ride and not just the final destination.

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Very true! I could understand the frustration of people who took time off to enjoy the Skyscale based on how the other mounts were released, but for the rest of us, take the journey at whatever pace is enjoyable. :) I already love the Skyscale just from riding the borrowed mounts and their design is wonderful!

GW2 mounts are sooo far and away the best in every category: utility, appearance, animations, acquisition and improvements being accountwide. I remember SWTOR mounts as being mostly for fashion and small to moderate speed boosts. ESO mounts are similarly not nearly as alive and varied as those in GW2 and increasing their speed/utility is a time-gated (once per 20 hours) payout per character. Not to bash either game, as they shine in other areas, but GW2 mounts are simply the best! :3

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In the context of the expression, "May you live in interesting times": the process of raising a skyscale qualifies as interesting times.

Playing catch was plain fun.Hide and seek was fun but perhaps could use a more unique hint. Chirps from the dragon before there is a minimap hint.It proved there is a lot of room in any zone for layered scavenger hunts. There are more than enough scavenger hunts to prove this.I become a different person doing jumping puzzles. Every kitten becomes a bag of kittens and I am knee deep in kittens. The studio gives me a way to remain myself. The food item is a brilliant example of using the market place as a way to provide player autonomy. I could argue that jumping puzzles are valleys meant to hold kittens but there are too many people good at them for that to be true. I never had to use the food item. I would have gladly but whenever I was ready another Tyrian helped.The time gating did not impact my play schedule but I can understand the frustration if it did. I wouldn't change the time gating though.

Flyng around, I am surprised by how much available space there is in some zones. There are many remote nooks where the skyscale species could be shown living.

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The only thing I didn't like initially was the timegate/ reset thing. It made me feel like I NEEDED to rush because otherwise I could be locked out for 24 hours if I finished just a little too late with the previous step. Once they reduced that, I was happy. Some of it I didn't like (ahem, jumping puzzles) but people were helpful and I only ended up using 1 extra treat.

The skyscale itself, I adore. It is pretty much my go to mount now, and it is making the HoT areas, especially Tangled Depths, so much more enjoyable for me. I still use the griffon if I'm in a rush, like if I'm in a group doing metas or trains, but I enjoy being able to pause, hover, and see the sights on the skyscale. All without being jumped by mobs. For those that complain it should simply fly indefinitely, NO. I've played games with that ability, and it gets dull fast. I love ArenaNet's approach to the mounts.

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@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Wait what? People were upset about the SkyScale collections... Seriously, it was worth it and it was a nice change of pace. Lets just maybe only release collections that grand once or twice a year :)

Yeah a lot of people were complaining about it and I get why but at the same time, there really was no need to rush? I was one of the rushers with the very first way of skyscale collection completers but I found no reason to complain as I was forcing myself to rush due to my intense love for dragons. All of the complainers were literally placing themselves, of their own volition, into a position where they lost the enjoyment of the skyscale collections.

That aside, 100% agree with everyone on loving the skyscale. Definitely my favorite mount and most used at the moment. I rushed the collection and was frustrated with it but I saw no reason to complain as I was purposefully rushing it when I had a high fever for the several days I had to do collections instead of sleeping in bed.... But the skyscale has made my map wandering much more interesting and satisfactory as I can now answer the questions I have of, "Can I get up to that ridiculous ledge/spire/tree?"

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@Aru.4156 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Wait what? People were upset about the SkyScale collections... Seriously, it was worth it and it was a nice change of pace. Lets just maybe only release collections that grand once or twice a year :)

Yeah a lot of people were complaining about it and I get why but at the same time, there really was no need to rush? I was one of the rushers with the very first way of skyscale collection completers but I found no reason to complain as I was forcing myself to rush due to my intense love for dragons. All of the complainers were literally placing themselves, of their own volition, into a position where they lost the enjoyment of the skyscale collections.

That aside, 100% agree with everyone on loving the skyscale. Definitely my favorite mount and most used at the moment. I rushed the collection and was frustrated with it but I saw no reason to complain as I was purposefully rushing it when I had a high fever for the several days I had to do collections instead of sleeping in bed.... But the skyscale has made my map wandering much more interesting and satisfactory as I can now answer the questions I have of, "Can I get up to that ridiculous ledge/spire/tree?"

I used it to get to a mastery point inside an airship in one of the HoT zones (forget which zone it was). I was jammed inside a bunch of metal bars and it was hard to see at times but yeah, the skyscale got me there. Good Dragon, have a fish treat! :)

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Yes. Thank you very much Anet for the Skyscale, and thinking about those of us who cannot do most jumping puzzles.

The extra pungent treats were so wonderful. They provided both peace of mind, and knowledge that I would be able to accomplish the collection..Bliss.

Big warm Texas hug for those treats.

Lisa-Loves her Skyscale.

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In the end, the sky scale was absolutely worth it. I also hate to admit but it was the right amount of hard to acquire. I’m also grateful we could pay our way out of those nasty jumping puzzles. It’s my defaultMount now and I hardly use the griffin anymore.

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Got mine yesterday! I must admit after some time to get accustomed to, I really appreciate this mount. Anyways, what are people complaining about those 5-6 JPs? They were all easy ones. Imagine you had to do Chalice of Tears or Skipping Stones. I think the typical casual player who has never played a 3D Mario game would've jumped out of the window :joy:

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Today's daily includes Orr Vista. I skyscaled up and sat for a second to organize inventory. The next ten folks to come up to my vista: 6 used skyscale. 2 griffon. 1 springer(who then ported a friend via mes portal). Not one used the jump up yourself method. Considering this was base Tyria though I expected fewer skyscales. And btw I need to get better at picking dyes. Some of the skins were truly gorgeous. I might sit here and people(mount?) watch a bit longer.

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@Etria.3642 said:Today's daily includes Orr Vista. I skyscaled up and sat for a second to organize inventory. The next ten folks to come up to my vista: 6 used skyscale. 2 griffon. 1 springer(who then ported a friend via mes portal). Not one used the jump up yourself method. Considering this was base Tyria though I expected fewer skyscales. And btw I need to get better at picking dyes. Some of the skins were truly gorgeous. I might sit here and people(mount?) watch a bit longer.

Wait, I thought everyone got their Orr Vista done at the bow of the airship parked in Fort Trinity? No? Just me then?

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