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When did GW2 turn into a grindfest?

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@kharmin.7683 said:Hmmm... finding the eggs for me was relatively easy using the guide on the wiki. I just did a couple each day and worked my way clock-wise around the map. ymmv

somehow, anything someone doesn't want to do, they label it 'grind'. besides, people are straying again from what Anet said ... and Anet has stuck to what they said they would do from the beginning.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:So don't do it and do the content you do enjoy?

I would like skyscale but I'm not motivated to do the collections, so I don't target it, I play what I enjoy - although sometimes I dip in and collect a fee items when I'm in the mood. If you 'gave up on the game' because you didn't want to do an optional objective then the reality is there are other issues and you are just blaming this content, unless you are a person that feels entitled to get what everyone else has and gets annoyed about this.

Put it another way all the other content that you enjoy playing is still there Plus the content you consider a grind.

That's fair, I did the same with skyscale after all.

There is one problem though. As the grindy stuff increases (and that seemed to be the trend in LS4), you find your self with limited options when it comes to new stuff to do. There has to be a balance between instant gratification and skyscale-like grindfests. If every major feature of each new update needs grind, then you are stuck with the older activities you enjoyed but it won't last long.

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The skyscale grind was nothing compared to finishing Vision. The x6 250 currencies is only bad if you cant wait with getting it and want it here and NOW! If you cant cope with grinding, ocassionally plug at it, buy from the npc in dragonfall. Home node instances. And the recent festival of four winds had ways of buying the currency.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:The skyscale grind was nothing compared to finishing Vision. The x6 250 currencies is only bad if you cant wait with getting it and want it here and NOW! If you cant cope with grinding, ocassionally plug at it, buy from the npc in dragonfall. Home node instances. And the recent festival of four winds had ways of buying the currency.

My tactic was farming rep hearts on my alts. Easily got 40-50 a day before I put the game down for the evening.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Hmmm... finding the eggs for me was relatively easy using the guide on the wiki. I just did a couple each day and worked my way clock-wise around the map. ymmv

Its not that its a grind its that we have 10-15 different grinds all going at once tends to kitten people off..

Really? What 15 grinds are you doing right now?

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:There has to be a balance between instant gratification and skyscale-like grindfests.On person's grind is another person's fun content. I couldn't stand grinding raids every week or t4 fractals daily or Istan meta for hours on end (pre nerf of course), but I really thoroughly enjoyed the skyscale collections and was actually kind of sad when it was over in just a week.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".
It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.

playing the game is not griding tho.

Skyscale collection gets in the way of playing the game and the claims of it being legendry are just bullshit.Its no difrent to any other mount in the game.mounts and masterys brought the unavoidable grind into the game and those 295 mastery lvls now represent a massive hurdle to new players.

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@eldrin.6471 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".
It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.

playing the game is not griding tho.

Skyscale collection gets in the way of playing the game and the claims of it being legendry are just kitten.Its no difrent to any other mount in the game.mounts and masterys brought the unavoidable grind into the game and those 295 mastery lvls now represent a massive hurdle to new players.

Only if you are a completionist. With mounts you can skip many of the hot mastery needs as they are completely bypassable.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".
It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.

playing the game is not griding tho.

Skyscale collection gets in the way of playing the game and the claims of it being legendry are just kitten.Its no difrent to any other mount in the game.mounts and masterys brought the unavoidable grind into the game and those 295 mastery lvls now represent a massive hurdle to new players.

Only if you are a completionist. With mounts you can skip many of the hot mastery needs as they are completely bypassable.

The whole game is bypassable.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:You're right: Heart of Thorns (HoT) is a grind-fest for masteries.

No doubt, you can experience it as a grind-fest for masteries, that happens if you aren't interested in playing the game, but just want to have the masteries.On the other side, you can play all the event-series and meta-events the HoT maps offers you, and you will never have a problem with the XP, it just comes faster, than your able to acquire mastery points.

It's all in your mind!

If you experience whole GW2 as grind you likely have no interest in playing GW2. But why do you grind it, if you don't want to play it?

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@"Daddicus.6128" said:You're right: Heart of Thorns (HoT) is a grind-fest for masteries.

No doubt, you can experience it as a grind-fest for masteries, that happens if you aren't interested in playing the game, but just want to have the masteries.On the other side, you can play all the event-series and meta-events the HoT maps offers you, and you will never have a problem with the XP, it just comes faster, than your able to acquire mastery points.

It's all in your mind!

If you experience whole GW2 as grind you likely have no interest in playing GW2. But why do you grind it, if you don't want to play it?

Same with the Skyscale collection when it comes to getting those 250 of each currency. It took me like 2-3 days just playing each map and I'm a pretty casual player. Just do map completion, don't forget to get the currencies from the finished hearts, mine every node and open every chest you come across, participate in normal events and do the meta. It's really not that hard. And before anyone complaints like "but the maps are ded!!11" I just did all of this like 2 weeks ago and there was a lot of activity. So I really don't get the problem.

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@eldrin.6471 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".
It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.

playing the game is not griding tho.

Skyscale collection gets in the way of playing the game and the claims of it being legendry are just kitten.Its no difrent to any other mount in the game.mounts and masterys brought the unavoidable grind into the game and those 295 mastery lvls now represent a massive hurdle to new players.

What? None of this makes any sense. Skyscale certainly does not get in the way of anyone playing this game. It's completely optional and barely any advantage to someone that already has gliding and/or griffon.

Something being a hurdle to new players doesn't make it a grind, especially if the method to get those things a) is the same as it was when the old players got it and 2) the method wasn't a grind for the old players in the first place.

@eldrin.6471 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".
It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.

playing the game is not griding tho.

Skyscale collection gets in the way of playing the game and the claims of it being legendry are just kitten.Its no difrent to any other mount in the game.mounts and masterys brought the unavoidable grind into the game and those 295 mastery lvls now represent a massive hurdle to new players.

Only if you are a completionist. With mounts you can skip many of the hot mastery needs as they are completely bypassable.

The whole game is bypassable.

Right ... I think you really need to understand the difference between the subjective assessment of grind vs. what a player needs to do to be able to do X activity in this game. When reasonable people talk about grind, they are referring to the artificial methodology of a game requiring repeating content ad nauseum to achieve a very specific goal. Skyscale simply doesn't fit that definition ... yet people with an agenda will call it 'grind' because they don't like what is needed to get it. If you're going to use that term to describe something, you better explain to people what you are talking about because in terms of time or repeated content, Skyscale fits neither of those.

If you're just going to dismiss the whole game as bypassable because it's just a game, then you don't have a problem with grind because you just admitted you don't need to play the game at all as a solution to that grind. You can't straddle that line and expect people to take what you say with any level of seriousness.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Hmmm... finding the eggs for me was relatively easy using the guide on the wiki. I just did a couple each day and worked my way clock-wise around the map. ymmv

Its not that its a grind its that we have 10-15 different grinds all going at once tends to kitten people off..

Really? What 15 grinds are you doing right now?Ascended, gear and weapons, getting my weaponsmith, armorsmith, huntsman, tailor etc to 500, grinding mats to fund them, grinding currencies to get recipes and more.. Grinding for skyscale, honestly it gets tiresome after a while..
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It was always a grindfest. The only difference between launch and now is that at launch there were no time-gates, so everybody just ran out of content instantly and either just faffed about on the same stuff or left outright. Now, there is still very little content, but anet decided to time-gate and collection-gate everything in order to artificially drag out the time it takes to "complete" what tiny amounts of gameplay that exist. The latter strategy is the source of your "grind."

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@Dante.1508 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Hmmm... finding the eggs for me was relatively easy using the guide on the wiki. I just did a couple each day and worked my way clock-wise around the map. ymmv

Its not that its a grind its that we have 10-15 different grinds all going at once tends to kitten people off..

Really? What 15 grinds are you doing right now?Ascended, gear and weapons, getting my weaponsmith, armorsmith, huntsman, tailor etc to 500, grinding mats to fund them, grinding currencies to get recipes and more.. Grinding for skyscale, honestly it gets tiresome after a while..

See, this is really the difference between the two lines of thinking ... for the people that just play the game and naturally get the items to do those things, this isn't a grind, because their focus isn't to get something. Their focus is to enjoy the game for the content. They know that as a natural consequence of the game, they will get these mats, etc ...

It's a grind to you because you make grinding to obtain those things your game focus. You have decided to redefine these things as grinding because you don't like the barriers in place to get the things you have decided to obtain. I get that's your agenda, but it's not inline with a more objective definition of what grinding is. Call it what you want, but this deviation to your own subjective version of grinding doesn't make it any more valid. When Anet said there wouldn't be grind ... they weren't using these subjective versions of how people define it ... they were referring to the more traditional and objective definition that every old school MMO player has experienced. Have you ever spent dozens of hours to get one level by killing the same open world mob over and over? THAT is the grinding that Anet has eliminated. There should be a prison for players that complain about grind ... where they play old school Anarchy Online killing hecklers to get to 220. That will give you some perspective as to what Anet has achieved in this game by eliminating grind.

I'm not going to say anything to change how you feel about that. My goal here isn't to convert you. The purpose is to illustrate that it's not the game that's making this a 'grind' for you ... it's your own perception of how and why you play it.

The other thing I find really disingenuous is the idea that returning players have that complain they have all these things to do. There is absolutely no sympathy for that ... someone doesn't play the game for some significant length of time and they come back and BOOM ... everything is a grind to them because they chose to take a long leave of absence? That's a pretty ridiculous position if you ask me.

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There was always some kind of grind, but it increased drastically over time. Especially when they introduced ascended and the collection system to satisfy the "there's-nothing-to-do-after-reaching-level-80-and-getting-full-exotic"-crowd. It seems like a huge part of the community need carrots at all cost. Means Wxp, Masteries, Unlock-System, Pip's, Stat-changing-Legendaries, Super-rares, achievements, ...People demand grind, people get grind.

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People who actually think this game is grindy... Rofl. Go play some older MMO's or try Runescape and you'll quickly realise how easily everything comes in this game. You can reach max level and gear very fast in this game, you can complete the story insanely fast in this game, only thing keeping you from burning through it in less than 3 days is the fact that they put in masteries. Working for something doesnt have to mean it's grindy.

Imo grinding is when you spend a week or maybe even more to just get 1 piece of gear or content done for example if we refer to WoW, maybe getting that 1 raid weapon that you have 1 roll for every week or whatever it is. That is grindy. You can get full ascended very easily in this game.

The grindiest content in this game is legendary gear which is completely optional if you want the skin or stat swap, if not then useless content. And some titles are insane grinds, kinda like ultimate dominator.

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