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[Suggestion] Male Norn looking like hunters....

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(All this referres to MALE Norn)Norn are hunters... Then why do they look like super heavy weightlifters? No creature that heavy would be able to track and hunt an animal for any distance.

Can we have one even slimmer/more slender (yet muscular) norn body type so you can make a Norn that looks like a real hunter!?

The slimmest now existing is the ONLY one I find looking decent.

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@Trise.2865 said:Because they're bears in human form. By all means, tell a bear that it's not a hunter.

Generally they are not.They mostly scavenge with a majority of their food being veggies and fruits, or when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kills from hunters like wolves and cougars etc.Some go salmon fishing too.Grizzlies do a bit more hunting, but still mostly eat vegetation.

So Norn would do a lot better as scavengers, with their imposing frame helping them to scare off hunters from their kill to claim it for themselves, than being hunters.

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@"Frostfang.5109" said:(All this referres to MALE Norn)Norn are hunters... Then why do they look like super heavy weightlifters? No creature that heavy would be able to track and hunt an animal for any distance.

Can we have one even slimmer/more slender (yet muscular) norn body type so you can make a Norn that looks like a real hunter!?

The slimmest now existing is the ONLY one I find looking decent.

Their proportions is one of the key things that differentiates norn from just being "tall humans". If anything, female norn should be made wider.

And let's face it, even if the norn were skinnier like humans, at the height they have, they'd still be heavy.

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@Asum.4960 said:

@Trise.2865 said:Because they're bears in human form. By all means, tell a bear that it's not a hunter.

Generally they are not.They mostly scavenge with a majority of their food being veggies and fruits, or when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kills from hunters like wolves and cougars etc.Some go salmon fishing too.Grizzlies do a bit more hunting, but still mostly eat vegetation.

So Norn would do a lot better as scavengers, with their imposing frame helping them to scare off hunters from their kill to claim it for themselves, than being hunters.

Polar bears. They eat all meat, and they're also the largest species of bear left alive.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

@Trise.2865 said:Because they're bears in human form. By all means, tell a bear that it's not a hunter.

Generally they are not.They mostly scavenge with a majority of their food being veggies and fruits, or when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kills from hunters like wolves and cougars etc.Some go salmon fishing too.Grizzlies do a bit more hunting, but still mostly eat vegetation.

So Norn would do a lot better as scavengers, with their imposing frame helping them to scare off hunters from their kill to claim it for themselves, than being hunters.

Polar bears. They eat all meat, and they're also the largest species of bear left alive.

Bear Form, both in GW1 and GW2 has brown fur though, with polar bears living in a quite unique niche, spending most of their time on ice and in water, which is already represented in GW with the Kodan, not the Norn.

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@Asum.4960 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:Because they're bears in human form. By all means, tell a bear that it's not a hunter.

Generally they are not.They mostly scavenge with a majority of their food being veggies and fruits, or when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kills from hunters like wolves and cougars etc.Some go salmon fishing too.Grizzlies do a bit more hunting, but still mostly eat vegetation.

So Norn would do a lot better as scavengers, with their imposing frame helping them to scare off hunters from their kill to claim it for themselves, than being hunters.

I think this thread may be confusing "hunter" with "predator". Omnivores combine hunting, scavenging, foraging, and even rudimentary farming to balance their diets.

Also you can't concede an animal hunts, then claim it isn't a hunter. It either hunts or it doesn't.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@Trise.2865 said:Because they're bears in human form. By all means, tell a bear that it's not a hunter.

Generally they are not.They mostly scavenge with a majority of their food being veggies and fruits, or when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kills from hunters like wolves and cougars etc.Some go salmon fishing too.Grizzlies do a bit more hunting, but still mostly eat vegetation.

So Norn would do a lot better as scavengers, with their imposing frame helping them to scare off hunters from their kill to claim it for themselves, than being hunters.

I think this thread may be confusing "hunter" with "predator". Omnivores combine hunting, scavenging, foraging, and even rudimentary farming to balance their diets.

Also you can't concede an animal hunts, then claim it isn't a hunter. It either hunts or it doesn't.

I use "hunter" as that is what the Norn uses themselves. And the closest hunter I can refer to is human hunter gatherers. Norn does not exist on earth but if they did, I think humans would be closer related than bears to them, despite their shapeshift ability.

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@"Frostfang.5109" said:(All this referres to MALE Norn)Norn are hunters... Then why do they look like super heavy weightlifters? No creature that heavy would be able to track and hunt an animal for any distance.

a) you are ignoring things that exist in the world of Tyria like magic and tools -- bows and firearms.

b) you are ignoring the ultimate "prey" of Tyria: monsters. The Norn hunter aspect of fierce combat with these beasts is their ultimate test.

Sure, there is traditional hunting in this world, but one doesn't need to be a ninja to be successful. And will the norn sit around the fire and toast to those mighty bunnies that Sven brought in, or that minotaur that Mina felled with her axe?

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@Trise.2865 said:

@Trise.2865 said:Because they're bears in human form. By all means, tell a bear that it's not a hunter.

Generally they are not.They mostly scavenge with a majority of their food being veggies and fruits, or when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kills from hunters like wolves and cougars etc.Some go salmon fishing too.Grizzlies do a bit more hunting, but still mostly eat vegetation.

So Norn would do a lot better as scavengers, with their imposing frame helping them to scare off hunters from their kill to claim it for themselves, than being hunters.

I think this thread may be confusing "hunter" with "predator". Omnivores combine hunting, scavenging, foraging, and even rudimentary farming to balance their diets.

Also you can't concede an animal hunts, then claim it isn't a hunter. It either hunts or it doesn't.

Guess that comes down to what you define as being "a hunter", as to me that implies usually obligatory carnivore predators who get a vast majority of their food from hunting, and not opportunistic omnivores with barely any of their food supply coming from some ambushes while foraging.

Taking the Polar Bear as leading example for the argument is just as misleading as taking Giant Pandas as example for bears just eating bamboo and not hunting at all. They are exceptions on either extreme.

But yea, sure, they hunt. As you said though, Predator would have been a more fitting term.

In essence, while the bulky Norn may be great predators, they may not be particularly suited for much hunting since their frame doesn't seem adept for either stalking, ambushing or chasing.

This is the weirdest discussion I had on this forum yet though.

@DeanBB.4268 said:you are ignoring things that exist in the world of Tyria like magic and tools -- bows and firearms.

I would guess evolving with things like magic would if anything make lumbering calorie hungry physical frames more obsolete.But we are probably not supposed to look to deeply into any of that.

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@Westenev.5289 said:Wait, so having muscle decreases physical performance and duration, and prevents one from using a snare or a bow and arrow?

My whole life feels like a lie.

HUGE (like worlds strongest men-much, and even less in many cases) musslemass eats lots of oxygen, often decreasing u'r ability to run or swim for any distance at any fast pace. I've seen it myself as a PT and instructor.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

@"Frostfang.5109" said:(All this referres to MALE Norn)Norn are hunters... Then why do they look like super heavy weightlifters? No creature that heavy would be able to track and hunt an animal for any distance.

Can we have one even slimmer/more slender (yet muscular) norn body type so you can make a Norn that looks like a real hunter!?

The slimmest now existing is the ONLY one I find looking decent.

Their proportions is one of the key things that differentiates norn from just being "tall humans". If anything, female norn should be made wider.

And let's face it, even if the norn were skinnier like humans, at the height they have, they'd still be heavy.

"their proportions" only apply for males though, because god forbid we have females that look like that....

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There's more to hunting than just stealth.. just play the Norn starting missions to see that.

There's a reason Norn have many spirits of the wild and each spirit specializes in different methods of hunting, prey and bestow different beast forms with different abilties.Some hunters stalk their prey, sneak up on it and utalize stealth.Some hunters track their prey, run right up to it and challenge it to a fight to the death.

They're hunters in every sense of the word not just one.

On a second note what's more of a funny conflict with their physical traits is that a meathead musclebound Norn who could put The Hulk to shame still swings a greatsword and does the same damage as an Asura with their teeny little toddler arms.That's funny to me.

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@Teratus.2859 said:On a second note what's more of a funny conflict with their physical traits is that a meathead musclebound Norn who could put The Hulk to shame still swings a greatsword and does the same damage as an Asura with their teeny little toddler arms.That's funny to me.

Biomechanical, technomagical enhancements. Basically, The Hulk vs Iron Man, except they end up being about even.

...but that's getting a little off-topic.

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