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@kharmin.7683 said:

You would play on a private map, just like your instances.It would be you and your cast vs AI.I think this would defeat the intention of the game's current design.

Right.But you do know the current wvw situation.There aren't many players around anymore; and the ones that are run private blobs.Recently I tried joining a few blobs, and only after a few seconds they disperse and change map, calling you leecher.Leecher!You are a player on the same side, trying to accomplish a mutual goal... a leecher.

Now, Roaming solo does defeats the purpose of wvw; and besides, I don't wanna make myself an easy target for God mode pvpers that hide around seeking just that... easy prey for their hurt egos.Last time I roamed around the map for well over an hour, and all I managed to do was get evaded by private blobs, get killed by pvpers while trying to defend garrisons, and roam around aimlessly. So I managed to achieve absolute squat.Quiting wvw in disappointment.

You have to accept the reality that gw2 wvw ain’t big no more.Other solutions must come to fruition.

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@ParadoX.3124 said:Nah, all computers would crash with 50+ people having heros.

If ANet starts programming that today it will be released when there are 3 people per wvw-map :) (just think about alliances)

During off-time that’s already reached. Sometimes it feels like I am currently the only one on a map.

But in any case, hero should only be used up to map limits and humans would replace them.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:You have to accept the reality that gw2 wvw ain’t big no more.Other solutions must come to fruition.

It would make the most sense (to me) if they implemented some reasons for players to actually be on defense, which would naturally force them to spread out. Between adding a decent number of defenses for free after flipping, and making things unflippable for a while, basically there's no point. Who's going to even attack it while the timer is on (except maybe to soften up a camp toward the tail end of the countdown, or just for guard killing dailies or something)?

I had some extensive thoughts on the subject, but this isn't the thread, and I'm not really a WvWer anyway.

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@starhunter.6015 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:The game engine isn't set up for this. Please see the other posts in the forums about heroes for more insight.

Actually it is, you can get a sunspear AI controlled character to come assist you with a item you consume. Even the Ogre pet whistle lets any class summon a AI controlled pet.

Very good.Enemy Sunspears Dervishes in Kamadan have great AI.

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i think the mods should really shut this discussion down, the whole idea of assisted AI is the opposite of what an MMORPG should be

MMORPG need to build on the foundation of creating player engagement and collaboration, the simplest act to deliver this is to create content difficult that makes players band together to overcome the challenge

having said that, GW1 was not really an MMORPG, it's more of a theme park, scripted ORPG like Diablo 2 and 3; only difference is GW1 have free movement of camera angles and more followers

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@crepuscular.9047 said:i think the mods should really shut this discussion down, the whole idea of assisted AI is the opposite of what an MMORPG should be

MMORPG need to build on the foundation of creating player engagement and collaboration, the simplest act to deliver this is to create content difficult that makes players band together to overcome the challenge

having said that, GW1 was not really an MMORPG, it's more of a theme park, scripted ORPG like Diablo 2 and 3; only difference is GW1 have free movement of camera angles and more followers

Calm down fellow player. You're being a bit dramatic.We are merely brainstorming here.Not to be taken literally, you know?It's just an hypothesis.Could be useful in the future.It's for everyone's best interest.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

It's for everyone's best interest.Please do not presume to know what is best for everyone.

I can appreciate your opinion, even if you don’t reciprocate.However, ANET does as it pleases at the end of the day.Gw1 also began with a massive amount of players, but towards the end they had to improvise in order to maintain the remaining players.Just saying that it's a possibility, even if you don't agree.

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Players : we don't want Heros and hench.Also Players : You can't play with us without meta builds, 500KP, 100cm fractals , or 60k DPS.Why are some of you so intimidated by there being AI in the game? I'm sure you all have happy little groups yourself, while some people are not quite so lucky. Why shouldn't a game allow every kind of player to be able to play and potentially do content they might of not been able to do? There is no rule that a person with few friends shouldn't play. If you could try a raid with heros without bothering anyone why is that an issue? At least you wouldn't get any grief from failing.Quite a selfish attitude if you ask me considering yet again people are saying 'no' to something they know won't happen.Does'alf make me laugh.

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@kharmin.7683 said:I am not intimidated by this suggestion; rather, I would prefer that ANet spend their development resources on content for all players and not adding heroes/henchmen to a game that doesn't seemed designed for them.

I think you've made your point.Now since you well established that you are totally against it, will you stop hitting the same response everytime, or leave.As @Dami.5046 said, and very well indeed, why shouldn't players that don't have groupies and guilds by choice, not be able to play content that otherwise others can?If I can level up two characters at the same time in my own private story instance, what does that bother you in any way, shape or form?If a solo player can have a private copy of wvw maps to play with AI because they are tired of God mode pvpers showing up to kill easy prey pvers; what does that affect you at all?Dami is right in all the stament, plus I too think it's a very selfish opinion from your part.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I am not intimidated by this suggestion; rather, I would prefer that ANet spend their development resources on content for all players and not adding heroes/henchmen to a game that doesn't seemed designed for them.

I think you've made your point.Now since you well established that you are totally against it, will you stop hitting the same response everytime, or leave.As @Dami.5046 said, and very well indeed, why shouldn't players that don't have groupies and guilds by choice, not be able to play content that otherwise others can?If I can level up two characters at the same time in my own private story instance, what does that bother you in any way, shape or form?If a solo player can have a private copy of wvw maps to play with AI because they are tired of God mode pvpers showing up to kill easy prey pvers; what does that affect you at all?Dami is right in all the stament, plus I too think it's a very selfish opinion from your part.

No need to be rude.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I am not intimidated by this suggestion; rather, I would prefer that ANet spend their development resources on content for all players and not adding heroes/henchmen to a game that doesn't seemed designed for them.

I think you've made your point.Now since you well established that you are totally against it, will you stop hitting the same response everytime, or leave.As @Dami.5046 said, and very well indeed, why shouldn't players that don't have groupies and guilds by choice, not be able to play content that otherwise others can?If I can level up two characters at the same time in my own private story instance, what does that bother you in any way, shape or form?If a solo player can have a private copy of wvw maps to play with AI because they are tired of God mode pvpers showing up to kill easy prey pvers; what does that affect you at all?Dami is right in all the stament, plus I too think it's a very selfish opinion from your part.

No need to be rude.

I don't think I'm being rude at all.Sorry you felt that way.

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@starhunter.6015 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:The game engine isn't set up for this. Please see the other posts in the forums about heroes for more insight.

Actually it is, you can get a sunspear AI controlled character to come assist you with a item you consume. Even the Ogre pet whistle lets any class summon a AI controlled pet.

I'm assuming they added that to test how it would work, and judging by the usefulness of those, that should be exactly the reason why they don't need to pursue that track any further.Rather make it easier to group up; public squads like the latest strike missions. It's like heroes, only player controlled so their AI is usually better ;)

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@"SoulGuardian.6203" said:I know it's a long shot, but what about let us play with two of our characters simultaneously?One as main, and the other as companion, using AI, just like heroes in GW1...?That way, we could have some help in high level maps, and able to level up two characters at the same time.

-Astellia has done just that with the inspiration of the classic true Guild Wars-Their Heroes is called Astells

Also did you forget about Guild Wars Mercenary Heroes where you can create your own version of heroes?https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mercenary_HeroQuite remarkable right :)


(Don't take it personal, I would keep Guild Wars heroes away from guild wars 2 at all costs because guild wars 2 is not true to Guild Wars core-roots, its values, its traditions and its beliefs)

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but what if they introduced a hero gacha system? That'd pretty much guarantee they'd bankroll the players and be able to funnel that money into more content.

Why get flamed for a brilliant idea?Players could use heroes from their own other characters as mercenaries like gw1, for their own private instances and private copies of wvw maps, and ANet make money in the process.However, although private, in your own copy of wvw; since you're paying for mercs, you'd get points just the same, towards everything you still get in an average map.

Mercs shouldn't be as expencive as new character slots though, and you could use other characters from lvl 1, so in order to level them up too.That's awesome for someone who buys new character slots frequently.

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