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Knife Tail Hunting Gang / Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock


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@"Danikat.8537" said:Back when we had town clothes many of the full sets came with an additional item - the pirate costume came with a toy sword for example and the chef outfit came with a frying pan. When costume brawl was introduced those were turned into brawl toys.

But they don't seem to be available anymore, or are only available if you buy the outfit directly from the gem store. I used a Black Lion Outfit Voucher to get the chef's outfit and it didn't come with the frying pan, and it sounds like getting it from the hunting bond or a wardrobe unlock works the same way.

As far as i know, there is a npc (Black Lion Exchange Specialist) from which you can buy toys for free as long as you own the correct outfit. I might be wrong though, but i do belive that i did buy some toys from there.Edit: example https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Executioner_Axe_Toy

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Cynder.2509 said:Another thing I'm confused about is if this item is some kind pay to win based on RNG. What is this whole thing now? Is it true that people with multiple accounts can receive multiple of these for free on one account through gifting? That would be an unfair advantage then.

I don't think the item itself is pay to win. It only awards gem store cosmetics, meaning they have no functional benefits and they're all things which are available to buy anyway. It's basically a mount adoption licence for all gem store skins and dyes - it's cheaper than buying them directly but with the disadvantage that what you get is random.

And yes people with multiple accounts could have gifted the free one to their main account (unless they didn't think of that and used it on the account they never play like I did), but I'm not sure that in itself makes it pay to win. Or at least no worse than other advantages like being able to pass mystic coins and materials bought with laurels to your main account.

@Cynder.2509 said:Some outfits come with bundles. So, what about them when the outfits are unlocked via these "tickets". Any way of receiving the bundles too?No outfits come with bundles. Some bundles include outfits. The other items in the bundle can be obtained separately, for the most part. For the few bits that aren't, the price of the items you have unlocked already is prorated.

Back when we had town clothes many of the full sets came with an additional item - the pirate costume came with a toy sword for example and the chef outfit came with a frying pan. When costume brawl was introduced those were turned into brawl toys.

But they don't seem to be available anymore, or are only available if you buy the outfit directly from the gem store. I used a Black Lion Outfit Voucher to get the chef's outfit and it didn't come with the frying pan, and it sounds like getting it from the hunting bond or a wardrobe unlock works the same way.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:so the game now exist to sell us items in the Gemshop to unlock rng some items.nice. i dont want to play the gemshop, i want to play the game to get stuff.

That's a very narrow definition. But it's also not new; the gem store has been part of the game since day 1 (or before, since it was in the betas) and there's always been RNG items. Black Lion Chests are the best known but during most of Season 1 each release used to have it's own RNG box with event themed items.

It doesn't change the fact that all the rest of the stuff in the game still exists and can be played without ever buying those RNG items, or anything else from the gem store.

  • Armour (individual pieces only, none of the sets like Primeval or Aetherblade)

Doesn't the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock preview also show individual armour pieces, even though it actually unlocks full sets? Maybe I'm misremembering...

As far as I know the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock only unlocks individual pieces - so for example you can get the heavy aetherblade helmet without getting the rest of the set, but I may have misunderstood that because I've never gotten one myself so I'm just going by what I've read on the forum.

But with the Hunting Bond what I meant was that armour skins which are sold as full sets in the gem store do not appear at all. It's only the stand-alone pieces like the Raven Mantle and Toxic Shoulders. There were no full sets or pieces from sets in the preview list for either of my accounts, even though the only one I have is the Krytan armour.

Just an FYI: Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks do, in fact, award complete Armor Sets. I know because I have unlocks 2 sets this way.

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@Glider.5792 said:

@"Danikat.8537" said:Back when we had town clothes many of the full sets came with an additional item - the pirate costume came with a toy sword for example and the chef outfit came with a frying pan. When costume brawl was introduced those were turned into brawl toys.

But they don't seem to be available anymore, or are only available if you buy the outfit directly from the gem store. I used a Black Lion Outfit Voucher to get the chef's outfit and it didn't come with the frying pan, and it sounds like getting it from the hunting bond or a wardrobe unlock works the same way.

As far as i know, there is a npc (Black Lion Exchange Specialist) from which you can buy toys for free as long as you own the correct outfit. I might be wrong though, but i do belive that i did buy some toys from there.Edit: example

Oh, thanks for letting me know. I'll have a look when I get home tonight and see if I can pick up the frying pan that came with the chefs outfit.

Edit: That worked. :) The Costume Brawl Toys tab let me unlock the frying pan that came with the chef's outfit. The Pirate Sword is also available, but I already have that in the wardrobe.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:Thanks OP and others for all the info. Does anyone know, when you activate this, is it active just for the character, or for the whole account? Does it have a finite duration? And is there anything that can go wrong? (My guess is, at the very least, if you enter SAB while it's active it will be disabled - although obviously that's not possible right now.)It gives the character that uses it a stacking buff. Each use of the item stacks one charge, and each kill of a skritt removes one charge and gives you one box. There's no time limit on the buff.


@Danikat.8537 said:

  • Armour (individual pieces only, none of the sets like Primeval or Aetherblade)

Doesn't the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock preview also show individual armour pieces, even though it actually unlocks full sets? Maybe I'm misremembering...

As far as I know the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock only unlocks individual pieces - so for example you can get the heavy aetherblade helmet without getting the rest of the set, but I may have misunderstood that because I've never gotten one myself so I'm just going by what I've read on the forum.

I was basing what I said on the fact that I once had either a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock or a Guaranteed Armour Unlock (not sure which) unlock the whole Magitech Armour set in one go. For armour unlock, the wiki says "Unlocking a piece of gemstore chest armor unlocks the rest of the set too (head, shoulders, gloves, legs, footwear)", so it could have been one of those - but then it lists whole armour sets (but is less explicit) for wardrobe unlocks, so I'm not sure.

But with the Hunting Bond what I meant was that armour skins which are sold as full sets in the gem store do not appear at all. It's only the stand-alone pieces like the Raven Mantle and Toxic Shoulders. There were no full sets or pieces from sets in the preview list for either of my accounts, even though the only one I have is the Krytan armour.

Ah, I'd obviously misinterpreted what you wrote - so clearly it doesn't work like the wardrobe unlocks, regardless of how those work!

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Considering that if you have all the other things unlocked and are going for Black Lion weapons skins or even mounts, that is really cheap. But since most of the items in these are trash and most people don't have hardly anything in it unlocked already, 200 gems isn't worth it.

@Batel.9206 said:

@"Bloodstealer.5978" said:TBH not worth the time or gems imo.. I just used the free one from the BLTC and got the Dynamics glider... already got it so it wasn't a unique unlock. Had that happen with the guaranteed unlocks from the chests previously. So iI wont be buying any at 200gems to get unlocks I already had unlocked.

That...shouldn't happen. As per the
, "[r]ecovered goods will always unlock a Black Lion Trading Company product
you don’t already own in your wardrobe

Can anyone else confirm this?

Certain wardrobe unlockers CAN unlock a back skin without a glider. So this item can unlock the full package if you only have one part of the set. Its pretty shite that wardrobe unlockers have this nonsense.

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@Cynder.2509 said:Why not just update the chests, or better update the unlock vouchers within these, instead? We don't need another RNG item. I'd really prefer earnable skins by actually playing the game except gemstore stuff. Yes, I know raids are there in that case but not everyone is able to get into raids due to some toxics of the community gatekeeping that stuff. Luckily there are a few non toxic groups but these are only very few and they're not as active as others. But that is a different story.This whole gemstore situation has gotten out of hand. Things were better before any expansion was released in the vanilla days to be honest. People also tended to be nicer.

aint the 200gem knife gang unlock cheaper then the wardrobe unlocks?

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@Cynder.2509 said:Why not just update the chests, or better update the unlock vouchers within these, instead? We don't need another RNG item.

I enjoy those much more than the BLC.

In the few occasions I bought BLC keys, I ended up more often than not frustrated because I never got anything worthwhile out of them. I had the feeling I lost my money.

While with those bonds, I enjoyed using them because I knew I would get something worthwhile, and not some junk like a bunch of transmutation charges, or a mini or a dye I already have that sells for a few silvers on the TP.

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@Blanche Neige.7241 said:

@Cynder.2509 said:Why not just update the chests, or better update the unlock vouchers within these, instead? We don't need another RNG item.

I enjoy those much more than the BLC.

In the few occasions I bought BLC keys, I ended up more often than not frustrated because I never got anything worthwhile out of them. I had the feeling I lost my money.

While with those bonds, I enjoyed using them because I knew I would get something worthwhile, and not some junk like a bunch of transmutation charges, or a mini or a dye I already have that sells for a few silvers on the TP.

But still it's disappointing if you aim to get a mount skin for example and just unlock a dye instead.

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@Cynder.2509 said:

@Cynder.2509 said:Why not just update the chests, or better update the unlock vouchers within these, instead? We don't need another RNG item.

I enjoy those much more than the BLC.

In the few occasions I bought BLC keys, I ended up more often than not frustrated because I never got anything worthwhile out of them. I had the feeling I lost my money.

While with those bonds, I enjoyed using them because I knew I would get something worthwhile, and not some junk like a bunch of transmutation charges, or a mini or a dye I already have that sells for a few silvers on the TP.

But still it's disappointing if you aim to get a mount skin for example and just unlock a dye instead.

How can you aim for anything with a random reward chance?

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@"Linken.6345" said:How can you aim for anything with a random reward chance?

This.Just as with any RNG item, don't "aim" for anything in particular; you'll almost certainly be let down.

I can think of a few things I'd like to get when I use my Hunting Bond: Highlands Harrier griffon skin, Zafirah's Tactical outfit, Etherbound glider, Foefire Wraps, reading glasses.... That's five items out of a few hundred available. The chances of my getting any of them are extremely low - so there's really no use being disappointed over that, or getting my hopes up prematurely. It's just how it is. Like that old saying says, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

Basically, use this unlock as you would any other RNG item: a mild curiosity to see if something interesting comes of it. (And even if you get something you're not interested in, you can probably sell it on the trading post to someone who is.)

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@Batel.9206 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:How can you aim for anything with a random reward chance?

This.Just as with any RNG item, don't "aim" for anything in particular; you'll almost certainly be let down.

I can think of a few things I'd like to get when I use my Hunting Bond: Highlands Harrier griffon skin, Zafirah's Tactical outfit, Etherbound glider, Foefire Wraps, reading glasses.... That's five items out of a few
available. The chances of my getting any of them are
low - so there's really no use being disappointed over that, or getting my hopes up prematurely. It's just how it is. Like that old saying says, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

Basically, use this unlock as you would any other RNG item: a mild curiosity to see if something interesting comes of it. (And even if you get something
not interested in, you can probably sell it on the trading post to someone who

You cant its not an item it get instantly unlocked.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Linken.6345 said:How can you aim for anything with a random reward chance?

This.Just as with any RNG item, don't "aim" for anything in particular; you'll almost certainly be let down.

I can think of a few things I'd like to get when I use my Hunting Bond: Highlands Harrier griffon skin, Zafirah's Tactical outfit, Etherbound glider, Foefire Wraps, reading glasses.... That's five items out of a few
available. The chances of my getting any of them are
low - so there's really no use being disappointed over that, or getting my hopes up prematurely. It's just how it is. Like that old saying says, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

Basically, use this unlock as you would any other RNG item: a mild curiosity to see if something interesting comes of it. (And even if you get something
not interested in, you can probably sell it on the trading post to someone who

You cant its not an item it get instantly unlocked.

Whoops! Wasn't aware of that; my bad. :) Thanks for the correction.

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I'm not impressed by this, so much chance of getting things I don't want, like most of the BL weapon skins. There's a reason I don't have a lot of them unlocked: I don't want them. I don't care to unlock skins just because they're valuable. Having said that, my free one gave me a trailblazer rollerbeetle skin which I quite like. Still not buying any of them, I'm quitting while I'm ahead.

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@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:

@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:Thanks OP and others for all the info. Does anyone know, when you activate this, is it active just for the character, or for the whole account? Does it have a finite duration? And is there anything that can go wrong? (My guess is, at the very least, if you enter SAB while it's active it will be disabled - although obviously that's not possible right now.)It gives the character that uses it a stacking buff. Each use of the item stacks one charge, and each kill of a skritt removes one charge and gives you one box. There's no time limit on the buff.


To further clarify:
a skritt, not
it, removes one stack of the Bonded Hunter effect. I was in a group in Orr killing wave after wave of Risen farmers and chickens, and I would occasionally see a skritt gang member appear and die without getting the drop (not enough dmg? too far away? exclusive single drop per skritt? just plain old drop-rng?)

So if you kill it or it dies and you don't loot, it seems you don't have to stress about not getting the Recovered BL Goods drop, eventually.

wiki source --> "Looting Knife Tail Gang members while bonded will give Recovered Black Lion Goods and remove one Bonded Hunter stack."

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:But i don't get it (or missed something).You pay an additional 75 gems, to do more work, for the same chest??

BLK costs 125/e, with instant rewards.KTHG costs 200/e and requires additional work

200 gems for a Guaranteed wardrobe unlock that cost 15 black lion statuettes so bettwen 4-15 chests. ( thats alot more then 200 gems)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:They still need to add more stuff to the Wardrobe Unlocks. This new item unlocks much more recent stuff that isn't currently included in the Wardrobe Unlock.Yes this is true. It will unlock the Bio-luminescent weapon collection, the Flying Boar glider, Etherbound gauntlets, and Caithe's Crystal Bloom Sword whereas the Guaranteed Wardrobe/Armor/Weapon Unlocks will not.

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