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Are there things that felt disturbing/uncomfortable/disgusting in GW2?


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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

@Ignigknawt.7869 said:The renown heart in Wayfarer Foothills where you kill the mother dolyaks and and capture their babies.

You do know you're supposed to capture them without killing the mothers don't you? Before you say it can't be done, let me assure you it most certainly can.

You're still taking her babies though, that doesn't make it much better lol.


It is easier when you kill the mom, and there is absolutely no in-game penalty for killing the mom, so I don't know how it can be assumed that you are 'supposed' to do it without killing the mom. (Yeah, I usually try to anyway.)

That's a Disney cartoon...Bambi...I could go on...but won't...

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:It's like whomever was writing the story never realized that this part was way off base on a fundamental human level.

That's basically true for most of the dialogue. It makes little sense and people - sentient, intelligent creatures, just wouldn't act the way they do in the game. A case in point - the sheer childishness of many of the characters, Destiny's Edge's squabbles, the commander (player) indulging their every flight of fancy instead of putting their foot down like a commander would, etc. I get the feeling that whoever writes the dialogue at ANet perhaps lacks the required life experience to really explore the interactions and ideas that the game sets out for its characters. It's almost like a cheap fanfic, instead of the fleshed out novel the world's set pieces demand.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:

@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:It's like whomever was writing the story never realized that this part was way off base on a fundamental human level.

That's basically true for most of the dialogue. It makes little sense and people - sentient, intelligent creatures, just wouldn't act the way they do in the game. A case in point - the sheer childishness of many of the characters, Destiny's Edge's squabbles, the commander (player) indulging their every flight of fancy instead of putting their foot down like a commander would, etc. I get the feeling that whoever writes the dialogue at ANet perhaps lacks the required life experience to really explore the interactions and ideas that the game sets out for its characters. It's almost like a cheap fanfic, instead of the fleshed out novel the world's set pieces demand.

Perhaps you'd like to come to my work location some time and just listen to what people say...if someone can say it I can guarantee it's been said, no matter how stupid or childish it sounds(and this is coming from supposed adults). I've seen and heard it all, that's not to say that all of the dialogue makes sense, some doesn't, but believe it or not a lot of it is quite realistic.

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@Batel.9206 said:

@"Batdogi.7142" said:The meta event in Field of Ruins is sad making. You basically burn an orge village to the ground to draw out their old retired warrior and his pet then kill them and continue onward to wipe out their entire culture and probably their race.

To be fair, the ogres are, according to
, "using the cease-fire to take more land." In other words, once the charr and humans have stopped fighting, the ogres swept in to kill and plunder as much as they can, and they show no signs of stopping.So, they did exactly what charr did before?

Personally, as someone that played GW1 extensively, I find at least some of the hearts in Ascalon to be greatly disturbing. Especially the ones where we have to act against the remnants of ascalonians still trying to hold on here even after queen Jennah has sold them off.

@Batel.9206 said:One thing I will say, though, is that Caithe's whole character just feels...gross. She's meant to be looked upon as this tragic figure with a dark, horrible past - and with the revelation about Wynne, she absolutely is. However, before I knew about that, her entire character felt like it could be summed up as "My ex-girlfriend was a horrible evil meanie-pants and so now I am sad." I kept thinking that Faolain left her only a few years back, so the emotional wounds are still fresh...and then come to find out, no, Faolain left her over twenty years ago.And Caithe didn't come to terms with it until roughly Heart of Thorns - about twenty-five years later, give or take a year or so.Remember, that's how long they have been alive. When the breakup happened, they were one year old. That was bound to leave permanent scars.

...wow. Yeah. Way to portray a strong character with a dark past: a pitiful, pathetic creature who wallows in despair and agony while hypocritically berating everybody else for being stuck in the past.She's not a strong character with a dark past - that would be Faolain. Caithe is just an emotionally unstable teenager that has been in abusive relationship.

I mean, I did like the pre-LS2 interpretation, where it was strongly suggested that she was a genuine Nightmare Court at some point but managed to get back somehow way better, and i don't consider her final version to be stellar writing, but i don't feel disturbed by it in any way. It's her LS2/HoT behaviour i have problem with. Because she has clearly shown she is not someone that me (as a Commander) can ever trust. That one scene in LS2 has relegated her immediately to a "don't ever let her close" category.

And the ease of how she got back into the protagonist's good graces is what i feel disturbing about her.


@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

@"Elspereth.1280" said:And I would have to disagree. If the egg is supposed to be this big secret (and considering what it is I think that it certainly is "some grand secret") then of course Morning would lie about it. She would have absolutely no reason to tell a bunch of strangers about it.

We're not strangers. We'd been to the Zephyrite Sanctum many times at that point.So was the Sylvari that attacked the Master of Peace.

Frankly, if anything was wrong in that scene it was Kasmeer's and Marjory's reaction. I mean, Morning just died on our hands, but the fact that Kasmeer felt she was lying was deemed far more important. The death itself was immediately forgotten.

And you're surprised she didn't trust us.

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Caithe is not a teenager. You can't translate sylvari age 1:1 to human age, as they skip childhood and are born adult. Granted, they are very naive adults at first, but in no way comparable to a human child. So, I think we can safely add 15-20 years to a sylvari's age to get the equivalent human age. Therefore, Caithe should behave like a 40ish years old human, not like a teenager.

Those 25 years of the sylvari are really a problem in the story. For Trahearne, that time fits to make his background somewhat believable. Laranthir, Canach and the Nightmare Court too, I guess. But with Caithe, it's really problematic. She acts as if things that happened 20 years ago really happened a few month ago. What has she been doing in all those years? How has she not come to terms with anything?Sieran has similar problems. I do like her, she's awesome, but seriously, does she have a mental problem? She is a secondborn and has been around as long as Laranthir, who at the time is second-in-command of the Vigil. Yet she acts like a little kid. This is a bit weird.Those problems with those 20-25 years can be found at several points in the story. I suspect the writers didn't really know what to do with the timeline at points.

Not a huge problem, though. Except maybe in Caithe's case.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:So was the Sylvari that attacked the Master of Peace.

Frankly, if anything was wrong in that scene it was Kasmeer's and Marjory's reaction. I mean, Morning just died on our hands, but the fact that Kasmeer felt she was lying was deemed far more important. The death itself was immediately forgotten.

And you're surprised she didn't trust us.

Considering we're written as the well-to-do protagonists, yes she should've trusted us. It is only happenstance/bad writing that we come off as sociopaths in that scene.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:So was the Sylvari that attacked the Master of Peace.

Frankly, if anything was wrong in that scene it was Kasmeer's and Marjory's reaction. I mean, Morning just died on our hands, but the fact that Kasmeer felt she was lying was deemed far more important. The death itself was immediately forgotten.

And you're surprised she didn't trust us.

Considering we're written as the well-to-do protagonists, yes she should've trusted us. It is only happenstance/bad writing that we come off as sociopaths in that scene.

I always thought Kasmeer's reaction was just...bizarre."Her body language was wrong! Ooh! That means SHE'S LYING!! [dun dun dunnnnnn]"...Kasmeer, sweetie, she's dying in agony. She's writhing on the ground in intense pain as she's frantically trying to tell everyone to go find the Master of Peace, before she can't speak any longer and dies. No duh her body language is strange. And Kasmeer offers that as "proof" she's lying? :confounded: Yikes.

And then of course there's the fact that a woman just died right in front of us and we have no reaction. One instance of the Heart of Thorns story did that far better: we charge into a chak nest to rescue a missing Pact soldier, but by the time we get there it's too late and he's dying. Our character, no matter who they are, takes the time to murmur words of comfort:

! Magister Humli: Commander? You came for me?! Commander: We're going to get you out of here.! Magister Humli: No. Raven is already here for me.! Commander: Easy. I'm here. [...] Rest in peace, great hunter. I will personally spread your tale.as the norn soldier quietly dies. And after, we're intensely shaken up about it. "The itzel said the jungle provides - but it seems to provide only death..." We didn't know that soldier. We'd never seen or heard of him before, but he's still a person, and that means something. We didn't know Morning, never seen or heard of her before (or if we had, only in passing), but everyone just stood there with blank expressions and decided she's lying about something. What?!

...the more I think about this scene, the more it bothers me.

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@Fenella.2634 said:Caithe is not a teenager. You can't translate sylvari age 1:1 to human age, as they skip childhood and are born adult. Granted, they are very naive adults at first, but in no way comparable to a human child. So, I think we can safely add 15-20 years to a sylvari's age to get the equivalent human age. Therefore, Caithe should behave like a 40ish years old human, not like a teenager.

Presumptuous. If you can't compare sylvari and human age 1:1 but continue to do so but at concluded point in time....just don't add up.

To clarify, you're fine comparing their ages 1:1 but only after putting them at the consensus driven young adult human age of 15+. But then I'm more willing to attribute sound decisions to individuals above or below that limit. The problem comes when continued unsound decisions are made and the individual shows now maturity to take responsibility for said decisions. The depth of a person isn't just the one mistake they ever made or even the breadth of all their mistakes with all their good decisions omitted.

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The gemstore feels this way. These slight variations mounts skins in rng loot boxes really piis me off. So much so i stop buying them since the last batch. Nothing is more disturbing than not putting these skins in game on a monthly/bi monthly basis. It just disgusting that they thought this was a good idea. Makes me feel uncomfortable in thinking anet is becoming an mmos worst nightmare.

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